Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Thank You very Much !
Thank You Very M U C H ! ! !

Your widsom & knowledge & Hardwork are paying off ! ! !

God Bless You for Keep'n on KEEP'N ON and
trying to help find Little CAYLEE
The truth about what happened to her ! ! !
It is very IMPORTANT ! ! !
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
God Bless !
( < 8
Thank you LP for keeping this little baby girl in your heart and helping with bringing her home to rest......
I feel that LP has been getting too much flack here lately and it isn't right. I know I don't always agree with him, I do respect him.

Sure, he talks off the cuff and speculates. Who doesn't? The media gets a scoop and speculates, the talking heads on TV speculate, players in this case speculate, we speculate. Take what you hear and like it or don't like it, believe it or don't believe it..that just goes with the terrority in high profile cases.

From the beginning, LP has genuinely wanted to help find Caylee and bring her home- whatever he could do. He has used his own time and resources to do just that. Since the time he bailed Casey out, he has learned much more and his opinion of her involvement in this case and Caylee's fate has changed. He has admitted dismay over that, yet his sincere desire to help find this child remains the same.

So let's remember that even if we don't always agree with what he says. He wants the same thing we all want. As he himself has said many times, "we need to find the little girl, bring her home."

I have nothing but respect and praise for that.

Thank you for everything you said! I have a lot of respect and praise for LP too. I may not always agree with his theories but I don't agree with a lot of posters here, on their theories as well. I found out a long time ago that if you get more than 5 people in a group, you are going to have some disagreement, it's human nature.
But you know what? I don't think it bothers Mr. Padilla even if he does read here. He's used to it! Honestly, I've seen maybe 3 or 4 put him down, the rest are pretty respectful. It's just all in how you look at a person. He's a good guy with a big heart and I am glad we have him on our side!
Thank you for everything you said! I have a lot of respect and praise for LP too. I may not always agree with his theories but I don't agree with a lot of posters here, on their theories as well. I found out a long time ago that if you get more than 5 people in a group, you are going to have some disagreement, it's human nature.
But you know what? I don't think it bothers Mr. Padilla even if he does read here. He's used to it! Honestly, I've seen maybe 3 or 4 put him down, the rest are pretty respectful. It's just all in how you look at a person. He's a good guy with a big heart and I am glad we have him on our side!

I agree with that! :) LP gives us all food for thought....:clap:
I have a dilemma. I have a crush on LP and TP..LP cracks me up and he has such a huge heart. Well Tony, that's self explanatory isn't it? Well I hope they come back soon. I have a lot of questions!

He has his own site on Caylee A. now but you have to pay to join.... :no:
Thank you to the Padillas. I do believe they thought they were dealing with normal people at first. Thanks again for sticking in there when it turned out to be not that at all.

A big howdy and thanks from Texas. Leonard, you'd fit in just fine here with your hat. You'd give Kinky Friedman a run for his money.
I love watching Nancy Grace & look forward to seeing LP on there. I've also enjoyed there visits in the chat room with us......many thanks to your teaml!!!! :blowkiss:

You have given more than any of the Anthony's.....
I also look forward to hearing from Leonard on NG every night. I have nothing but respect for Leonard, Rob and Tony. They have put their time and money into this case and Caylee has touched their hearts as much as she has ours.

While there are donation booths set up for selling T-shirts and bracelets, Leonard is putting his money where his mouth is... for a good cause.. TES.

Rob has also worked very hard on this case. I would never want to be in his shoes and have to rub elbows with Casey. That would take much more restraint than I have.

My hat's off to these guys.
He has his own site on Caylee A. now but you have to pay to join.... :no:

Yes, I willingly shelled out that ten dollars for a year membership.
Figure that year will be well worth it. LOL

Just visited their forum. As Tony told us in chat one night, Leonard does not like the computer.

The site is just three days old and still under construction. But, the forum is open.

Rob came in today and answered many of the questions we had left for him. I imagine he has to be careful how he answers many Q's.

Leonard and associates in the bail industry and coming together to donate to TES. Rob says:...we will be back in November with Tim Miller.
I think LP is awesome. At first I thought he was bailing KC out for the publicity since he has a reality show coming up. Now I don't care why he got involved. His insights have been priceless when we were'nt getting decent news reporting anywhere else. I can't stand NG but watch just for LP and cohorts who really know whats up. Thank you for your honest words, kind heart and spirit of justice. We all appreciate you here as you can tell...p.s. like the title says, I'm from NorCal and if I ever need a bondsman, I'll call!
If anybody is gonna be able to find this baby, it is LP. I have faith in him and hope he dosen't prove me wrong.
Any one who searchers, uses their time, efforts and money are my heros!!!!
I wish people would pay more respect to LP.
It does not matter if he were to want a movie deal, 10 million dollars, 3 sheep and a goat- the man did something that none of the the rest of us has done. He gave KC every benefit of the doubt when he bailed her out- He gave her a chance- The A's didn't put him down at that time-
So why are they putting him down when he is trying to give Kaylee a chance?
Is it because he is a MAN, that doesn't back down to them, and they don't know how to deal with that?
It is good to see someone still cares. Thanks for searching.
I wish people would pay more respect to LP.
It does not matter if he were to want a movie deal, 10 million dollars, 3 sheep and a goat- the man did something that none of the the rest of us has done. He gave KC every benefit of the doubt when he bailed her out- He gave her a chance- The A's didn't put him down at that time-
So why are they putting him down when he is trying to give Kaylee a chance?
Is it because he is a MAN, that doesn't back down to them, and they don't know how to deal with that?

Agreed, and I believe its CA who doesnt know how to deal with a MAN that doesnt back down. U GO LEONARD!!!!:blowkiss:
Go Leoanard!! I like a man who shoots from the hip..I could care less why he cares, but he cares and that's all that matters..Bottem line. I hope he reads this read sometimes and understands that there are those of us who do support his efforts and truly hope he lives to drive the A's crazier than they already are..(Just had to throw that in)

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