Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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DNA Solves
I so admire Leonard’s perseverance and dedication to seeking justice for Caylee. He is a true hero in a time when there are so few. And I also consider Tony in the same vein.
These two gentlemen are true American heroes who have my support.
You are da bomb, my friend!!
I only watch NG to see your friendly face.
Hoping we can all get together here once more when Casey is behind bars where she belongs.
Thank you for your part in getting her where she belongs.
I am so glad that Team Padilla went to Orlando and that Leonard continues to dig through this mess that KC has made. Trying to make sense of this nightmare has got to be a daily challenge for him but he keeps on trying. Thank you Leonard for keeping the spotlight on Caylee and keeping us informed. :)
I feel that LP has been getting too much flack here lately and it isn't right. I know I don't always agree with him, I do respect him.

Sure, he talks off the cuff and speculates. Who doesn't? The media gets a scoop and speculates, the talking heads on TV speculate, players in this case speculate, we speculate. Take what you hear and like it or don't like it, believe it or don't believe it..that just goes with the terrority in high profile cases.

From the beginning, LP has genuinely wanted to help find Caylee and bring her home- whatever he could do. He has used his own time and resources to do just that. Since the time he bailed Casey out, he has learned much more and his opinion of her involvement in this case and Caylee's fate has changed. He has admitted dismay over that, yet his sincere desire to help find this child remains the same.

So let's remember that even if we don't always agree with what he says. He wants the same thing we all want. As he himself has said many times, "we need to find the little girl, bring her home."

I have nothing but respect and praise for that.
I feel that LP has been getting too much flack here lately and it isn't right. I know I don't always agree with him, I do respect him.

Sure, he talks off the cuff and speculates. Who doesn't? The media gets a scoop and speculates, the talking heads on TV speculate, players in this case speculate, we speculate. Take what you hear and like it or don't like it, believe it or don't believe it..that just goes with the terrority in high profile cases.

From the beginning, LP has genuinely wanted to help find Caylee and bring her home- whatever he could do. He has used his own time and resources to do just that. Since the time he bailed Casey out, he has learned much more and his opinion of her involvement in this case and Caylee's fate has changed. He has admitted dismay over that, yet his sincere desire to help find this child remains the same.

So let's remember that even if we don't always agree with what he says. He wants the same thing we all want. As he himself has said many times, "we need to find the little girl, bring her home."

I have nothing but respect and praise for that.

Bumping your eloquent and necessary post!
I feel that LP has been getting too much flack here lately and it isn't right. I know I don't always agree with him, I do respect him.

Sure, he talks off the cuff and speculates. Who doesn't? The media gets a scoop and speculates, the talking heads on TV speculate, players in this case speculate, we speculate. Take what you hear and like it or don't like it, believe it or don't believe it..that just goes with the terrority in high profile cases.

From the beginning, LP has genuinely wanted to help find Caylee and bring her home- whatever he could do. He has used his own time and resources to do just that. Since the time he bailed Casey out, he has learned much more and his opinion of her involvement in this case and Caylee's fate has changed. He has admitted dismay over that, yet his sincere desire to help find this child remains the same.

So let's remember that even if we don't always agree with what he says. He wants the same thing we all want. As he himself has said many times, "we need to find the little girl, bring her home."

I have nothing but respect and praise for that.

I like your post, and I'll agree with what you say about LP, he does have a heart.....but to be honest...I think the 'flack" is in very small quanities compared to the praise. from what I've seen on this forum. So just consider the source.
I wonder if LP changed Tim's mind about the search? Did he offer up the reward money he was offering to Tim for the search to continue. Seems like something he would do, he seems invested in solving this case and finding Caylee.
I think LP and his team are stand up people. He know s more about criminals than most of ever will. I have been impressed by his no nonsense talk & his great big heart. He could have been such an awesome assest to the Anthony family if only they had shown an ounce of respect. When he said KC ordered him to get out of "her" house my jaw dropped. If that had my kid, she would have getting her butt out of MY house.
Nuttin but deep respect and appreciation for all you have done and are doing! Thank you, LP and TP!
I like Tony and Leonard. I think some of what Leonard says fluctuates but that is just because he is trying to figure this all out like the rest of us.
I respect and admire their work and thank them.
I truly believe that the Padillas thought they were dealing with a "normal" person who would be grateful for the opportunity to be out of jail.

Instead they found they were dealing with a selfish, lying person who didn't care about anyone but herself. They were duped, plain and simple.

The Padillas have every right to say what they believe as do all of us. I do believe they have some insights that no one else has. I believe they truly want to bring Caylee home. They have been men enough to look at their original premise and to change their minds based upon evidence that was released. For that alone, they deserve our respect.
Leonard, at first I didn't quite know what to make of you..
I'm still not sure what to make of you lol but I do know you are trying to find the truth and I respect you for it. Especially since no one in the Anthony family seems to be the least bit honest.

We have
Cindy who is the nurse of decomposition, claims she smelled a dead body..ooops no, it was a rotten Pizza, oops no strike that, it was a dead squirrel.

Then we have George who is too afraid of Cindy to say boo (and can you blame him?)

Lee- refusing to take a lie detector or DNA test and found the smell of death in his sisters car amusing.

KC. I have no words..none that I can say here anyhow...

So yes Leonard, in my eyes you are a hero right along with Tim Miller.
God Bless you!
Leonard, at first I didn't quite know what to make of you..
I'm still not sure what to make of you lol but I do know you are trying to find the truth and I respect you for it. Especially since no one in the Anthony family seems to be the least bit honest.

We have
Cindy who is the nurse of decomposition, claims she smelled a dead body..ooops no, it was a rotten Pizza, oops no strike that, it was a dead squirrel.

Then we have George who is too afraid of Cindy to say boo (and can you blame him?)

Lee- refusing to take a lie detector or DNA test and found the smell of death in his sisters car amusing.

KC. I have no words..none that I can say here anyhow...

So yes Leonard, in my eyes you are a hero right along with Tim Miller.
God Bless you!

ditto! plus i just love the way he speaks his mind.....right or wrong. i find him refreshingly honest and determined!
I like your post, and I'll agree with what you say about LP, he does have a heart.....but to be honest...I think the 'flack" is in very small quanities compared to the praise. from what I've seen on this forum. So just consider the source.

Thank you, lawgirl. True, it isn't the majority in this forum. I was just reading some posts this morning that weren't very respectful and decided to pull up his support thread to say a few nice things and express support for him. That's what it's here for. :)
Thank you LP and everyone involved with helping to find this baby. Lp I love you I think you do have a good heart...God Bless You and yours.
If you are still reading here with us on WS-can either of you give us any information on Casey's bailbondsman who participated in the unscheduled car switch?

It seems a superficial OJ style attempt at a run, for sure, especially when LP detailed on Nancy Grace that there had been many conversations how the overpass hid the vehicles from the helicopters. Something was clearly up to me when JB made it a point of saying that Casey was not going to run and he turned and looked right at her...JMO.

It seemed like it was an unscheduled car switch and I have to imagine that it is going to be tough for the defense to plead it was something innocent, but if it WASN'T the bailbondsman had to be in on it??? Help???
Thank you LP and everyone involved with helping to find this baby. Lp I love you I think you do have a good heart...God Bless You and yours.

ITA....I havent posted much lately on ws but I just wanted to say a big heart felt thank you to LP for all he has contributed to this case and all he has done! I got angry with some posters on another message board for posting negative comments about LP because all he did was try to help find Caylee. At least he was looking and doing something! So Im so happy to this website and thread for acknowledging Mr. Padilla and giving him the credit he deserves!

Thanks Leonard !!!:clap:

and.... Thanks to you awesome Websleuthers! What a great family we have here at WS's!!! Hugs and kisses to everyone :blowkiss:
I have a dilemma. I have a crush on LP and TP..LP cracks me up and he has such a huge heart. Well Tony, that's self explanatory isn't it? Well I hope they come back soon. I have a lot of questions!

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