Swine Flu

DNA Solves
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Will You Get the Swine Flu Shot?(for poll let's assume it is available)

  • Yes, I believe it will stop me from getting sick and it is safe

    Votes: 77 20.1%
  • Yes, only to make someone in my life quit nagging me

    Votes: 6 1.6%
  • No, the vaccine does no good

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • No, I don't trust the vaccine and its side effects.

    Votes: 97 25.3%
  • No, I don't trust the President when he says it is an epidemic

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • I don't know; I have to learn more about it.

    Votes: 16 4.2%
  • No, the vaccine is just a way for the drug company to make money.

    Votes: 19 5.0%
  • No, because I already had the swine flu

    Votes: 25 6.5%
  • No, due to allergy to a component of the shot.

    Votes: 13 3.4%
  • Yes, IF my Dr. convinces me it's necessary.

    Votes: 26 6.8%
  • no

    Votes: 62 16.2%
  • No, not in priority groups

    Votes: 22 5.7%
  • exposed to swine flu but didnt contract it

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • It interferes with the immune system and harms the body

    Votes: 2 0.5%

  • Total voters
My doctor has swine flu. He and his staff have been unable to get the vaccination in our area.
I voted no, it does no good.

To expand on that, not only do I believe it does no good, I think the whole reason that the viruses and other illness are evolving so fast and becoming so deadly are that we have very little natural immunity. We are so obsessed with never getting sick that now when we do, we can't fight the illness and it kills us.
I don't get flu shots of any type, nor do I get the pneumonia shot , nor do I allow my kids to get the chicken pox shot.
Necessary vaccinations only.
The only exception that I am considering is my younger son, but his lungs have been through so much, that they have warned us that one more major respiratory episode in the next few years could be too much for him. So, depending on what his doc says next week, he might get the vaccine.

I agree totally with you, nmk! I voted the same.

I know a lot of people who have gotten a flu shot and still got sick, and even those who got sick because of the shot. (Of course, it can help also. Not saying it can't.) But I also never get the normal flu shot (or anything else), and wouldn't change because of the H1N1 hype. I'm not a "conspiracy theorist" or anything, and I'm not against people getting the vaccine. There are people who should get it. I just don't think it's any more necessary than a normal flu vaccine. IMO.

I also agree about the obsession about killing germs and not getting sick. Getting sick once in a while is GOOD FOR YOU! All of these vaccines and craziness is just making the viruses mutate and get stronger. If anyone is really interested in this subject, the book Betrayal of Trust by Laurie Garrett is a very long but very interesting read!
I'm really surprised at the results so far on this poll! I guess I figured pretty much everyone would be rushing to get it.
Question: How do they know when you get sick that it is the swine flu, another flu or just a cold or something?
Question: How do they know when you get sick that it is the swine flu, another flu or just a cold or something?

The majority of people I know who got it started with a sudden, high fever and that exhausted body ache like with the regular flu. Most developed a sore throat and terrible cough, but that was after they already knew they were sick. The fever was the first clue.

Having said that, I do know of multiple cases where someone never got a fever or only had a mild one. A friend's son went to the dr. b/c of a sore throat and the dr. just happened to do a flu test and strep test. They were all surprised when it was flu and not strep. He never had a fever over about 99, and never felt bad. It was hard for them to know when to let him go back to school.

There have also been some kids with a high fever but who never develop the other symptoms. Literally playing and running around at home, fever free most of the day, and then it spikes again at night for several days.

So who knows? Many drs. are not testing for it at all anymore. One friend just posted on her fb page that her dd has all the symptoms and the dr. thinks it is probably flu, but he doesn't want her in the office so they won't know for sure. So much for that state of emergency leading to better tracking!
Everyone's votes and responses are really interesting. I cannot vote, because I am completely on the fence. I've been trying to figure out for weeks if I will get my kids, ages 20 months and 4 years, vacc'd or not. They are my only concern right now, especially because my 4 year old has a history or respiratory issues because of his rough start in life. He is supposed to be in preschool right now but I am terrified of him getting sick so I haven't put him in this year. I don't want the H1N1 scare to ruin our entire fall/winter and make us sit in the house because I'm worried about the kids getting sick.

I did ask their pediatrician if the vaccine is safe, and she said it's made in the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine (which they did get) and yes it's safe. But a friend of mine in another state told me her kids' pediatrician office didn't even order the vaccine because they don't recommend it. I don't think I've ever been so confused in my life!

Edited to add: I usually don't worry about the flu like this, but with the reports of the high number of small children dying just scares the bejesus out of me. Not all of them had underlying conditions either.
Everyone's votes and responses are really interesting. I cannot vote, because I am completely on the fence. I've been trying to figure out for weeks if I will get my kids, ages 20 months and 4 years, vacc'd or not. They are my only concern right now, especially because my 4 year old has a history or respiratory issues because of his rough start in life. He is supposed to be in preschool right now but I am terrified of him getting sick so I haven't put him in this year. I don't want the H1N1 scare to ruin our entire fall/winter and make us sit in the house because I'm worried about the kids getting sick.

I did ask their pediatrician if the vaccine is safe, and she said it's made in the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine (which they did get) and yes it's safe. But a friend of mine in another state told me her kids' pediatrician office didn't even order the vaccine because they don't recommend it. I don't think I've ever been so confused in my life!

Edited to add: I usually don't worry about the flu like this, but with the reports of the high number of small children dying just scares the bejesus out of me. Not all of them had underlying conditions either.

It is scary January, and confusing too! My grandchildren are in N. J. and Billy is 7 with a history of respiratory problems. He has VATERS syndrome and asthma and allergies and a weakened immune system. To see him, you'd swear he was healthy as a horse (!!) but if he catches anything, he's liable to get so sick, so quickly, he'll need to be hospitalized. Anyway, they are offering the nasal mist for H1N1 thru the school district. (Edited to clarify: permission slips have been sent home although vaccine hasn't been done yet in their N.J. school) His pediatrician (who has been there from day 1 and an absolute GODSEND!!!) told my daughter absolutely not, although he MUST have the injection as soon as it is available. And BIlly had the H1N1 flu 6 wks or so ago but the Dr. said there are several strains out there and he still needed the vaccine. My granddaughter, who is healthy thank God, he said to go ahead and have her get the mist thru the school and STILL come in with BIlly when he has the vaccine available in the office. YIKES. He mentioned the recent deaths to my daughter of 2 children and said it's nothing to play with.

SO much conflicting info out there! BUT, I think I'll be getting mine when available.....just to be on the safe side.
I voted no, that I don't trust what's in the vaccine. Besides, most in my town will have had it by the time we get the vaccine, and I believe my grandson and I already had it. I had aches, slight fever, headaches, and mild sore throat. My grandson had a slight cough, sore throat, headache, body ache, and high fever. It wasn't a cold or any other flu because it's way too early for our regular flu season.
My daughter just got over the swine flu last week. It kicked her to the curb, but she's fine now. She's in grad school...her doctor told her that it was infants and senior citizens, who have weak immune systems that had the serious problems with this. However, a few towns over a 17 year old was sent home from school w/the symptoms and two days later he passed away. I don't know more details...

I've known a few people now that have had it, they've all told me it's like a bad "regular" flu.

I'm not getting the shot...don't trust it, but that's not based on anything but my own wild imagination. I have very little interaction with humans (work with horses), so I'm hoping that's insurance enough, lol.
My daughter just got over the swine flu last week. It kicked her to the curb, but she's fine now. She's in grad school...her doctor told her that it was infants and senior citizens, who have weak immune systems that had the serious problems with this. However, a few towns over a 17 year old was sent home from school w/the symptoms and two days later he passed away. I don't know more details...

I've known a few people now that have had it, they've all told me it's like a bad "regular" flu.

I'm not getting the shot...don't trust it, but that's not based on anything but my own wild imagination. I have very little interaction with humans (work with horses), so I'm hoping that's insurance enough, lol.

I was tested today...I have it. Feel rough...but I did not get the shot, wouldn't get the shot. Now that I have had it, my body will build up immunities and if it comes back...Shoes doesn't get it. Mr. Shoes says he wants it, so he too will then be immune t it.....he does some study with CDC and OSHA guidelines as a part of his business. Overseas, they are not afraid to catch a virus. Nor am I. I will be fine by late next week. No antibiotics, no vaccine. Just me.
As far as the autism aspect that is worrying some people, the component that some believe is the link is a preservative called thermisol. Not all of the H1N1 vaccinations have thermisol in them.

As for those who wonder how they know if you have H1N1 or some other flu, I believe there is a test that can tell that.
Two of my children have had the swine flu, It started as cough and allergy symptoms. One had body aches, the other didn't. Both had a headache. That's why I took them to the Doctor. I was treating the asthma symptoms but the headache didn't fit. Neither had a high fever. My friends son takes cough medicine for his allergies. Her Doctor told her not to give him the cough syrup if he had fever because he thinks that's why some people are getting so bad and dying. They suppress the cough so they can't cough it up and it settles in their lungs. I don't know if it's true or not but I know I wouldn't have known if they hadn't kept complaining with a headache. We aren't getting the shot. I also read that if you use the neti pot everyday and gargle with listerine, it could help keep the swine flu away. O/T I bought some listerine for us to gargle with. My 16 year old used it later she came and said Mom the next time you buy us some mouth wash will you please try not to buy us poison. I told her that is what beer tasted like.
Two of my children have had the swine flu, It started as cough and allergy symptoms. One had body aches, the other didn't. Both had a headache. That's why I took them to the Doctor. I was treating the asthma symptoms but the headache didn't fit. Neither had a high fever. My friends son takes cough medicine for his allergies. Her Doctor told her not to give him the cough syrup if he had fever because he thinks that's why some people are getting so bad and dying. They suppress the cough so they can't cough it up and it settles in their lungs. I don't know if it's true or not but I know I wouldn't have known if they hadn't kept complaining with a headache. We aren't getting the shot. I also read that if you use the neti pot everyday and gargle with listerine, it could help keep the swine flu away. O/T I bought some listerine for us to gargle with. My 16 year old used it later she came and said Mom the next time you buy us some mouth wash will you please try not to buy us poison. I told her that is what beer tasted like.

Laughing my butt off about the beer comment! Funny! My doc told me today when i came up positive for it that the nedi pot might have prevented this, and other sinus issues also. I have one under the sink...don't like it as I have an inner ear and sinus issue....guess I should get used to the inconvenience. He also said sniffing saline from your palm is good.
Laughing my butt off about the beer comment! Funny! My doc told me today when i came up positive for it that the nedi pot might have prevented this, and other sinus issues also. I have one under the sink...don't like it as I have an inner ear and sinus issue....guess I should get used to the inconvenience. He also said sniffing saline from your palm is good.

You know I convinced one kid that he would die if he ever smoked because he has asthma. I figured I would give the listerine taste test to keep them from drinking. Who knows if she will buy it but I thought it was worth a try. I also read that you could blow your nose hard and swab the insides with a Qtip dipped in saline.
It isn't available here unless you have an "in" with a doctor like one of my acquaintances. She has no health probs, a healthy 50 years old, not high risk, nothing, but he said here take it and don't tell anyone. (she has a big mouth, he should know that LOL) Kids can't get the shot here because they say they are out of vaccine but not really. You have to know someone. That ticks me off like you wouldn't believe. Of all times you would think politics and favoritism wouldn't enter in. I don't need it, I'm old, but let the kids and people with health issues have it IF the parents want them to.
If I come down with the H1N1/ Swine Flu, I've decided to lie and tell eveyone I have the 'Swan Flu'.

It just sounds so much prettier, don't you think?
I'm leaving in about an hour to get a spot in line for the H1N1 clinic being held nearby. Only the kids will get the nasal vaccination -- hubby and I do not fall into the "at risk" groups yet.

From what I've seen on the news, these clinics have standing room only -- which is why I'm leaving 1 1/2 hours before it starts to get a spot in line.

ETA: Well, we're all back from the clinic. It was PACKED, and some of the people were surly...getting angrny because they thought my husband was cutting in line ahead of them (he was on his way back to where I was, because I'd already signed us all in). The nurse allowed us (mom and dad) to get the vaccination too, even though we weren't in the high risk category, because she said there was more than enough vaccine at the clinic, and we wouldn't be taking it away from someone in one of the high risk groups. So we all got it.
If I come down with the H1N1/ Swine Flu, I've decided to lie and tell eveyone I have the 'Swan Flu'.

It just sounds so much prettier, don't you think?

Be a good idea to lie..people are crazy paraniod and irrational. Friend' DIL says that if she gets it she will never hold her Grandchild again or have her in her home. NUTS!
OK, 6 1/2 hours post vaccination, and absolutely no side effects for anyone yet. :)
(No fever, aching joints, stuffiness, sore arms, etc.)
Well I am stunned. People are worried about the side effects more than the ailment? Hmm. To me all flu's are essentially the same-our district has been nailed with it but all of the cases are mild.

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