Susan Atkins wants out of jail to die...

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I understand your view from the compassion standpoint. From a resource standpoint though, it saves us money. If a terminally ill prisoner is released to family, the family must agree to foot all the bill for care.

I personally think that the family should get the bill regardless. Did the state pay to bury her victims? NOPE the victims families did.

I am sorry but I don't even feel that she should be in the hospital getting any medical care at all..she is a waste of oxygen let her die.

I seriously hope she does die, before her hearing in July.
I personally think that the family should get the bill regardless. Did the state pay to bury her victims? NOPE the victims families did.

In most states, there is a "Crime Victims Compensation Fund" that is comprised of a portion of the "court costs and fines" that the defendant is ordered to pay.
I personally think that the family should get the bill regardless. Did the state pay to bury her victims? NOPE the victims families did.

I am sorry but I don't even feel that she should be in the hospital getting any medical care at all..she is a waste of oxygen let her die.

I seriously hope she does die, before her hearing in July.

I hear you. For me, I look at keeping prisoners locked up as a cost of doing business in a free society. And, while I truly understand that others feel as you do, I am glad we do our best to treat them humanely (food, shelter, healthcare) - I want us to act differently than they did.
I have heard of something like this, but was uncertain how it worked.

Its different for each state. In my sister's case, they paid for her cremation, but some people on the panel actually had a problem with it. I wish they had the guts to voice their concerns to my face.
Panel of what? Problem paying for her cremation? Why?

I guess there is a panel of people who sit and decide what should be paid for and what shouldn't. Since my sister's murderer was never caught, some people thought the fund shouldn't have covered her cremation.

Sorry, didn't mean to bring this discussion to focus on my sister's case, but since I have direct knowledge of what happened in her case, its all I can speak to. I'm not sure how the Manson victims were handled or if there was even a fund set up back then.
I guess there is a panel of people who sit and decide what should be paid for and what shouldn't. Since my sister's murderer was never caught, some people thought the fund shouldn't have covered her cremation.

Sorry, didn't mean to bring this discussion to focus on my sister's case, but since I have direct knowledge of what happened in her case, its all I can speak to. I'm not sure how the Manson victims were handled or if there was even a fund set up back then.

Please don't apologize and thank you for sharing your experience. It seems to me that whether or not a killer is apprehended, the families who have lost people to murder should be helped if there is a fund for that.

It sounds like at least most people on that panel were in favor and I'm glad to hear that.
Please don't apologize and thank you for sharing your experience. It seems to me that whether or not a killer is apprehended, the families who have lost people to murder should be helped if there is a fund for that.

It sounds like at least most people on that panel were in favor and I'm glad to hear that.

Thanks sugar!!!!!!:blowkiss:
You're sweet. They kept a part of her in the evidence locker and won't release her.

Jeana, I've never seen you talk so much about your sister on the boards. The statement you made above just makes my heart break for you and your family. I'm so sorry.

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