Surprise witness supposedly may testify as early as tomorrow...

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exactly!Iit took them almost 3 years to come up with their story. The 1st year they were really touting the Zanny story. Letters to Cookie about Zanny which they knew would be released, JB and his Where is Caylee button ect. I actually think they read all the many "blogs" and took a bunch of theories and made one big pot of hodgepodge soup. Problem is they took on too many theories so they have no way to tie them all together smoothly. The are just using the "baffle them with bull*&^^" defense. It's gross and upsetting what they are doing to GA in this case. If there was ANY evidence of GA's involvement the State would surely have GA on trial. I'll never buy the drowing theory. Why would any person besides a spiteful B*&$& put themselves and their family under a microscope over a drowning. The Anthony's lives have been turned upsidedown and ICA is loving every minutes of it. She's had 3 years of isolation to keep adding to her evil defense and "punish" whomever she pleases.

I bolded the part I really believe is their most used defense they are going with right now. For all of them reading this ain't working for me.

I also think that they throw these "bombshell" witnesses out there to test on the public. The media runs with these "so called surprise witnesses," the media does ALL of the investigative work JB doesn't do, the media throws it at us and JB's team tries to figure out if it's gonna stick with the jury when thrown up against the wall.

I'm convinced they have nothing or BOMBSHELL we would have already seen it in court.
George Anthony's Alleged Mistress Speaks Out
Holloway Says Anthony Told Her Toddler's Death Was Accidental

POSTED: Monday, June 20, 2011
UPDATED: 6:40 pm EDT June 21, 2011

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A woman who said she had an affair with George Anthony after growing close to him during the search for his missing granddaughter has been subpoenaed to testify in his daughter’s murder trial.

Krystal Holloway received a subpoena to testify for the defense at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. That does not mean she will be called on Tuesday.

In an interview with Local 6 reporter Tony Pipitone, Holloway said she is upset the defense used her as a "scapegoat” in its opening statements.

video above article...short video KH talks to Tony Pipitone...
She said that GA knew as he smelled the car, was a cop, knew ICA had done something.

That's on page 58 of her statement.
Goes against the accident theory IMHO.
She stated he thought someone else did something,not Casey.
If he knew then it was Casey at fault,he wouldn't have mentioned the smell.
The girls whole statement seems like a lot of B.S.

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