Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Tony, Leonard, Rob & Crew,

I still have great faith that you're going to come through for Caylee.

A very LIVE Caylee at that!

I think you've been 'softening' your audience, hoping that certain ones are listening and taking you seriously with all the negativity.

Godspeed to all of you, you are all in my prayers forever.
Tony was online Thursday (8/28) night and started his post in General #145, Post 453 into General #146, Post 163.
I support your decision to send Casey back to jail. And you are making alot of sense right now regarding this case. Good luck to you and your associates.
Please let the media know about the search by TES starting tomorrow on Saturday and encourage those to come out and help that will by directing them to the meetup place.
You can also let them know about the Nationwide PINK BALLOON Tribute 4 Caylee if you will. On Sept 1, Monday, at 1 pm est., participants from all over the nation will be sending up pink balloons and prayers for Caylee in tribute. Please join us in turning the skies PINK 4 Caylee!
I'm bringing this over from the other thread where I posted this:

I think the right decision was made.
They've got their reasons and they don't have to disclose them to anyone. I believe serious things will be going down today and this weekend and it will all be over soon.

Tony, apparently some things have happened that we're not clued in on at the moment.
I assume this because Leonard decided not to have CA's bond revoked as reported earlier today.
Does this make you more nervous or more content with your stake in this drama filled situation?
Hey, fellow sleuthers: lets give Tricia's post respect... she put it up here saying "no negative comments, support only". I'm in the same boat as a lot of yall that aren't happy with things... but this thread isn't the place to express it. Just a thought...
Hey, fellow sleuthers: lets give Tricia's post respect... she put it up here saying "no negative comments, support only". I'm in the same boat as a lot of yall that aren't happy with things... but this thread isn't the place to express it. Just a thought...

Thank you Elphaba. Jeesh.

We are going to start handing out 24 hour time outs w/reason "taking up to much of moderators time!" maybe that will get their attention :)
First post to the Padilla's...

Simple question, will you be on Nancy Grace tonight after whats occured today?
Leonard, Tony and Crew,
From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for doing all that you can for sweet Caylee. I feel in my heart their is a plan and ALL are working hard to bring Caylee home. God Bless you ALL. My hope is still alive, as the attorneys said a few nights ago on NG there is no smoking gun at this point.
Thank you again and know you are doing your best as well as OPD on down, if a circus is needed and all the twists and turns, then so be it...Just bring her home.

Could you please talk to Amy and ask her to press the charge for extortion or/and theft? This way, LE could add more charges and more $ to Casey's original bond...possibly, $1,000,000!
Tony and Leonard, You know I have to admit I was very angry that you decided NOT to revoke Casey's bond because I truly feel she belongs behind bars. But after giving it so much thought, I see now that you did a good thing. For one Cindy stated IF Casey was out then she could focus more on finding Caylee. You got her out and Casey STILL hasn't helped find Caylee. In fact she STILL shows no concern for her presious child. Which is what I believe has the world in such an uproar about this case. At least Susan Smith pretended to be concerned and we all know what happened with that case.
I sure you have your reasons for NOT revoking her bond that you probably can't share with the rest of us but in all reality I really think that if we give Casey enough rope, she will prove to hang her own self, (so to speak) I think that in jail or out of jail Casey's life is over. She will always be known for this and she will have a hard time getting a job, Friends, boyfriends etc. And with the one thing she loved more than her own daughter is partying, but after what she's done I'm afraid Party's over for Ms Casey. She cut her own throat with her own actions. Lies, lies, and more lies. No one will ever trust this women again!!! She will be marked for life! What a sad life to live.
I just want to APOLOGIZE to the Padilla's.

I am assuming you all knew this was coming and that is why you didn't proceed with revoking the bond because she was going to jail anyway.

Please continue to search for Caylee and please understand that this woman's deception has not only torn her family to pieces, but she has really ticked off the whole nation who has become emotionally involved in this case. We have taken our frustrations out on you both because of the things we do not know and understand.

Again, I do apologize.
Does this rearrest revoke her bond? or will it still be in effect if she is bailed out tonght?
Once again, Leonard could NOT get a word in edgewise on the Nancy Grace (Jane Velez Mitchell) show leading me to question why the producer even bothers booking guests who have to take time away from their families, other concerns and interests, etc. if all they are going to do is be interrupted and treated with such blatant disrespect? I'm surprised Leonard was as composed as he was but his sense of humor and consummate professionalism under stressful circumstances served him well.


Wow. :| This is an amazing turn of events, and once you come back around, I have some questions. For now, I'll stick with the current intention of the thread and pass along support and encouragement.

To Leonard especially... I have not had a chance to watch Nancy Grace from tonight, but from reading the posts around here I assume that the Jane woman was her usual harpy self during your appearance. I have to say kudos to you for keeping your cool the times I've seen you on there, and let you know that I sent an email to the station in complaint about her interviewing tactics. One thing I've always liked about Nancy Grace herself is that she gets down and dirty with her guests, but that's different than attacking without giving a chance to even fully answer her banshee attitude. I know that this period has to be difficult for you, so I am wishing you all the strength and praying for your continued composure. You're right in that you've said before "what's done is done," and I applaud your attempts to go with the flow rather than ignoring the flow of events and therefore drown.


PS: And sorry for feeling disappointed in thinking this decision to NOT revoke bond was too much of a flip-flop! I do hope that the reason it was released that your "minds have changed" was due more to a media leak and misinterpretation of information.
I'll come in out of the blue, so to speak, without reading any of the previous posts and tell you that I fully trust that you know what you are doing. After all, you are the bondsman and Leonard is the bounty hunter. Who are we to judge your decisions? When one needs a professional, one should trust a professional.

That's all about that from me!

Dear Tony,

I have to admit that my first knee-jerk reaction upon hearing the bail wasn't going to be revoked was frustration and a little anger. Then I took a moment to think about the things you and Leonard have said, as well as the things that the two of you HAVEN'T said and I had a strong feeling that you knew the arrest was going to happen, so I decided to withhold judgment until next Tuesday. I am so glad I did and that you and Leonard proved that you are the stand-up gentlemen that we have come to respect over the past week! I'm so thankful that Tricia has provided this amazing forum that you respected Websleuths enough to graciously post and help us understand the underlying reasons behind the actions of your team. Tony, you and Leonard are heroes in my eyes and Casey's arrest this evening couldn't have happened any more perfectly than it did! I cried deep tears of bittersweet joy to see justice being served and in having the faith I had placed in your team validated! There is a special place in heaven for you, Leonard, and of course Tricia! I know Leonard isn't very fond of using computers, so will you please do me a favor and tell him that he is a TRUE HERO to a girl here in North Carolina who had started to believe heroes didn't exist any more!

God Bless You All!

Now that Casey is going back to jail (on unrelated charges), will you get your money back from the bond you posted?

I echo the sentiments shared throughout this board - you and your uncle Leonard are a great example to all of us! :clap:
These are friendly skies my friend, navigate appropriately.
My best to you and Uncle Leonard.

Hi Tony, Leonard and all staff,
You guys are the best!!!!

I just want you guys to know I have never questioned your decision nor judgment, I have thought as Tony did from the beginning it would not be a very professional thing to revoke the bond for no good reason, I mean if you did this and someone else were to need to be bonded they might choose another bondsman thinking well if he decides to he can just put me back in jail as we know he would have did this to Casey. I think it was a very ethical decision on your part.
I am sure if you would have known the circumstances you most likely would not have become involved.
But at the same time you renew my faith in mankind that there are people who will reach out to help another whom they think is in a bad situation and that they can make it better.
Lets face it guys you did your best we all know that and a lot of questions were answered when you brought her home. Baez and all of the Anthony family kept repeating if she were out she would be able to look for Caylee, The father even said she told him I want to be home for her birthday, Come on we were all took !!!
But we now know she is just not going to tell anyone unless she and Baez have a secret only they share, and really do not see how that helps to locate Caylee
long story short you guys are great don't ever change, who knows the next person you help might be truly appreciative.

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