Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #2

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AA, do you think the discussions you presume have occurred included both accuseds' lawyers, the prosecutor and possibly the Judge? (MS' next court date is also Sept 12.) So one set of discussions or two?

I guess how it goes down until the 12th is anybody's guess. We have nothing for clues od disclosure or current status to go by. What I wonder, and maybe someone here will have a better idea, is if there were a dealmaking suspect #3, how does this individual (or more than one) fit in to the pre-trial as I imagine their information would form a big part of disclosure?

Preliminary meetings, preliminary inquires, etc. wouldn' need a Judge. Simple discovery given to accused's lawyer and the Crown gets to se for the cirst time what the accused lawyer has available to put forth. Then both sides have a realization, and pleas are talked about, possibility of reducing charges or no quarter is offered.

After all of the above, both go before the Judge in a very informal "trial" where each presents and the Judge listens and offers suggestions based on law and what he will allow to be tried, any deals he would or would not approve and what he will allow to be plead.

If the Criminal Justice System Process is followed( which is certain to be done) this is where we should be(of course Judicial Pretrial hasn't happened however it should be next after date setting meeting Sept. 12th.

However, it is possible for DM to enter a guilty plea anytime from now up to and during trial which would slightly change the process obviously.

Some simply wait until a jury is seated, look them over and figure uh oh, the gigs up and plead guilty.
Some interesting reading here to do with court procedure. It seems there is ample opportunities IF DM or MS are not guilty, one or both could have their cases overturned. An accused could be set free prior to trial on certain grounds and I believe direct and circumstantial evidence plays a huge part in keeping the two accused in jail. Some believe/assume the accused can not be freed of the charges prior to trial. If there is nothing to show their involvement, there are no grounds to detain them. MOO

This handbook is geared to the state system in New York City, but many of the general principles apply to other jurisdictions as well. It’s based on over 10 years of experience “in the trenches”. It’s a realistic, not a philosophical look, at the system.

Certain cases are disposed of at the arraignment. Your lawyer will discuss the offer with you and advise you if s/he thinks it would be a good idea to accept it. Sometimes felony charges are reduced to misdemeanors at the arraignment.

If the charges are serious felonies, it’s unlikely they’ll be disposed of at the arraignment. The D.A. will probably give notice that their office intends to present your case to a Grand Jury. Your lawyer may give reciprocal notice that you wish to testify in the Grand Jury in your own behalf.

Basically, the law says that if you’re in jail, the D.A. has six days (on a felony charge) from the date of arrest to have witnesses give sworn testimony supporting the charges against you or you’re entitled to be released from jail.

This can be done by bringing the witnesses to court for a preliminary hearing or having them testify before a Grand Jury.

The next time the case is on, there will be a conference, where the D.A., the judge and your lawyer will discuss your case to see if it can be disposed of without a trial. There will probably be a plea offer. If the plea is refused, the case is adjourned for your lawyer to make “motions”.

After the hearings, the judge decides whether or not to let the D.A. use certain evidence against you at trial. If the evidence in question at the hearing is the only evidence against you, and you win the hearing, that might be the end of your case.
I am not sure if I saw the same things that you saw following that link. It is metalworking machinery, not really helpful in disposing of a body, in my opinion, unless I am missing something? If the accusations are correct, wouldn't he already have a machine for grinding the identifying parts of TB's truck, if that was his goal? And if his goal was looking for another propane tank for his incinerator, (which I did not see for sale there but could have missed it), why would he not just google where to get propane, like young people do these days? Why would he be driving around 4 days later looking for someplace that sold propane?

When you say 'along with the evidence LE already had', at that point, wasn't all their evidence just the two descriptions, and possibly the call records of the pay as you go phone, how does that and whatever he was doing solidify that he was up to something? Because I believe if he was up to something, ie, committing other crimes while they were following him, or perhaps disposing of evidence or conspiring with others, they would have had a duty to pick him then, would they not?

There are many tools this business carries. DM may have showed up at the business inquiring about tools and maybe information about propane tanks for his incinerator. Looking for leads/information or assuming some of their equipment may work on propane...

IMO LE does not track someone for four hours just because. If they followed him, it very well gave or could have gave to indication he was up to covering up the crime somehow. And no he would not have to be committing another crime during that time to show indication of a cover up. Did he feel he was being watched/tracked and was cautious about returning to the hangar to retrieve a grinder or saw? Was he thinking of chopping TB's truck in his mother's garage and needed tools for the job? Being opened minded, that's what it's all about. HTH and JMHO.
There are many tools this business carries. DM may have showed up at the business inquiring about tools and maybe information about propane tanks for his incinerator. Looking for leads/information or assuming some of their equipment may work on propane...

IMO LE does not track someone for four hours just because. If they followed him, it very well gave or could have gave to indication he was up to covering up the crime somehow. And no he would not have to be committing another crime during that time to show indication of a cover up. Did he feel he was being watched/tracked and was cautious about returning to the hangar to retrieve a grinder or saw? Was he thinking of chopping TB's truck in his mother's garage and needed tools for the job? Being opened minded, that's what it's all about. HTH and JMHO.

I am sorry, but I looked again, and I still do not see anything that that company sells that could have helped anyone cover up a murder, and it appears that most of the things that they sell are large enough to warrant delivery, so I don't guess that they get a lot of walk in traffic, in my opinion. Please post something that they sell that could have been picked up on the spot and used to assist in disposing of a body, so I understand your theory better, thank you in advance, as people here say.

And again, people today don't just drive around and wander into random stores and ask if they sell propane, in my opinion. At least not people who own a smart phone, (which, frankly every single person I know over the age of 10 does, personally) where they can just pull their phone out and google the nearest locations for hard to find items like propane and saws. It is honestly just as likely that he was driving around looking for a used truck dealership, or to suppose that he stopped at Tim Horton's along the route he took while he was being followed, as to suppose he stopped at a machinery dealer, is it not? Is am sure any number of businesses and services are located near where DM was arrested without incident.

And I cannot answer for LE, but I have heard of people being tracked by police for a few hours or even days before the police decide to (or finally have a warrant to?) arrest someone, from what I know, I believe they call this surveillance.

Hope you had a great vacation!
ok I can't sit here and be silent any longer>>>>It is clear that SB said she saw their" faces "on her memorial speak and in the papers...PLUS the large man the day before gave a clear description of DM....word AMBITION WITH A box....he acted strange....please go back and listen to SB voice the day she said her>>> 4 ever good bye ....I did listen at least 10 times....I am sorry ....but it is also on video ...clear them leaving the bosma's I will tweet the trial like I did before...and tweet the evidence I believe the POLICE HOLD....and that is what ...I got to say it CLEARLY.....that I believe they are in Jail for a long long time...I will right IMO to fulfill websleiuthers rules...amen...tweeting, in robynhood.....amen again....
I am sorry, but I looked again, and I still do not see anything that that company sells that could have helped anyone cover up a murder, and it appears that most of the things that they sell are large enough to warrant delivery, so I don't guess that they get a lot of walk in traffic, in my opinion. Please post something that they sell that could have been picked up on the spot and used to assist in disposing of a body, so I understand your theory better, thank you in advance, as people here say.

And again, people today don't just drive around and wander into random stores and ask if they sell propane, in my opinion. At least not people who own a smart phone, (which, frankly every single person I know over the age of 10 does, personally) where they can just pull their phone out and google the nearest locations for hard to find items like propane and saws. It is honestly just as likely that he was driving around looking for a used truck dealership, or to suppose that he stopped at Tim Horton's along the route he took while he was being followed, as to suppose he stopped at a machinery dealer, is it not? Is am sure any number of businesses and services are located near where DM was arrested without incident.

And I cannot answer for LE, but I have heard of people being tracked by police for a few hours or even days before the police decide to (or finally have a warrant to?) arrest someone, from what I know, I believe they call this surveillance.

Hope you had a great vacation!

I agree with you, Jube, except for the part about the phone. If DM was guilty and looking for equipment to aid him in his cover up, I wouldn't think he was using his own smartphone to do so, that would not be wise, esp. after all the trouble of getting a burner phone.

I think police said that burner phone was turned off. Moo, There is that possibility he had it and used it on the day of his arrest. If so, he indeed wasn't meant to be a criminal, especially since LE had already indicated burner phone led them to Etobicoke vendor.
It is clear that SB said she saw their "faces" on her memorial speak and in the papers ... clear them leaving the bosma's house.

SB has not publically confirmed that she positively identified DM and MS as the men who took TB on the test drive. Doing so could compromise the entire investigation and subsequent trial.

She gave police a description of the two men.

Sharlene didn’t say if the two men she saw are the same two men in custody.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and people who are innocent buy burner phones?....robynhood.
agree ...there is a publication ban....not one piece of info will be leaked out....the suspects will be nailed!....yep a man is dead...remember...and before he left his wife saw the people driving faces...and again it has been linked here by everyone....all thru this case....PLUS we have not seen the video that clearly id DM he has an incentator with no livestock in which it is used for ....bought by his company....wait till the trial ...Police have the bailing hearing....uh uh do you think why?????....still...imo again...I guess....robynhood!
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and people who are innocent buy burner phones?....robynhood.

Who bought the burner phone? I didnt realize this information was released. I do recall something about the phone being linked to DM, but it was a vague comment and didnt indicate what the link was and how it was discovered. But Iif it has been verified as purchased, please show us where, as thats pretty important. Thanks!
again said over and over thru out this whole thread to be honest...DM never turned it back on after the murder,,,,,that was I think in swede post today....and the same thread said burner phone had records....please read his post this afternoon...thanks robynhood...swede post # 758....a real long one with excellent points of case ...thks Swede,,,:)
So there we have it. The cellphone was traced, tracked and was known as DM's phone with a bogus name. How coincidental, someone would set DM and MS up using a burner phone, would make arrangements to test drive these three truck owned by three different people and it just so happens DM and MS showed up at two of those arranged test drives?! :floorlaugh: Seems pretty straight forward to me what LE are trying to say, which they blatantly cannot come right out and say pending the investigation and PB. There is way too much information pointing at DM and MS as the perps who killed TB that night.

It could have been they just wanted to steal the truck and not kill TB, but something went terribly wrong and TB lost his life. Did MS have a huge drug debt to pay off, and it was his plan to steal the truck without DM having prior knowledge? If so, then why was a burner phone connected to DM? Did MS put the phone in DM's name? If DM was innocent, why didn't he turn MS in? Even if DM decided to leave the test drive and go with the person in his Yukon and had no knowledge of the murder, he must have heard reports by LE, saw flyers about TB's disappearance and should have put two and two together. I believe they were both in on this together and the stolen HD and other possible stolen vehicles in the hangar prove this wasn't their first crime. The reason for the sloppy cover up is because TB wasn't meant to be killed. They were desperate to figure out how to get rid of the evidence and messed up big time leaving much evidence behind. To think, we only have a tip of the iceberg in evidence and information. What have LE uncovered in total. All MOO.

May 5: Two Toronto men selling trucks online are called from Millard's cell phone to arrange test drives. One test drive was given without incident. Toronto police tell CP24 the second man slept through the call and did not arrange a test drive.

Police announce they were able to track the cellphone they believed the suspects used to contact Bosma. Investigators were then able to speak with a man in Etobicoke who went on a test drive with two men police believe are suspects in the Bosma case.

Yesterday Police received the results of a Production Order for the cellular telephone of the man that contacted Mr. Bosma. From the cellular records and interviews Police have found that these two individuals test drove a similar vehicle in Toronto on Sunday May 5th in the middle of the day. The owner of this vehicle was not harmed. He was able to provide a description of the two males. This description of the two males matched the description provided by Mrs. Bosma. As well the vehicle owner from Toronto was able to add a description of the first male.

Hamilton police confirm a third man was contacted for a test drive of a truck he was selling with the same cellphone that was used to call Tim Bosma the day before he died.

“There was a third test drive initiated by [Dellen] Millard,” said Sgt. Debbie McGreal, spokesperson for Hamilton police.

Kavanagh told CBC News Wednesday that the Etobicoke man and the Toronto man were interviewed by police. He said it's possible Millard may have contacted other truck owners.

"Down the road, there may be more people," Kavanagh said. "We've seized a lot of computer equipment that we have to go through."

“Fate is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?” he said, adding that police found that Toronto man through calls on a disposable cellphone traced to Mr. Millard.

trace1 [treys]
1. a surviving mark, sign, or evidence of the former existence, influence, or action of some agent or event; vestige: traces of an advanced civilization among the ruins.
2. a barely discernible indication or evidence of some quantity, quality, characteristic, expression, etc.: a trace of anger in his tone.
3. an extremely small amount of some chemical component: a trace of copper in its composition.
4. traces, the series of footprints left by an animal.
5. the track left by the passage of a person, animal, or object: the trace of her skates on the ice.

What Is Trace Evidence?
verb (used with object)
15. to follow the footprints, track, or traces of.
16. to follow, make out, or determine the course or line of, especially by going backward from the latest evidence, nearest existence, etc.: to trace one's ancestry to the Pilgrims.
17. to follow (footprints, evidence, the history or course of something, etc.).
18. to follow the course, development, or history of: to trace a political movement.
19. to ascertain by investigation; find out; discover: The police were unable to trace his whereabouts.

as·cer·tain [as-er-teyn]
verb (used with object)
1. to find out definitely; learn with certainty or assurance; determine: to ascertain the facts.
2. Archaic. to make certain, clear, or definitely known.

Track - to simplify
verb (used with object)
21. to follow or pursue the track, traces, or footprints of.
22. to follow (a track, course, etc.).
23. to make one's way through; traverse.
24. to leave footprints on (often followed by up or on ): to track the floor with muddy shoes.
3. trace

I am not sure if I saw the same things that you saw following that link. It is metalworking machinery, not really helpful in disposing of a body, in my opinion, unless I am missing something? If the accusations are correct, wouldn't he already have a machine for grinding the identifying parts of TB's truck, if that was his goal? And if his goal was looking for another propane tank for his incinerator, (which I did not see for sale there but could have missed it), why would he not just google where to get propane, like young people do these days? Why would he be driving around 4 days later looking for someplace that sold propane?

When you say 'along with the evidence LE already had', at that point, wasn't all their evidence just the two descriptions, and possibly the call records of the pay as you go phone, how does that and whatever he was doing solidify that he was up to something? Because I believe if he was up to something, ie, committing other crimes while they were following him, or perhaps disposing of evidence or conspiring with others, they would have had a duty to pick him then, would they not?

HTH and they also have preowned equipment. Hmm maybe incinerators come into their hands or special propane tanks or containers used for transporting propane. Why would DM phone as that would only lead to a telling trail on his cell phone IMHO. Same with doing a search on his would leave a trail. Would be less obvious to go in and inquire IMO.

BBM Not unless they felt certain he was doing those things. They were wanting to get as much evidence on him as possible wouldn't you think?

Westway Machinery does stock a number of pre-owned machines and this list is constantly changing due to sales and trade-ins. Some machines that we purchase never make it to this list so we encourage you to fill out the form to receive notifications of our most recent arrivals. Westway ensures that all preowned machinery is sold in good working order and offers a 30-day warranty against defects. Contact Us Now for more information about our pre-owned inventory.
If DM should be guilty, then he of course must be strongly condemned.

But if he should not be guilty, his life for years or forever is ruined anyway. His whole life has been dismantled and he was/is always hated and reviled just as spoiled rich brat (social network, media), if there was/is really a lot of money or not.

Should he be innocent, you can not make amends such destruction. In this case, I would feel very, very sorry for him. After all, he is only 27; his adult life was supposed to start just now.
...all the links provided were here from the start..I thank you Swede for going thru lots of threads or looking them all up on your computer....But honestly the burner phone was mentioned all thru out the case....SB recognition of DM and MS was also mentioned.they were recoginized and description was given to Police by that large man who they visited BY vehicle and a 3rd call was made to another RAM Truck up for sale...Swede summarized it conclusively....

*** IMO this case will make PERFECT COMMON sense as it is Told in court.....MOO the Police even have them on video ...

***I cannot sit here and not say a word again>>>>>PROPANE is available thru out S. Ont at many gas stations...there are huge Blue signs saying PROPANE....unless something special is need for incinerators.......but it is READILY available...MOO as to what the Le saw as they trailed DM for 4hours that Saturday...

******I also must make a comment about DM being 27 and his future...IMO strongly he is staying right where he belongs ....JAIL....and I better stop I feel extremely distraught for a mother and 2 year old little girl....lets remember how May 6 destroyed there life FOREVER.....robynhood!
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and people who are innocent buy burner phones?....robynhood.

Another name for a burner phone is a pay as you go phone. Half the people I deal with on a daily basis have pay as you go phones and the reasons vary; many say that they have been burned (no pun intended) by huge monthly bills and long contracts before and wish to avoid that. Many people are careless with their phones and break them regularly, and having a pay as you go phone is cheaper to replace. Many people buy them for the privacy it affords them to not have a phone bill in their name, especially those who mistrust the system, and some people just have no credit and can only get a pay as you go phone.

I strongly believe that if only criminals bought them, they would either be outlawed, or the police could just sit outside cell phone stores and watch for criminals to buy them, and then they would always know who the bad guys were. So I have to disagree, many innocent people own so called burner phones.

Can I ask, please, are you typing from a cell phone or some device that does not let you speak in full sentences? I find your paragraphs slightly hard to comprehend, no offence, I hope.
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agree ...there is a publication ban....not one piece of info will be leaked out....the suspects will be nailed!....yep a man is dead...remember...and before he left his wife saw the people driving faces...and again it has been linked here by everyone....all thru this case....PLUS we have not seen the video that clearly id DM he has an incentator with no livestock in which it is used for ....bought by his company....wait till the trial ...Police have the bailing hearing....uh uh do you think why?????....still...imo again...I guess....robynhood!

I know poor SB's emotions tug at us all, but we still need to be logical and rational in our sleuthing. It is possible that DM and MS could have gone on both test drives innocently and that TB could have been killed after parting company with them. It is possible to be the last person witnesses have seen with someone without being their killer. I think that if SB saw DM and MS getting into a truck with her husband, and video shows DM's truck following, that there is still a third player yet to be named, and possibly more. What I think is a very honest account is from the friend of the Bosma's who posted the kijiji ad asking for help to find their missing friend who says that there were three people there that night.

And let us not forget, that the incinerator was officially said to be bought by someone in his company, which sounds very suspiciously to me like it was bought by someone other than him, otherwise, they would continue to say that it was bought by him, as the media had said previously, from what I recall, in my opinion. It is possible that due to health code rules about safe disposal of dead animals, it could have required his MRO to have a means of safely disposing of the remains and partial remains of birds and other livestock that are hit by planes prior to them requiring maintenance.
I'm not sure it matters who handled the paperwork of the transaction if both the incinerator and a burned body were found on Dellen Millard's property. Having a flunky arrange the sale doesn't grant plausible deniability.

In your theory above, someone intercedes after the test drive and kills TB and does the frame up. Does this mean you believe DM was at the other test drives and used the burner phone to set them up? Or do you have another theory that includes the test drives happening legitimately but the burner phone being neither DM's or MS's, just planted somehow? (I'm just always interested in a unified conspiracy theory that manages to keep all the many plates spinning at once, so to speak.)
I've never had an in flight collision with a bird, however the ones I've have seen leave nothing to burn or not enough to invest 15k(I believe was the correct figure) on an incinerator.

I can't think of any reason for a defunct MRO or one heading that way, having any use for an incinerator regardless of who actually purchased it. All the airports I know use a recycle service/business as far as leftover fuel and used oil.

Now a chop shop of any level could benefit from one to destroy personal property(direct evidence) inside the stolen vehicles they steal. Things like papers in the glovebox, coats, child carriers and personal things left in the console/trunk. It appears per MSM, that DM has more stolen vehicles than dead cows and chickens anyway.
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