Surprise witness supposedly may testify as early as tomorrow...

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Yikes, any chance Casey will be the surprise witness?

I'm sure it's been brought up, though.
If they bring RC in as a witness and she testifies that Cindy fought with KC and had her hands around her throat, wouldn't that reinforce motive for the state? Remember Shirley P said maybe Cindy love Caylee more than KC. Then we KC breaking up with Jessie for that same reason. The motive would be jealousy and rage. KC said herself, she is a spiteful bxxch. RC could do more harm to the DF than good. IMO

I don't think the fight RC talks about in her statement is the one Lee says happened on the 16th. Her statement describes a fight between GA and Casey while Casey was out on bail, and she says that George shoved Casey up against the wall and asked her something to the effect of "what did you do", and then says he wants her out of the house. I could be wrong, but that's the impression I got.
I ponder if the defense is using RC to rattle CA's trust in GA, to try to get her (CA) on board with throwing GA under the bus...

I think that may be the plan but it could backfire. RC likes to portray herself as an innocent victum but she did deliberately seek GA out herself, tried to endear herself to CA while supposedly having an affair with GA claimed to have had intimate pictures of GA which never materialized and then knowing she is on the witness list calls someone from the media the night before she is suppose to be called as a witness. Now she wants to change her testimony to prove she lied to LE.

All liars in this case please get to the end of that long line over there behind defense. All others may go right into court. It amazes me the amount of people who are willing to lie in this case. jmo
:maddening: Sounds as if Krystal Holloway will be the surprise witness. She is now saying she did have an affair with George, that she had lied about it because she figured she could tell LE everything else, but now she will tell all. And that George had told her it was an accident. :maddening: Sounds as if she may be one in court today or tommorow...:banghead:

George Anthony's Mistress Speaks Out About Caylee's Death"Snip" Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
VIDEO: Krystal Holloway Interview

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A woman who says she had an affair with George Anthony after growing close to him during the search for his missing granddaughter has been subpoenaed to testify in his daughter’s murder trial. Monday, June 20, 2011.Full Story:
I may be in the minority (and will eat crow if I'm wrong) but I believe the Anthony's are fully behind JB et al in all this, and have received all the DT's memos and scripts. JMO

I'm with you on this and we may be eating crow together. I spent some time trying to make sense of all the related players involved and it became very clear what the DT and the Ant's were up to.
This woman also, in her interview, talked about GA putting ICA up against the wall and asking/yelling what she did to Caylee, that he knew she killed her. She said that GA knew as he smelled the car, was a cop, knew ICA had done something. When he said it was an accident it was before she got out of jail-after she was home was when he accused her of killing ICA. It sounds like, if she was telling the truth, that GA "hoped" it was an accident and then when ICA got out and still was not forthcoming he then started to believe she had actually killed Caylee. Or at least this is a progression, based on her interview, that I can see the SA bring out. This would be a completely reasonable series of thoughts and emotions for a parent to go through.
I may be in the minority (and will eat crow if I'm wrong) but I believe the Anthony's are fully behind JB et al in all this, and have received all the DT's memos and scripts. JMO

I agree with you that the Anthony's were made fully aware of where the DT was going..One thing though that has been pestering me is that the State asked George if he molested Casey..but they didn't ask Lee. In my crazy little world I keep thinking that maybe Lee will blow the DT's cover and in the rebuttal faze the State will ask him if he ever molested Casey and something happens and Lee will say..well the DT had this planned, my family and I knew about it..yadda yaddaa..I know I'm just dreaming. :crossfingers:
I smell a rat here....
You know what else is odd about this alledged afair. This woman sort of looks like the ZFG that is sueing Casey. I used to wonder if George went to her house thinking maybe she knew something about Caylee. I thought I had read that they met during one of the Vigils or at one of the sites where they were handing out flyers and that is how she inserted herself into this case. I would not be one bit surprized if the DT didn't hire this lady and use her as a red hearing..just a theory..not accusing..just odd how she just popped into Georges life when his life was in shambles..for goodness sake, the man tried to kill himself, he is tore up about little Caylee. He has shown more emotion than any of the Anthony's regarding little Caylee. I as a grandmother that raised her grandchild know that you love them as your own child and I would go nuts if anything ever happen to my granddaughter or any of my children.

George Anthony's Mistress Krystal Holloway Speaks Out About Caylee's Death
"Snip" Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
VIDEO: Krystal Holloway Interview

That is what I used to think. I thought they just aimed the bus at George because she used things from the house. But 2 things have made me change my mind to now believing she framed him from day one.

1. There are key things she did in the beginning that now point back to him, that are a little too perfect to be accidental.

- her putting the duct tape on her dad's gas cans/returning the tape to house
-her telling both Amy and Tony things connecting George to the car and to the smell in the trunk
-George being last one to see Caylee
-abandoning the car with the stink in the trunk
-there are more I cannot think of now
[These are things that have always bothered me because I know she is smarter than that.]

2. It always bothered me that she did so many 'stupid' things during those 31 days. And the only 'explanation' that can help her is if she was covering for a loved one. Voila--Daddy. So how perfect is it that she used the things from home and dumped the body so close and left her in the trunk. Because people are now saying she would never do that, she must have been framed.

PERFECT way for her to bring down everyone in her dysfunctional family. 'Prove' that her dad disposed of her dead child in a very ugly way and tried to frame her. So she becomes the victim and is pitied and adored once again.

I really think that she decided to point this whole thing back to Dad from the very beginning. And tomorrow begins the full on attack. imoo

I've reached the same conclusion. Remember her meltdown in court after Cindy's tearful testimony, when Cindy left with George arm in arm after not even glancing Casey's way? Casey hates George b/c he was on to her and didn't believe her lies as Cindy always has, IMO. She wanted/wants him gone. JMO
If the Defense team's goal is to make George look untrustworthy, swarmy, sneaky...they are doing a heck of a job in my opinion. I would not be honest if I did not say that in light of recent events and info that has come out about GA - I am feeling he is less than honorable than I once thought. With all that said - I still don't think he had ANYTHING to do with the death of Caylee. I hope the jury feels the same way.
I've been thinking the same thing ever since Puzzler posted this:


Yes, and George looked so beaten down when JA was getting the upper hand with one of the DT 'experts'.
little_miss_smart said:
I've never heard that before, when did she say this " don't worry, I didnt tell them anything.' ?

I'm really worried for George, because all of the above along with RCs testimony(if she testifies) could put an element of doubt in the jurys mind.
i don't think there's any need whatsoever to worry about the jail house quotes or rc...

first, i think rc's claim that george said it was possibly an accident is entirely consistent with what the prosecution has presented, parents desperately wanting to believe that their daughter wasn't capable of killing her child, despite the infinite lies and everything else that pointed glaringly in her direction.

second, as far as the jail house quotes are concerned, i think it's more than obvious that cindy was referring to the lies, stealing, etc. when she said that they forgave casey for everything she has said and done. moreover i think it's more than obvious that cindy said this in effort to once again try to get her scheming daughter to divulge something, anything, that might hep locate caylee.

how anyone can listen to those jail house recordings and come away believing that they in any way implicate cindy, george or lee is beyond me...
I don't think the fight RC talks about in her statement is the one Lee says happened on the 16th. Her statement describes a fight between GA and Casey while Casey was out on bail, and she says that George shoved Casey up against the wall and asked her something to the effect of "what did you do", and then says he wants her out of the house. I could be wrong, but that's the impression I got.

I know I read several places that River C. stated that GA choked Casey and said, "I know you killed her". Here's two links- I know there are more:”/

But the most disturbing details came about Casey. Holloway said George confided in her that Caylee's death was an accident that went wrong, but George never told her what the accident was. He even relayed a story where he yelled at Casey, "I know you killed her! What did you do with her?" Then he allegedly choked Casey and Cindy had to pull him off.

If GA truly said/did this, it conflicts with the defense OS that "GA was part of the pool accident - found the baby and handed her to Casey while he screamed at her - Look what you've done".

If he truly was present during/after the "pool accident" then he would know how she died (an accident) so it would not be reasonable for him to then try to choke her after she got out of jail and scream - "I know you killed her.... what have you done with her?" (murder). JMOO
If they bring RC in as a witness and she testifies that Cindy fought with KC and had her hands around her throat, wouldn't that reinforce motive for the state? Remember Shirley P said maybe Cindy love Caylee more than KC. Then we KC breaking up with Jessie for that same reason. The motive would be jealousy and rage. KC said herself, she is a spiteful bxxch. RC could do more harm to the DF than good. IMO

I do hope this is brought before the jury as a MOTIVE!
I'm betting the next surprise witness will be JB himself. he will spend all day interogating himself, growing more and more hostile, until he is finally defeated and begins giving testimony favorable to the prosecution, in spite of his continuing and ongoing objections and sidebars. During this testimony it will come out that he is not in fact a chemist. :innocent:
I knew from watching GA's face in the opening statements that he was involved. Maybe this will bring down the house of cards down quickly, and honest Justice For Caylee will be served on all the conspirators! JMO

Bold is mine.

Can I ask:
1) How does a person' face look while listening to opening statements that might indicate he was involved in the death of a young child?

2) What did you observe from "watching GA's face during opening statements" that made you come to the conclusion that "he was involved" in Caylee's death?

3) Do you know who "conspirators" in Cayless's death might be?

Thank you.
So RC/KH has changed her story now, and not only were her and GA in an intimate relationship, unlike she told detectives, she also stated in a interview that GA admitted to her (in Nov. 2008) that Caylee's death was and accident that "spiraled out of control". Imagine that... before she was found... how sickening!

I knew from watching GA's face in the opening statements that he was involved. Maybe this will bring down the house of cards down quickly, and honest Justice For Caylee will be served on all the conspirators! JMO


You do realize Cindy and George are not allowed to show ANY emotion at all, right? So whatever you "see" on GA's face is a distortion of normal reactions.

What do you think when you watch Casey laughing and chatty when the jury is out and pinching a few tears over the same subject matter when she has the jury as an audience? What did you think of her when you watched the jail house tapes?:waitasec:
I know. :waitasec:

Actually, all most of us wanted was for women to have an equal oppoortunity for jobs for which they were qualified, and for women to receive equal pay for equal work. We didn't quite foresee that when women were finally able to have challenging careers outside the home, they would still be expected to carry all, or most of, the burden of cooking, cleaning, shopping, children, etc., etc., ad infinitum.

As a commercial in the 80''s used to tell us in a congratulatory way, "You've come a long way, baby!"



TY! I complain about thos bra burning, "I WANT A JOB TOO! Witches all the time!

Now we are EXPECTED to have jobs ONTO of being mothers, house keepers, and WIVES! /sigh back to your regularly scheduled programming folks!
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