SURPRISE HEARING Friday 18th August

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Damien re State not wanting to go to retrial..
They knew that they wouldn't be able to get away with the things that they got away with last time...they knew now that the whole world is watching them...they would have to have concrete evidence...
I don't have a dog in this fight and certainly am not a "fan" of anyone involved, but I can say that if I had been in these guys shoes I would have most likely done exactly the same thing they did today, even if I was innocent.
I just want to say that I respect all views here and no matter you believe, we have got to remember these beautiful little boys.
More questions than answers:

1.) If DNA exonerated them, why are they admitting their guilt?

2.) It sounds like a time served plea bargain deal, but the circumstances don't make sense. DNA either exonerates or it does not.

3.) The HBO documentary Paradise Lost was really good. It raised some doubt as to their guilt for me, but at the time I sort of believed that I needed some DNA evidence because there were puzzle pieces missing on BOTH prosecution and defense sides.

4.) The controversy is now we have the DNA puzzle piece, but still confusion. Does this show they are innocent? Or does it just show that the DNA shows there is not enough evidence for a conviction? If they could still be guilty, why? If they are innocent, why?

5.) Does the DNA link to another suspect? THAT would once and for all clear the West Memphis Three.

We haven't gotten to #5 yet, if at all. If we don't get to #5, what does that mean?

Damien and Lorri are very sweet together IMHO. Damien said under his breath to Lorri "Are you okay?"
I will agree with you on the "followers" who really don't know the case at all. People who jumped on the bandwagon without taking the time to learn the facts and make an informed decision. That bothers me.

As long as someone is informed, even if they have a different opinion than mine, I can respect it.

It seems to me that the State was stumbling over their words as to why they wouldn’t want to retry this case. The spokesman did not make a good case IMO. Add to that the State really did not have any concrete physical evidence linking these three to the crime scene. I would have had a hard time finding them guilty even with the coerced confession, but then I’m no seer so I don’t really know…..
At the beginning of the press conference, I heard someone say, "They should make a movie about this" and then someone else said, "It'll be out in 3 weeks" Was that them just joking around or is there a movie planned?
There's the answer to my question. Should have read a bit further.

This is what the attorney said...the State maintains that they are guilty. They are still convicted murderers. The attorney was indicating that the State would never have accepted this deal if they really thought the WM3 were guilty. Sorry to confuse!!
I so hope that all three of these men make it.
I really worry about the effect that these 18 years will have on them.
I hope they are able to cope with coming back out... and that they don't get too overwhelmed. It is hard to do.

I am not so worried about Damien because he has Lorri... and I certainly hope that they make it as a couple.
I am so shocked and relieved. I never thought this day would come!! Beautiful press conference. I hope Michael, Stevie, and Chris's real killer is found and brought to justice. This whole case has been a tragedy for everyone involved.
At the beginning of the press conference, I heard someone say, "They should make a movie about this" and then someone else said, "It'll be out in 3 weeks" Was that them just joking around or is there a movie planned?

Airing in November, Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory revisits Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley, dubbed the “West Memphis Three.” All three were jailed in 1993 for child murders, and still maintain their innocence. Directors Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky have followed their fight for nearly two decades. The third film promises to uncover shocking new developments.

Read more:
Jason was originally against the plea deal. Decided to accept it because he didn't want to Damien to be put to death.

Funny ,they would want to be labeled child murderers forever because of not wanting to wait until Dec when they were so sure they would be set free then.

Very telling.. Oh and Anyone see the middle finger DE was holding up as he was waiting for the media to set up. He did a slick jail house middle finger thing..
He just said 'Plea'. The defense attorneys came to the Prosecutor with the idea.

Here is the Prosecutor's statement link below

Today’s proceeding allows the defendants the freedom of speech to SAY they are innocent, but the FACT is, they just plead GUILTY. I strongly believe that the interests of justice have been served today.

On behalf of the State I have preserved the verdicts of those juries and averted more prolonged and costly trials and appeals in this case.

Thanks for that link.

To the people who are unhappy with today's outcome and think they are guilty (and not just saying guilty to get a plea deal), The Prosecutor said that two of the victims families have now joined forces with the defence and feel that they are innocent, how do you feel about this, does this not make you entertain any chance of their innocence?

I am not trying to be argumentative, I just want to understand it from the other point of view?

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