Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Exactly, Dawn Treader!

I want to know all there is to know about this case and I know there is nothing to be learned from the NG show. Just meanness and blather.

To the Padillas (and I'm from Texas so I do know how to pronounce that) Thank you for staying true to the purpose of bail and to our Constitution! I love you guys!

When/if Casey is charged with murder, then her bail should be set at half a million dollars if she is a flight risk, etc. but for child neglect and lying to police, that does NOT seem like a reasonable bond to me. Her family are not rich and to put her bond at that amount for those crimes is equal to no bail. That is absolutely unconstitutional and I think you have given a lot of folks a refresher lesson in civics. We should all know this but how quickly we forget what was taught in High School.

I will never forget you guys and how hard you tried to help a little girl who is missing. I know she is probably dead, but no one has been charged in her murder, so I keep praying for a miracle. You are the closest thing to a miracle that I've seen in this case so far. God bless you! I hope if any of us here on WS are ever wrongly accused or if we ever are handed excessive bail - that we will all remember the courage and compassion you've shown in this case.

My heroes! :blowkiss: Rare gentlemen.


Once again, Leonard could NOT get a word in edgewise on the Nancy Grace (Jane Velez Mitchell) show leading me to question why the producer even bothers booking guests who have to take time away from their families, other concerns and interests, etc. if all they are going to do is be interrupted and treated with such blatant disrespect? I'm surprised Leonard was as composed as he was but his sense of humor and consummate professionalism under stressful circumstances served him well.

Again, we did not get to hear from you, LP. will NG team ever shut up? I can see how frustrated you are when you are consistently interrupted and/or cut off.

Best of luck to both Padillas and the team!
Blessings to the Padilla's!
I never lost faith in you guys.

thank you for your attempt to find Caylee!! Just wish the idea would have work like you guys had intended, but nonetheless, thank you guys for attempting!!
Exactly, Dawn Treader!

I want to know all there is to know about this case and I know there is nothing to be learned from the NG show. Just meanness and blather.

To the Padillas (and I'm from Texas so I do know how to pronounce that) Thank you for staying true to the purpose of bail and to our Constitution! I love you guys!

When/if Casey is charged with murder, then her bail should be set at half a million dollars if she is a flight risk, etc. but for child neglect and lying to police, that does NOT seem like a reasonable bond to me. Her family are not rich and to put her bond at that amount for those crimes is equal to no bail. That is absolutely unconstitutional and I think you have given a lot of folks a refresher lesson in civics. We should all know this but how quickly we forget what was taught in High School.

I will never forget you guys and how hard you tried to help a little girl who is missing. I know she is probably dead, but no one has been charged in her murder, so I keep praying for a miracle. You are the closest thing to a miracle that I've seen in this case so far. God bless you! I hope if any of us here on WS are ever wrongly accused or if we ever are handed excessive bail - that we will all remember the courage and compassion you've shown in this case.

My heroes! :blowkiss: Rare gentlemen.


I agree completely with:

"I hope if any of us here on WS are ever wrongly accused or if we ever are handed excessive bail - that we will all remember the courage and compassion you've shown in this case."
Early on in this thread I shared that exact sentiment with Tony and Leonard! If I or my friends/family members were ever in need of bailbonds services, they would be my first choice!

This is my first post here but wanted to give a big thank you to Leonard and Tony for trying to get to the truth. It may not have worked out as you orginally planned but at least you tried. Thank you for that. Have a safe trip back home, hopefully your next trip to FL won't be over some nut job like Casey.
Leonard, Tony & Crew - I admire what you tried to do and I am so sorry it did not turn out the way we all hoped. I also want to say thanks for revoking her bond. I think the safety of her parents, their home and the neighborhood was becoming a pretty big issue. Having Casey back in jail will help to settle things down on HopeSpring Drive. I also think it will take some pressure off of George and Cindy. I know they are heartbroken and they really need a little peace and quiet.

As for Casey - I don't care much, I don't think she will ever talk. I am disappointed that she would not even try to help her family out. She should have requested that her bond be revoked and that she be returned to jail just out of concern for her parents and the neighborhood. Selfish in my opinion.

Anyway - I really just want to say thank you for being standup guys and being honest about what was going on around you in this situation.

My prayers are with you all,

Leonard and Tony & friends.. I appreciate that you were trying to help locate Caylee, and I'm sorry that things did not work out the way you had hoped. Keep the faith, and good luck in the future with your next case. :)

Ps.. maybe you all should change your phone numbers? LOL Half the people on another forum were absolutely giddy they got your number and talked to you. (Which seems wrong, IMO)
Tony, it's been such a pleasure reading your comments. For some reason many of us could not join the discussions with you. Rest assured that many more than you joined online are in support of your boldness to go where others feared to tread for Constitutional Rights and Human Faith. Casey has played Leonard and all the crew members, LEO, and the public who initially showed nothing less than sympathy to her situation. We've learned a lot about standing up for beliefs even in unpopular times from you and Uncle Leonard. You two put your money where your mouth was and that's important when the going is tough. And please believe that the public knows Casey was given her "chance" to help as she'd asked when you made her bail. She blew it. Soon she'll stand before her peers and God for judgment and this will not play well having known what you and Leonard did for her. Good luck and thank you both for being "men of your word". No one failed here but Princess Casey. Thank you to you and Uncle Leonard, sly fox that he is!
Thanks for all of your hard work and truly caring about finding Caylee.
Thanks for all you have done. I believe this case has moved forward as a result of your presence in Orlando. I wish safe travels to everyone as they return to their homes.
To Leonard and Tony: Thank you. I admire what you did. I consider your trip a great success. I hope you can recoup your expenses in publicity and perhaps a show and a book. I know you didn't expect to get involved with a cauldron of liars, but you handled yourselves very professionally despite others who made utter fools of themselves. I wrote to Nancy Grace about the way you were treated by Jane. Again, you handled yourself with great decorum. I know that it must have been difficult to control your emotions. You were great!
You guys are a class act - thanks for trying to be there for Caylee!
ya guys!
She did not open up and share her info she said she would outside of the nasty ears of crooked cops? she got out and had a chance to share,to locate her girl.
She is just not going to help with it.

She got to make Brownies[ delusional] and hand deliver them.
Also surely the bodyguard knows what was in that backpack...
she used a computer to update her mySpace page too.

So well thanks for trying..

I wanted to use my first post to thank you for all that you've done to help find this precious little girl, Caylee. You were financially able to 'put your money where your mouth is' and you done what others couldn't or didn't want to do. From the first time I listened to your theory, I felt like you were on the right track. You and "Team Padilla" done your very best and then some. Thanks once more!
Thanks guys for trying to help! I know I never realized things were as bad as they were. Leonard, you cracked me up last night on Nancy Grace - practicing for politics!! Good luck!

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