Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Thank you Mr. Padilla for everything you have done. Thank you for being so truthful with us and making appearance on different shows and telling it like it really is instead of trying to cover things up!

Thank you plus all of the above Mr Padilla. You're honesty and tender heart are showing through. :blowkiss:

AKA Diane
Gentlemen: You really tried. You did your very best. That's all anyone can do. You are very much appreciated. Thanks!
It takes a big man to step up for such a little girl.
We miss you Tony and Leonard. Most importantly we're glad you are still taking calls and keeping involved in the case. Come back to us when you're free. We enjoyed having you here.
I believe you came to help find a tiny girl, to stand up and help where you could. I believe your heart brought you these hundreds of miles... because of the kind of man you are. Bless you Tony. And Leonard, too. :bow:

We were all sceptical at first, after all... all we had heard were lies on top of lies. :confused: You changed that, and gave us the truth...without a program or anything to gain. :)

Leonard.... I was amazed and touched by your stand and in the way you answered questions on television.. even in the face of taunting. You were the first to say.. "I made a mistake" :clap: BRAVO... It takes a BIG man to say he has made an error..and you fill those shoes completely~!!!

Come back and visit Websleuths anytime. And from me and my family here in Florida, we send our thanks for all you have done and are doing. I hope the next time you all come to Florida it will be a happy experience.

And may justice be done soon. :Justice:

Flower Girl
Thank You for your honesty & caring. May GOD bless your efforts now & in the future. You are very good people.
I'm another supporter of the two of you - I appreciate all you've done for this case. And I'm proud to say that you are from my hometown! Job well done. And Leonard, keep up the commentary - you open people's eyes and turn up the heat on the Anthony family each time you appear on TV.
We need you back to find out who posted Casey's bail this time!
I think your heart is genuine and you want the same thing we all do. I just hope it happens sooner rather than later. God bless you both!
Thank you both for your continuing efforts to bring little Caylee back home. You guys have gone above and beyond, yet still continue in your quest:) Thank you from the bottom of my heart!:blowkiss:
I phoned fearless Mr. Padilla and asked him to hit this thread in person for those that can't get on, fwiw.
If he shows: Thanks Tony, havent talked to you in a while:)
If he does not: Uhoh.
Leonard, I appreciate your comments on Nancy Grace every night. I think everything you have done and offered to do just shows what a good person you are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your devotion to this case, and your determination to find Caylee.
Tony, I also appreciate you and what you've done, especially for coming in here and answering questions and for your professionalism. Take care of your uncle!!
If I did not live so far away, I would love to come and help search for Caylee.
Thank you again!
Thank you Leonard and Tony for all you have done to try and find Caylee. I appreciate your recent appearances on television too. It updates us on what you have found out.
Tony Leonard & Rob,
We miss you around here! Come back!
Thank you so much for all of your efforts and insight into this case. I really didn't think I'd like all of you so much. I hope you'll be back soon. I have questions!
Thanks again!

p.s. Leonard, I saw a guy named Kinky Friedman on Bill O'Reilly tonight. He totally raided your wardrobe!!!!!!
Tony Leonard & Rob,
We miss you around here! Come back!
Thank you so much for all of your efforts and insight into this case. I really didn't think I'd like all of you so much. I hope you'll be back soon. I have questions!
Thanks again!

p.s. Leonard, I saw a guy named Kinky Friedman on Bill O'Reilly tonight. He totally raided your wardrobe!!!!!!

Hahahah -- it wouldn't surprise me if LP and the Kinkster are old buddies.
Tony and Leonard we love you guys coming here and talking to us. We also like when you talk on NG. We appreciate you so much. We need to keep this case in the news and NG is one of the few that continue to talk about it daily. You could have packed up and went home after KC went back to jail but you have stuck around and continued to help and put up with the doubters. Please help us bring little Caylee home where she belongs. She deserves that more than anything. I have a 2 1/2 yr old granddaughter and I just can't imagine life without her being in it. You guys are so sincere!
I was a naysayer in the beginning, but I have come to love and respect your entire team. You guys are the best. Thank you for your honesty and for trying to help in this horrid case. I sure hope that you are correct and we get some big insights soon.:clap:

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