I must be living in an alternate universe, but it is very plain to me that Ronald has an extremely close relationship with his mother and she upholds what he does. Note, Teresa tattooed on his chest. I have worked for quite some time in the world of child support and custody issues and I understand how women view these things. Teresa does not openly come out and disparage Crystal, it is a subtle, underhanded way. And I feel pretty confident this is going on. Every one of us here knows that women are the most ruthless adversaries.
TN constant slams at Crystal, example by indicating Misty is such a great mother figure. These are my opinions, but I believe them to be true.
I want to add one more thing, some say Ron makes his own decisions and I think he does, but every decision he makes he has his on personal rooting section for, his mother. She does not oppose him, because if she did she risks losing his adoration, thats just my opinion also. Being able to view this relationship bears directly on this case.