SURPRISE HEARING Friday 18th August

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
<image as is posted upthread>

This IMO is here in downtown Memphis atop the rooftop of the historical Peabody hotel.. Was this from last evening??
Just was curious if this where possibly they had the celebrity entertainment for the new found freedom men.. As this IMO would be a logical conclusion as Thursday nights during summer months here in Mmephis they have Peabody rooftop parties many of which I've personally attended and more than appropriate location for entertainment to have been accommodated for the celebration.. As every Thursday night for the rooftop parties there is always live entertainment(even full and elaborate bands with their set ups) that is included there atop this rooftop.. Beautiful view of downtown Memphis with clear view of the Memphis/Arkansas Bridge which separates the 4 short miles from downtown Memphis to West Memphis, Arkansas..

The hotel they stayed at and partied on the roof is the Madison Hotel. It's a gorgeous retro-boutique style with the best restauant in the city, Grill 83.
The guards didn't rape him; they only beat him, tossed his cell with no cause, kept him up all night and things like that. I thought he had said they raped him, but it was a fellow inmate. However, the guards were terribly abusive to him.

As to the whole mental illness thing, I believe Damien was misdiagnosed as a psychotic. As has been stated, people don't recover from psychoses. When Damien went off of his medications "cold turkey," he had some bad times. However, he got over it eventually, which is proof to me that he was never psychotic, merely dependent on anti-depressants. I don't ever remember him being diagnosed as manic-depressive (bipolar), but it would not surprise me if he were. That can be controlled with medications.

When I originally posted the statement, I said that it was a rumor that the State wanted to destroy the evidence. I'm not sure where I read it, but I do know that it was a source that I trust and that they reported it was a rumor. I just wish I could remember where. Like was said before, the WMPD screwed up in so many ways, wanting to destroy the evidence is par for the course.

The reason that the possibility that the State might want to destroy evidence bothers me is because it smacks of wanting to hide something. It reminds me of when they were fighting so hard to block further testing. It really makes me wonder what's going on with them. If the evidence were destroyed, it would seriously impact any chance the defense would have to prove innocence, and I think it's unfair.

The West Memphis Three are free, and I am glad. I don't see their freedom as a crime or a miscarriage of justice or anything except the first step on the road to justice. Now, the WMPD should focus on finding THe real killer. I could give them a starting place. So could JMB!
People DO recover from psychosis. This is one of the most severe symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, brain injuries, toxic substance ingestion and etc...

No one is "dependent" upon antidepressants. They are not a controlled substance and not physically addictive....or I should more correctly state that they have a different type of addictive quality.

He was diagnosed by several psychiatrists and other health professionals using the MMPI as being schizophrenic and bipolar.

It is unknown if he ever took his Imipramine while at home (his mom is 'interesting") or while incarcerated. Read the affidavit of George W. Woods, M.D. where this is discussed.

He may have experienced more profound mental health problems if he actually took his Imipramine for several weeks as this old medicine is known for sending bipolar patients into mania.

Bipolar disorder is best treated with medications and counseling and social support.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
three long decades
Moore expressed his gratitude to the people who supported his family over the past 18 years, "since our son was brutally murdered by those men known as the West Memphis Three."

Moore said he is pleased the convictions were upheld.

"They can say they are innocent all they want, but the fact remains that they themselves confirmed their guilt," he wrote.

Moore said his family is upset that they were not consulted about the fate of the West Memphis Three.

"August 19, 2011 is the second worst day in my life, but with faith, family, and friends, the Moore family will survive this as well."


They can say they are innocent all they want but the fact remains that they themselves confirmed their guilt. We are very upset that they were released. We are also upset that we were not consulted and given a chance to decide for ourselves, as the victims parents, the fate of those who so brutally murdered our son.

Justice has not been served in this case and while those men may be out of prison they will in fact never truly be free. They will always have to live with the fact that they are still convicted child murderers in the eyes of the law and society. With their suspended sentences for the next ten years, they can easily end up back in prison if they break the law and many will be watching and waiting.
Sheriff Allen says he hasn&#8217;t been able to talk for the last 18 years, but now the gag has been lifted.

&#8220;Let&#8217;s go back to 1993 about 1:45 when I discovered the first body in the ditch. Ok? I was the one who was got down in the water and lifted my leg and watched a body float to the top of the water.&#8221;

Allen believes, without a shadow of a doubt, a knife belonging to Echols was the murder weapon. Allen says if there had been another trial it would have come out.

&#8220;On one of the boy&#8217;s legs there were some marks that were one on one consistent with this blade on the knife,&#8221; said Allen.

He says a media and celebrity blitz over the past 18 years, not a botched investigation by police, has completely confused and mislead the public into believing they are innocent.,0,346652.story?track=rss
If I was wrongfully accused of your son's murder and being escorted into court amid crowds of jeering, catcalls, etc, and you then tried to attack me, I've a feeling I might lose my temper back.

taaaadaa! take a :bowdown:.
Sheriff Allen says he hasn’t been able to talk for the last 18 years, but now the gag has been lifted.

“Let’s go back to 1993 about 1:45 when I discovered the first body in the ditch. Ok? I was the one who was got down in the water and lifted my leg and watched a body float to the top of the water.”

Allen believes, without a shadow of a doubt, a knife belonging to Echols was the murder weapon. Allen says if there had been another trial it would have come out.

“On one of the boy’s legs there were some marks that were one on one consistent with this blade on the knife,” said Allen.

He says a media and celebrity blitz over the past 18 years, not a botched investigation by police, has completely confused and mislead the public into believing they are innocent.,0,346652.story?track=rss

Exactly how I expected a clueless police dept IMHOO to comment.
Moore expressed his gratitude to the people who supported his family over the past 18 years, "since our son was brutally murdered by those men known as the West Memphis Three."

Moore said he is pleased the convictions were upheld.

"They can say they are innocent all they want, but the fact remains that they themselves confirmed their guilt," he wrote.

Moore said his family is upset that they were not consulted about the fate of the West Memphis Three.

"August 19, 2011 is the second worst day in my life, but with faith, family, and friends, the Moore family will survive this as well."


They can say they are innocent all they want but the fact remains that they themselves confirmed their guilt. We are very upset that they were released. We are also upset that we were not consulted and given a chance to decide for ourselves, as the victims parents, the fate of those who so brutally murdered our son.

Justice has not been served in this case and while those men may be out of prison they will in fact never truly be free. They will always have to live with the fact that they are still convicted child murderers in the eyes of the law and society. With their suspended sentences for the next ten years, they can easily end up back in prison if they break the law and many will be watching and waiting.

Read the ALFORD definition posted back a few post. :)

The parents of the murdered boys were brain washed by LE and by witchhunters.

No evidence at the crime scene or at the home.
No blood on the WM3.
No blood on their clothes.
No blood in their drains.
All according to legal records and docs.

The WM3 are not guilty.

The parents should be asking their lawyers and LE to research any and all other child sex crimes and murders since the WM3 were arrested.
[ame=""]West Memphis Three - Freed After 18 Years in Prison Convicted For Murder - We Explore The Story - YouTube[/ame]

I found this to be interesting.. Some may agree, some may not.. What was of most interest to me begins at the 7:00minute mark of the 9+ min video on YouTube(as linked ^above^).. It is being stated by DE's co-counsel Don Horgan.. I have transcribed below a direct quote of Horgan that anyone can watch for themselves to verify that it is word for word accurate for what Don Horgan states in the video..

In 2005 DNA was submitted to a lab of the prosecution's choice(Brody Labs). In late 2005 Brody issued its first report on genetic material found on victims and other areas of the crime scene. The lab later was given DNA samples of victims and defendants to analyze those. In the end none of the Brody reports could link any of the DNA provided by defendants to the victims or to the crime scene. DNA *evidence that was found on the tip of Steve Branch's penis not found to match victims of defendants.

In the meantime our investigators were obtaining DNA samples in the form of hair, cigarette butts, oral swabs from people who had some connection to the events. Including samples from several people including Steven Branch's step father, Terry Hobbs. Later received a sample voluntarily given by David Jacoby, friend of Terry Hobbs who was with Terry Hobbs the day Stephen went missing.
We gave all those samples to Thomas Fador whose here, who is an independent serologist of the Serological Institute of California. Tom analyzed samples and compared them to results Brody Labs had already given us. the results in May 2007 that hair from a ligature used to tie up Michael Moore could be associated with Terry Hobbs. We showed that to prosecution immediately.
Even more recent analysis of hair found on tree root or tree stump at the crime scene could be "associated to the DNA sample supplied by David Jacoby

I bolded a couple points of interest to me(may or may not mean alot in some opinionszz mine is it could infact mean a whole helluva alot)

- Horgan states that in 2005 is when DNa testing began and that the facility for it to be tested at was chosen by the prosecution.. That facility being Brody Labs. Horgan states that this first testing was done and Brody's first report on all genetic material found on victims and crime scene were given

- Horgan states that it was a later time than that of the first testing that Brody Labs were given samples of the victims and defendants.. Then does not specify how many more sets of results were given by Brody but rather just used the broad inclusion of all testing resulting in nothing tying defendants to the victims or crime scene..

- Horgan states the DT investigators *obtained DNA samples thru means of cigarette butts as an example.. This obviously being done because they either did not ask directly of some individuals or some individuals declined to cooperate with DT(go figure).. He makes certain to specify that actually Jacoby's DNA sample were given voluntarily which IMO leads me to believe Terry Hobbs was not voluntarily given to the DT investigators(again go figure)

- Horgan states that all of those samples obtained were given to Serologist, Thomas Fador to analyze and test comparing the results that had been given by Brody Labs..

My issue with this is that per Horgan, himself he states as himself there were multiple tests done by Brody Labs per analysis of DNA and genetic material over a period of time with them at later dates being given new and/or additional DNA samples for them to analyze..

Why then not continue to use Brody Labs?? If it were a matter of the defense not necessarily "trusting" this lab that was picked by the prosecution and the results of their multiple analysis, testing, etc.. If that were the case of them not trusting a prosecution picked lab then why in God's creation would they ever trust any of Brody Lab's results???

Doesn't make since IMo as Horgan, himself states they actually use Brody Labs results as a comparison to do the DNA testing by the Serologist, Fador..*

IMO very concerning and really nonsensical..
Which leads me to my last points of interest from the ^above^ quote of Horgan..

- Horgan states that in using Brody Labs results, but T.Fadora, Serologist performing the analysis with DNA samples given voluntarily by Jacoby.. And what he certainly seems to insinuate an involuntary DNA sample of Hobbs from a cigarette butt for example.. And that Fadora's results were that both of those men's DNA samples "could be associated"
With a hair found in a ligature and the other on either a tree root or tree stump from crime scene(clearly two totally different things root vs stump but whatever)..

"could be associated" hardly IMO is major conclusive DNA evidence as has been many times over claimed it to be..

IMO hasn't a thing in the world with why these three received new found freedom yesterday(that's got to do with LE's stubborn refusing assistance and not realizing their inexperience was going to cost them in the long run).. But yet IMO IT HAS GOT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH WHY WE SAW THREE PLEAS OF GUILTY YESTERDAY AND NOT WAITING TO USE EXPLOSIVE DNA EVIDENCE *OF HOBBS AND JACOBY's being THE " real killers"..*

They knew that if push came to shove they quite likely would and could be convicted all over again at new trials because not only was the evidence they claim proves Hobbs/Jacoby is hogwash but more importantly knew they are guilty and knew when the Attys came up with this offer they better get, while the gettin's good..
*prosecution knew due to early on stubbornness and inexperience, combined with over 2 decades having passed(by time new trials held) and witnesses dead and long having since past the point of having clear testifiable memories of events, statements, and circumstances could likely not be enough.. Any case 2 decades later, even some with high integrity would be hard as hell to prove two decades later..*

That's what led to these men's new found freedom and escaping justice IMO.. As a said anyone can manipulate our justice system to work in their favor especially with the many wide open loop holes that when worked at hard enough, long enough, with enough attorneys, backed financially and celebrity driven media coverage and ..well.. It can even work for a child killer on death row.. Yesterday was proof positive of that..
The question was legally the defense can request the evidence not be destroyed, right? Especially if they want to prove innocence. That's one of the reasons they took this deal so they can work on their innocence in the comfort of their own home and not in a prison cell? Or did I misunderstand the reason the plea was requested to begin with? I thought that was the WM3 ultimate prove their innocence.

If you listen to Friday's news conference, the WM3 explain why they took the plea.

The antiWM3 folks can argue all they want------- these men are free.
Free from unjust imprisionments.
Free from rape and harrassement.
Nothing said by anti WM3 people will change that. :woohoo:
How does any of that change with a rumour about the state wanting to dispose of evidence? Even if the rumour is true, I see no one saying that the defense has agreed to it.

Besides, any evidence that the West Memphis police want to dispose of would be the material stored in their evidence room, which would have no relevance to ongoing searches for the murderer anyway. Anything that could be tested is already in the hands of the Bode lab. The boxes of evidence down at the WMPD are copies of old witness statements, lab reports, that kind of thing. Most of it is already scanned and posted on the Callahans site anyway, so I really wouldn't see anything sinister about the West Memphis police saying "Hey, can we throw this stuff away now?"

I think prosecutorial misconduct occurred during this case and they want to destroy the evidence of it. I think they were convinced that these three kids did it and yet didn't have enough evidence so they manufactured some in order to secure a conviction.

The guards didn't rape him; they only beat him, tossed his cell with no cause, kept him up all night and things like that. I thought he had said they raped him, but it was a fellow inmate. However, the guards were terribly abusive to him.

As to the whole mental illness thing, I believe Damien was misdiagnosed as a psychotic. As has been stated, people don't recover from psychoses. When Damien went off of his medications "cold turkey," he had some bad times. However, he got over it eventually, which is proof to me that he was never psychotic, merely dependent on anti-depressants. I don't ever remember him being diagnosed as manic-depressive (bipolar), but it would not surprise me if he were. That can be controlled with medications.

When I originally posted the statement, I said that it was a rumor that the State wanted to destroy the evidence. I'm not sure where I read it, but I do know that it was a source that I trust and that they reported it was a rumor. I just wish I could remember where. Like was said before, the WMPD screwed up in so many ways, wanting to destroy the evidence is par for the course.

The reason that the possibility that the State might want to destroy evidence bothers me is because it smacks of wanting to hide something. It reminds me of when they were fighting so hard to block further testing. It really makes me wonder what's going on with them. If the evidence were destroyed, it would seriously impact any chance the defense would have to prove innocence, and I think it's unfair.

The West Memphis Three are free, and I am glad. I don't see their freedom as a crime or a miscarriage of justice or anything except the first step on the road to justice. Now, the WMPD should focus on finding THe real killer. I could give them a starting place. So could JMB!

I think there is stuff in there that if the FBI investigated a lot of people would in trouble. JMO
I found this to be interesting...

snipped for length

And you said you were not here to argue LOL ! :crazy::floorlaugh:

It doesn't matter what was said 19 years ago. The men are free.
I'm not going to post every old post, article nor video from the trial.

The WM3 were railroaded, witch hunted, coerced-------their trial was such a sham and I mean sham not shame--that for 19 years supporters never gave up working for the truth and release of the WM3.

Sadly to a point and understandedly so, the parents of the 3 children wanted someone--anyone--convicted of their children's murders.......................... They didn't care who it was. IMHOO
West Memphis Three - Freed After 18 Years in Prison Convicted For Murder - We Explore The Story - YouTube

- Horgan states the DT investigators *obtained DNA samples thru means of cigarette butts as an example.. This obviously being done because they either did not ask directly of some individuals or some individuals declined to cooperate with DT(go figure).. He makes certain to specify that actually Jacoby's DNA sample were given voluntarily which IMO leads me to believe Terry Hobbs was not voluntarily given to the DT investigators(again go figure)

Respectfully snipped.

IIRC, Terry Hobbs DNA was supplied through cigarette butts that his ex wife obtained. She also believes the kids are innocent and that her ex husband may have had something to do with it.
Respectfully snipped.

IIRC, Terry Hobbs DNA was supplied through cigarette butts that his ex wife obtained. She also believes the kids are innocent and that her ex husband may have had something to do with it.

I will never forget when Hobb's got his teeth pulled knowing that LE wanted to take impressions of his teeth to compare to the bitemarks on the bodies.:eek:
Next his 2nd wife mysteriously died?!?! :eek:
"could be associated" hardly IMO is major conclusive DNA evidence as has been many times over claimed it to be..

Snipped for space and relevance, respectfully.

First I want to say that I hope you don't think I am stalking you or attacking or being snarky directly to you, because that is not the case. I am simply answering your questions and posts because they are valid and ones that I feel that I can answer and I am just trying to help clear things up. If you would rather I didn't you can tell me not to and I won't be offended. :)

Anyway, the reason that they can't be said for certain to be hairs belonging to these two men is because that is true, they could belong to other maternal relatives of them. But that's about it. Just them or their maternal relatives. It is the same as when they found the hair in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. They couldn't say for certain that the hair was Caylee's because if there is no root and just the hair they can only get mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). When they took this DNA and compared it to David Jacoby and Terry Hobbs it matched their mtDNA. This doesn't mean that it was them, because they share their mtDNA with all of their maternal relatives. But I think when you put 2 and 2 together, what are the chances that 2 of their maternal relatives hairs were at the crime scene as opposed to being theirs?

I for one would give a lot more weight to 2 hairs with mtDNA than I would 10 fibers consistent with clothes sold at Walmart. What would we all have given for 2 hairs in the duct tape in Caylee's case that weren't Caylee's?
I will never forget when Hobb's got his teeth pulled knowing that LE wanted to take impressions of his teeth to compare to the bitemarks on the bodies.:eek:
Next his 2nd wife mysteriously died?!?! :eek:

<modsnip> I have followed this case since I read "Blood of Innocents" in 1994 when it was first released. None of the above post is correct.

John Mark Byers second wife Melissa died, mother of Christopher, one of the victims.
LE wanted to take impressions of his teeth?? <modsnip> According to them they had the killers in prison. Why would they want to take impression's of his teeth? It was not LE who thought there was a bite mark on Stevie Branch, it was Brent Turvey, a profiler hired by the defense.
He was wrong! No bite mark on Stevie! JMB did have his teeth pulled but not because they wanted an impression!

There was a partial of Hobbs found and turned over to the defense among other items, pictures of the items can be found on the Blackboard site.
I will never forget when Hobb's got his teeth pulled knowing that LE wanted to take impressions of his teeth to compare to the bitemarks on the bodies.:eek:
Next his 2nd wife mysteriously died?!?! :eek:

<modsnip> I have followed this case since I read "Blood of Innocents" in 1994 when it was first released. None of the above post is correct.

John Mark Byers second wife Melissa died, mother of Christopher, one of the victims.
LE wanted to take impressions of his teeth?? <modsnip> According to them they had the killers in prison. Why would they want to take impression's of his teeth? It was not LE who thought there was a bite mark on Stevie Branch, it was Brent Turvey, a profiler hired by the defense.
He was wrong! No bite mark on Stevie! JMB did have his teeth pulled but not because they wanted an impression!

There was a partial of Hobbs found and turned over to the defense among other items, pictures of the items can be found on the Blackboard site.

I'm pretty sure that in the 48 Hours show they ask Terry Hobbs about his other wife's death. I had not heard of him having his teeth pulled before.
I will never forget when Hobb's got his teeth pulled knowing that LE wanted to take impressions of his teeth to compare to the bitemarks on the bodies.:eek:
Next his 2nd wife mysteriously died?!?! :eek:
Can you link to that as a fact? or is this your opinion?
The question was legally the defense can request the evidence not be destroyed, right? Especially if they want to prove innocence. That's one of the reasons they took this deal so they can work on their innocence in the comfort of their own home and not in a prison cell? Or did I misunderstand the reason the plea was requested to begin with? I thought that was the WM3 ultimate prove their innocence.

Good point.

I doubt that they will do anything though and that they will remain convicted multiple child murderers.
I'm pretty sure that in the 48 Hours show they ask Terry Hobbs about his other wife's death. I had not heard of him having his teeth pulled before.

You mean Byers? I am not aware of any of Hobbs former wives being deceased.

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