Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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I agree... Tony and Leonard, you did what you thought was right. And you made the right decision this time, so don't let those flakes on NG's show get to you. I admire you both and I think Casey should go back to jail.
Blessing Gentlemen
You are to be admired for your compassion as human beings!
You are to be admired for your compassion as human beings

I am having bad feelings and can not get all this off my mind, first thanks for all that you all and your people have did for this family escepially Kaylee. All things happen for a reason and I think everyoone had to see what a terrible person Casey Anthony is, at less now we know that getting home hasnt made her talk, I am begging that she go back to jail as soon as possible, I dont fear of someone esle getting to her, but this ending up like baby Tuckett, there will never be any closure for the father and family and friends of that poor innocent baby.
You all are in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish nothing but the best your heart is much to big. Thanks
Tony and Leonard, thanks for doing all you did to help find Caylee. It didn't work, but I think it's wonderful you two cared enough to do something. I was never one that thought you were doing it for ratings.
I just logged on and haven't read back through what's been said. But it doesn't matter anyway. What I want to say is, from the bottom of my heart, thanks for what you and Leonard tried to do. I hate Leonard's getting heat right now. I believe he truly thought there was a chance to find her alive. And, personally, I support revocation. I can't imagine what's going on in that house, but I think the possibility of additional bad acts is really possible. Take care. Hold those little girls close. And when you have a chance, please pass along a hug from at least one of Leonard's fans in Florida! God Bless.
Tony, I'm not gonna be rude or ugly to you, and I don't mean this to be negative, but this is something that I'm really curious about.

You and your uncle need to get your stories synchronized. On Nancy Grace and to the media several times today, Leonard said that Casey's going back to jail by Saturday. You said nothing to correct him in Nancy Grace. I've read now that you're not going to send her back. You've stated that your uncle has good gut instinct...then why not trust him on this one and put her back in jail?
Tony and Leonard,

I want to say thank you for doing what you thought was right, even though it didn't out the way we all might have wanted. I can only hope you consider helping others in the future, who may not have the media exposure they need for their cases.
Tony, ignore what that Jane Velez Mitchell says on the Nancy Grace show. They are just looking for excitement to boost their ratings. 99.9% of people think you are all doing the right thing in revoking bail. Not only because of all the danger there but because maybe, probably not likely, but maybe Casey will be forced to lead LE to Caylee's body and put an end to this misery. She isn't going to do it at home, thats for sure. We are all (or most of us) on your side. I hope you can all go home sunday and get back to your own lives. God bless

:clap: Well said and I agree...other than the taking sides thing. I'm not here to take sides. I may agree or disagree with something, but we're all in this together.
Jane Velez Mitchell is a ding bat.......I won't usually even watch it when she is on. I only watched today because you were going to be on.

My question tonight is WHEN is Casey going back to jail and WHY is it taking SO LONG to get her back in jail? Here if a bondsman wants the bond revoked, they just take them over to the jail and that is it......

Cindy said today that "Casey will NOT be going back to jail."......

Is she going to run with her, have a joint suicide pact, or does she have someone else to post the bond?

Or, as usual is she just "blowing smoke?"

Any ideas?
Dear Mr. Padilla,

I've read one of your last remarks (among others) stating that we cannot imagine what Cindy Anthony is going through. I've sat on the sidelines reading what you've written here. I'm very thankful that I found websleuths, and that you decided to take this forum to let your voice be known.

I know we can't ask you a million questions we all want the answers to, but I've had a few glasses of wine and desperately want to find her innocent until proven guilty. Can you give me some instance of where you've been involved in something like this that a client was really innocent. I understand after reading your posts that you are not in the business of looking at guilt or innocence.

I guess what I'm asking is.... What is the question we haven't asked yet, and what's the answer????
Leonard and Tony, if I may call you guys that....

I have been watching you guys from day one of this fiasco and even through the Leonard bashing. I have posted this already but it has been taken down. I understand why Leonard came out......this case touched his heartstrings. And even though at that point I, myself, had come to realize that Caylee was dead, I was stoked that Leonard would try to come to the bottom of it. He sadly found out the harsh truth, and I have no hard feelings about that. In the time I have seen your uncle on air, I have seen his demeanor change drastically, and he is willing to accept the bashing and is the most honest man I have EVER seen on TV. No, not publicity. Heartstrings. Kudos to you guys for attempting to get the truth, and even though it hasn't surfaced, and you guys know more than we do, may you always be friends of Websleuths and aid in other missing children cases as that seems to be your uncle's passion. Tony, I'm married to a "Leonard," meaning that he says what he says even if it isn't what the public wants to hear. Kudos tenfold at the attempt to get this girl to talk. You guys will always be in the hearts of me. Thank you and hang in there through this tough time. PLEASE tell your uncle of my hugs to him as well. I KNOW heartstrings pulled him, and this time it didn't pan out.
Tony~ Isn't it ironic that the same people who chastized you about getting Casey out are now going to be the ones screaming about you taking her back? :) You just can't please some people!
Did I hear that Tony was going to be here tonight?

You missed him, he hung out briefly on the General Discussion thread. At least he didn't disappear into chat...
Tony & Leonard,

First, let me say that I was skeptical at first as to what you were trying to accomplish. But it was clear from your statements that you truly could not comprehend that a mother could do anything short but love her child so you were going to help. You were going to get to the bottom of this. By giving the Anthonys a hand out, in return they would give a hand up - information to solve this. I am sorry that they have failed our beloved Caylee & I am sorry that they failed to live up to your feelings of what a "family" should be. I can hear the disappoinment and heartbreak in Leonard's voice as he speaks.

I truly feel like you are great men. I saw Nancy Grace tonight & I just wanted to get on there & scold her stand-in host & that criminal defense atty. Whatever the business of bailbondsmen is, there is a child involved here & you thought you would help her. That is the MOST important thing & I commend you both. God bless you & your families.

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