Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

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I am still trying to figure out what it would mean to Hannah's disappearance if she was in Tempo

She was seen leaving the front of the bar with JM
Whatever happened, happened after Tempo

It could be helpful w/r/t any alcohol and/or dugs that she might have consumed and/or been given.

Was she was seen drinking something more potent than a beer? According to the doorperson, she was unable to walk unassisted by the time she left the area. Clearly something in the course of that half hour (1:15 - 1:45 AM) caused her to go from walking briskly to being dangerously compromised.

I believe if any staffer saw her in Tempo, they have come clean to LE even if the owner would have preferred for them not to. This is just way too serious. No bartending / wait staff job is worth the psychic toll of such a lie.

LE seems fairly convinced that HG was inside the bar, which tells me they have a good reason to believe their "at least one" witness(es.) "Abby" has been especially forthcoming with details about that night. If anyone would have noticed JLM on that night, she would have.
It could be helpful w/r/t any alcohol and/or dugs that she might have consumed and/or been given.

Was she was seen drinking something more potent than a beer? According to the doorperson, she was unable to walk unassisted by the time she left the area. Clearly something in the course of that half hour (1:15 - 1:45 AM) caused her to go from walking briskly to being dangerously compromised.

I believe if any staffer saw her in Tempo, they have come clean to LE even if the owner would have preferred for them not to. This is just way too serious. No bartending / wait staff job is worth the psychic toll of such a lie.

LE seems fairly convinced that HG was inside the bar, which tells me they have a good reason to believe their "at least one" witness(es.) "Abby" has been especially forthcoming with details anout that night.

He purchased two drinks... don't know what kind... but only two
If drugs were involved I feel that it was before Tempo, earlier

No question that something happened as she couldn't walk properly according to the witness
Sorry if this has already been asked - been skimming the thread but too many pages for a thorough read. But most restaurants and bars have video cameras, especially inside and especially at the bar. Doesn't Tempo have surveillance from inside the bar that might show if HG was there or not?
Could someone refresh my memory please?

How much time passes between Hannah being seen on video and the two drinks at Tempo?
He purchased two drinks... don't know what kind... but only two
If drugs were involved I feel that it was before Tempo, earlier

No question that something happened as she couldn't walk properly according to the witness

Not necessarily. When I got roofied in Vegas it was extremely fast and on a full stomach after a large Italian meal. Depends on the drugs used - lots of the home cooked stuff works even faster, I've read. I'm quite certain that my friend (who was also drugged) went down after only drinking about a third of the G&T that I believe was drugged. Because I set my drink down to help her, I also had only consumed about a third of my drink, and the drugs hit me about 15 minutes after my friend (I'm heavier than she is). By that point, she had begun coming around and was functioning again. The total effect on both of us only lasted about 20 minutes each, from the time we couldn't walk and hit the ground, until we were functioning again. The hangover/after effects, however, were another story. I've never been so sick in my life. And we had only had 3 drinks over a 3-4 hour period that evening, after a large meal. We had not been drinking heavily at all.
Not necessarily. When I got roofied in Vegas it was extremely fast and on a full stomach after a large Italian meal. Depends on the drugs used - lots of the home cooked stuff works even faster, I've read. I'm quite certain that my friend (who was also drugged) went down after only drinking about a third of the G&T that I believe was drugged. Because I set my drink down to help her, I also had only consumed about a third of my drink, and the drugs hit me about 15 minutes after my friend (I'm heavier than she is). By that point, she had begun coming around and was functioning again. The total effect on both of us only lasted about 20 minutes each, from the time we couldn't walk and hit the ground, until we were functioning again. The hangover/after effects, however, were another story. I've never been so sick in my life.

I am so sorry that happened to you, but TY for your first hand knowledge.
So, some drugs are very fast acting and don't last long.
Sounds so risky to give someone a drug that acts so fast in a public place
I guess timing is important
Tempo claims no video inside or outside. Which is just astonishing to me. But, that's their claim.

There was less than 3 minutes between the last video we've heard of, and Tempo.
I have a question

If there was a witness who saw Hannah inside of Tempo, and that witness saw a substance put in Hannah's drink...
Would that information mean anything in a court of law without Hannah?
Police will know by now if the times on teh videos are accurate. I'll suspect some are, and some aren't, as that's what we usually see in cases. But the most important thing is the video exists, and police can check the times to see if they are accurate or not. Still awaiting news of video capturing that orangish car, and where it was last seen, what time it was seen coming back, etc., I want to know the time frame of leaving Tempo, and him arriving back at his apt that night, if he did! Gotta be a camera somewhere that saw something....but then again...Morgan Harrington wasn't even seen in the cameras at the JPA and we KNOW she was THERE!
I have a question

If there was a witness who saw Hannah inside of Tempo, and that witness saw a substance put in Hannah's drink...
Would that information mean anything in a court of law without Hannah?

If the judge allows it in.
Not necessarily. When I got roofied in Vegas it was extremely fast and on a full stomach after a large Italian meal. Depends on the drugs used - lots of the home cooked stuff works even faster, I've read. I'm quite certain that my friend (who was also drugged) went down after only drinking about a third of the G&T that I believe was drugged. Because I set my drink down to help her, I also had only consumed about a third of my drink, and the drugs hit me about 15 minutes after my friend (I'm heavier than she is). By that point, she had begun coming around and was functioning again. The total effect on both of us only lasted about 20 minutes each, from the time we couldn't walk and hit the ground, until we were functioning again. The hangover/after effects, however, were another story. I've never been so sick in my life. And we had only had 3 drinks over a 3-4 hour period that evening, after a large meal. We had not been drinking heavily at all.

Thanks for sharing your experience, Snowball58...sorry you went throught it.

After HG left the last party before the McGrady's Pub video, there is some unexplained time. After hearing your story and the roofie effects, I go back to a theory I have that HG may have had this done to her at the party she went to with the classmate she met out on the street. She could have bounced back from that, and headed to the Downtown Mall for whatever reason.
Could someone refresh my memory please?

How much time passes between Hannah being seen on video and the two drinks at Tempo?

Timestamp Sal's surveillance video 1:06 AM

Timestamp Tuel's Jewelers surveillance video 1:08 AM

JLM orders 2 drinks @ Tempo 1:09 AM

JLM cc purchase (2 drinks) @ Tempo 1:10 AM

Last text from HG's phone 1:20 AM

Doorperson "Abby" saw JLM and HG lving "after last call," around 1:40 / 1:45 AM


Seems as though everything happened pretty quickly, even accounting for some minor timestamp inaccuracies.
Ok, so if Hannah was inside , she would have been inside for about a half hour

If she wasn't inside, why did she wait outside?

Is this right? Half hour?
Timestamp Sal's surveillance video 1:06 AM

Timestamp Tuel's Jewelers surveillance video 1:08 AM

JLM orders 2 drinks @ Tempo 1:09 AM

JLM cc purchase (2 drinks) @ Tempo 1:10 AM

Last text from HG's phone 1:20 AM

Doorperson "Abby" saw JLM and HG lving "after last call," around 1:40 / 1:45 AM


Seems as though everything happened pretty quickly, even accounting for some minor timestamp inaccuracies.

Does anyone know where the 1:06 AM time for the Tuel's video came from?
The time stamp on the video I've seen is 1:02 AM.

I am not convinced the Tempo staff is lying. I think if JM had brought Hannah inside and visibly ordered her a drink, he would have wanted to be seen with his young "date", and her presence would have been acknowledged by more than just one person (not really believing the person on FB.) and really, to have a number of bar employees outright lie is a bit out there for me in such a serious case. Hannah probably did have a fake ID and she looks over 21 to me, much more so than some 18-year olds, so mistakes will be made. Also as others have said, she was seen with JM after leaving Tempo. Imo it would not be the end of the world if Hannah had managed to get inside with JM. But I am not positive she did go in...she may have refused after being turned away from McGradys. Jmo
Does anyone know where the 1:06 AM time for the Tuel's video came from?
The time stamp on the video I've seen is 1:02 AM.

View attachment 60548

Interesting. The time that has been reported from the outset is 1:08. Maybe LE noticed that Tuel's CCTV timer was off and made an adjustment? (Sal's is 1:06.)
About date rape drugs:


GHB, GBL, Rohypnol, & Benzodiazepines
NOTE:For all of these drugs, alcohol increases the effects.

All four of these drugs have some common effects that make them appealing to perpetrators. These drugs are common weapons of sexual assault due to the combined efforts of the sedative effect and the memory-impairment qualities.

How they Work

They are typically odorless, colorless, and tasteless when placed in liquid (except for GBL).

5-30 minutes after ingestion, the victim of the drugging may struggle to talk or to move and may eventually pass out.

At this point the drugged individual is vulnerable to assault.

A survivor of such an assault may have virtually no memory of the events that occurred.

Another factor that makes these drugs dangerous and difficult to detect is that they leave the body rapidly, leaving little time for detection.


As an orderly in the OR, JLM may have had access to surgical-grade sedatives.

If traces of Rohypnol were found, it would explain the intent to defile charge. Drug is illegal and widely known as a so-called "date rape" drug.

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