Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother #2

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If they really think Misty holds the key to what happened, what do you think they should do? Say it in the press and have her take off to possibly not be seen again? What if they believe what Misty says? I am not sure what folks expect them to do really.

They could have avoided overdoing their excuses. Not "She's the greatest mommy on earth, she wouldn't lie, ever, we're not worried at all and the LDTs are all a scam and we support her 100%, everybody who says something against her must be lying". Especially they shouldn't have turned against TM who was just trying to help them at their request.

Saying things like "We're concerned about these reports and want to know what's going on but we are trying to support each other until we know for sure what happened..." would have been better IMO.
Has Teresa commented about Tim lately? If I were Teresa I would be very upset with him
TIA-does anyone have the details on TN not being allowed at PCSO anymore? Details on her job-or why she lost it, if she did? I have been picking up bit and pieces-wondered if anyone had links or details? Thanks again...
TN saying I don't care who it implicates I just want Haleigh home etc doesnt sound like she is backing Misty big time. She said it perfectly IMO if she reacted to everything that is put out there all the rumors the facts that are sensationalized she would be flip flopping all over the place and you can't do that. She has to leave that part up to the investigators. I can't imagine being in her shoes and it truly breaks my heart to see and listen to her she is in a tremendous amount of pain IMO.
TN didnt work for PCSO she worked for another county - she was on leave when Haleigh disappeared though.

TIA-does anyone have the details on TN not being allowed at PCSO anymore? Details on her job-or why she lost it, if she did? I have been picking up bit and pieces-wondered if anyone had links or details? Thanks again...
If they really think Misty holds the key to what happened, what do you think they should do? Say it in the press and have her take off to possibly not be seen again? What if they believe what Misty says? I am not sure what folks expect them to do really.
I agree. What should they do? Listening to Teresa tonight, she made it perfectly clear she didn't care who was implicated or who was involved...as long as it brought Haleigh home. I feel so sorry for her.

I guess Misty has taken off for at least a few days, but I am not buying she went to Orlando like her attorney said today.
I'm sure she's upset. It's just strange that she never admits to being at all rattled by anything that might point out to Misty having something to do with Haleigh's disappearance or covering it up, even though she said early on that she sent a family member to check on them, thus making it sound like she had some reason to worry (and rightfully so, given that she'd just come off a tough weekend, extremely exhausted). The voicemail to TM seems to indicate she has plenty of doubts too. Why does she feel she needs to protect Misty and make excuses for everything in public?

ETA: and now that the voicemail to TM is out in the open, does she expect to be believed?

If I am being honest this is all starting to come together for me. I have a suspicion that LE might have told TN or even RC to not talk about certain aspects of the case. Either that or she knows in her heart if she believes in the route that LE is going it would mean Haleigh is dead.

As far as the part I bolded....I am beginning to think that the whole Mother of the year issue was latched onto because of the custody disputes that RC has had with Crystal. How can she still defend her?
I think back in the beginning TN never dreamed that she would have to carry out this facade for so long. If Misty, like the rest of her family had left Satsuma perhaps the Cummings felt like that was the answer to getting her to stay in Satsuma. I just think none of them ever thought it would be like this for so long now. I don't know.....
I don't know what Mark N. has done, but I assume he is sticking with Tim since he works for TES.
Could it be that TN told investigators and people like TM what she really feels not having a clue that they would betray her and make it public, but state in public that she believe Misty because that is what Misty would be hearing. If Misty has the answers turning their back on her and saying things about her to the media isnt gonna make her forthcoming or make her feel like she can trust them.
Could it be that TN told investigators and people like TM what she really feels not having a clue that they would betray her and make it public, but state in public that she believe Misty because that is what Misty would be hearing. If Misty has the answers turning their back on her and saying things about her to the media isnt gonna make her forthcoming or make her feel like she can trust them.

I feel that could be it. One of the things about this case is no one should tell anyone anything they don't want the world to know. That's just the way it is these days. If Tim told this or released the recording there's a reason and I don't think he'd do it without LE's knowledge.
I think Teresa is looking more rested but I feel like she is controlling her emotions and doesn't want the world to see how she really feels. I admire her for not pulling Misty's hair out!!!That's what'd I'd do. I can just imagine the emotional turmoil she must be feeling.
Frankly...I'm amazed at the restraint TN and GMS have shown. No one would be able to say that about me. I'd blow it, especially if I had the suspected culprit alone. I admire them for that.
Nah, sorry her grandbaby is missing she should be doing whatever it takes to find her. When LE and TM have to expose to the public what was said...that to me speaks volumes. Why lie if you have nothing to hide.
Enabling is not helping!
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