SURPRISE HEARING Friday 18th August

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
If they have all been granted new trials would that be a reason to be transported to Jonesboro?Would they then be in a county jail awaiting a new trial this quickly?Ecspecially Damien?

Anyone know?
I didn't take it is snappy :) but no problem .
I understand the bitten nails - this is so unexpected !
Right out of left field today .
I was scanning TMZ when I saw it so it made it to gossip sites too already .
This won't be televised tomorrow right?
I really wish I had follwed this case earlier . I only started reading a few months ago after seeing something on tv . Like I said my opinion goes back and forth a little bit because I really don't feel I know enough .
It was me who said that, and sorry if I snapped at you in the last post I made. I'm not used to this, I was never up on the Casey Anthony case, or any similar case. My nails are being bitten to the quick here right now.

How the hell could you not be up on the Casey Anthony case? Do you reside in The North Pole?:p

Just teasin you.I gotta go mash some potatoes for dinner now.See ya tomorrow.
2:52 PM: TMZ spoke with a rep for John Mark Byers -- a step-father of one of the victims who was also portrayed as a suspect in the documentary, "Paradise Lost."

The rep tells us John will "definitely" be in court tomorrow -- but calls the situation a "double-edged sword" because "even though they should never have been arrested, a murderer is getting the last laugh."
If they have all been granted new trials would that be a reason to be transported to Jonesboro?Would they then be in a county jail awaiting a new trial this quickly?Ecspecially Damien?

Anyone know?

Of course, we will not know anything until after the hearing tomorrow, but I was thinking new trials as well. It is the only thing that makes sense. It boggles my mind that someone can be set free simply by admitting guilt. Doesn't really make sense. They have an interview with one of the murdered boys father, which is apparently what started all of this, and he is HOT!!! Can't say that I blame him though.
Sitting here scratching my head with you all.
I don't suppose that this hearing is going to be live streamed or televised anywhere?

Are any reporters going to be tweeting from the courtroom?

Or are we going to have to wait until the hearing is over to find out what happened?

Please tell me it'll be streamed live or a reporter will be updating live somewhere... not that the gag order will prevent it...

Try to relax.After Casey's verdict I refuse to get all caught up anymore.

I don't either, but I was already caught up in this case. After Casey's verdict we need the justice system to work correctly this time!
I have followed this case for about 15 years, and believe they are innocent......I pray they don't have to plead to anything, but would understand if they did! Damon has set on death row a long time!
Of course, we will not know anything until after the hearing tomorrow, but I was thinking new trials as well. It is the only thing that makes sense. It boggles my mind that someone can be set free simply by admitting guilt. Doesn't really make sense. They have an interview with one of the murdered boys father, which is apparently what started all of this, and he is HOT!!! Can't say that I blame him though.

bbm. I assume you mean "angry". Just clarifying.

*i needed to laugh :) thanks and forgive me!!
I think this is an example of really irresponsible reporting.Stevie Branch father ,the same guy who still believes there was a satanic cult and who never educated himself further about the case and only knows the testimony?He all of a sudden has all the answers?
Give me a break.Even if such a move was legally possible IMO Damien and Jason have way too much integrity to plead guilty but I wouldn't blame them either if they would.
Anyways can't wait until tomorrow.I'm hoping true justice for all six is finally on it's way.
This is huge!!!

According to the first article I posted below, there will be a "mystery" hearing tomorrow. Below that is a link to an article from July that said there was DNA testing done that didn't connect any of the suspects to the crime. Maybe they will be cleared if/when they are released. I can't believe if DNA testing cleared them, that they will have to admit their guilt in order to be released. That just makes no sense at all. I don't believe they are guilty either, so if DNA evidence doesn't match any of the three suspects, they should all be released IMO.
Where are you Compassionate Reader,iluvmua and justthinkin?What are your thoughts ladies?

Someone on the Hoax board said this: But there is something seriously screwed up about the alleged deal, no matter where you stand on the innocence or guilt of the three.

If you come from the idea that they are innocent; the deal forces three innocent men into admitting guilt falsely in order to end a torment that has lasted half their life.

If you come from the idea that they are guilty; three murderers are being released, despite admitting to their guilt after 18 years.

Either represents an utter failure of the state of Arkansas to seek out and find justice. They've strong along supporters and non-supporters, but more importantly the families of the victims.

No matter where you stand, this entire situation, and especially the assumed ending, has been a travesty and will in no way resemble justice.
That's what I was thinking.Plead guilty?Does pleading no contest constitute the same thing?I just can't imagine Damien getting out for that.

I know exactly what you mean by being angered if they admit guilt just to walk out.I understand 100%.

BUT....what if their lawyers told them it was their best chance at going home?What would you do?I've never been incarcerated so I don't know what it's been like for them...ecsp death row.It's all very confusing isn't it?

If I was a supporter, I would be beyond P***** that I wasted my own money going towards three people in Prison to get them new testing and new trials just to have them turn around and plead guilty and have them walk out of Prison.
Rumours are running rampant all over the Internet at the moment, and I would advise people not to take them too seriously. If these three were really going to plead guilty, it would make no sense to let them out.

More likely they've made some kind of deal where they plead no contest and get to go home, while the state of Arkansas gets to save some face.

I totally agree....... But What I would be wondering is....... Are they really pleading guilty that they did it or are they just pleading guilty so they can finally go home.
I have followed this case for about 15 years, and believe they are innocent......I pray they don't have to plead to anything, but would understand if they did! Damon has set on death row a long time!

I've followed this case too, probably not as close as all of you here. I was one that truly believed they murdered those boys until I joined here at WS and read their supporters website. If they plead no contest or even guilty to lesser charges I will be very upset. Very. They worked so hard to prove their innosence. Memphis shouldn't get away with keeping these three kids locked up for so long when there was NO EVIDENCE against them. I truly hope that our justice system will just ONCE get something right. After Caylee's injustice, I have absolutely no faith anymore.
bbm. I assume you mean "angry". Just clarifying.

*i needed to laugh :) thanks and forgive me!!

Omg! Lol! Yes! He was angry! Hahaha! Thanks for the laugh!
If they do admit guilt....... then that is just going to further my believe that they really did do this.

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