Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother #2

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I don't know any Mother that would put her young un's business in the street, good or bad. A good Mother deals with her family problems in private, not out in the public.

Good mother equates to enabling? Talk about dysfunctionalism.. How does the saying go? IIRC.. It is something like.. We are only as sick as our secrets..JMO
JMO I don't believe that's her priority or concern

No, apparently not, otherwise she'd be clearing up the misunderstandings.

If she really doesn't think that Misty is the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel she must have been intent on deceiving someone when she said so. The public, the LE or her own family?
IMO, TN is allot like CA...........just not as mean.
TN doesn't stick up for Haleigh and CA never stuck up for Caylee.
IMO, there is allot of simularities here.

ITA. IMO, based on my observations from day one of TN, she can be just as cruel, if not more, but in a covert (underhanded, cowardly, and passive agressive) way. Her remarks from the get-go about Misty's motherly role to HaLeigh & Jr. had everything to do with her and her son's personal disdain toward Crystal, creating a public illusion (and a pre-emptive criminal defense) of Misty being the "June Clever" mommy. What it had absolutely nothing to do with was finding HaLeigh. TN's immediate & tireless efforts, from day one to vindicate Misty - before she was even ever accused - is what made/makes me extremely suspicious of TN's involvement in and/or knowledge of this crime - a crime that I believe will ultimately be solved as forever is a very long time to keep a secret - even for LE... JMHO -
No, apparently not, otherwise she'd be clearing up the misunderstandings.

If she really doesn't think that Misty is the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel she must have been intent on deceiving someone when she said so. The public, the LE or her own family?

I don't recall her saying Misty was the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. IIrc it was in comparison to the other women Ron has dated.

I don't think she is deceiving anyone. If you believe she thinks Misty holds the key, what would folks suggest? Trash her in public? Try and kick her out of GGS's home and Ron's life? Try and make her leave and possibly end up in parts unknown, holding the key to her beloved grand daughter? Physically attack her? Torture her psychologically and possibly lead to her harming herself? What do folks expect from this heartbroken woman?
ITA. IMO, based on my observations from day one of TN, she can be just as cruel, if not more, but in a covert (underhanded, cowardly, and passive agressive) way. Her remarks from the get-go about Misty's motherly role to HaLeigh & Jr. had everything to do with her and her son's personal disdain toward Crystal, creating a public illusion (and a pre-emptive criminal defense) of Misty being the "June Clever" mommy. What it had absolutely nothing to do with was finding HaLeigh. TN's immediate & tireless efforts, from day one to vindicate Misty - before she was even ever accused - is what made/makes me extremely suspicious of TN's involvement in and/or knowledge of this crime - a crime that I believe will ultimately be solved as forever is a very long time to keep a secret - even for LE... JMHO -

Bolded by me above, But TN sure didn't sound like she was trying to help Misty when she called T Miller and left that voice mail that Misty was about to crack, and she was paranoid every time Ron used the phone, and it would be a good time for TM to get down there and get things going...

Really making that call was very risky for TN, and sure enough it became public. I wonder how she explained that one away to Ron.
I wonder what the rest of Ron's girlfriends did if it was worse than lying in a missing child investigation.

For one thing, I'd do everything I could to keep Misty as far away from the remaining kid as I possibly could. Even if care is taken that there is no opportunity for her to hurt the other child, it's not fair to make the other kid to live in a climate of pretence. Children should have the right to be able to trust that the relationships of the people they live with and love and need to depend upon are for real and not just a sham in order to trip each other up. If families deal with double messages, dishonest communication and skeletons in the closet it may screw their children up.
I don't know any Mother that would put her young un's business in the street, good or bad. A good Mother deals with her family problems in private, not out in the public.

Good mother equates to enabling? Talk about dysfunctionalism.. How does the saying go? IIRC.. It is something like.. We are only as sick as our secrets..JMO

IMO what Kook Look is saying is quite different than what you are saying. TN, and since this is the TN thread I assume we are talking about TN, holding sick secrets and "enabling" anyone is very different than TN not feeling an obligation to explain (to the public) the dynamic of what is going on in her family during the complicted and stressful investigation. Since none of us really know what is going on in the Cummings home, some can choose to believe she's holding sick family secrets (although there's no evidence of that) and some can choose to think she's doing the best she can with what she has to work with until LE provides details of the crime.
Bolded by me above, But TN sure didn't sound like she was trying to help Misty when she called T Miller and left that voice mail that Misty was about to crack, and she was paranoid every time Ron used the phone, and it would be a good time for TM to get down there and get things going...

Really making that call was very risky for TN, and sure enough it became public. I wonder how she explained that one away to Ron.

Why would she have to explain anything to him when it is apparent they are ALL attempting to make Misty the fall guy or should I say in this case, the fall girl...They are all playing the game of two ends against the middle...with Misty... Hopefully she and her attorney realizes this and he will encourage her to turn state witness....JMO
Why would she have to explain anything to him when it is apparent they are ALL attempting to make Misty the fall guy or should I say in this case, the fall girl...They are all playing the game of two ends against the middle...

Re: BBM It may be your opinion but it certainly isn't inherently "apparent" to me. Maybe TN wants to believe Misty, but has her doubts, maybe she believed in her 100% early on and has changed her mind, maybe Misty really did do something which would actually make her the "guy" not the "fall guy"... maybe both RC and TN are just plain trying to "work" Misty the best they can to see if she's withholding valuable info or to stop her from running. Again, without all the facts, I think it is unfair to empirically state TN has evil motives (making someone the fall guy)... at this point she is still the family of a crime victim.
Bolded by me above, But TN sure didn't sound like she was trying to help Misty when she called T Miller and left that voice mail that Misty was about to crack, and she was paranoid every time Ron used the phone, and it would be a good time for TM to get down there and get things going...

Really making that call was very risky for TN, and sure enough it became public. I wonder how she explained that one away to Ron.

Game plan #1; Elevate Misty in order to reflect positively on Ronald.
Game plan #2; When/If Misty becomes more of a liability than an asset to Ronald's public persona, throw Misty under the bus. IMO this explains the call to TM.

When assessing what the player's do or do not do in this case, it helps to put it in context - not to just simply look at the act/action as an isloated event. As they say, "timing is everything," and so it goes in this case... JMO -
My opinion is that no matter what TN does she falls under unfair scrutiny and personal attacks. When she acts like she supports Misty or her son, she is hiding "sick" secrets, when she calls TM regarding the situation, she is "throwing Misty under the bus". Maybe she's just a confused, frustrated grandma trying to do the best she can with what she's been given.
Unless one has walked in anothers shoes is a weak excuse used as an attempt to justify another's behavior. TN is where she's at b/c of the choices she made. I know that no one would have put me in the middle of anything b/c I wouldn't be playing any form of game regardless of the name given to it. My only focus would be in searching for my grandchild and if that meant I would come across as a combative grandmother in the media so be it. Those who were involved would have no doubt of where I stood and everyone else would have no question as to where my loyalty was placed.

This family may be experiencing pain but IMO they put themselves in that painful tragedy. My support and concern is for only the victim who btw is a precious child who was taken seven months ago.

Novice Seeker

Let me see if I understand you completely. If this were your grandchild, you would come across as a combative grandmother in the media even if it meant that the abductor was watching. I can see how much that would enhance the chances of your child being returned safely.

The family experiencing pain put themselves in that painful tragedy by doing what.....not watching Haleigh and Jr. that night instead of a 17 yr. old babysitter?
IMO what Kook Look is saying is quite different than what you are saying. TN, and since this is the TN thread I assume we are talking about TN, holding sick secrets and "enabling" anyone is very different than TN not feeling an obligation to explain (to the public) the dynamic of what is going on in her family during the complicted and stressful investigation. Since none of us really know what is going on in the Cummings home, some can choose to believe she's holding sick family secrets (although there's no evidence of that) and some can choose to think she's doing the best she can with what she has to work with until LE provides details of the crime.

IMO enabling(family dysfunction that we have witnessed with our own eyes) is a characteristic that prevents one from being truthful about any family secrets(from observations that we have witnessed as the public). When TN went before the media to plead for Haleigh's return she brought us, the public, into this case.
You are right we don't know exactly what happens behind closed doors with this family. Our opinions and theories are from just what we have observed and read about publicly.
However, IMO think LE would like for TN to share more of what she knows.

Novice Seeker
Let me see if I understand you completely. If this were your grandchild, you would come across as a combative grandmother in the media even if it meant that the abductor was watching. I can see how much that would enhance the chances of your child being returned safely.

The family experiencing pain put themselves in that painful tragedy by doing what.....not watching Haleigh and Jr. that night instead of a 17 yr. old babysitter?

I would be their worst fear. How has TN's behavior worked in finding her granddaughter?
As for this family pain? This father left his children with someone who was not IMO fit to be caring for his children. He allowed certain lifestyles to be exposed to his children. IF, Ronald had simply taken his children to one of his family members that night Haleigh would still be here and none of us would be discussing this case.
When is someone expected to be accountable for his/her actions? IMO constantly making excuses for these is a crutch.

Novice Seeker
Ceeker, I appreicate your posts, you do have a special way with words helping the reader to follow smoothly. I feel like we should maintain compassion for all these family members til we have something concrete to stand on as to guilt. We are learning as the days are unfolding, Misty just ain't that guilty yet. Too many inconsistencies, now cover ups, secret LE insider leaks to the Sheffield family since the beginning of the investigation, and mis-quotes by almost everyone involved by those that should keep the record straight like LE and the media. Not hired PR consultants and private eyes inserted into a missing childs case which has obviously done damage to Haleighs case.

I hope when we see Haleigh returned, the first thing that starts flying is charges, and those held to account for breaking the law, and any civil damages done to the victims of all of this families.
My opinion is that no matter what TN does she falls under unfair scrutiny and personal attacks. When she acts like she supports Misty or her son, she is hiding "sick" secrets, when she calls TM regarding the situation, she is "throwing Misty under the bus". Maybe she's just a confused, frustrated grandma trying to do the best she can with what she's been given.

She's done everything but stand up and proclaim that Haleigh, her granddaughter is the only one who will be given her loyalty. All she has to do is step away from all that mess and state enough is enough, LE what do you want to know? What do you want me to do?

Novice Seeker
Let me see if I understand you completely. If this were your grandchild, you would come across as a combative grandmother in the media even if it meant that the abductor was watching. I can see how much that would enhance the chances of your child being returned safely.

The family experiencing pain put themselves in that painful tragedy by doing what.....not watching Haleigh and Jr. that night instead of a 17 yr. old babysitter?

I don't really understand the reasoning behind this. Are there abductors who would expect the family of the abductee NOT to be angry, sad and upset and willing to fight to get the child back? Are there documented cases of abductors who brought the child back because the grandmother seemed unconcerned on TV? How would nonchalance on the part of the granny enhance the chances of getting the child back?
Ceeker, I appreicate your posts, you do have a special way with words helping the reader to follow smoothly. I feel like we should maintain compassion for all these family members til we have something concrete to stand on as to guilt. We are learning as the days are unfolding, Misty just ain't that guilty yet. Too many inconsistencies, now cover ups, secret LE insider leaks to the Sheffield family since the beginning of the investigation, and mis-quotes by almost everyone involved by those that should keep the record straight like LE and the media. Not hired PR consultants and private eyes inserted into a missing childs case which has obviously done damage to Haleighs case.

I hope when we see Haleigh returned, the first thing that starts flying is charges, and those held to account for breaking the law, and any civil damages done to the victims of all of this families. Especially TN, I found out today she was verybally attacked by Bowling, he's gonna answer for that.

BBM. Where did you find out that?

Wouldn't Crystal be entitled to some information about the investigation, being family?
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