Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

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The only problem with this is that police say she was walking with a purpose, she wasn't walking like she was lost.

At multiple press conferences, police have said that they thought she was lost and disoriented, and that she was intoxicated. Longo has led me to believe that he thinks she had had a lot to drink that night. But even if police have said she didn't look lost (speaking to her belief about her situation), I think they believe that she WAS lost.

In Nancy Grace's interview, she she asked an old friend of LJM if he "usually drank bourbon" (she said bourbon in the tone of voice in might say, "the blood of innocent kittens"). His friend was taken aback and didn't understand her because it was so sudden. So she said, "BOURBON, because that's what he was drinking that night. Is that something you knew him to drink?"

Hard to know what to make of that. She made it sound like new information that had some significance.

Bourbon would be a much better buzz booster than beer, though, if he and HG were drinking that.

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He ordered 3 shots of bourbon the first time he was in there and gave 2 away.

The mystery $7 "house drinks" he bought the second time when HG, was allegedly there, have not been identified

we know he drinks bourbon, various witnesses have confirmed that

He ordered 3 shots of bourbon the first time he was in there and gave 2 away.

The mystery $7 "house drinks" he bought the second time when HG, was allegedly there, have not.

we know he drinks bourbon, various witnesses have confirmed that

If their beer is $7,(if that's what it is) I wonder what the bourbon is $.? Are they over priced or want to keep out certain clientèle? Honestly $7 is bottle beer price today.
If JM planned to drug HG and assault her - I wonder why he would take her back to Tempo where he had been seen before earlier that night and why pay with credit card. Unless he operates totally on impulse, I would think he would at least think a step ahead. Should this girl get away - it is best to not be identified as having been with her at the place where he had just made several scenes (first with the two women, then the Brittish woman). I would think JM would steer HG to another bar and then buy the drinks and keep under the radar. When underage patrons target a bar to drink - it's usually because the bar is easy on IDs or there is a certain bartender/bouncer who is known to serve. I'm not saying this is the case here but I do wonder why Tempo was chosen. Could have just been the closes/easiest place.

As for JM saying they just "parted ways" - I highly doubt that - in fact I don't believe it. He hounded the other women until one of them had to get verbally confrontationaly with him to leave her alone. I doubt he would have taken No for an answer from HG.

A bit off topic and I am not in the medical field but could steroids be a factor in JM's behavior? He seems very aggressive and off balance in some ways...but knows wrong/right because he has what seems to be a very different personality at work.
The only problem with this is that police say she was walking with a purpose, she wasn't walking like she was lost.

I was walking with a purpose when I was lost. I did the same thing Hannah is suspected to have done. went the exact opposite direct a couple of weeks ago and found myself totally turned around. Unlike Hannah I ended up in a locale totally unfamiliar to me, but didn't realize that was where I was heading until I was there. Just wasn't really focused on my surroundings, just going the directions as my cell phone was giving, but somehow messed it up---yes, I was looking at a map, had smart phone assistance, and still got turned around and lost so I can attest that it happens and you don't have to be drunk.
jamicat, are you familiar with the Charlottesville area? Where she started out and where she ended up is so troubling. The Charlottesville area has the UVA "Corner" of town, where all the students live, party, and go to school. It's significantly far and very different from the downtown mall area she ended up at. McGrady's is also not a college bar. It's nowhere near "the Corner." I'm not trying to start an argument with you, but as a Charlottesville resident, I can promise you, students really do not frequent the downtown mall. It's a much older crowd, "townies" as the students would probably call them. "The Corner" is the student area of town, which is where she started out. For her to get that far away is very troubling. It's not like the Corner and the Downtown Mall are right next to each other. It's almost a mile walk. McGrady's is not known for being a college bar - it's MUCH closer to the downtown mall than the student area of the Corner.

Again, not trying to argue but wanted to provide some insight from someone who lives in the area.

There was a frat event at McGradys on the night in question. That's why I think it was an intentional stop. She was probably there to meet someone and then couldn't get in.
If JM planned to drug HG and assault her - I wonder why he would take her back to Tempo where he had been seen before earlier that night and why pay with credit card. Unless he operates totally on impulse, I would think he would at least think a step ahead. Should this girl get away - it is best to not be identified as having been with her at the place where he had just made several scenes (first with the two women, then the Brittish woman). I would think JM would steer HG to another bar and then buy the drinks and keep under the radar. When underage patrons target a bar to drink - it's usually because the bar is easy on IDs or there is a certain bartender/bouncer who is known to serve. I'm not saying this is the case here but I do wonder why Tempo was chosen. Could have just been the closes/easiest place.

As for JM saying they just "parted ways" - I highly doubt that - in fact I don't believe it. He hounded the other women until one of them had to get verbally confrontationaly with him to leave her alone. I doubt he would have taken No for an answer from HG.

A bit off topic and I am not in the medical field but could steroids be a factor in JM's behavior? He seems very aggressive and off balance in some ways...but knows wrong/right because he has what seems to be a very different personality at work.


I think his behavior shows he pretty much reacts very much on impulse and doesn't plan much Clearly he and Hannah "parted ways"; she's not with him now and hasn't been for a while. What's of interest is when, where and how. I don't think he was planning much ahead and that is where LE has some advantage in finding Hannah. I don't think he expected things to end with Hannah missing and everyone looking for her and him. His reactions are totally those of someone who has not put much thought into them Caught in Galveston, TX, for goodness sakes, that quickly? Really. Not the greatest mind around with that escape. Giving the LE a reason for a warrent while they were trying to figure how to nab him legally with that reckless driving when he KNEW they were following him. Not very bright at all

As a result, I'm not that impressed with LE here. So far they didn't get enough to charge him even after witnesses stepped up and ided him for them, which is clearly how they got him and his car. No big deal police work here. Thier info ends with the surveillance camera footage and the Tempo sightings. Let's see what kind of things they can come up with on their own. I don't think there is any big effort made to hide Hannah; this is a careless, short sighted person here. Goes totally on impulse as you say, or close to it

I also get the feeling that he might have done this in the past with other women and gotten away with it Whether he slips somehting in their drinks to facilitate this, charms them into sex with him, or he's been lucky enough that they don't want to report the encounter given what it entails to press rape charges, he may well be operating this way. I am hopeful women who have been so victimized by him step up now as well as chums of his who might have heard him bragging speak up about this if he has been doing this as recreation.

Something went horribly wrong with this pick up. Whether it was due to JM directly, or if he dumped her off somewhere and Hannah didn't make it back for some other reason, I don't believe he intended to find a girl, rape her and kill her when he started out with Hannah.
There was a frat event at McGradys on the night in question. That's why I think it was an intentional stop. She was probably there to meet someone and then couldn't get in.

BBM. Possible, of course. But from LE remarks about why she ended up there, they seem to think she got lost and turned around going, the opposite way of where she wanted to go. If someone has the map of where she left and where she ended up, look and see where she would have gone if she had gone the opposite When I looked at what I did on the map when I got turned around, it was very clear what I did. Complete opposite.

I think LE has talked to her friends and classmates and know where she was planning to go and have so looked at the mapy. She was texting and calling people, from what I can gather, and all indications are that she did not want to be where she ended up. I think she just wanted to get inot Mc Grady's in hopes of seeing someone she knew.
What if she got to McGradys and wasn't on the list and that's why she didn't get in vs not having a fake ID? Maybe she went there hoping to find someone she knew not realizing there was an event going on that she couldn't get into? That could be an explanation of how she could have got in Tempo and ordered another drink (if that's what happened).
The only problem with this is that police say she was walking with a purpose, she wasn't walking like she was lost.

Not necessarily. I'm about the same height as Hannah and have a very quick gait. Have been told all my life that I look like I have somewhere to be even when I'm just walking casually. My partner is 6' 6" and can't keep up with me unless I deliberately slow down my natural pace.
There was a frat event at McGradys on the night in question. That's why I think it was an intentional stop. She was probably there to meet someone and then couldn't get in.

If so, wouldn't she have called or texted or even just asked the doorman to get her friend to come out and talk to her? Doesn't make sense to me that she would just move on to the next place.... Unless she was already high on something else and behaving irrationally. (Noticed she recently posted on Twitter about a roommate doing cocaine, though she seemed to be disturbed by this.)

Also, if she was just looking for another drink and/or to use a bathroom, seems there would have been many other options prior to reaching the end of the pedestrian mall to wind up at Tempo with JLM. Could she have been headed toward a bus stop home, a taxi stand, some other destination?

The way JLM just sidled right up to her reminds me of how hawkish / in-your-face street dealers can sometimes be around college kids, esp. those who are obviously already intoxicated. (Thinking of pot dealers in Washington Sq Park around NYU in NYC, for example.)
I'm not going to believe anything Abby says until it's proven without a doubt she's being truthful about Hannah not being in the bar (which I don't think will ever happen).
I think Hannah was inside, I think they had a staff meeting that Monday, and i think they got their story straight then. It's so obvious Abby is covering by her words... I don't remember seeing her inside... right. Not I didn't see her, i don't remember. No one can say you're lying, can't prove what someone remembers. That's weak.


Sounds too much like politician speak

I really hope Abby didn''t mistake her for the other woman in a crop top, dressed similarly to HG, who was sitting at the bar that night? We heard from the owner, any punters who thought they HG actually saw this doppelganger instead

I think they saw Hannah, but to cover themselves, they're claiming that the person that looked like Hannah and was dressed like Hannah looked old enough to be in the bar.
I read something here last week that said Longo had a single (their word) witness to Hannah being in the bar at Tempo

I haven't been here all weekend.
Have more witnesses come forward?
I read something here last week that said Longo had a single (their word) witness to Hannah being in the bar at Tempo

I haven't been here all weekend.
Have more witnesses come forward?

bbm According to the owner she was never inside.

On Wednesday, September 17, when the Charlottesville Police Department first released video that showed Hannah walking along the downtown mall at around 1 am, Tempo was able to immediately provide authorities with information that pinpointed the location of the Person of Interest, Mr. Matthew. Details of credit card receipts showed that he had made purchases at the bar shortly after midnight while Hannah was still making her way towards the downtown mall from Preston Avenue. Those records also confirm that he returned to Tempo at 1:10 am and left shortly after, although Ms. Graham was not seen inside the restaurant and was never served. She was, however, noticed by the door-person outside the restaurant at that time, and seen leaving with Matthew shortly thereafter. These details helped police reconstruct Ms. Graham's movements and last known whereabouts.

I read something here last week that said Longo had a single (their word) witness to Hannah being in the bar at Tempo

I haven't been here all weekend.
Have more witnesses come forward?

"Surveillance footage from neighboring restaurants and witness testimony places 18-year-old Graham and 32-year-old Matthew in Tempo Restaurant in Charlottesville, Virginia, shortly after 1 a.m. on Sept. 13, according to police. But the owner said that none of the staff saw her inside."

Someone that saw her that works there is eventually going to talk. If she was IN there like that article INdicates she was IN the restaurant, it's my opinion they will shut down. As mad as longo seems to be over this I can not see him sliding on that IF there is video that shows her going IN uncarded. jmo idk
Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo has said publicly that a single witness saw LJ Matthew and Hannah Graham together inside Tempo drinking together.


OK, this is what I was referring to

How does surveillance footage from neighboring restaurants see inside Tempo?
If JM planned to drug HG and assault her - I wonder why he would take her back to Tempo where he had been seen before earlier that night and why pay with credit card. Unless he operates totally on impulse, I would think he would at least think a step ahead. Should this girl get away - it is best to not be identified as having been with her at the place where he had just made several scenes (first with the two women, then the Brittish woman). I would think JM would steer HG to another bar and then buy the drinks and keep under the radar. When underage patrons target a bar to drink - it's usually because the bar is easy on IDs or there is a certain bartender/bouncer who is known to serve. I'm not saying this is the case here but I do wonder why Tempo was chosen. Could have just been the closes/easiest place....

[... Quote edited for length.]

JLM has already demonstrated some major impulse-control problems:

— his very aggressive treatment of the two women who were with his "friend," throwing them over his shoulder right upon being introduced to them, then later pulling off one woman's socks despite having very clearly been rebuffed numerous times by then.

— picking up the guy who pulled his hamstring.

— changing direction upon spotting Hannah and sidling right up to her.

— speeding away from undercover agents who he knew were following him.

— prior rape and assault incidents

He doesn't strike me as someone who puts a lot of deep thought into his actions or the consequences thereof.... even less so when drinking.

It's possible that he went back to Tempo b/c it was:

a) nr closing time and therefore the most expedient;

b) he'd just been there, making it easier to sneak Hannah in based on familiarity / chaos (doorperson may have thought, oh there's that obnoxious guy again with that crop top lady, not realizing Hannah hadn't been in there before);

c) Tempo is upscale and the sort of bar one would take someone like Hannah to impress them / gain trust;

d) he simply never counted on surveillance video implicating him. W/o those brief snippets of film, who or what would have been able to pinpoint what happened to Hannah? "Abby," who saw him lving w/a clearly incapcitated girl? How to prove that it was Hannah? He'd already had a previous bar tab that night for 3 drinks....

If Hannah was in Tempo, that becomes Tempos problem

Its neither here nor there IMO as to the disappearance of Hannah
What is important about Tempo is that we all know JM and Hannah were witnessed either inside or walking away from Tempo together

If she was inside, she left alive and in his company
If she stayed outside, she was alive and walked away with JM

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