Susan Powell: Odd discovery in West Utah Desert

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curious what kind of car, and if it was big enough to carry cement, or if there were traces?

It is believed the car Josh gets out of is the rental car as this interview took place during the time he reportedly rented it. Law enforcement didn't learn about the car rental until several days later and did not impound it until it had been rented several times. I've transported concrete in my car and could only carry 5 100 pound bags in the trunk, 4 100 pound bags in the back seat and three 100 pound bags in the front seat. (I could have fit more in the trunk but adding more would have made the wheel wells touch the tires!)

It is believed the car Josh gets out of is the rental car as this interview took place during the time he reportedly rented it. Law enforcement didn't learn about the car rental until several days later and did not impound it until it had been rented several times. I've transported concrete in my car and could only carry 5 100 pound bags in the trunk, 4 100 pound bags in the back seat and three 100 pound bags in the front seat. (I could have fit more in the trunk but adding more would have made the wheel wells touch the tires!)

So they did eventually impound it. This sounds like a major screw up. I sure hope they are going to get this guy. With forensics back and nothing happening, I am starting to wonder.
So they did eventually impound it. This sounds like a major screw up. I sure hope they are going to get this guy. With forensics back and nothing happening, I am starting to wonder.
Me too. I hoped the meetings Chuck Cox had this past week might at least lead to something. I'm wondering about a grand jury, too. So many mines and caves and creepy toxic places to check. Maybe they're still going to be working on that for quite some time. I bet POI knows more about what they're doing now than we do. And that wouldn't seem right.
RubyRed, I'm getting the impression LE is slow on about everything related to this case.
Hope I'm wrong. I'd hate to think this guy might be one step ahead of LE.

I can't understand WHY LE did not have a detective following Josh after his flimsy camping excuse or atleast a tracking device on his vehicle.

Another thought I've had on J's red hands is,
what if he cut a hole in the ice on a frozen lake, pulling the ice-chunks out with his hands, in order to make a hole large enough through the ice, to drop the body in the lake?
Handling snow and ice would definately cause his hands to stay very red.
Also for others, I mentioned I use the free or low cost Paint Shop Pro. Used to be a free download. Works very well.


Or use Irfanview from
Its free for personal use.

As always, if something is posted on the 'net there may be a larger picture around, also on the 'net; try to find the largest source picture, first.
Update: Detectives plan to flip cement

March 21, 2010 - Thursday reported that a cement strip the size and shape of a human body was found in the West Desert in Utah by a person searching for clues into the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell.

There is a possibility the cement strip is nothing more than a dump truck driver cleaning out his load, yet there's a possibility it could be someone's loved one underneath the cement.

Regardless what it is, people believe it's worthy of an investigation. The Tooele County Sheriff's Office agreed to investigate.

After going out to find the cement strip on Friday, Deputy N. Collins went again on Saturday to meet Linda Osborne, who initially located the cement strip, to confirm they were talking about the same thing.

Once the deputy confirmed the cement strip and heard Osborne's concerns, he requested she stay away from the strip. Osborne said, "The deputy requested I not get any closer in order to protect possible evidence. We were about 25' away from the cement strip."

Tooele Sheriff's Department Sgt. Gowans told Sunday morning that he is urging citizens to stay away from the area where the cement strip has been located until investigators have a chance to go and flip the cement, which he hopes will happen Monday. He has asked to contact the sheriff Monday afternoon for an update.

Osborne mentioned to Deputy Collins Saturday that the cement strip looked like it could possibly be a body because of the shape.

Deputy Collins said to her, "It very well could be."

Osborne asked the deputy if West Valley City Police had asked them to come to check this out and he said, "No, we're doing this on our own." During a phone conversation with Sunday morning, Sgt. W. Gowans confirmed the Tooele Sheriff's Department is doing this investigation on their own.

Saturday Dep. Collins told Osborne he would be referring this to their detective unit. "They will be going out to flip the cement to determine if anything is underneath," Dep. Collins said. Sgt. Gowans confirmed both of these facts to Sunday morning.

People are pleased that Tooele County Sheriff's office has acted so quickly and are taking this seriously.

During a phone conversation with Sheriff Frank Park Friday, he told, "We've got a deputy on his way out there right now to see if he can locate it." spoke with Sheriff Frank Park Saturday who was quite certain this is cement someone dumped at the end of their load. He said, "There's a chance it's a cement run, which is when a truck dumps the end of their load, but we'll send a deputy out there again to confirm it."

A concerned citizen who wishes to remain anonymous said on Sunday morning he and his family drove out to the area where the abandoned gas station is, close to where the cement strip is located, and that he was shocked to see no police in the area and no police tape blocking people from entering an area where he believes the concrete strip should be.

"Cars and trucks keep streaming in out here. It's a nice day and some people are out here shooting and fishing, but others are just looking around," he said.

"There were about five other people in the immediate area of where the cement strip is located," he said.
So they did eventually impound it. This sounds like a major screw up. I sure hope they are going to get this guy. With forensics back and nothing happening, I am starting to wonder.

What we need to realize is this:

Even though the West Valley City Police and the Salt Lake County District Attorney may have enough circumstantial evidence, it is always risky to prosecute when there is NO body because there is absolutely NO proof Susan Cox Powell is dead!

Once Josh is tried for the murder of Susan Powell, he cannot be tried again if he is found to be innocent.

Therefore, it is extremely important that the prosecutor wait until Susan's body is found before proceeding to take the matter before a grand jury in order to obtain an indictment against Josh Powell for murder.

If we think about it, there are very few cases where people have been tried for murder when there is no body and when this has been done, several years at least have passed since the person disappeared and the circumstantial evidence which has pointed to a particular person as the responsible party was accumulated and analyzed.

We can expect at least two years to pass before Josh is indicted for murder if Susan's body is not found.
New to WS because of a recent hometown murder,,, this is addicting , many sad, and one happy ending. Just got on to check this thread out... can someone catch me up on the opinions of their family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers on the status of the marriage/relationship.
Also the age of the boys? TIA Finally, they are going to check the slab it sounds like, well good since no one wants the sniff end of the stick..That was funny stuff..
Is the snow all melted everywhere in Utah? If so, I would think someone would find Susan's body. There is no way he could have dug a grave so he must have just covered her real well with snow or hidden her somehow.

I wish someone would go remove that cement and dig and see what it is covering...if anything. Talk about lazy cops!!!
Sorry I haven't read the entire thread, but the picture sure looks like a body covered in cement. He wouldn't even have to dig a shallow grave -- just pour cement over here in an isolated area. I sure wish someone would go out there and start chipping away if LE isn't going to do it!

New to WS because of a recent hometown murder,,, this is addicting , many sad, and one happy ending. Just got on to check this thread out... can someone catch me up on the opinions of their family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers on the status of the marriage/relationship.
Also the age of the boys? TIA Finally, they are going to check the slab it sounds like, well good since no one wants the sniff end of the stick..That was funny stuff..

Welcome to Websleuths! In the beginning, people who knew Josh were in denial big time and were supportive of him, at least they pretended to be when they were interviewed by the media, something which infuriated thousands of people who could see what they apparently could not or refused to believe.

Tim Peterson, a friend of the Powells and a fellow ward member, an LDS term for a group of LDS members who live within a particular area and of which there are many, was the first to speak out, much to the utter dismay of the Cox family and friends of Susan Powell. Tim Peterson revealed a lot of what the family and friends were trying to hide from the public which was that Susan's marriage was in trouble, that Josh was a control freak who treated Susan so poorly that Tim Peterson suggested Susan divorce Josh. Tim Peterson reported that Susan, who had confided in him many times about her marriage problems, refused to discuss her marital issues with him any further after he suggested she divorce Josh.

The next people to speak out against Josh were Tim and Rachel Marini, friends of Susan Powell who are administrators for the Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook group. This was also very upsetting to the Cox family and friends as they were trying to keep everything about Susan's marriage to Josh a big secret and lead everyone to believe there were no problems. Why they did that is beyond me because it did more damage than good to the case.

It wasn't long before the Cox Family held a press conference and expressed their concern that Josh wasn't cooperating with law enforcement. The Cox family and friends of Susan Powell continued in their line of behavior by not sharing with the public that Josh was indeed an abusive, controlling husband who forced Susan to ride a bicycle to work 14 miles round trip while he had full use of the family van, made her grow her own fruits and vegetables "if she wanted her family to eat healthy foods", wouldn't let her use the van when she wanted and kept the only set of keys in his control, changed the password on their checking account so she couldn't use the debit card, etc.

Finally, the Cox family got sick of waiting for Josh to speak to the police and held a second press conference during which they revealed some of the abusive acts Josh was doing to Susan, some of which I mentioned in the previous paragraph.

The boys are 3 and 5 but were 2 and 4 on December 6, 2009.

Now there is not one supporter of Josh amidst the friends and family of Susan Powell or the Cox family that I know of. The only Josh Powell fan appears to be Wayne Hamberg who has loudly proclaimed that he does not believe Josh Powell is responsible for Susan's disappearance.

If you go to YouTube, type Susan Powell into a search then click on "More options" to sort the videos by upload date. You should also search for Josh Powell because there are a few videos, in fact some of the most important ones, which don't come up in a Susan Powell search. You'd want to watch the videos that were uploaded first if you want to follow the case from the very beginning.
Sorry I haven't read the entire thread, but the picture sure looks like a body covered in cement. He wouldn't even have to dig a shallow grave -- just pour cement over here in an isolated area. I sure wish someone would go out there and start chipping away if LE isn't going to do it!


I just can't see him burying/covering her there where there is so much activity, unless he didn't realize how close he was to an area which was reported in a recent article as being "busy" with people all around.
I just can't see him burying/covering her there where there is so much activity, unless he didn't realize how close he was to an area which was reported in a recent article as being "busy" with people all around.

True -- but if it was under the cover of darkness, he may have been disoriented -- or thought if it was so obvious, no one would bother. Who knows what this guy is thinking, but he sure is acting guilty (IMHO). In a way, I do hope it's Susan so the family can have some closure.


Oh my, that mound sure looks spooky. Check it out now. Let's get on it LE! Don't leave any stone unturned. It really seems too long this waiting. I pray they find Susan soon.

IMO, it looks like a huge amount of cement for Josh to have pulled it off. However, it does look hastily mixed and poured, and such a haunting shape, out there in the middle of nowhere. Weird find.
Detectives will be moving this cement today, turning it upside down to see if anything is inside or under it. I think Isabelle ( is going to be calling the Tooele County Sheriff's Dept this afternoon for a disposition and will have an update out.

To clear up some confusion, since I was the one who found this, the cement cannot be seen from the road. It is back far enough to not be noticed plus it is hidden behind a levy. The site has a lot of debris from being a torn down abandoned truck stop/gas station, restaurant, home and barn in the 60's, so this cement doesn't even look out of place amongst the debris. However if you really look at it you can see what could be the outline of a head, shoulders, arms and elbows protruding symmetrically on both sides, as if the wrists are tied together. If this outline is correct, the hips, on second check, appear a little too narrow to be Susan and I would guestimate they are less than a circumference of 32", however the body could be laying on it's side.
It sounds to me like this is more than likely a cement run, or someone dumping the end of their load of cement from a truck using a spout, but because of the shape I strongly feel it should be checked out.

I initially reported this to WVPD who apparently completely ignored it, so a week later I reported it to the Tooele Co. Sheriff's Dept since it is in their jurisdiction. Whoever checks their email apparently did not feel from looking at the photos that it should be checked and never had a deputy dispatched. After a month of waiting a month I returned to the scene to see if it had been moved or checked. It did not appear to have been checked. While working with Isabelle on another story we discussed items I'd found and she decided to run this story. If she hadn't I don't think there would have been any response by law enforcement at all, so I'm very glad Isabelle has been so proactive, with many calls to law enforcement and giving them the opportunity to respond to things we are criticizing. As reported Cpt McLachlan's response to not checking this out was "we can't check everything, it would be like a dog and pony show" and "that would be counter-productive". Tooele County Sheriff's Dept, however, has been extremely conscientious about this (with the exception of whoever ignored my email). Sending a deputy out alone, having me meet him the next day to confirm location, photographing scene, keeping us away from it, and referring to the detective unit who will be responding today. They have been very professional and unlike my previous contact with WVPD, not at all condescending.
Welcome to Websleuths! In the beginning, people who knew Josh were in denial big time and were supportive of him, at least they pretended to be when they were interviewed by the media, something which infuriated thousands of people who could see what they apparently could not or refused to believe.

Tim Peterson, a friend of the Powells and a fellow ward member, an LDS term for a group of LDS members who live within a particular area and of which there are many, was the first to speak out, much to the utter dismay of the Cox family and friends of Susan Powell. Tim Peterson revealed a lot of what the family and friends were trying to hide from the public which was that Susan's marriage was in trouble, that Josh was a control freak who treated Susan so poorly that Tim Peterson suggested Susan divorce Josh. Tim Peterson reported that Susan, who had confided in him many times about her marriage problems, refused to discuss her marital issues with him any further after he suggested she divorce Josh.

The next people to speak out against Josh were Tim and Rachel Marini, friends of Susan Powell who are administrators for the Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook group. This was also very upsetting to the Cox family and friends as they were trying to keep everything about Susan's marriage to Josh a big secret and lead everyone to believe there were no problems. Why they did that is beyond me because it did more damage than good to the case.

It wasn't long before the Cox Family held a press conference and expressed their concern that Josh wasn't cooperating with law enforcement. The Cox family and friends of Susan Powell continued in their line of behavior by not sharing with the public that Josh was indeed an abusive, controlling husband who forced Susan to ride a bicycle to work 14 miles round trip while he had full use of the family van, made her grow her own fruits and vegetables "if she wanted her family to eat healthy foods", wouldn't let her use the van when she wanted and kept the only set of keys in his control, changed the password on their checking account so she couldn't use the debit card, etc.

Finally, the Cox family got sick of waiting for Josh to speak to the police and held a second press conference during which they revealed some of the abusive acts Josh was doing to Susan, some of which I mentioned in the previous paragraph.

The boys are 3 and 5 but were 2 and 4 on December 6, 2009.

Now there is not one supporter of Josh amidst the friends and family of Susan Powell or the Cox family that I know of. The only Josh Powell fan appears to be Wayne Hamberg who has loudly proclaimed that he does not believe Josh Powell is responsible for Susan's disappearance.

If you go to YouTube, type Susan Powell into a search then click on "More options" to sort the videos by upload date. You should also search for Josh Powell because there are a few videos, in fact some of the most important ones, which don't come up in a Susan Powell search. You'd want to watch the videos that were uploaded first if you want to follow the case from the very beginning.

A decent summary. I'll just add this: "Josh is guilty as sin, and either really mentally ill, or really bad at lying. He is, in fact, really bad at talking. Josh's Dad is a world-renowned singer and songwriter. You might not have heard of him, because he unilaterally and secretively decided to use a pseudonym. Um, what am I missing? Josh makes a really wicked website - he has mad skills. And, let's see, the Powells are such a close family that they've all decided to live as adults in their parents' house. The exception is that Graves woman. She's a Mormon rebel."

I think that's about covers it.
A decent summary. I'll just add this: "Josh is guilty as sin, and either really mentally ill, or really bad at lying. He is, in fact, really bad at talking. Josh's Dad is a world-renowned singer and songwriter. You might not have heard of him, because he unilaterally and secretively decided to use a pseudonym. Um, what am I missing? Josh makes a really wicked website - he has mad skills. And, let's see, the Powells are such a close family that they've all decided to live as adults in their parents' house. The exception is that Graves woman. She's a Mormon rebel."

I think that's about covers it.

Lol at Josh Powell's father is a "world renowned singer". If he is, it's because he's the worst singer on the Internet with a "fancy web site"! Check him out: Make sure to click on the little media player!

The Graves woman is Jennifer Graves and she is Josh Powell's sister. Good for her for speaking up.

Here is a link to Josh Powell's web site. (Yes, we know he owns the domain, even though main stream media has failed to discover this fact. 1.) He told Kirsii Hellewell, Susan's friend, he owned it; 2.) A Websleuth's member used a reverse IP search tool and brought up the name of the owner:

While working with Isabelle on another story we discussed items I'd found and she decided to run this story. If she hadn't I don't think there would have been any response by law enforcement at all, so I'm very glad Isabelle has been so proactive, with many calls to law enforcement and giving them the opportunity to respond to things we are criticizing. As reported Cpt McLachlan's response to not checking this out was "we can't check everything, it would be like a dog and pony show" and "that would be counter-productive". Tooele County Sheriff's Dept, however, has been extremely conscientious about this (with the exception of whoever ignored my email). Sending a deputy out alone, having me meet him the next day to confirm location, photographing scene, keeping us away from it, and referring to the detective unit who will be responding today. They have been very professional and unlike my previous contact with WVPD, not at all condescending.


WVCPD must not mind being considered arrogant, donut gobbling elitists rather than responsive, intelligent lawmen/women. I hope they like poultry because they might be soon eating a big plate of crow. IMO, they've already racked up a bunch of inexcusable blunders which should mandate humble pie in their daily diet. :mad:

Hats off to both you and Isabelle at! It looks like it will take the actions and constant outcry from concerned citizens like you and Isabelle before Joshua will be incarcerated and Charlie and Braden will be removed from their hellhole and placed in a stable, loving home.

Thank you from all of us! _ And thanks too, to Tooele County Sheriff's Dept. _ :clap:
Ooh! Ooh! And one more thing. Many people think of Josh when they get up a midnight snack. It's his face that is holding up tens of thousands of kids' school projects in the greater Salt Lake City area. Helping fund the Josh Powell for fridge magnet (not to be confused with chick magnet) campaign are the attorneys at Rulon T Burton and Associates in Murray, UT.

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