SURPRISE HEARING Friday 18th August

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
C2C radio show has a LAPD interrogator on tonight. I called in and asked him about the WM3 case and asked him what he thought more specifically about the Jessie Misskelley interrogation.

Before he answered the questions Ian Punnett asked me to clarify what I meant about the interrogation of Jessie Misskelley. I said that I was concerned about his interrogation because the majority of it wasn't taped and that I felt that the taped part was what the cops had instructed him to say. I feel that when cops are interviewing low IQ suspects that they lead them into saying what they want to hear.

He was of the opinion that the WM3 case was a great miscarriage of justice. (meaning the kids were railroaded) He said it was a case he was particularly interested in and thought that interrogators need to take special care when interrogating low IQ suspects.

I just thought the people here might find it interesting.
BTW, he was on to promote the new series "Take the Money and Run";

...Now that ABC has released the first promo for the new series and we have a better idea of what, exactly, contestants are doing, I'm just as pumped for the show's August debut. Basically, the real-person contestants have one hour to hide a briefcase with $100,000, and the investigators have 48 hours to find it. If they don't locate it, the contestants win. If they do, they win....

Evidently the real cops interrogate the contestants in an effort to learn where the money is. If the cops find the money they get to keep it. If they don't the contestant gets to keep it. I guess a few episodes have already run so I'll have to watch them on the net. I don't know when it's on.
Good point.

I doubt that they will do anything though and that they will remain convicted multiple child murderers.

Yah I wouldn't hold my breath. Hey maybe they'll write a book. You know....a "If I did it" book ......:innocent:
A few years after the murders, but not before her husband shot her brother in the gut (a wound which eventually led to his death), Pam finally divorced Terry.

Why isn't TH in prison for shooting his BIL in the gut and causing his death? :waitasec: Did he ever face charges on that?
yes,he was charged with assault ,I think also with assault of his wife .

He was also charged with assault and criminal trespassing in the early eighties when he broke into a neighbors house and sexually assaulted her.He did this because she complained about him beating up his former wife and his son.
He also supposedly sexually abuse this son.

Echols was on Death Row and so abuse by other inmates would be impossible.

From what I remember in PL 2, DE did say that sexual abuse by other prisoners had occured. IIRR he was bringing some charge regarding it back then, but I have not been able to find any documentation of it yet.

I have heard of sexual abuse happening on another DR before. I recall someone who was exonerated from DR in Texas (can't remember his name of the top of my head) but he was allegedly raped when the DR prisonsers were allowed to exercise in the yard together, that I believe was in the 80's/early 90's. I will try and look out who this ex-prisoner was.

I believe that now prisoners excercise on their own in Texas DR, so perhaps this could be what happened in DE's case. But I am just suggesting a possible scenarion here.
Yah I wouldn't hold my breath. Hey maybe they'll write a book. You know....a "If I did it" book ......:innocent:

I'm sure they have already been working on that book/movie. That could be the motive of those who have involved themselves with the defendants.

Hey, maybe they will become friends with Casey Anthony. They could all play hide n' seek. I also believe Karma is on the way for all of them.

It would not surprise me to see their names in the headlines in the future.
If karma is on the way for the WM3 they will probably win the Lottery jackpot, because they should have been able to sue the state for 18 stolen years.
Yah I wouldn't hold my breath. Hey maybe they'll write a book. You know....a "If I did it" book ......:innocent:

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that book either - the Son of Sam law prevents anyone who pleads guilty or nolo contendre to a crime from re-enacting that crime in books, films, etc.
Respectfully shortened:

DE stated that he expressed his anger by blowning a kiss to the victims' families.

Q. Mr. Price has asked you about your feelings about being arrested. You said you had good days and bad days. Was it a bad day the day after you were arrested when you blew a kiss to the victims' families? Was that a bad day when you did that?

A. That was one of the times I lost my temper.

Q. You lost your temper is why you blew a kiss to the victims' families?

A. Yes.

That explains to me who he was flicking off yesterday then.JMO...
I don't know anything about Hobbs' teeth, but Byers teeth were already gone before Brent Turvey came out with the theory about bite marks, so in his case it can't have been done to avoid LE.
In an earlier post it was said the parents didn't care who was convicted as long as someone was and that they were behind this "witch hunt" Do those of you that have followed this case think that the parents were railroading them at the beginning? or was LE/authorities driving this train and the parents hopped aboard? I came in way to late to make a determination like that.
LE was driving the train, and West Memphis was already in the early stages of a fit of Satanic Panic before these murders happened. When something horrible happened in their midst just as rumours of Satanic ritual murderers began to circulate, the rumour panic went wild. Against such a backdrop, the WM police stood little chance of getting accurate statements off the locals, instead they got teenagers coming forward to claim that Damien Echols was reading their mind during gym class, and the like.

They didn't have a clue how to solve this crime, the populace was on the verge of mass panic, so they resorted to the age old tactic of pull in the nearest weak link and lean on him till he confesses. It was only after the local press published Misskelley's confession that the parents hopped on board.
He sure does. Laughs about it too.
I watched Part 1 again Saturday. I will try to watch Part 2 Sunday. I have a big rally to attend later this morning but will try to find specific quotes and approx. tape time for you when I get back.

Much hinky stuff went on that many chose to ignore. Thankfully comments were caught on the P Lost tapes. Teeth pulled. A wife mysteriously dies. A knife similar to one thought used found in a murdered child's home.

There's lots more.

I highly recommend the 48 hour show linked above.
The link has a removed video. Just to clarify,how do we know that the teeth were pulled when he knew that LE wanted impressions of them-implication being he removed them to avoid detection? Does he laugh about removing them to avoid police or ?? IOW,were they pulled for another reason? I am just trying to sort out fact from opinion as it relates to the case all the way around.

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