Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Leonard and Tony first of all I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for keeping up the search for little Caylee and keeping this in the spotlight. At first I didn't want you to bail KC out of jail and had my doubts about your motives. But the more that I have seen from the defense and the A family I firmly believe that you were told you would have access to KC and then were not allowed to see her. We know your hearts are in the right place and really want to find this precious baby. Please if there is anyway you can continue to help in any way you can to bring this baby home so she can have a proper buriel. I feel that you are the ones that have never given up hope to find her and have kept your word when you said you were going to search her and find her. You are still here when others have left even though they said they would be here until they found her. Hopefully one day you and TM will be able to resolve your differences. The public may think they know what happened between you two but in reality I doubt we do. With the comments that have been made about you from TM I am really disappointed in how he handled himself on the NG show, especially when he said he would not come on her show again. So I will end this note to you both by saying again THANK YOU for searching for this precious little baby. Take care and know you are both great human beings with very big hearts.
In the beginning I had my doubts but I've gained a lot of respect for LP in the past few days, and I want to say thank you for searching for Caylee.
Mr. Padilla--Please don't give up. Ignore all the negativity and remember us, and everyone else who believes in you. I truly believe you are a wonderful man with a huge heart. You want to bring Caylee home as much as the rest of us, maybe even more so. Keep up the good work. I believe in you, I really do. And I am grateful for you.
Leonard and Rob,

Please do not let them run you off.

I feel that you are Caylee's last chance to be brought home and laid to rest.

You were brought into this madness for a reason and have more supporters than not.
Mr Padilla, Rob, Spyder and company:

You gentlemen, especially you Mr Padilla, are class acts. I have been with you all week via MurtWitnessOne. We have been cheering you on. We will continue to give you all the little help that we can. Thank you for allowing Murt the access that you have.

Mr Padilla, you may call yourself a mediaw.... but I have watched you. You may be using the media and why not but do not trust them. I think you found that out this week. You can trust Murt. He tells us when there are things he cannot tell us and that we understand. He will share with us when he can.

If you believe in God, God Bless you all. If you do not, my your Guardian angel guide and protect you and may your ears continue to be open to Caylee's soft whisper.

I truly admire you sir. A class act. Deep Heart. and thankfully deep pockets. Sorry about Spyder;s camera. The divers van was blocking our view because we can usually keep a good eye on things from Murt;s roof.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart I also feel this or nearby is the right place.
Leonard.... YOU ARE ALL HAT AND ALL CATTLE!! Thank you for all you have done, and all you continue to do!!
Cowboy Leonard...
We are all united in a common goal...FINDING CAYLEE!
Keep your chin up, you've got plenty of people rooting for you. :blowkiss:

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to search for that baby. I believe in you and I KNOW you are doing this for the right reason.

You all are our greatest hope at this time and I just believe it is YOUR TIME !! I just wish I was still there to help you. I can dive, (not like the great divers you have) and would be more than willing to swim with those gators if you thought it was the right place.

I SURE would love to "dive" with that SPYDER !! I bet he could teach me well. LOL
Thank you for continuing the search, Mr. Padilla. You have my utmost respect. I believe that you are an honorable man.
I just wanted to say thank you as well!

Thank you for all the hard work and time your group has put together to find sweet little baby Caylee....

it was an honor to be there vi Murt and watch how hard everyone was working together and with the up most professionalism!

I was shocked by the lies, criticism, and back stabing that went on before and afterwards.

I gained a lot of respect for you after you and your team were attacked in person, on the news, from LE, on NG and the internet....not once did you use your hurt or anger for payback.

please keep being professional, honest, dedicated and real... remember you did what a lot of us thought had to be done and it was for Caylee
Mr. Padilla, watching from day one and all the media BS.

I look back now and say Who stepped up to the Plate and stayed there.?? You proud of yourself we on Roll with Murt have watched you daily and see what has been done and what u have gone thru

Try to ignore the bashers they have to look at their selves in the mirror..You showed total Class and didn't say anything against those.

So keep up the good work, we will be with you Monday if Murts a rolling..
Thank You again
a bud from California..
You have my respect and my gratitude for all that you are trying to do in finding Caylee.
I was glad to hear the change of attitude of Tim Miller yesterday on NG, and I think he has realized that LP is doing what he can to search for Caylee, and even if its not being done in a way he agrees with, he supports him. I hope that Leonard doesnt focus too much on the river, and expands his search to other areas.....the southeastern part of the 25 mile square area should be revisited.
I wish people would pay more respect to LP.
It does not matter if he were to want a movie deal, 10 million dollars, 3 sheep and a goat- the man did something that none of the the rest of us has done. He gave KC every benefit of the doubt when he bailed her out- He gave her a chance- The A's didn't put him down at that time-
So why are they putting him down when he is trying to give Kaylee a chance?
Is it because he is a MAN, that doesn't back down to them, and they don't know how to deal with that?

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Very well said.
Rob.....I hope you are able to read here this week-end. Tell Leonard about these beautiful sentiments from all of us here.
And thanks for keeping your site out there for us.
All your team does for Caylee is appreciated.
Leonard is a lawyer and founder/owner of a Sac'to law school so I'm sure he has heard the motto of many Calif. county bar *advertiser censored*'ns: "Keep the hard cases out, keep the money in and keep the out of town lawyers away!" Reeks of zenophobia, doesn't it.

Makes me unhappy to say it but I think LP and TP have struck up against the same attitudinal barrier in Orange County, Fla. It is ridiculous, self-defeating and counter productive but Orange County has hubris about protecting its own turf. Even if you were a world renowned Belgian inspector detective, you would hit the same wall. "We know every particle of this place and you're a rank outsider!"

Well the locals don't have any corner on every particle of this place as is sadly obvious. So instead of fending off aid like this was a Chinese earthquake, welcome the HELP!

You are a Bounty Hunter. There's one motive from start to find and return. IMO Brain elasticity is being misconstrued as ulterior motives.

LOL this was just sent to me from a young one.....says SS is like you, LP....

Cowboy Bebop Bounty Hunter ....Spike Spiegel.

Headstrong and rash, Spike lives by his own strict rules of honour and justice and will not allow anything to stand in the way of him fulfilling his moral obligations. Though always eager to pursue any type of life-threatening adventure, Spike is also a sensitive and caring individual who is willing to help the afflicted as best as he can..............A man of numerous contradictions, Spike's easy-going, humorous nature belies a somber, introverted personality which he keeps hidden.......................

Seems right! Take care.

OT Don't know why but anime scares me....
Respect, thanks and blessings from my family in PA.......we care........

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