Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Okay I was waiting for this one.

Remember that the premise of bail is to guarantee a person's appearence in court. Essentially that is what it is. Think about this in the simplest terms possible. 1) There are no new charges in regards to the case. 2) She is still not a flight risk. 3) This is really important; The toughest part of my job is to separate guilt and innocence for people out on bail. Regardless of my thoughts I have to separate emotion from the fact that everybody that I bail or others bail have the right to be out and without any changes to the situation, I have to maintain my professionalism to the industry and protect the integrity of bail and our rights to it. I know that there is enlightening evidence that could and may have a twist on this case but it is imperative that I stay grounded or neutral either way. This is where I beg you to please see this from a side of a business and a right and not a personal attack. I hope this makes some sense and I know there will be numerous naysayers out there.

I do understand the business side of it, and that you have to remain professional, and protect the integrity of bail and our rights. I think you have brought this case into the public eye more then not, and I for one had great hopes that by having Casey out, that she would talk..
Now I know that she won't, but you guys went out in the line of fire, and tried. I really respect that, and you and Lenord, I think you guys showed your true selves and I am so greatful for this insight. What ever happens, I want to thank you for sharing here with us.
That is all.
Is Rob Dick the one that never smiles and has a 'odd' serious look all the time? :eek:

p.s. Sorry about your friends daughter ,Mr.Padilla.

Rob is really good guy. He is very serious though. Nothing wrong with that.
Tony, do you know why le extended the deal until the 1st, instead of just saying enough is enough?
NO, no, no Suzie, please forgive me. I was trying to lighten the mood also. I should have put a smiley like this:blowkiss::crazy: so everyone would know I am kidding. :blowkiss:
QUOTE=Suzie002;2570058]I don't mean any offense. I am happily married myself. I am just upset about today and trying to find something to lighten up the mood. I am also sitting here waiting for the hurricane to come and after almost getting killed in Katrina, I can tell you that I am stressed out right now. Please forgive me if I have offended anyone, I am just a little punchy right now.[/QUOTE]
Mr Padilla,

Leonard stated that a lot of the Local bondsman in Orlando were angry with him for bailing Casey out. Do you feel that they were angry at the fact that Casey was getting out of Jail or the fact that Leonard didn't use a "Local" bondsman ?

The reason I ask is that it seems odd that other bondsmen would be angry that a person made bail. The only conclusion I could come to was that bondsmen must be very territorial. Is that the case?

If you can't comment I undstand
:eek:I spit soda on my monitor!!

Read my post a page ago about you and your "one-liners"

Hey I know a good bondsman who bailed my brother out of jail years ago.

"It's better to know me and to need me than to need me and not know me"

KING STAHLMAN hahaha now I have to get some windex to clean my monitor off!!

Monitor cleaned off.


Is this the highest bond you've encountered or have you bonded for higher than this??
Truly he is devastated. It's hard for me to talk to him right now because he is so defeated and sad.

NO ONE should feel defeated! Truth is, you and your uncle helped the "what ifs" out there of if Casey got out. would she talk? Is she only not talking because of taped conversations? Is she really this cold and disconnected from the case as it appeared from her refusal to let anyone visit her in jail? Thank you, for getting her out, giving the opportunity for her to speak and help in finding her daughter. The fact that she didn't do ANYTHING to help with the case except watch her own butt and visit with the lawyer every other day showed the public and everyone around her just how far from reality she is in regards to her daughter's well-being and/or whereabouts.

Let her get a taste of how life will be now - the tension, the seclusion, the emptiness her life is now filled with. Then WHEN she goes back to jail, she can go there rememebring that no one in real life wants anything to do with her. Let her go there and swallow how everyone on the outside thinks and feels about her and has throughout her entire life. Before, when she was sent to jail, it was "on a f*(&(% whim" and I don't believe she realized what everyone was saying to the police about her and that no one would be there for her with hugs and flowers when she got out. She could live in her fantasy land of "EVERYONE LOVES ME". You guys gave her a dose of what her reality is now.

You did good :clap:
I do have a question maybe you could answer. If she takes the limited Immunity and she does talk...does this means a re-arrest is immediate?
You may think that's what you want to do to them, but would you do it in a courtroom full of LE and witnesses and the judge?????

Sure would myself as long as I had a great shot and my aim was good, she did get him after all! Better than the judge could have, lol!
NO, no, no Suzie, please forgive me. I was trying to lighten the mood also. I should have put a smiley like this:blowkiss::crazy: so everyone would know I am kidding. :blowkiss:
Ok, I was hoping I didn't get too crazy. LOL This is my first time on here where I am actually able to get replies and I didn't want to seem like I don't realize the seriousness of what brought us here. Thank you for responding. I am wiping the sweat off my brow now. LOL
NO ONE should feel defeated! Truth is, you and your uncle helped the "what ifs" out there of if Casey got out. would she talk? Is she only not talking because of taped conversations? Is she really this cold and disconnected from the case as it appeared from her refusal to let anyone visit her in jail? Thank you, for getting her out, giving the opportunity for her to speak and help in finding her daughter. The fact that she didn't do ANYTHING to help with the case except watch her own butt and visit with the lawyer every other day showed the public and everyone around her just how far from reality she is in regards to her daughter's well-being and/or whereabouts.

Let her get a taste of how life will be now - the tension, the seclusion, the emptiness her life is now filled with. Then WHEN she goes back to jail, she can go there rememebring that no one in real life wants anything to do with her. Let her go there and swallow how everyone on the outside thinks and feels about her and has throughout her entire life. Before, when she was sent to jail, it was "on a f*(&(% whim" and I don't believe she realized what everyone was saying to the police about her and that no one would be there for her with hugs and flowers when she got out. She could live in her fantasy land of "EVERYONE LOVES ME". You guys gave her a dose of what her reality is now.

You did good :clap:

Thanks for understanding!!
Well I guess I lied about chat being easier, I can't get signed in. Usually it is easier though!
Personally I think Casey would make a great penpal for Scott Peterson.......and Casey's parents can take up with the other parents in DENIAL....Scott's parents.
No Suzie, I am a newbie here also. I totally understand.

Are you getting ignored also, on the "grown up" threads?

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