Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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I think you're a sweetheart Leonard!
During the first couple of times I saw you give interviews, before Casey was bonded out, I thought for sure you were just saying you bought the kidnapping story so that you could fool the family and Casey into giving you information. Then when she got home and it was apparent that you and your team weren't going to get any info much less a conversation with Casey and yet you still kept talking about the kidnapping theory I was shocked! And I realized that perhaps in this case your'e a nice guy to a fault.
I found this youtube video about you letting homeless people camp on a piece of your property.
I wish you all the best Leonard you're a class act my friend!

....and what's truly amazing is that this video was done in November 2007, exactly a year ago. Way to go, Leonard!

You are a humanitarian and gracious human being. :)
I'd like to say thank you. I totally admire you, for doing exactly what you said you were going to do. Do everything in your power to bring Caylee home. God bless and keep you. And heaven forbid anything ever happened to someone I know, I would hope and pray that you would be the ones searching.

Hearts of gold...going after the goal of finding this baby like pitbulls. Saying what you mean. Meaning what you say. And standing behind it. Very admirable traits.

Godbless. You are men who stand behind their word.
Thank You so much for all you are doing to find that beautiful child. I firmly believe the only motive you have is to find Caylee. Caylee is the only one who matters. It sure seems like she was let down by her family in her short life. Thank You for standing up for her and wanting to find her. Good Luck and GOD BLESS you.
LP is more than a bounty hunter.

Law Degree, Lincoln Law School, 1980

President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Lorenzo Patino Law School 1982-present.
Bounty Hunter 1975-present.
This is a thread for those who support the Padillas. No negative comments will be allowed. You can voice your opposite opinion on several other threads.

I wanted to start this thread for Tony and Leonard Padilla because I can imagine they are feeling down tonight.

Tony and Leonard were mislead by Casey IMO. I believe she told her lawyer that if she was out she would help the Padillas find Caylee.

Casey got out, and shut her mouth.

Leonard and Tony are victims of Casey's vicious lies. They join a long list of people in this world.

Tony and Leonard were mislead by Jose Baez IMO. Did he tell them not to believe any of the reports in the media about Casey's behavior? That would make sense. "Believe me, I am her lawyer, the reports are exaggerated. She is being crucified. She needs help to find her child." Can't you just hear Casey's lawyer convincing the Padillas that all the reports in the media were total exaggerations? Don't you think it is possible that Baez appealed to their heart by convincing them that all Casey needed was good people to step up to the plate and help her?

All of this is speculation of course.

No matter what, the Padilla's hearts were in the right place.

Like many of you I believed (at first) that Leonard Padilla was only looking for publicity for his new show. This is not the case.

If Leonard and Tony Padilla were shallow people they would have pulled up stakes and left as soon as those reports were released. Instead, the first thing Leonard did was go on Nancy Grace and take the heat.

Tony Padilla came to Websleuths on his own to answer the tough questions.

I know they are not perfect and I do not agree with everything they do, but I can tell they are sincere and truthful in their dealings concerning this case.

I want to thank Tony and Leonard for what they have done, for trying their best and believing what we all wanted to believe, that Caylee was alive.

It is rare in this day and age to see people admit they made a mistake. It is very refreshing to say the least.

This thread is to let the Padilla's know that not everyone wants to get in their face about the Anthony case. Many people believe in them, understand what they are trying to do, and thank them for it.

The only thing I have to say to this is...... YOU ARE ABSOLUTELT RIGHT:clap:
When I think of Leoonard it reminds me of a song by En Vogue called, " What a man, What a man , What A Mighty Big Man.' Seriously! Both are men of integrty. They both put in a gallant effort. I hope their services aren't drastically needed in our futures. Thanks for following through for Caylee Marie Anthony.
Leonard Padilla comes across as being unassuming and sincere. Quite refreshing, indeed. He's willing to throw facts and ideas out there and allows us to come to our own conclusions. I enjoy his tv appearances.
The Padilla clan has put so much heart into this search. Thank you so much for not giving up & bailing out on finding Caylee. She needs a hero :)
I wish to express many thanks to LP for his beliefs, his drive, his determination, and his strength.

I know this has been a very difficult road, with many obstacles, however, LP kept his mind in the right direction and kept pushing forward.

JB Park may not have been where Caylee's little body was, but let's not fault
someone for his beliefs. We all as WS's, had out thoughts and beliefs in this case, and many of us were wrong.

As long as we felt in our hearts at the time, that we were right, then we couldn't have been totally wrong.

If you ever give up bounty hunting, I think you would make a great searcher for missing people.

May God Bless you LP, and your family for your time, and dedication to little

You will always have a place in our hearts!
Thanks, LP! {{Hugs.}} Love you for your dedication and devotion to finding Caylee.
Thank you Leonard! You and your team are much appreciated for everything you did to find Caylee.
Thank you LP. You should be a prominent fixture on Nancy Grace every night as well. Love seeing you. You held firm in your beliefs. Thanks for that.
Thank you LP! I admire your persistence and courage of conviction. I wish you peace and happiness.
I felt bad for you on NG last night, you looked like you were taking it badly - it's a sad thing when we are glad to find the body of a child but you did your best by her and you are amazing.
IMHO both LP and greta were donin' a dance over the fact that LP has decided to come here and hold a memorial service for Caylee (along with Grund).

I'm sorry, but he has NO BUSINESS doing this. Only family arranges things such as memorial services/funerals.

What ever you think about Cindy and George, it is their right and their place to hold a funeral/memorial service for their Grandchild!

They kept hoping, even to the point of evidence saying different, that their grandbaby was still alive. Cindy said "Until LE shows me a body, I will have hope". Now they have to begin to grieve for this child and we all MUST allow them that out of respect for their loss.

I agree with the OP. You kept pushing forward, and for that I thank you.

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