Susan Atkins wants out of jail to die...

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I had forgotten how horrific it was, and this thread has me googling. It really is the most evil of all evil.. that mass murder slaughter that she was such an eager participant in. And her statements made afterwards, her memory of the incident, were not made under the influence of drugs. Her actions throughout the court proceedings showed no remorse.

I predict that there is no way that she will be released to die. She will die in prison. And rightfully so.

From what I have read, it does sound like her cancer is sufficiently progressed that she probably will not survive the process to determine if she is elligible for release.

I wonder what percentage of prisoners who have moved for compassionate release die while awaiting the process. That may be one of the reason only 20% receive it.
From what I have read, it does sound like her cancer is sufficiently progressed that she probably will not survive the process to determine if she is elligible for release.

I wonder what percentage of prisoners who have moved for compassionate release die while awaiting the process. That may be one of the reason only 20% receive it.
Could be.. From what I read, Atkins still has to pass the parole board on this, and it is very unlikely that they will grant her wish, even if she did have enough time.

While it would cost the taxpayers less money if she were sent home to die, it would also cost them less money if she wouldve accepted the gift of her life-in-prison, sentence reduction without feeling entitled to more. Give an inch, and they want a mile.
Could be.. From what I read, Atkins still has to pass the parole board on this, and it is very unlikely that they will grant her wish, even if she did have enough time.

While it would cost the taxpayers less money if she were sent home to die, it would also cost them less money if she wouldve accepted the gift of her life-in-prison, sentence reduction without feeling entitled to more. Give an inch, and they want a mile.

Yep - being in jail doesn't stop people from acting like people.

I think Atkins has several more layers to pass even before the parole board.
Yep - being in jail doesn't stop people from acting like people.

I think Atkins has several more layers to pass even before the parole board.
And can you imagine if she was released? They would have to put guards around her house 24/7. If she didn't die a "natural" death, she would be about as safe in the general population (one leg and all), as a child rapist is in prison.
I would assume that the number of compassionate releases which have been granted include ALL incarcerated persons, such as those serving shorter sentences for lesser crimes. I'd be interested to know how many were "the worst of the worst".

If the rationale for releasing is saving money, then the word "compassionate" is a misnomer...unless it refers to feelings about the state budget. <g>

~customary jmo~
Dear SJ and SCM,

You have hearts of gold. I can certainly feel where you are coming from.

I think each case should be looked at individually. In this case, with her crimes, sorry. My compassion is gone.

She had a website once that was so weird. She kept changing her part of the murder. Making seem like she really wasn't a bad person, just someone who kinda killed a few people...Jeesh.

What an eloquently worded post! This thread has been an amazing blend of people with differing ideas who still post with respect and dignity in spite of the ENORMOUS emotion this topic carries with it.

I think this thread could be a prototype for how to post opposing views. My hats off to everybody! Awesome posts all the way around.
And can you imagine if she was released? They would have to put guards around her house 24/7. If she didn't die a "natural" death, she would be about as safe in the general population (one leg and all), as a child rapist is in prison.
I've wondered about the leg amputation..............most leg amputations if not caused by an accident are due to Osteo Sarcoma, or Diabetes. Does anyone know why hers was amputated? It doesn't fit in with having a Brain tumor :confused:

I found this site, and the contact listed must be either her dad or brother and live in SJC.
I would assume that the number of compassionate releases which have been granted include ALL incarcerated persons, such as those serving shorter sentences for lesser crimes. I'd be interested to know how many were "the worst of the worst".

If the rationale for releasing is saving money, then the word "compassionate" is a misnomer...unless it refers to feelings about the state budget.

I agree with this. I think using the word "compassionate" for this procedure is unfortunate because it puts the victims' families on the defensive, and they have to prove that they're not uncompassionate people when speaking to the parole board, the press, other people, etc.

It's easy for someone in the general public to say "yes" to compassionate release, and then they automatically get the moral high ground. But this is a complex subject. Many compassionate people don't equate compassion with prison release for serial murderers. I think California should re-name this procedure, leaving out the word compassionate.
It's easy for someone in the general public to say "yes" to compassionate release, and then automatically get the moral high ground. But this is a complex subject. Many compassionate people don't equate compassion with prison release for serial murderers. I think California should re-name this legal procedure.

Thank you...I do too. In an earlier post on this thread, I suggested "terminal disease" release or the like, because discussing "compassion" did not fit for me when considering a case such as this one in particular.
What an eloquently worded post! This thread has been an amazing blend of people with differing ideas who still post with respect and dignity in spite of the ENORMOUS emotion this topic carries with it.

I think this thread could be a prototype for how to post opposing views. My hats off to everybody! Awesome posts all the way around.

You might want to look at my last post prior to this one. I retracted my statement that she should be released pre-corpse, and I apologized to the posters for my prior position on this.

Doris Tate has worked very hard to keep abreast of Atkins and the others. She has kept Sharon's memory alive. I personally don't think Roman Polanski has been exactly " right" since then... I think the murders of his wife and son destroyed a part of him, and I understand that as best as I can, not having lost a child to murder but to cancer. If someone had killed her, I would want them to fry. Putting myself in the families' places has changed my outlook on what should be done with Atkins, regardless of her terminal illness.
A person given a death penalty sentence partly based upon their own gruesome confessions, even though the sentence was commuted to life for political reasons, doesn't deserve to ever see an hour of freedom.

I feel for the victims families, all of them, the LaBianca family, the Folger family, the Sebring relatives the Parent family, all of them. Every single one of the people who were stabbed, hung, shot, beaten, was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The surviving family members deserve the respect of every Manson cult member serving their sentence until the day they are carried out in a body bag.

Again, I know everyone can't read all posts, but I did write a heartfelt apology and a retraction. I appreciate having a place where our opinions can be stated, and where intelligent discussion can change some of those opinions.

Thank you very much. :blowkiss:
Your 'retraction/reversal' post was First Class, and now this one as a follow-up is equally outstanding.

Doris Tate did indeed work very hard...I always felt she died of a broken heart. And I agree with you about Roman Polanski.

I am heartsick to read that you lost a child of your own to cancer, and I send you my deepest sympathies.

In my view, you are a rare exception among posters at this forum and at any other as well.

I won't debate what happens to SA here, she's not worth my effort, or finger strokes.

The fact that's she's probably receiving better care than the average Cancer patient without Health Insurace receives just 'gags' me!

I'd ship her to an isolated area with NO medical attention to 'ease' her pain myself. Or, better yet, put her in the cell with her honey Charlie and let him take care of her.

I'm with you Tom'sGirl....
Her getting health care just totally pi$$es me off.....

She thought Charlie was the be all / end all. Let him take care of her.
Your 'retraction/reversal' post was First Class, and now this one as a follow-up is equally outstanding.

Doris Tate did indeed work very hard...I always felt she died of a broken heart. And I agree with you about Roman Polanski.

I am heartsick to read that you lost a child of your own to cancer, and I send you my deepest sympathies.

In my view, you are a rare exception among posters at this forum and at any other as well.


I agree. Maria, that was first class!!!!!! My hat's off to you!!!!
I looked for a pic of Steven, and if you can stand to look at the photos, go here. Warning.. they are the brutal crime scene photos. Before, and after.

These poor people were butchered. You cannot possibly look at this and think that Atkins deserves a compassionate release. The shame in the aftermath of all of this is that she is still alive.
Did you see the smiles of the girls in the hall with the police behind them? Did you see Susan's smile on her booking picture? Let her rot. :sick:
Geesh! Every time I click on this thread I am hoping to read that she died!

I guess God is in no hurry for her;) he must think she needs to suffer longer.

Who am I to argue?
Geesh! Every time I click on this thread I am hoping to read that she died!

I guess God is in no hurry for her;) he must think she needs to suffer longer.

Who am I to argue?
Your post just made me laugh out loud!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
I also think Roman was not right after the murders either, God only knows what that does to a person. Not to mention his own Mom was murdered in a concentration camp and he was seperated from his dad and siblings, he had a horrific childhood then gets married and wife and baby are killed. Very sad.

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