Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother #2

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Did Teresa say on-the-air on NG that her boyfriend paid for Misty & Ron's tickets to Universal? tia
Lake County....hmmmmm...far away from Satsuma..Fruitland Park, as I recall is the place of residence. I have TN moving there as of Nov. 08, according to records.
I understand. While intuition and gut feelings are strong indicators, they still are not facts. Until there has been a satisfactory conclusion to this case, we will have to rely on those perceptions I suppose. Her appearance (TN) on NG last night was so compelling to me and I'm not one that is easily swayed, that I find myself giving this grandmother the benefit of the doubt because I believe her love for Haleigh (the innocent in all of this) is all she cares about at this point. Seems to me MC, RC, and whoever else isn't coming up with any answers are taking a backseat. She's kind of stuck in the middle of a son that has chosen to marry this girl that was with her grandaughter last. Trying not to upset the applecart, so to speak, although they do a pretty good job of it themselves. Nothing stable about that marriage. Astonishing to me! We will just have to wait until such time that we will all know what is truth and what has been fiction. I'm leaning toward showing TN more understanding as I do feel her emotions are quite raw and quite real...........just IMO

Just my parental opinion but it appears TN chose which side she was going to be on the night Haleigh went missing and withheld any information she may have been aware of. IMO TN possibly knew what others had been doing the prior weekend. If my grandchild went missing I would have made other decisions and choices and possibly actions.

Novice Seeker
Just my parental opinion but it appears TN chose which side she was going to be on the night Haleigh went missing and withheld any information she may have been aware of. IMO TN possibly knew what others had been doing the prior weekend. If my grandchild went missing I would have made other decisions and choices and possibly actions.

Novice Seeker

Re: BBM I know you prefaced your post with "my parental opinion" but what facts are you using to back that statement up? What information has TN withheld that you are aware of? Unless you're LE, or until they are more forecoming about the investigation, how can you know what she told LE... about the prior weekend or anything else having to do with the investigation?

It's been stated a few places that LE knew about the prior weekend activities a few days into the case so what info do you think TN withheld in regards to that? We don't even know how LE learned about the weekend, could have been from any of the players, including TN.

Personally I have never walked in TN's shoes, and hope I never have to.
Re: BBM I know you prefaced your post with "my parental opinion" but what facts are you using to back that statement up? What information has TN withheld that you are aware of? Unless you're LE, or until they are more forecoming about the investigation, how can you know what she told LE... about the prior weekend or anything else having to do with the investigation?

It's been stated a few places that LE knew about the prior weekend activities a few days into the case so what info do you think TN withheld in regards to that? We don't even know how LE learned about the weekend, could have been from any of the players, including TN.

Personally I have never walked in TN's shoes, and hope I never have to.
Novice, I agree with you, I personally have no sympathy for TN. I don't know what she told LE but I do remember her run in with Geraldo while RC was living in that tent. She has propped up RC and Misty any way she can.
And I'm sick of her putting down the mother of this innocent child, while her son is in this neck deep. I can't imagine a more spiteful person. JMO
Just my parental opinion but it appears TN chose which side she was going to be on the night Haleigh went missing and withheld any information she may have been aware of. IMO TN possibly knew what others had been doing the prior weekend. If my grandchild went missing I would have made other decisions and choices and possibly actions.

Novice Seeker

With all due respect, you cannot know what you would have done until you've walked in those shoes. TN has been treading water for a long time trying to be careful of every word she says and every move that she makes. You don't go on TV as a combative grandmother to put the abductor on the defense. You don't take sides when your son has just married the one person that was with your grandaughter last. She was put in the middle from the start and has been acting accordingly IMO until she can't take it anymore. I don't know that I could have acted the same. Which is my point..........we don't know until we've had to walk in those same shoes.

As far as witholding any info, I think LE would have known that early on and realistically, for all of what we know about it, that's not our call to say.
Novice, I agree with you, I personally have no sympathy for TN. I don't know what she told LE but I do remember her run in with Geraldo while RC was living in that tent. She has propped up RC and Misty any way she can.
And I'm sick of her putting down the mother of this innocent child, while her son is in this neck deep. I can't imagine a more spiteful person. JMO

Respectfully Procine, I know you have your opinions and I can understand the emotion involved in this case and understand why you feel the way you do.. but where/when has she ever actually "put down" CS??? Yes she made a few references to Misty being like a mother to the children, but in the beginning CS made quite a few references herself to the children loving (and yes she said loving) Misty. I've provided the links so many times if you search back my old posts they are there. Yes RC's lawyer mentioned something about GGS saying she slept alot or whatever when she lived with her... But where has TN actually specificially "put down" CS??

I see it another way... I respect TN because she hasn't, as far as I can see, gotten down in the mud and released any/all the dirt that she has on CS. Unlike the Sheffield's during the abuse/DCF/KP debacle... And sleuthing around, connecting the dots and plain common sense tells me there probably is a lot she could "tell" but hasn't.

And LE has cleared her son so I'm not understanding how he can be "neck deep" in this. Although I realize it's not over till the fat lady sings, with the facts we have IMO this just doesn't seem likely or realistic at least at this point in time or until more facts come to light. What is wrong with a mother standing by a son LE has cleared? Yes he appears to be standing by Misty. But the fact remains we don't know "why"... Unpopular as it is, he may love her, he may not believe she had anything to do with this, right or wrong. And yes he may be "keeping her close". We don't know what's in RC's head or TN's head.

You say you are "sick of her putting down the mother of this innocent child", personally I am disheartened and disillusioned by the amount of "attacking" the families of the victim based on rumor, innuendo, personal experience, or just a "feeling" about what happened in this case.

Personally I have a lot of sympathy for any family in pain.
Re: BBM I know you prefaced your post with "my parental opinion" but what facts are you using to back that statement up? What information has TN withheld that you are aware of? Unless you're LE, or until they are more forecoming about the investigation, how can you know what she told LE... about the prior weekend or anything else having to do with the investigation?

It's been stated a few places that LE knew about the prior weekend activities a few days into the case so what info do you think TN withheld in regards to that? We don't even know how LE learned about the weekend, could have been from any of the players, including TN.

Personally I have never walked in TN's shoes, and hope I never have to.

Exactly as I wrote, My Parental Opinion. The old worn out excuse, of unless walked in someone's shoes, is IMO an attempt to justify another's behavior.I don't need to put my hand on a hot stove before I can believe that not only is it hot but it's going to hurt like heck. Just as I don't need to have one of my children or future grandchildren abducted before I can form an opinion of how I would behave or how and what I would do if LE specifically told me the last person who was responsible for the safety of my offspring has failed to give consistent statements and has failed numerous LDT's.
I know that my only purpose would be to find my loved one which would include getting all the correct and truthful information to LE in a very short period of time, such as days. I know without a doubt that some of us would be having a get to know JESUS meeting very shortly after the abduction.
And I also know my actions, words and behaviors would be very obvious to everyone that my loyalty belonged only to the victim, my loved one who had been abducted.

I don't claim to have any insider info about what TN said or not, did or not, knew or not in forming my opinion. My opinion is just that.

Novice Seeker
With all due respect, you cannot know what you would have done until you've walked in those shoes. TN has been treading water for a long time trying to be careful of every word she says and every move that she makes. You don't go on TV as a combative grandmother to put the abductor on the defense. You don't take sides when your son has just married the one person that was with your grandaughter last. She was put in the middle from the start and has been acting accordingly IMO until she can't take it anymore. I don't know that I could have acted the same. Which is my point..........we don't know until we've had to walk in those same shoes.

As far as witholding any info, I think LE would have known that early on and realistically, for all of what we know about it, that's not our call to say.

Unless one has walked in anothers shoes is a weak excuse used as an attempt to justify another's behavior. TN is where she's at b/c of the choices she made. I know that no one would have put me in the middle of anything b/c I wouldn't be playing any form of game regardless of the name given to it. My only focus would be in searching for my grandchild and if that meant I would come across as a combative grandmother in the media so be it. Those who were involved would have no doubt of where I stood and everyone else would have no question as to where my loyalty was placed.

This family may be experiencing pain but IMO they put themselves in that painful tragedy. My support and concern is for only the victim who btw is a precious child who was taken seven months ago.

Novice Seeker
[Respectfully snipped]
And LE has cleared her son so I'm not understanding how he can be "neck deep" in this.

No one has been cleared except the A/C man.

The reason you see people saying Ron has been cleared is because, in August, LE released a statement saying Ron and Crystal were "not considered suspects" (which we all know is worth very little). That day, several people in the media who reported on that announcement changed the words "not considered a suspect" to "cleared," and they still do.

The only statement close to official about it since LE said they weren't "considered suspects" was from Ron's lawyer, who said three weeks ago, after Misty had failed the polys, that Ron has not been cleared, but was moved from top to bottom of the suspect list.

(I have no clue how suspicious LE is of Ron - just trying to help stop such a critical piece of misinformation from spreading.)
Just my parental opinion but it appears TN chose which side she was going to be on the night Haleigh went missing and withheld any information she may have been aware of. IMO TN possibly knew what others had been doing the prior weekend. If my grandchild went missing I would have made other decisions and choices and possibly actions.

Novice Seeker

And IMHO that wasn't Haleigh's side and that was due to her knowing her son was involved. Her ONLY concern from the beginning has been to hide the role she and family members have played in order to save Ron C from being the one held responsible for Haleigh's disappearance...JMO

When TN comes out and says.. I believe my son may have been the one responsible for whatever it was that happened to Haleigh, and that Misty was there when it occurred. When she stands up and says they both know what happened then I might believe TN isn't part of the coverup to protect Ron C...Until then ...No way.. JMO
If we'd have to walk in someone's shoes in order to have an opinion about them, most of us couldn't post about practically anybody. I've never been missing, beaten up, addicted to drugs, murdered, I've never robbed banks, killed babies, attempted to shoot mailmen, forged checks, called in a false tip... etcetera. How should I know how it feels? Hope I never will.

My son never married the person who was the last to see my granddaughter either so please consider this an uninformed opinion but I think TN must be in a very difficult spot if she has suspicions of Misty since she's her new DIL. It can't be easy to voice any of her doubts if she's not quite sure why her son married her. But maybe she was behind the plan, it was her Bday party he proposed in, wasn't it? And she seemed quite enthusiastic in the beginning.
IMO, LE became concerned when Teresa hired MN and realized she could release inside information she has gained during this case to the media...and it is why they chose to do a press release touting all the work they have done to date and again went after Misty, imo. Maybe it is time Teresa and MN put it all out on the table and let the chips fall about what has really been happening behind the scenes, imo. Why bother to protect the "integrity" of an investigation when it has done nothing to bring Haleigh home and has only served to destroy people's lives?

Wondering if Nejames is still representing TN?
Wondering if Nejames is still representing TN?

Good question. Considering he's the TES lawyer and the relations between the family and TES or TM have been a little tense, what with the allegations of the tests being a scam and the things TM has reportedly been saying it might involve a few conflicts of interest if he's representing both.
[Respectfully snipped]

No one has been cleared except the A/C man.

The reason you see people saying Ron has been cleared is because, in August, LE released a statement saying Ron and Crystal were "not considered suspects" (which we all know is worth very little). That day, several people in the media who reported on that announcement changed the words "not considered a suspect" to "cleared," and they still do.

The only statement close to official about it since LE said they weren't "considered suspects" was from Ron's lawyer, who said three weeks ago, after Misty had failed the polys, that Ron has not been cleared, but was moved from top to bottom of the suspect list.

(I have no clue how suspicious LE is of Ron - just trying to help stop such a critical piece of misinformation from spreading.)

The sheriff's office has issued statements clearing Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh's mother, of suspicion in her disappearance.

The sheriff's office also has said Ronald Cummings and Haleigh's mother, Crystal Sheffield, have been cleared of suspicion in connection with the child's disappearance.


police have cleared Ronald and Haleigh’s biological mother, Crystal Sheffield, as suspects in the case of their missing child
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