Surprise witness supposedly may testify as early as tomorrow...

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I know I read several places that River C. stated that GA choked Casey and said, "I know you killed her". Here's two links- I know there are more:”/

But the most disturbing details came about Casey. Holloway said George confided in her that Caylee's death was an accident that went wrong, but George never told her what the accident was. He even relayed a story where he yelled at Casey, "I know you killed her! What did you do with her?" Then he allegedly choked Casey and Cindy had to pull him off.

If GA truly said/did this, it conflicts with the defense OS that "GA was part of the pool accident - found the baby and handed her to Casey while he screamed at her - Look what you've done".

If he truly was present during/after the "pool accident" then he would know how she died (an accident) so it would not be reasonable for him to then try to choke her after she got out of jail and scream - "I know you killed her.... what have you done with her?" (murder). JMOO

I really hope the choking incident comes out on cross. I really am tired of GA being on trial here. IF River only discusses the accident converstation this case is toast. We need the other part of the testimony that shows GA had no idea what happened to Caylee. I bet JB has her testify up until the early dismissal tomorrow leaving her statements in the jury's heads all night. I hope Im wrong. Also If she does not testify on the choking I hope State addresses it and doent do a one question cross about only the accident part being heresay or something.
Bold is mine.

Can I ask:
1) How does a person' face look while listening to opening statements that might indicate he was involved in the death of a young child?

2) What did you observe from "watching GA's face during opening statements" that made you come to the conclusion that "he was involved" in Caylee's death?

3) Do you know who "conspirators" in Cayless's death might be?

Thank you.

Those are all just my opinions... same as you have yours. There's no proof Caylee was murdered, just that she's dead. There's no proof Casey Murdered anyone, including Caylee. There's no proof that Chloroform was used or made... yet those non evidence based "facts" seem to be ok with you, and that's fine, that's your opinion... just not mine.
Those are all just my opinions... same as you have yours. There's no proof Caylee was murdered, just that she's dead. There's no proof Casey Murdered anyone, including Caylee. There's no proof that Chloroform was used or made... yet those non evidence based "facts" seem to be ok with you, and that's fine, that's your opinion... just not mine.

So what exactly how & what do you believe George is complicent in? ( Just read your siggy)
Those are all just my opinions... same as you have yours. There's no proof Caylee was murdered, just that she's dead. There's no proof Casey Murdered anyone, including Caylee. There's no proof that Chloroform was used or made... yet those non evidence based "facts" seem to be ok with you, and that's fine, that's your opinion... just not mine.

I wasn't questioning your opinions. You're entitled to your own opinions, as is everyone.
I don't believe I even stated my opinion, did I?

I seriously wanted to know: How your could observe a person face while listening to an attorney's opening statement, and come to the conclusion he (GA) was involved in the death of his granddaughter, Caylee.

I'm sorry I upset you by asking. I simply found your observation somewhat intriquing.

Have a nice evening.
Those are all just my opinions... same as you have yours. There's no proof Caylee was murdered, just that she's dead. There's no proof Casey Murdered anyone, including Caylee. There's no proof that Chloroform was used or made... yet those non evidence based "facts" seem to be ok with you, and that's fine, that's your opinion... just not mine.

Actions by Casey in these 31 days speak volumes. If Caylee drowned like DT stated in their opening why didnt she called 911? instead she went out partying.. Sorry her actions speaks itself.. Why did the defense waited 3 years to bring this up?
I think LDB's representations in court today re: the hard drive and the jail witness were a shot across the bow at JB: "If you pursue the "George Did It" defense, we're coming after you with both barrels." It will be interesting to see what happens.
I wasn't questioning your opinions. You're entitled to your own opinions, as is everyone.
I don't believe I even stated my opinion, did I?

I seriously wanted to know: How your could observe a person face while listening to an attorney's opening statement, and come to the conclusion he (GA) was involved in the death of his granddaughter, Caylee.

I'm sorry I upset you by asking. I simply found your observation somewhat intriquing.

Have a nice evening.

SAgal, you don't need to apologizes for asking some questions.I don't get why some people state an opinion, but can't share how they arrive at said opinion.
I know I read several places that River C. stated that GA choked Casey and said, "I know you killed her". Here's two links- I know there are more:”/

But the most disturbing details came about Casey. Holloway said George confided in her that Caylee's death was an accident that went wrong, but George never told her what the accident was. He even relayed a story where he yelled at Casey, "I know you killed her! What did you do with her?" Then he allegedly choked Casey and Cindy had to pull him off.

If GA truly said/did this, it conflicts with the defense OS that "GA was part of the pool accident - found the baby and handed her to Casey while he screamed at her - Look what you've done".

If he truly was present during/after the "pool accident" then he would know how she died (an accident) so it would not be reasonable for him to then try to choke her after she got out of jail and scream - "I know you killed her.... what have you done with her?" (murder). JMOO

Well, we could also have Tracey as a witness, who allegedly saw a confrontation between GA and his daughter right after she was out on bail. After her little celebratory dinner she went to bed without saying anything to anyone and supposedly the next morning GA stormed into her room and demanded to know what had happened to Caylee. She said something to the effect of "well if you acted more like a dad and less like a cop..." and it got physical and ended up with several people, including GA's visiting friend from up north having to pull him off her. After that, he and his friend left for several days and he didn't say much to her upon his return. Doesn't sound to me like someone who already knew what had happened.
If someone following a case has a doubt here or a doubt there when looking at the evidence, or listening to a witness, that is one thing. But if they dispute every single piece of evidence or testimony that is unfavorable to the defendant, no matter how straightforward it is, and see conspiracies and coverups from every single person whose evidence or testimony supports the SA, and enthusiastically embrace every theory or supposition that supports the DT (no matter that these might be far less rigorously tested or logical than those provided by the State's witnesses) that is another thing altogether and I become suspicious.

And it brings back terrible haunting memories of the word 'abraded' being bandied about during another trial.

IMO as the saying goes.
Actions by Casey in these 31 days speak volumes. If Caylee drowned like DT stated in their opening why didnt she called 911? instead she went out partying.. Sorry her actions speaks itself.. Why did the defense waited 3 years to bring this up?

Her actions are indeed telling but there is so much more. I'm really confused about what appears to be a growing trend to think you need a videotape of the murder before you can say you have proof. Maybe that is the result of the CSI type shows that wrap everything up in a neat bow by the end of the show. In courtrooms all over the country people are being tried on much less. A killer would really have to be panicked, unlucky or stupid to leave the amount of evidence many think you need to convict. If the standard was really that high it would be open season for any self-centered mother who no longer wants to be bothered with her child. Just hide the body well and act like nothing happened.
OK Stop the snarky comments. Use your alert button and/or your ignore function.
Can I ask why folks are assuming that the "surprise" witness will be RC/KH?

I thought she WAS on the Witness list?

Is that just another TH ploy to get folks to pay attention... RC is NOT on the Witness list but KH is???

Again... i'm confused.. i should put that in my signature
Actions by Casey in these 31 days speak volumes. If Caylee drowned like DT stated in their opening why didnt she called 911? instead she went out partying.. Sorry her actions speaks itself.. Why did the defense waited 3 years to bring this up?

exactly!Iit took them almost 3 years to come up with their story. The 1st year they were really touting the Zanny story. Letters to Cookie about Zanny which they knew would be released, JB and his Where is Caylee button ect. I actually think they read all the many "blogs" and took a bunch of theories and made one big pot of hodgepodge soup. Problem is they took on too many theories so they have no way to tie them all together smoothly. The are just using the "baffle them with bull*&^^" defense. It's gross and upsetting what they are doing to GA in this case. If there was ANY evidence of GA's involvement the State would surely have GA on trial. I'll never buy the drowing theory. Why would any person besides a spiteful B*&$& put themselves and their family under a microscope over a drowning. The Anthony's lives have been turned upsidedown and ICA is loving every minutes of it. She's had 3 years of isolation to keep adding to her evil defense and "punish" whomever she pleases.
I think LDB's representations in court today re: the hard drive and the jail witness were a shot across the bow at JB: "If you pursue the "George Did It" defense, we're coming after you with both barrels." It will be interesting to see what happens.

Except it was JB who initiated the discussion.

How could he not have thought to look for computer activity on July 16??? That's the day he claims the child drowned!!!! He'd want a minute by minute account of what everyone, especially Casey, did that day. Cell phones, bank records, computer, everything.

You do realize Cindy and George are not allowed to show ANY emotion at all, right? So whatever you "see" on GA's face is a distortion of normal reactions.

What do you think when you watch Casey laughing and chatty when the jury is out and pinching a few tears over the same subject matter when she has the jury as an audience? What did you think of her when you watched the jail house tapes?:waitasec:

:seeya: Ditto that. IMO GA and CA have shown more composure than I ever could.
This "Pillow Talk" witness is a page straight out of the OJ Defense Book.
Her actions are indeed telling but there is so much more. I'm really confused about what appears to be a growing trend to think you need a videotape of the murder before you can say you have proof. Maybe that is the result of the CSI type shows that wrap everything up in a neat bow by the end of the show. In courtrooms all over the country people are being tried on much less. A killer would really have to be panicked, unlucky or stupid to leave the amount of evidence many think you need to convict. If the standard was really that high it would be open season for any self-centered mother who no longer wants to be bothered with her child. Just hide the body well and act like nothing happened.


I totally agree. I mean this case has a young mom driving around with her dead child decomposing in her trunk, and not reporting the child missing, and partying and having a great old time for a month---yet people say ' Where is the PROOF she was the guilty party? ' Excuse me, who drives around with a dead baby in their trunk? If that is not indicative of guilt, what is?
This was no accident. People will generally choose to believe this rather then accept the horror of a mother killing her child. ICA wouldn't sit a day in a jail cell if it were an accident. She wouldn't ever protect anyone and accept the punishment.

The "Accident" ship has sailed...long ago.
Something else about RC that conflicts with how she presented herself in the begining during her statement to LE. She appeared to be a victum stating various reasons among those how she loaned GA money and got involved with GA because she felt sorry for him. RC made the initial contact and continued to visit the tent site. Now RC states she and GA were intimate and if this is true what type of a woman who is having an affair with another woman's husband would show up at the door with flowers for CA and when the remains were found shows up at the funeral. There appear to be a lot of older women on this jury that might now appreciate this fact and discount RC's story as simply "sour grapes".

I first thought RC sounded ver credible. Now it sets my hinky meter off the charts. Just sayin. jmo

I feel the same way about RC, at first she acted like she wanted no part of this circus but she was there all the way....after reading the Enquirer article and hearing about the interviews she's doin' right b4 her testimony makes me think it's just that....sour grapes and $$ seems to be what she's after. It's disgusting to think anyone would want to make money off of a dead child. I have no doubt that the Prosecution will expose RC/KH. Whats the deal w/the name change for her and her sister, I remember hearing her talk about it but it never made much sense to me.
I can see G.A. wanting to choke I.C.A, But , didn't she(ICA) come home on bail, with a female deputy or bonds woman who stayed there at the house with her?
IIRC ????
This could be another sounds good story, The deputy or bonds woman wouldn't let anyone get to close to harm ICA. RC/KH are out to write her own book! imo
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