Suspect Drew Peterson #5

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Oh my goodness. There are sooo MANY of us out here that feel the SAME way.

Arrest the creep already!:behindbar


I have NO DOUBT in my mind he will be arrested and convicted of the homicides of Kathleen Savio and Stacy Peterson. There is NO WAY Stacy left those kids willingly...

It's just a matter of when......... :behindbar
I'm wondering about something..............did the final legislation require the signature of the governor? If so, with all that's going on in Illinois with the governor (Blagojevich) being arrested, I'm wondering if the legislation ever got that final signature? The hearsay bill may not be law yet without the governor's signature.

Yesterday Governor Blagojevich was arrested and then posted bail and was back at work this morning, but there's calls for him to resign.
I'm wondering about something..............did the final legislation require the signature of the governor? If so, with all that's going on in Illinois with the governor (Blagojevich) being arrested, I'm wondering if the legislation ever got that final signature? The hearsay bill may not be law yet without the governor's signature.

Yesterday Governor Blagojevich was arrested and then posted bail and was back at work this morning, but there's calls for him to resign.
From everything I've read and researched, it does not require another signature from the Gov. My understanding is that it became law as soon as both houses approved the ammendatory veto from the gov. ......unless of course he was waiting for someone to pay him to sign it.
Drew is slick. He got away with at least one murder (Kathleen) and now that her demise has been ruled as a homicide, it's extremely difficult to get trace evidence that would have been left at the scene to convict Drew. We all know he did it, but proving it is another thing. It would take the right prosecutor.

I think the best hope for conviction is finding Stacy's body. That will be difficult. I've stated it before on this site and I'll state it again. I think he had a plan if he "needed" to kill her. I believe that he already had a grave prepared in case he needed it. I don't think he initially planned to kill her on the date of her disappearance, but he most likely found out about her plans to see a lawyer regarding divorce. He couldn't let Stacy go - financially it would have been difficult as he wouldn't have been able to lead the same lifestyle. Drew needs money to get a young woman and if Stacy took half.......don't need to say any more. Also, we now know what Stacy told her pastor. Drew simply couldn't let Stacy live.

It would be so difficult to just happen on a grave that was preplanned. Drew's experience with criminals was not only a career, but an education. I think he was a student who paid attention. I also believe that it is possible he killed before Kathleen (see others who mysteriously died). He is slick, he plans ahead, and he had a plan for Stacy's disappearance if he needed it.......I'm convinced.

So, while we all wait and are desperate to see justice done, we just have to remain anxious bystanders. I'm certain that LE would love to put this monster away. Don't despair, it will happen at some point.

I saw an edition of Dateline Saturday evening. It was about a guy whose wife was shot dead (pregnant school teacher leading an honorable non-dangerous life). He was arrested six years later and I have to tell you, there was absolutely no evidence except that her husband was the only one who would have benefited from her death. In fact, a couple of kids who heard a gunshot pinpointed the time of death at at time when a camera showed him shopping with his young son - seemingly giving him an alibi.

The prosecutor they brought in is a pit bull - I've seen her before but I can't remember what high profile case - and she is just simply so passionate and convincing while reminding jurors that there was only one person to benefit from her death. It gave me hope for justice for Stacy and Kathleen. I think she could get a conviction in the Kathleen case since Drew was so much better off financially with her out of the way.

Sometimes the wheels of justice grind slowly away. OJ got away with murder, but he's now where he belongs. Drew will be there someday, too, I'm convinced.

I believe he will also. The thing about DrewP is that he isn't that smart and he has a really hard time keeping his mouth shut. Someday he will say something to the wrong person. He may not be arrested today or tomorrow, but I do believe he will be arrested someday.
I believe he will also. The thing about DrewP is that he isn't that smart and he has a really hard time keeping his mouth shut. Someday he will say something to the wrong person. He may not be arrested today or tomorrow, but I do believe he will be arrested someday.

Drew clearly has deficits in the intelligence department. However, he is "street smart." He learned a lot over the years (military plus SWAT); we can't discount that. I, too, believe he will eventually pay; but I'd like it sooner rather than later.

We can take comfort in one thing: It must be hell being Drew. Hallelujah!
I'm wondering about something..............did the final legislation require the signature of the governor? If so, with all that's going on in Illinois with the governor (Blagojevich) being arrested, I'm wondering if the legislation ever got that final signature? The hearsay bill may not be law yet without the governor's signature.

Yesterday Governor Blagojevich was arrested and then posted bail and was back at work this morning, but there's calls for him to resign.

oh my, yes and this is a scandal..............does Ill. have a LT. gov????
Ill. having allot of problems..........not good
Gosh.....seems like anything that can get in the way of this case does get in it's way :banghead:. I do believe in karma though and truly believe it will come to pass.
Not sure about "karma" but DrewP has no exemption status nor any sanctuary from the law of "sowing and reaping." And that's more than "just my opinion" lol.
Maybe we should step back and think about why he might be creating this stir right now? What bodies have been discovered lately? Any area that is in the news that might be making him nervous? Any subpoena's out there???
ROFL!!!! According to the article Rizzy posted in media,

The Alleged Stalker Allegedly Got Stalked. (He's not missing though)

Note: This didn't come from LE or an arrest record. This was a press release, with DrewP talking to Armstrong. *Book sales must be slow. It also quotes gf's father.
wow they are now reporting Christina has moved in with him. When will this cicrus end :(
Yep Greta has drew event on that gf and her child moved in with him...........OMG!
First who could be in love with this guy? 2nd, who could EVER move into THAT house!!!!
Hope Stacy 's ghost scares the pants out of the girl so she runs off to save her life!
IMO, I am reading dp exposed and I am convinced that he has murdered his 2 wives....... will she be next in a few years? dp must be sure sp will NEVER return to her home........IMO
wow they are now reporting Christina has moved in with him. When will this cicrus end :(

just like the kc case so much of a circus............a tangled mess.......
and the state of Illinois have so many problems now with the gov stuff......IMO what happened to the hear say law ?????
Does anybody know the status of the wrongful death suit against Drew in the K.S. case? Also, what about the estate issues?
just like the kc case so much of a circus............a tangled mess.......
and the state of Illinois have so many problems now with the gov stuff......IMO what happened to the hear say law ?????

The two cases have something in common besides the circus..... Glenn Selig the publicist for the defense. Think the two (Selig/circus) might be related?

Selig seems to have a theory that when bad news comes in, to get it in the news right away with the defense perspective (spin) on it.
BB has a very delicate situation going on there. First another woman closely connected with the suspect in a double homicide. And an exbf allegedly stalking them. Then a concerned father who according to the latest media is denying any involvement in future harm coming to DrewP. Chances are that someone is going to get hurt.
Bolingbrook, Ill. After an alleged stalking incident, Christina Raines moved in with Drew Peterson over the weekend, bringing her two young children with her. “I couldn’t be happier,” Drew Peterson said in an exclusive interview with author Derek Armstrong, author of Drew Peterson Exposed.

Christina Raines gave a comment through Peterson, “I don’t want to speak with the media.” But she confirmed the move was precipitated by a confrontation with her ex-boyfriend and that she’s “happy moving in.”

In a previous story on Friday, Derek Armstrong—who continues to investigate the case—reported that police visited Drew Peterson after his fiancé’s ex-boyfriend was reported as allegedly stalking them.

In the previous interview, Peterson indicated it was possible Christina would “move in.” Now, Raines has moved in to the master bedroom at the home on Pheasant Chase Court, a Bolingbrook address made infamous by the disappearance of Drew Peterson’s wife Stacy, who is also in her 20s.

Drew Peterson, who turned 55 the weekend before last said “I don’t care what people think. I love Chrissie. I love her kids. The incident with her ex-boyfriend just accelerated our plans,” in a comment disturbingly similar to a comment made for the book Drew Peterson Exposed. In an interview for the book, he had said, “I don’t care what people think. I love Stacy. I’m happy.”

In the latest interview, Peterson told Armstrong that he had plenty of room in the house for Christina and two more kids. He said his four children get along very well with her two children. “Lacy and Anthony are about the same age as Chrissie’s two kids. And my kids adore Chrissie.” This also hauntingly mirrors a comment in the book Drew Peterson Exposed, when he said, “My kids adore Stacy,” at that time referring to Kris and Tommy, children by his third wife Kathleen.

Armstrong broke the story Friday after police conducted a “welfare check” to Peterson’s house when it was reported that Christina’s ex-boyfriend Michael L. Siuda, Jr. admitted he had peered in Drew Peterson’s windows and was stalking her. “He told Christina on the phone, and she told her father. Her father called the police.

Explaining why she moved in, Peterson said, “Either we get an order of protection against Mike—I believe he already has an order of protection from a previous girlfriend—or we move in together where I can protect her,” Drew Peterson said.

In the earlier interview, taped Friday—prior to the move—Peterson said of the ex: “This guy is insanely jealous. He won’t leave her alone. A couple of nights ago he was abusive enough that she had to leave their shared apartment with her two children.” Peterson also described an event about a month ago at a public bar where ex-boyfriend Mike physically pulled her away from Peterson. “He can get physical and he’s definitely verbally abusive. He even stole the token ring I gave Chrissie when I proposed.” Peterson also mentioned the ex-boyfriend has been tracking her with GPS on a cell-phone he gave her, and intercepting text messages from Peterson to Christina.

The new live-in arrangement MAY upset many who have followed the suspicious disappearance of fourth wife Stacy Peterson on October 28, 2007, says Armstrong. Although they are still married, on the first anniversary of her disappearance Peterson consulted a high-profile divorce attorney about a divorce based on “abandonment.” Peterson’s third wife Kathleen Savio was found dead in her bathtub, and Drew Peterson remains a person of interest in this case, now ruled a “homicide” after a new autopsy at the request of Savio’s family. At the time of Kathleen’s death, Stacy had moved in with Drew.

In the book Drew Peterson Exposed, Armstrong also described Peterson’s many younger girlfriends and wives, from his early days as a military police officer to his resignation as a sergeant of the Bolingbrook Police after Stacy’s disappearance. Many of those intimate stories offer disconcerting tales similar to his current relationship. When asked about all his stories of younger women—peppered throughout the explosive book—Peterson just said, “That was then. It has nothing to do with Chrissie.”

When Armstrong asked what Peterson thought neighbors and the media would think about another woman, half his age, moving in, perhaps even sleeping in Stacy’s bed—while still married to Stacy—he said, “I don’t care. It’s our life. Stacy left me. I have to move on with my life.”

NOTE: Mandatory courtesy credit required to quote this material, please, including book cover. Credit: Derek Armstrong, author Drew Peterson Exposed. Tapes of both interviews with Drew Peterson are available.

(bold mine) The pattern is chilling, and the creep factor is off the charts. Has anybody else noticed the big bullseye on Christina? Does anyone else feel themselves choking on DP's audacious statement (bolded and underlined above) where Mr. DoGood actually claims to be simply offering her the only protection and safehaven she can find??! P-lez this is how they all begin IIRC I mean honestly has this woman ever picked up a newspaper or been online in the last year? DP is no knight, he's your worst nightmare! Geeesh, talk about jumping from the frying pan to the fire... JMO

Esp. since when DrewP has talked about Kathleen Savio and Stacey Peterson he has talked about their "bad" family situations and how much he helped them.

On Inside Edition tonight they talked about DrewP moving in with Christina and they showed a clip of a reporter talking to DrewP. The reporter asked DrewP if it was love, and DrewP laughed.... then he said something something about there was a lot of lust going on. I wanted to post that in the according to Drew thread, but I haven't because I haven't been able to find a link for it. In this article she was evidently there, he said he loved her. On Inside Edition she wasn't anywhere around.

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