Sweden - Gay Marriage Now Legal In.....

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I feel so badly for the couples she is refusing to issue licenses for. On her high horse, she is making them feel badly. I hope her high horse spooks and throws her hard to the ground. Where is the kindness and compassion?

One time, Years ago, When I worked in the ER, we had to take care of the shooter who received critical injuries being shot by police as well as the victims he shot, including children, two adults and a police officer. I did my job as did the whole trauma team on that shooter. I did not have the luxury of following my beliefs, opinions, thoughts, anger in that moment.

Neither does this woman. She needs to do her job or be fired. IMO

I had a pharmacist at Walgreen's refuse to fill my daughter's ADHD meds. He slid the script back across the counter at me and said he would not fill it.

We had been going to that same pharmacy for 2 years, every month.

I was mortified. But legally, a pharmacist can refuse to fill any script on personal ethics or beliefs, or so I was told when I called Walgreen's corporate office to complain.

I just don't get how a person can accept the paycheck for performing a job or position and then refuse to carry out the task for which they are paid.

Add into that being a total rude skid mark and I am just flummoxed.
Yeah, 'cause what my husband and I really want is to visit the McQuery or Davis households!

Dontcha know? Those gays are trying to meet their recruiting quotas! They are indoctrinating our innocent children with their non-judgemental, live and let live agendas.

The NERVE!!!!
So how is it biblical to refuse to issue marriage licences to anybody? Wouldn't that be encouraging more people to live in sin? You think the heterosexual couples who otherwise would be married are going to keep pure indefinitely while they wait for the clerk to start allowing marriages in their county again?

My ex MIL invited her very very good friend to her bible study group but informed her that she would not be welcomed in their church because she (the friend) lived with her boyfriend (um, they were both in their 60's) and she (the friend) was not repentant for living in sin.

Never mind my MIL smoked weed IN MY HOME (while she was supposedly already saved) when I expressly told her that I was not cool with ANY illegal goings on in MY HOME. They were there for a holiday visit and preaching about how we needed to give our lives to God....(We were trying to adopt at the time and did not need her BS ruining our chances.) Funny how the "preacher" was the one breaking not only the law but the wishes of the people in whose home she was staying.

I have no prob with weed. Personally, it makes me need a major nap, so not much fun, but for those who dig it, mazel tov.

I have a problem with hypocritical a-holes.
Yeah, 'cause what my husband and I really want is to visit the McQuery or Davis households!

Lol!! I have a lot of friends who are gay, some in committed relationships, some married, some single-- and never once have I heard any of them discuss a strategy of door to door gay marriage recruitment!

I sincerely doubt any of them would advocate forced marriage (gay, straight, or otherwise), on anyone.

It's just such a silly, small minded argument some of these people are shouting-- "they're pushing their lifestyle on us". Lol. Gay marriage is no threat at all to hetero marriage, and no threat to any church or belief system. No one is taking away anyone's right to traditional heterosexual marriage.

Now, if we want to talk about groups that do constantly try to "push their lifestyle on us", I can think of a gazillion examples. But that's off topic, and would likely get the thread locked up quickly! :silenced:
So how is it biblical to refuse to issue marriage licences to anybody? Wouldn't that be encouraging more people to live in sin? You think the heterosexual couples who otherwise would be married are going to keep pure indefinitely while they wait for the clerk to start allowing marriages in their county again?

BBM for focus.

Well if the Duggars can do it, why can't everyone else?
I had a pharmacist at Walgreen's refuse to fill my daughter's ADHD meds. He slid the script back across the counter at me and said he would not fill it.

I know this is O/T but I have to ask.
What reasons did he give you for not filling it?
Sep 3 2015, 8:28 pm ET

Couple Suing Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Over Marriage License Plan to Wed Friday

by Gabe Gutierrez and Daniella Silva

A couple involved in the lawsuit against the embattled Kentucky clerk who was jailed after refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples said they are looking forward to getting married on Friday and hope they face no problems this time around.

Karen Roberts and April Miller were denied a marriage license on Tuesday by Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk Kim Davis, who has said she is refusing to issue the licenses based on her religious beliefs as an Apostolic Christian...

So what is the attitude of Apostolic Christianity regarding whether it's OK to hold a job and get paid in a position where you refuse to perform the duties of the job? Isn't that like frauding the employer?
Ellen DeGeneres Can't Understand Why Caitlyn Jenner "Still Has a Judgment About Gay Marriage"

Rebecca Macatee, eonline
12 hours ago

When Caitlyn Jenner gave her first talk show interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show , she admitted she "was not for" gay marriage in the past.

The self-proclaimed "traditionalist" clarified that she her views had changed, and she'd "never want to stand in front of anybody's happiness," but Ellen DeGeneres wasn't completely convinced...

Michigan pays $1.9M in legal fees for gay marriage case

Oralandar Brand-Williams, The Detroit News 1:11 p.m. EDT October 7, 2015

The state of Michigan has paid the nearly $2 million legal tab for the Michigan couple whose lawsuit helped clear the way for same-sex couples to legally marry.

The state was on the hook for the legal bill of the Hazel Park couple, April and Jayne DeBoer-Rowse, who challenged the state’s 2004 ban on gay marriage in a landmark federal lawsuit brought in 2012.

Michigan paid just over $1.9 million in fees as requested by their legal team. Officials for the state of Michigan signed a stipulation in the case in late August agreeing to pay the fees...

Oct 21 2015, 7:15 pm ET

IRS to Recognize Same-Sex Marriages Anywhere in U.S.

by M. Alex Johnson

The IRS will recognize same-sex marriages for tax purposes nationwide — even if they took place in any of the states that still haven't legalized them — the U.S. Treasury said Wednesday.

The Treasury's announcement of proposed regulations to "interpret the terms 'husband' and 'wife' to include same-sex spouses" essentially formalizes the inevitable after the Supreme Court's landmark ruling in June legalizing same-sex marriages...

Oct 29 2015, 6:39 pm ET

Lesbian Couple Courtney Wilson and Taylor Guerrero Claim They Were Arrested in Hawaii for Kissing

by Daniella Silva

A lesbian couple vacationing in Hawaii last winter filed a lawsuit this week against an off-duty local police officer who they say harassed and wrongfully arrested them over public displays of affection in a grocery store.

Courtney Wilson and Taylor Guerrero, of Los Angeles, claimed they were on their second day of vacation on the island of Oahu, when they were thrown behind bars after kissing and holding hands at a Honolulu grocery store in March, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday by the couple.

According to the lawsuit, Honolulu Police Officer Bobby Harrison began to harass them after noticing their public displays of affection at a Foodland store...

Same-sex marriage pioneers, kids cheer joint adoption

Mike Martindale, The Detroit News 7:29 p.m. EST November 5, 2015

Pontiac — It’s official. After 15 years of frustration and more than six years of courtroom battles, April DeBoer-Rowse and Jayne DeBoer-Rowse and their children are now legally a family.

The Hazel Park couple finalized the joint adoption of five children Thursday in Oakland County Circuit Court, four months after winning the right to marry and parent each other’s children.

The hearing before Judge Karen McDonald concluded years of challenges to state and national laws that barred same-sex marriage and joint adoption by such couples...

Was not sure where else to put this article with photo (maybe it's already here?) - really want to give a shout-out to how beautiful this moment caught on camera is - imo.


To then have someone come along and try to mess with it - that's just hateful imo. It's clear where the hate comes from, no need to go there.

Back to the positive - the picture is also outright iconic to me - like the sailor kissing a girl right after the announcement of the end of WWII. Thank-you to this couple for sharing your intimate pic the way it was meant to be shared - suspect this child will be the most well rounded and thoughtful child in their classroom each and every year.
Disney Threatens Bad News For Georgia If State Adopts Anti-LGBT Bill
The house of mouse has no time for homophobia.

03/23/2016 04:38 pm ET |
Huffington Post
Curtis M. Wong
Senior Editor, HuffPost Queer Voices


“Add The Walt Disney Company to a growing list of corporations that are condemning a Georgia bill that would effectively legalize discrimination toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

A company spokesperson confirmed that Disney and its Marvel Studios unit will nix all plans to film future movies in Georgia if Gov. Nathan Deal signs the Free Exercise Protection Act, or HB 757, The Hollywood Reporter is reporting.

The bill, which Deal must sign or veto by May 3, will provide protections to faith-based groups if they cite their religious beliefs in refusing to provide “social, educational or charitable services” to a customer. Similarly, those organizations would be permitted to refuse employment to an otherwise qualified candidate on the basis of religious beliefs, according to The New York Times.”​

North Carolina Lawmakers Vote To Ban Cities From Protecting LGBT People
“This is a direct affront to equality, civil rights, and local autonomy.”

The Huffington Post
Mollie Reilly
Deputy Politics Editor, The Huffington Post
03/23/2016 03:21 pm ET |


“North Carolina’s General Assembly voted Wednesday to block cities and counties from passing protections against LGBT discrimination in a wide-ranging bill that could have enormous implications for the state.

HB 2, which passed in a special session, would set a statewide anti-discrimination policy, banning employers and businesses from discriminating against employees or customers based on their race, color, country of origin, religion, age or “biological sex.” The bill offers no protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and prevents local governments from passing any nondiscrimination policy that goes beyond the statewide standard.

The bill also pre-empts local employment ordinances governing wages, benefits, employee protections and leave policies. It would prevent schools from allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify.”​

Since so much of the US discriminates against this segment of society - would love to see Disney bring it's film operations to Canada. We would be forever grateful.
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee:


Mayor Lee's Statement on North Carolina's Discriminatory Law Against LGBT Individuals
Posted Date: 3/25/2016
Mayor Edwin M. Lee today issued the following statement after North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law legislation overturning protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals in the State of North Carolina:

“We are standing united as San Franciscans to condemn North Carolina’s new discriminatory law that turns back the clock on protecting the rights of all Americans including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals. Effective immediately, I am directing City Departments under my authority to bar any publicly-funded City employee travel to the State of North Carolina that is not absolutely essential to public health and safety.

I believe strongly that we should be adding more protections to prevent discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in the United States, not taking them away.

I would like to applaud cities like Charlotte and its Mayor, Mayor Jennifer Roberts, who have taken steps at the local level to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination. I also applaud Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed who is a champion for equality for all.

With other states like Georgia on the verge of passing more discriminatory laws, let me be clear that San Francisco taxpayers will not subsidize legally-sanctioned discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in any City or State.”

Last year, disappointed by the actions of Indiana Governor Mike Pence who signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law that legalizes discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, Mayor Lee directed City Departments under his authority to bar publicly-funded City employee travel to the State of Indiana. That ban has since been lifted after Indiana amended their law.

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