Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

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I feel like Tempo staff are just trying to cover their butts in the press because HG shouldn't have been able to get in - if it's a card-you-at-the-door kind of establishment. Therefore their go-to unbudging answer will be that she wasn't in there, no way. If no staff pointedly remember her, I am sure they would assume the rules were followed and she wasn't inside, not in an effort to appear squeaky clean but in the sense that you base your conclusions on the information and rules that generally apply. I suppose they could be worried about appearing contributory, as well. All that to say that I am more likely to believe a patron witness than staff.
*I'm with Longo, I believe she was in the bar

Me too!!! I absolutely believe an eyewitness (or a few) places them there. He is easily recognizable (woman who never met him in tx recognized him!) and at almost 6 ft tall in a sparkly crop top, she was too. Tempo is covering .. And I hope it all comes out and they are shut down permanently!
I'm 99% certain she was in the bar. It just doesn't work any other way. Whether staff saw her and are covering their own backsides or genuinely didn't see her, I don't know. But I do believe she went in there and most likely drank something.
From this article he was not regular and stuck out like sore thumb, yet he went there twice that night. Was there someone else he was meeting there that night? are people too afraid to talk?


Matthew ordered drinks in Tempo before encountering Graham on the Downtown Mall, Cunningham said, though he wasn’t a regular customer. Cunningham said he noticed Matthew on the night of Graham’s disappearance because he wasn’t dressed in the attire typically worn by the upscale establishment’s patrons
The only other way I can see her NOT being in Tempo, but still getting a drink is if she was standing outside the huge windows that they open up. However, that would mean she would have been standing outside the window, on a relatively busy street (though less so at 1 am). Here is a street view. Those windows are wide open and they have the railings there. She had to have been drinking. Inside or outside, who knows, but she didn't just stand there by her lonesome for 30 minutes....or whatever the actual timeline is. And she certainly wouldn't have been incapacitated if she was standing there not drinking for that long. https://www.google.com/maps/@38.029...m4!1e1!3m2!1spOuLVZUUf7R17CRS6AmX6A!2e0?hl=en

It would have been out of view of the door'man' too, but it is such an odd placement, I would think people would have noticed her.
From this article he was not regular and stuck out like sore thumb, yet he went there twice that night. Was there someone else he was meeting there that night? are people too afraid to talk?


Matthew ordered drinks in Tempo before encountering Graham on the Downtown Mall, Cunningham said, though he wasn’t a regular customer. Cunningham said he noticed Matthew on the night of Graham’s disappearance because he wasn’t dressed in the attire typically worn by the upscale establishment’s patrons

My take on him being there twice...

First time, he went following the people he had been with in the previous bar, Blue Light (http://insidecville.com/blog/ljs-timeline/). He probably noticed it wasn't his usual sort of bar, but when he met Hannah thought it'd be a good place to take her to impress her. He could've easily been telling her he went in there all the time to make him seem more upscale/respectable.

If the details given by "Molly" are accurate then he probably wouldn't have gone in at all if not for that group of people (Dave Johnson etc). I'm relying on what I read somewhere else on here that Coy Barefoot is a good source, btw.
I'm 99% certain she was in the bar. It just doesn't work any other way. Whether staff saw her and are covering their own backsides or genuinely didn't see her, I don't know. But I do believe she went in there and most likely drank something.

If you read the article the bar owner doesn't say "she wasn't in the restaurant" he very carefully (IMHO) and repeatedly says none of us "recall" or "remember" her being in the restaurant. Which seems like the sort of careful statement that would be crafted under the advice of an attorney. Someone mentioned they were unexpectedly closed earlier this week ... maybe an all-hands, get-our-story-straight meeting.

I'm happy they've come forward, and at least seem to have good recall of the most important facts, ie. she left with him, when they left, and that she appeared "incapacitated". I just worry that their, lets say, "less-good-memory" of earlier events might negatively affect the perceived value of their testimony in an eventual case, or more importantly might omit some vital element that might lead us to Hannah.
There is no way someone is going to hang around outside a bar for 30 minutes for a guy she's just met. Come on. That's just ridiculous. If she DID hang around outside for that length of time people would notice. And she's gone from being able to walk quite purposefully to being "incapacitated" and needing to be held up. This allegedly over an hour and a half since her last alcoholic drink consumed at the party she left. She's energetically walked to the mall. She's outside in fresh air. How is she getting MORE incapacitated then? She should be starting to sober up after that length of time.

I think she was in the bar. I think she probably did drink something JM bought her. I think the bar is trying to cover itself so it doesn't lose it's licence.
Don't know who you are replying to, but nobody suggested she waited outside by herself for 30 min.

He went in for 1 minute, bought 2 beers, put them under his shirt and took them outside through the side door. They drank them on Water or in the alley next to the yoga place. 30 min later they walk past the front door on the way to his car, she more buzzed then as previously seen in the videos.
Don't know who you are replying to, but nobody suggested she waited outside by herself for 30 min.

He went in for 1 minute, bought 2 beers, put them under his shirt and took them outside through the side door. They drank them on Water or in the alley next to the yoga place. 30 min later they walk past the front door on the way to his car, she more buzzed then as previously seen in the videos.

What?? Where did you read this?
What?? Where did you read this?

I think lateott is making an assumption based on what is known and trying to fill in the possible picture of what could have happened. I don't know what door the doorman stands at in order to check IDs. However, considering Hannah and JM walked PAST the doorman (woman) back to the mall, then I don't see where they would have been hiding out and drinking. She must have been standing in the alcove door if JM came out the "side door" and then proceeded to walk past her with Hannah in tow back toward the mall.

My thought, which I shared earlier, is this. IF she was not in Tempo, but somehow stuck around in the area and proceeded to get MORE drunk or "incapacitated" then this is the only way I could see it happening. Based on the doorman's account and what we know of the bar and area. This is ALL MOO.
I think lateott is making an assumption based on what is known and trying to fill in the possible picture of what could have happened. I don't know what door the doorman stands at in order to check IDs. However, considering Hannah and JM walked PAST the doorman (woman) back to the mall, then I don't see where they would have been hiding out and drinking. She must have been standing in the alcove door if JM came out the "side door" and then proceeded to walk past her with Hannah in tow back toward the mall.

My thought, which I shared earlier, is this. IF she was not in Tempo, but somehow stuck around in the area and proceeded to get MORE drunk or "incapacitated" then this is the only way I could see it happening. Based on the doorman's account and what we know of the bar and area. This is ALL MOO.
View attachment 59951

Thanks for your neat diagram! :)

I find it highly unlikely that Hannah went from "walking with purpose" to barely able to stand drunk after just one bottled beer in an alley. Unless he drugged it.

Do bottled beers cost $7/piece at Tempo?
What?? Where did you read this?
In my posts 162 and 164 above.

It is speculation of course, but fits all the reported facts except the one in dispute (that HG was ever inside Tempo, which the owner addresses elsewhere as a witness confused by the presence of a different woman, similarly dressed at the bar, for a good part of the night.)

I don't think HG was ever in there. She just waited outside while he quickly bought a couple of beers and snuck them out the side door.
In my posts 162 and 164 above.

It is speculation of course, but fits all the reported facts except the one in dispute (that HG was ever inside Tempo, which the owner addresses elsewhere as a witness confused by the presence of a different woman, similarly dressed at the bar, for a good part of the night.)

I don't think HG was ever in there. She just waited outside while he quickly bought a couple of beers and snuck them out the side door.

OK, I didn't "get" that it was your speculation. It does make sense that it could have happened that way.
Thanks for your neat diagram! :)

I find it highly unlikely that Hannah went from "walking with purpose" to barely able to stand drunk after just one bottled beer in an alley. Unless he drugged it.

Do bottled beers cost $7/piece at Tempo?

I agree. I don't know if bottled beers cost that much, but I can see a draft beer costing that much. Hannah had to have been out of sight of the doorman for the majority of time (assuming truth is being told). Which is why I believe she COULD have been hanging out around the corner, outside of the windows. But that is a rather conspicuous place, that I believe other patrons sitting near there would have noticed and thought strange. Not to mention others passing on the main street there. So I have no idea if my diagram is remotely accurate, it is just another guess of the many scenarios that could have come to pass that night.
Thanks for your neat diagram! :)

I find it highly unlikely that Hannah went from "walking with purpose" to barely able to stand drunk after just one bottled beer in an alley. Unless he drugged it.

Do bottled beers cost $7/piece at Tempo?

Especially since she had not had a drink between the last party and Tempos.
I think lateott is making an assumption based on what is known and trying to fill in the possible picture of what could have happened. I don't know what door the doorman stands at in order to check IDs. However, considering Hannah and JM walked PAST the doorman (woman) back to the mall, then I don't see where they would have been hiding out and drinking. She must have been standing in the alcove door if JM came out the "side door" and then proceeded to walk past her with Hannah in tow back toward the mall.

My thought, which I shared earlier, is this. IF she was not in Tempo, but somehow stuck around in the area and proceeded to get MORE drunk or "incapacitated" then this is the only way I could see it happening. Based on the doorman's account and what we know of the bar and area. This is ALL MOO.
View attachment 59951
Yes, and there is an alley just past the white flag. My guess is he was in and out quickly. She got more incapacitated during the 30 min, and yes, there could have been more than a beer involved.
Newbie post. I am curious to know if there is a way to learn the name of the attorney Tempo uses regularly and/or used to write their press release about HG (in which the heading incorrectly identified her first name). I am aware of a legal case where the use of the incorrect name of a party by an attorney, whether through error or bad intent, caused serious issues. Wondering if there is potentially a conflict of interest in terms of who represents them.
"Nestled in the West End, Tempo Restaurant is one of Alexandria’s best-kept secrets. This elegant, but unpretentious, neighborhood restaurant is where the locals dine. Tempo’s menu displays a blend of northern Italian and French cuisine, featuring fresh seafood."


That restaurant is in Alexandria, not Charlottesville. Different place.

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