Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother #2

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I don't really understand the reasoning behind this. Are there abductors who would expect the family of the abductee NOT to be angry, sad and upset and willing to fight to get the child back? Are there documented cases of abductors who brought the child back because the grandmother seemed unconcerned on TV? How would nonchalance on the part of the granny enhance the chances of getting the child back?

I wouldn't even want to take the chance that the abductor was some kook that would harm my grandaughter by coming across as combative. All that does is set up the victim for harm just to get back at you. That's all that meant.

I just wouldn't even take that kind of a chance.
I wouldn't even want to take the chance that the abductor was some kook that would harm my grandaughter by coming across as combative. All that does is set up the victim for harm just to get back at you. That's all that meant.

I just wouldn't even take that kind of a chance.

But then you would be taking the chance that the kook figures that it's okay for him/her to keep the child because the family doesn't seem to want her back all that much.
But then you would be taking the chance that the kook figures that it's okay for him/her to keep the child because the family doesn't seem to want her back all that much.

Not if I were doing what TN is doing by pleading to have her brought back.
By "us," I was referring to all of us.

Even Ron's own lawyer said he was not cleared just three weeks ago, and yet reporters had been misreporting that he was cleared since the day the actual statement I cited was issued.

It's very simple to observe that the first times they used the word "cleared" was when they reported on the statement by LE that actually said "not considered suspects."

Finally, while I very much agree that the difference is critical, many reporters do not grasp the significance. Because of that and the fact that LE often prefers to understate their suspicions to keep suspects off-guard, I do not agree that a reporter would have to worry too much about consequences for confusing the two.

ETA: I'm off, and don't want to belabor the discussion any further, as it's not about Teresa.

I agree, I don't want to belabor the point that Ron is "cleared", "not considered a suspect", or "has moved to the bottom of the list", all semantics in my opinion. However, his "status" was integral to the initial TN discussion between the original poster and myself. I was responding to the point someone made "And I'm sick of her putting down the mother of this innocent child, while her son is in this neck deep." My point was how can her son be "neck deep" in it if he has been "cleared", not considered a suspect, or has moved to the bottom of the list depending on the source one chooses to listen to, sorry I wasn't more clear :)

My point stands as rebuttal to the original poster who brought it up, however you are very right, RC's status really didn't belong in this thread to begin with IMO.
For all we know the bottom of the list could be only two people. Besides that choice "Bottom of the list" were words interpreted by RC's attorney. He was relaying what he thought LE was basically saying, soooooo.

As far as this case goes.....TN is in control. TN puts out the info and she is the one who is running the show for the press. When we look at what we know, almost all info comes from her. She wasn't there, so she gets and interprets what she ist told from Ron and Misty, er...true or not.
I wouldn't even want to take the chance that the abductor was some kook that would harm my grandaughter by coming across as combative. All that does is set up the victim for harm just to get back at you. That's all that meant.

I just wouldn't even take that kind of a chance.

Wouldn't want to upset an abductor who showed no compassion, no remorse, no fear, no consideration of the victims loved ones? When someone abducted my child I have some idea of what the risks are, my only chance of finding my child would be to play by the rules the abductor has initiated. Person's who abduct IMO already have a plan in mind and just don't see how sitting there quietly will help in bringing my child home.

Novice Seeker
OMG..it was stated above that Bowling verbally attacked TN and he's gonna pay for that!...lol. Wish I were there to hear what he said.

Referencing post #740
For all we know the bottom of the list could be only two people. Besides that choice "Bottom of the list" were words interpreted by RC's attorney. He was relaying what he thought LE was basically saying, soooooo.

As far as this case goes.....TN is in control. TN puts out the info and she is the one who is running the show for the press. When we look at what we know, almost all info comes from her. She wasn't there, so she gets and interprets what she ist told from Ron and Misty, er...true or not.

Bout time you woke up sleepy head,

Novice Seeker
Is there a recent article, video or link about TN contacting TM? TIA
For all we know the bottom of the list could be only two people. Besides that choice "Bottom of the list" were words interpreted by RC's attorney. He was relaying what he thought LE was basically saying, soooooo.

As far as this case goes.....TN is in control. TN puts out the info and she is the one who is running the show for the press. When we look at what we know, almost all info comes from her. She wasn't there, so she gets and interprets what she ist told from Ron and Misty, er...true or not.

I don't know how any of us could say where TN is getting all her info from. It's probably a combination of sources from family members, friends, news sources calling at all hours to verify stories, etc. We just don't know. As far as running the show for the press, she didn't seem to know about the draining of the pond until after that action began. She didn't know anything about the letter(s) until after it leaked out so, I don't quite know what you mean by that. I think maybe she is only going on what's she been told but, doesn't care who's responsible at this point.
What I mean is almost all the facts whe have of Feb 9 come from her. I listed them in another post.
Where else could she get the facts about Feb 9, if not from her son and daughter in law? She wasn't there, according to her.
ITA. IMO, based on my observations from day one of TN, she can be just as cruel, if not more, but in a covert (underhanded, cowardly, and passive agressive) way. Her remarks from the get-go about Misty's motherly role to HaLeigh & Jr. had everything to do with her and her son's personal disdain toward Crystal, creating a public illusion (and a pre-emptive criminal defense) of Misty being the "June Clever" mommy. What it had absolutely nothing to do with was finding HaLeigh. TN's immediate & tireless efforts, from day one to vindicate Misty - before she was even ever accused - is what made/makes me extremely suspicious of TN's involvement in and/or knowledge of this crime - a crime that I believe will ultimately be solved as forever is a very long time to keep a secret - even for LE... JMHO -

IMO the things TN has said regarding Misty's motherly role, could have been said, not to denigrate CS in any way, but rather to speak to her opinion of Misty's treatment/interaction with the children in a way people would understand. One can choose to think it's a put down or one can choose not to. We don't know what was in TN's head when she said those things.

I am a stepmother, I fulfilled a motherly role, I was like a mother to them, I loved them like a mother, they wanted me to marry their father and be "a mother" to them, none of that however has anything to do with their own, biological mother, just a way to describe the way I treated them and the way they viewed me. It doesn't indicate or imply their biological mother didn't do the same and more or elevate me to the status of their "birth mother". It's just a way of describing the situation that people understand.

I am sure if TN wanted to do be "cruel" to CS, there are more, concrete, factual ways she could go about doing that it she so desired. ;)
I agree Ceeker, she has shown enormous restraint and stayed out of the mud throwing and other games. She and her family are in my prayers.
I agree with you there, Flossie, TN is displaying restraint. I call it her MO.

...............as far as mud slinging and other games, not so much.
What I mean is almost all the facts whe have of Feb 9 come from her. I listed them in another post.
Where else could she get the facts about Feb 9, if not from her son and daughter in law? She wasn't there, according to her.

my bold...Could you direct me to that post. Most of the facts I have read involving this case come from LE.

Also, TN does not live with Granny Sykes does she? I don't think it is safe to assume that most of the facts that TN receives comes from her son and daughter in law.
I agree with you there, Flossie, TN is displaying restraint. I call it her MO.

...............as far as mud slinging and other games, not so much.

I have to agree re the restraint-but the mud slinging she did at Haleigh and Jr's mother expense showed more of her true side..I can't imagine how she could ever look Haleigh or Junior in the eye and explain how Misty was the better mommy than their own mother...Made me cringe for those kids...
IMO the things TN has said regarding Misty's motherly role, could have been said, not to denigrate CS in any way, but rather to speak to her opinion of Misty's treatment/interaction with the children in a way people would understand. One can choose to think it's a put down or one can choose not to. We don't know what was in TN's head when she said those things.

I am a stepmother, I fulfilled a motherly role, I was like a mother to them, I loved them like a mother, they wanted me to marry their father and be "a mother" to them, none of that however has anything to do with their own, biological mother, just a way to describe the way I treated them and the way they viewed me. It doesn't indicate or imply their biological mother didn't do the same and more or elevate me to the status of their "birth mother". It's just a way of describing the situation that people understand.

I am sure if TN wanted to do be "cruel" to CS, there are more, concrete, factual ways she could go about doing that it she so desired. ;)

Oh...I don't know...calling the teenager with a seeming penchant for drugs and casual sex such a great mommy-the best of all Ron's paramours (my paraphrase) seems to be quite cruel to the mother of her grandchildren. Again, JMO
She's done everything but stand up and proclaim that Haleigh, her granddaughter is the only one who will be given her loyalty. All she has to do is step away from all that mess and state enough is enough, LE what do you want to know? What do you want me to do?

Novice Seeker

BBM That would presume she does in fact "know" something probative and could in fact "do" something proactive, which hasn't even been hinted at by LE towards TN whatsoever. So IMO it's a little simplistic to believe "that's all she has to do" when we don't know, in fact, what she's told LE, or what she's "done" or if there's even anything she could possibly do or say to further the investigation.

Case in point, the TM voicemail, she "did" something... and got accused by some of "throwing Misty under the bus". Again IMO she can't do anything in the eyes of some people that's "right".
Elle, oh, man, I don't want to do this again...sheesh

1. She confirmed RC picked up Haleigh (she wasn't there)
2. she told us RC had a fight with JO about a gun (she wasn't there)
3. she told us about JO being a bad guy.
4. she told us about Misty and she is a better mother than their own
5. She told us RC and Misty were up all Sunday night "discussing their relationship".
6. She told us M was exhausted from doing so and that is why she didn't hear the door.
7. She told us what M was wearing when R got home.
8. She told us dirty clothes are on the floor near the door almost all the time.
9. She told us Ron was cleared.
10.She told us the RC called her during 911....
11.She told us she sent "a family member" there to check on things.
......there is more, these are off the top of my head.
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