Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

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There were reports early on that Hannah was very familiar with McGrady's as that is where her ski team frequently went, rather than the Corner. Also Hannah frequently went out running in the morning as per her twitter so a mile walk is nothing for an 18 yr old athlete. There was also mention (not sure if it was rumor or confirmed) that there was a frat party at McGrady's that night.

Thank you, I was not aware that she was a frequent at McGrady's. That does perhaps explain why she may have been comfortable with trying to enter that bar. However, it leaves a lot of questions as to why she would go there that night, but if there was indeed a frat party there, maybe?? I just know how long that walk is, and how it is in the opposite direction of the college bar/party area. If there was a frat organization at McGrady's that night, it would've probably been established and known to the police by now, and it probably wouldn't be something they would keep from the public. I understand that a mile long walk is nothing to an 18 year old athlete, but knowing that area, trust me - it is a very long, quiet walk that she took. Not a walk that would be amidst people, bars and parties. It would make sense if she was trying to get to McGrady's, but still, most people would take a cab from the Corner to McGrady's. If indeed there was a frat party there that night, I hope that rumor is confirmed, as it would make a lot more sense as to why she told her friends she was going to another party and ended up so very far from where the students hang out.
Believe me, as a college student myself about 8 years ago, I definitely know how alcohol and your state of mind can play out in getting yourself lost! I've definitely been there myself. McGrady's is an Irish bar, mostly known for being UVA affiliated for older fans and locals. It's not a college bar, but does cater to the younger crowd of 21-28 year olds. They're famous for their St. Patrick's Day celebrations, and I can't really imagine college students going there for any other reason. There are also Irish bars on the college area of the Corner that cater to them. I definitely know what you mean about getting lost and wandering, Jamicat, for sure. I've been there myself. I guess we can't really know what went on with how and why Hannah ended up so far from campus that night. I was just trying to provide info as a local. I'm so glad you had a safe turnout in your scary experience of getting so lost in this town.
First, have we established that it was beer he bought because there are contradicting reports in the media? We've discussed it here but I don't think we came to a definitive conclusion.

With regard to her being able to chug a beer without throwing it up, I think that depends on the person and his/her tolerance. She liked to drink so it's possible it wouldn't have been a big deal. And she had been walking for awhile so she was probably thirsty. FWIW, I am not discounting the possibility that she was roofied. I just think she could have consumed more than one drink/beer while she was inside.

And I agree with you - I believe she was in the bar.


Don't see how we could be 100% sure. The receipt might even say "beer" if it's so itemized, but still might not have been. A report was that it was 2 drinks and then somewhere else 2 beers. But who knows? None of the details can be 100% verified without some video footage confirming or disproving it. It makes sense that after walking all that time and distance that she'd be thirsty. One gets dehydrated from drinking alcohol, and thirsty and dehydrated from brisk walks and running Hannah was doing all three. A cold beer would have sounded awfully good. And maybe she did chug it down and throw up which made her sick and need more support after that which would mesh with "Abby's" report I was thinking maybe she was slipped something in her drink, maybe she drank too much too fast and got sick to her stomach so she could not stand without being bent over in pain after thatn. Maybe Abby is lying, Maybe exaggerating Maybe mistaken. Maybe she was in the bar maybe out in the street, maybe in a side hallway from the side door.

But, whatever, she was in that area with JM seems to be the consensus. The two of them were definttely together there around a ceratin time Several people ided them and JM paid something with his credit card, placing him right there.Where Hannah disappeared on video after going off with JM, we don't know. Just that LE is pretty danged sure she showed up near Tempo with JM before disappearing, thist time for good that early morning.
"ANYTHING", Abby says? You think every bit of what was said should be thrown out? If LE did that on cases, they'd have nothing. The WG that went to LE upon realizing it was Hannah he likely saw at the mall described JM all wrong. We can see that on video. Everything he says is corroborated on film, which he did not see until AFTER he talked to LE, EXCEPT his description of JM which was so way off.

We don't always remember things exactly the way they happened especially when we are not focused on them at that time as anything significant.

Hannah may or may not have been INSIDE Tempo, but it seems to me to be clear she was in the area of Tempo. Several eye witnesses have so said and also say JM was with with her.

It would be very foolish for the owner/manager of Tempo to encourage employees to lie about this. I don't think they are. THis is a very serious case. I don't think employees there remember her specifically being inside the place, but there might be patrons who think she might have been in there. How sure anyone is going to be if cross examined remains to be seen, but my guess is that they will all swear they saw her in the area of Tempo.

Also, I don't think Hannah had fake ID. She clearly wanted to get inside McGrady's and apparently that place did not admit her. Then there is this thing with Tempo. IF she'd had fake ID, she'd have gone right in and there wouldn't be all of this. I think she did hang around outside while JM got something inside, either settled his tab, bought something and managed to slip it out, drank some more, picked up something, used the restroom, whatever. She probably felt better having that ride offer. Not knowing the layout around there, no idea where she could have been, or what "side door" is being referred to.
Abby has said 2 things....
She doesn't "remember" Hannah being in the bar, which is careful wording on her part, and that Hannah was incapacitated. She's obviously avoiding committing with the first statement, so why should I believe her second statement? I'm pretty sure LE doesn't believe her, either. She hasn't proven herself to be a reliable witness, IMO.
WG... that's a whole different story. I don't know what's up with his description, but that's sketchy too. Actually, the whole night is sketchy. There are a lot of details that don't add up for me.
Totally agree, Claudia! "Abby" waited THIS long to make a statement about how she "doesn't remember Hannah being in the bar." So carefully worded, and if you're going to wait this long, why even make a statement at all?!! Unless it's to protect the establishment. Typical witness statement trying to protect someone or something - "I don't recall" or "I can't remember" Yep that way she's not held accountable. So sketchy, so sad.
I don't see the big deal. I can see not being sure if someone I remember seeing was in or out of a place. I once checked IDs at a student Rathskellar and on a busy night, I might remember seeing a face, a person, but being able to swear if the person came in or not. But I might remember if someone was not walking well, needed some support help in walking. I don't see an issue at all. It's also possible that she is trying to protect self as it was her job to check Ids and if she had permitted Hannah in there without an ID showing her of age, she could be in trouble. Maybe she is hedging her bets.

But usually LE grants leeway for these things when the info is more important thatn the breach of law.

The owner/manager was not likely there that night, and so would have to go with what those there said. Acc to LE, there is a witness that places Hannah in there, but acc to a honcho of the place, none of the employees have stated they saw her there. Does it matter all that much as long as there is agreement that JM and Hannah were in the vicinity and that they were together, and that Hannah did not look well or normal? That seems to be the consensus with confusion about the rest. This happens quite often in situations.

I'm considered fairly good when tested in relating what happened and describing those there and the scene. But whe I test myself on those things, I come up short, and there have been situations, and thank goodness they were not crucilal when I was not sure exactly what happened.

Abby was not waiting to make a statement. It appears she was "found" by some media folk. I'm surprised anyone at Tempo even made statements. The word is that McGrady's was asked not to say anything and I would have thought Tempo would have been asked the same. With all the doubts brought up by people here, I think LE might be compromised in court about placing JM and Hannah here, which would be a shame if they were indeed here.

I can also tell you that talking to the press is not easy. They often put words in your mouth and will state things that you did not say, sometimes outrageously so. I 've avoided making statement and advise most people the same for that reason, especially when the facts are so important.
For some reason it plays out in my mind, that if Hannah got into JM's car, in a very inebriated condition (be it alcohol, or date rape drugs, or whatever) most likely he was telling her he was taking her home or someplace safe. Maybe even in her state of mind, she had lost track of time and still just wanted to go to that party she was originally trying to find, around 14th and Wertland near the campus. Again, this is just how it plays out in my mind, worse case scenario - he drugged her at Tempo, she got confused and upset, and wanted to go home or back to the party she intended on going to hours ago (now having no sense of time) and he offered to give her a ride there. She pulled out her phone to text/call her friends and since she was too inebriated to text, either she asked him to text her friends or he took the phone and texted for her that she was "lost on 14th and Wertland" since he knew that was where she was trying to go. Just a speculation, trying to imagine how that text could've happened so late when she was nowhere near that area.

That makes sense.
I keep trying to understand why she went with him in the first place, but she was lost. He must ID for the hospital, and perhaps for the Christian Private School. If he showed that to her, she might be more inclined to trust him.
The problem I see with Tempo is that they have admitted that Hannah and Jesse must have been in Tempo because they had "beers". The owner claims that someone matching Hannah's description and clothing was in the bar, but the person that matched her description was older. That sounds like an excuse - as in, we thought she was older. Jesse was known at Tempo. They saw him with Hannah - that's a given since they were served alcohol. Staff claim they didn't see Hannah, and they didn't see them leave. I don't believe that. Personally, I would like to see a place like that go out of business. Jesse was apparently throwing people around in the bar and bothering women earlier in the evening and then, at the end of the evening, the 32 year old man is half-carrying an 18 year old girl (that the staff have never seen before) who is clearly incapable holding herself up, let alone making decisions. Why didn't someone intervene? Tempo deserves a reputation of having no regard to the welfare of their patrons, and therefore, it should go out of business. I hope people avoid the place from now on.

First, have we established that it was beer he bought because there are contradicting reports in the media? We've discussed it here but I don't think we came to a definitive conclusion.

With regard to her being able to chug a beer without throwing it up, I think that depends on the person and his/her tolerance. She liked to drink so it's possible it wouldn't have been a big deal. And she had been walking for awhile so she was probably thirsty. FWIW, I am not discounting the possibility that she was roofied. I just think she could have consumed more than one drink/beer while she was inside.

And I agree with you - I believe she was in the bar.
My point was she was reported to be so wasted by Abby , that she can barely stand up . Yet nobody witnessed her drinking between the 2nd party she attended and Tempo.JM had ordered 2 beers and closed his tab, as per Tempos owner. Nobody witnessed him drinking them, so where did those beers go? Another question, any witnesses to where JM ' orange car was parked and how close was available parking in relation toTempo?
My point was she was reported to be so wasted by Abby , that she can barely stand up . Yet nobody witnessed her drinking between the 2nd party she attended and Tempo.JM had ordered 2 beers and closed his tab, as per Tempos owner. Nobody witnessed him drinking them, so where did those beers go? Another question, any witnesses to where JM ' orange car was parked and how close was available parking in relation toTempo?

I understand now. I have those same questions.

I know that we are privy to only what LE has disclosed but the fact that we have way more questions than answers really concerns me. I don't doubt LJM's role in this, and there's no disputing that he was the last seen with her, but if we (the collective public) don't think it adds up, his defense is going to have a heyday with the inconsistencies. Hopefully, there is much we don't know that proves his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Don't see how we could be 100% sure. The receipt might even say "beer" if it's so itemized, but still might not have been. A report was that it was 2 drinks and then somewhere else 2 beers. But who knows? None of the details can be 100% verified without some video footage confirming or disproving it. It makes sense that after walking all that time and distance that she'd be thirsty. One gets dehydrated from drinking alcohol, and thirsty and dehydrated from brisk walks and running Hannah was doing all three. A cold beer would have sounded awfully good. And maybe she did chug it down and throw up which made her sick and need more support after that which would mesh with "Abby's" report I was thinking maybe she was slipped something in her drink, maybe she drank too much too fast and got sick to her stomach so she could not stand without being bent over in pain after thatn. Maybe Abby is lying, Maybe exaggerating Maybe mistaken. Maybe she was in the bar maybe out in the street, maybe in a side hallway from the side door.

But, whatever, she was in that area with JM seems to be the consensus. The two of them were definttely together there around a ceratin time Several people ided them and JM paid something with his credit card, placing him right there.Where Hannah disappeared on video after going off with JM, we don't know. Just that LE is pretty danged sure she showed up near Tempo with JM before disappearing, thist time for good that early morning.
All very true. The bottom line is they were both there . How they got there really doesn't matter as much as where did they go afterwards. The trail seems to end at Tempos.
I'm not going to believe anything Abby says until it's proven without a doubt she's being truthful about Hannah not being in the bar (which I don't think will ever happen).
I think Hannah was inside, I think they had a staff meeting that Monday, and i think they got their story straight then. It's so obvious Abby is covering by her words... I don't remember seeing her inside... right. Not I didn't see her, i don't remember. No one can say you're lying, can't prove what someone remembers. That's weak.

Having a meeting to "get their story straight" I'm pretty sure would send people to jail, so for their sake I hope they didn't :)
Totally agree, Claudia! "Abby" waited THIS long to make a statement about how she "doesn't remember Hannah being in the bar." So carefully worded, and if you're going to wait this long, why even make a statement at all?!! Unless it's to protect the establishment. Typical witness statement trying to protect someone or something - "I don't recall" or "I can't remember" Yep that way she's not held accountable. So sketchy, so sad.

We don't know how long Abby waited, she could have made a statement to LE as soon as she heard the news.
Thank you, I was not aware that she was a frequent at McGrady's. That does perhaps explain why she may have been comfortable with trying to enter that bar. However, it leaves a lot of questions as to why she would go there that night, but if there was indeed a frat party there, maybe?? I just know how long that walk is, and how it is in the opposite direction of the college bar/party area. If there was a frat organization at McGrady's that night, it would've probably been established and known to the police by now, and it probably wouldn't be something they would keep from the public. I understand that a mile long walk is nothing to an 18 year old athlete, but knowing that area, trust me - it is a very long, quiet walk that she took. Not a walk that would be amidst people, bars and parties. It would make sense if she was trying to get to McGrady's, but still, most people would take a cab from the Corner to McGrady's. If indeed there was a frat party there that night, I hope that rumor is confirmed, as it would make a lot more sense as to why she told her friends she was going to another party and ended up so very far from where the students hang out.

LE seems to think she got lost going elsewhere and they seem to be comfortable with that; my guess is that they know where she was heading, and that she ended up in that area by mistake and confusion. She probably went to McGrady's because she was familiar with it and was hoping there would someone she knew there. JMO
My point was she was reported to be so wasted by Abby , that she can barely stand up . Yet nobody witnessed her drinking between the 2nd party she attended and Tempo.JM had ordered 2 beers and closed his tab, as per Tempos owner. Nobody witnessed him drinking them, so where did those beers go? Another question, any witnesses to where JM ' orange car was parked and how close was available parking in relation toTempo?

There is a report that police had ided the orange car and identified it as JM. They had enough on the car to get a search warrent on it. It seems to me that LE only gives out info to get more info, or if the info is useless. Anything they really have, they don't divulge. The car is an example. They somehow had enough on that car to search and seize it, but no info on any video footag on the car, though it is mentioned. But the car photo is circulated and requests for anyone having seen out there which makes me believe that they have no idea where JM went with the car those early morning hours allegedly with Hannah. But they seem pretty sure he and Hannah got into that car.
There is a report that police had ided the orange car and identified it as JM. They had enough on the car to get a search warrent on it. It seems to me that LE only gives out info to get more info, or if the info is useless. Anything they really have, they don't divulge. The car is an example. They somehow had enough on that car to search and seize it, but no info on any video footag on the car, though it is mentioned. But the car photo is circulated and requests for anyone having seen out there which makes me believe that they have no idea where JM went with the car those early morning hours allegedly with Hannah. But they seem pretty sure he and Hannah got into that car.
In a different Timezone here so too sleepy to find the link, but read today that when they went to remove the car they observed something that led them to search the apartment. Taking that literally, did something fall out from under the car???
I'm thinking big clumps of mud.
Thinking about the condition Abby says HG was in when leaving the area of Tempo....just throwing out another angle as to what might have been going on where she supposedly could barely walk. Knowing that she had been covering a lot of territory that night--lost or not lost--and figuring that her phone went off-line during the Tempo time frame...maybe what looked like someone who was too drunk/high to walk was actually someone who was crying. Something could have happened that was just the last straw for her that night. Alcohol has a tendency to heighten those emotions a tad...if the 1:06 / 1:20 text was accurate, maybe it was more than she could take to realize she was lost and not able to use her phone. IOW, maybe LH was having an emotional breakdown at the time JM was walking away with her.

Or could she have been feeling sick to her stomach? It had been awhile (as far as we know) since she had eaten. She had done a lot of physical activity (walking, running at least once) and was perhaps dehydrated from the alcohol. Once she stopped moving about (whether inside Tempo or outside), it may be that she began to feel ill. As she was near a bar, Abby and others may have assumed he was holding her up due to her being drunk, when in fact she was feeling sick. JMO, of course.(Edit note: Apologies to jamicat, in re-reading posts, I saw a similar theory mentioned by them prior to mine.)
The Coy Barefoot article talks about what "Abby" saw: http://insidecville.com/blog/ljs-timeline/

“He came out the side door,” she says of LJ Matthew. “I saw him come walking by and I thought, there’s that obnoxious guy from before. I noticed he had his arm around a girl. She was wearing a crop top.” Abby says it was days later, after she’d seen some video images on the news, that she recognized the girl. She learned that that same girl she’d seen on the Mall was a second-year University of Virginia student named Hannah Graham.


I really hope Abby didn''t mistake her for the other woman in a crop top, dressed similarly to HG, who was sitting at the bar that night? We heard from the owner, any punters who thought they HG actually saw this doppelganger instead

In Nancy Grace's interview, she she asked an old friend of LJM if he "usually drank bourbon" (she said bourbon in the tone of voice in might say, "the blood of innocent kittens"). His friend was taken aback and didn't understand her because it was so sudden. So she said, "BOURBON, because that's what he was drinking that night. Is that something you knew him to drink?"

Hard to know what to make of that. She made it sound like new information that had some significance.

Bourbon would be a much better buzz booster than beer, though, if he and HG were drinking that.

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I think it's pretty simple what happened with Hannah. Had too many drinks at some party and was headed to yet another venue when she got turned around in her directions. Happened to me a couple of weeks ago, and I was't drinking. I think LE knows well where she was going, as they have talked to her friends and those to whom she was texting and planning to meet that night. They just aren't releasing that info. No need to do so.

She got lost and erratically walked and ran around the area until she found herself at McGrady's, wanted to go in there in hopes of seeing some UVA folks she might know, but didn't have the ID to gain entry. McGrady's is the most likely place in that mall to see UVA students is what some students tell me. So now she's trying to get her bearing straight, maybe called, texted some people, couldn't reach them--again LE probably knows all of this as do her friends, when she runs into Jm with his friendly offer of a ride. Being less acute than usual from the drinking, tired, lost and upset, the offer sounds awfully good. JM probably says he works at UVAMC, which he does, and was a cab driver and could get her where ever lickety split. Just gotta pick up some things at Tempo, which is an upscale place and not in some hidden place to fear, so she goes with him. Whether she went in or not is a questions, but JM most likely did for a few minutes. Mayb have bought a couple of beers (as reported somewhere) snuck them out, and gave her one. They then went off somewhere together.

Whether the one eye witness report is accurate about how she could hardly stand, we can't say for sure. IF so, I do wonder how Hannah could get incapacitated so quickly. No proof that she had a drink with JM anywhere. Maybe JM drank down both drinks, maybe it was an earlier tab he had to pay. BUt they did go off somewhere together. I think up to here, it's that simple. What happened next is not.

The only problem with this is that police say she was walking with a purpose, she wasn't walking like she was lost.

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