Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother #2

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If she wanted to "slam" CS she could have pulled out more "concrete" (if you know what I mean;)) ammunition to be "hurtful".

I am sure if TN wanted to do be "cruel" to CS, there are more, concrete, factual ways she could go about doing that it she so desired. ;)

Whatever I think of the legitimacy of the implication, I don't believe that was what was in TN's mind at the time (to be cruel) because IMO there were probably more direct ways to do that :)

Re" BBM. Which IMO in this instance is probably the less cruel way to go about it, if indeed that was her intent, which I still don't think it truly was or she would have done much more damage to CS than saying Misty was "motherly".

(snip, bbm) As has been well demonstrated.

I disagree, that isn't normally how passive-aggressives behave. Having dealt with passive-aggressives AND being the type myself that would much rather "put it all out on the table," putting it "all out on the table" for PA's is like asking them to relinquish their (perceived) power.
It's a game to them, one that they find great enjoyment in because, in a sense, it messes with people's minds. When confronted by somebody about a comment that is an obvious implication toward them, this provides the PA an added opportunity to cowardly strike by telling the person that they took their comment(s) all wrong, adding something like, "you must be paranoid" and then they take on the act of the "wounded-one", asking how you could even think for a moment that they would ever be so cruel as to say something like that... The game is won (this round) when the PA has the person (their target) feeling like a and begging them for forgiveness for ever thinking such a thing in the first place... very sick IMO.

So true nms and very familiar, turning the dagger smiling all the while, in order to dodge direct responsibility... then playing the injured party. I've seen alot of this and find it interesting that blameshifting, excuse making, and victimhood are all associated w PA. W regard to TN it's clear the blameshifting toward CS existed long before WS, or Haleigh's disappearance. Maybe instead of finding fault w their mother (from whom the children were taken and one of whom is now missing for which CS bears no responsibility), it would've been more useful to instead have questioned her own son--and have examined more closely the environment from which her granddaughter disappeared and in which he still keeps Junior. JMO
I think Ron's family, especially his mother, have some responsibility for the proper care of the children. It's hard to imagine anyone just letting a young teenager take over the care of a grown man's children and to practically make her their mother. TN may not have known that Misty had been off sleeping around on a drug binge, but she must have heard about the fighting going on around the kids beforehand. If some intruder or relative of Misty's came in and took Haleigh, maybe she would have woke up if she hadn't been so tired from partying. It sounds like brawling and fighting is just a way of life and if TN worked for LE she could have done background checks on Misty's family to see if they were fit to come around the kids so much, too. Especially the males.
TN is a human being whose granddaughter is missing, who sat and listened to Crystal and Marie accuse RC of all kinds of things - gosh mother bear came out and she made what could be construed as a slam towards Crystal. I keep hearing how cruel it was for TN to say something like that about the mother of a missing child, is it not cruel for the mother and grandmother of a missing child to accuse the father of all kinds of things all over the media, to sit in an interview with his 3 yr old son present and discuss how his father beat him, his sister, and his mother, was a drug dealer etc? Did all these comments from Marie and Crystal keep the focus on Haleigh, did they help bring Haleigh home?

TN could of come out in the media and told all kinds of stories about what Crystal has done to RC and her children, about what type of person Crystal is from her point of view but she chose not to. Crystal and Marie have chosen a much different route and several applaud them for that choice.

Would TN coming out saying I wish RC wouldn't of married Misty, trash Misty in the media, say Misty is a bad bad person help bring Haleigh home, no the only purpose it would serve is people then might "like" TN and not accuse her of all kinds of involvement in Haleighs disappearance. Well IMO TN doesnt give one ounce about what people think - she cares about one thing and one thing only and that is finding her granddaughter. It is a shame that Haleigh isnt the focus and has not been for along time with some others. JMO
I do not agree and do not see the big deal being made about the ages of RC and MC.

It's probably already been said but.. one cannot deny that RC's relationship was illegal. Misty was not considered of age to consent to a sexual relationship. Whether or not her family pressed charges is irrelevant. It is still illegal to engage in intercourse with a minor.

How a twenty-five year old man can look at a sixteen year old girl and be sexually attracted to her is beyond me. Even if I give RC the teeniest of breaks, it was still wrong for him to bed her. And you best believe, he knew that it was wrong as well.

In the eyes of the law she was a child that could not consent to a sexual relationship with an adult. Not seeing her as the child she was and instead as someone he could engage in intercourse with bothers me greatly. How would he feel if Misty were his daughter?
(Bold by NMS)
Hi nomoresorrow, I really just wanted to respond to the part of your post that I bolded. I am in agreement with you that it is not okay for an adult to have sex with a child. I am sorry you got the idea that I am debating that point because I am most certainly not. In my opinion we are not talking about a child when we are discussing Misty. I understand that you see her as a child but isn't it possible that in the eyes of the law she is not seen that way? What evidence do we have that she is still considered a child in the state of Florida? She was old enough to get married right? What if it turns out that the one person that LE states has been inconsistent this entire time turns out to be the responsible person in Haleigh's disappearance? Should she be charged as a child or charged as an adult?
I am in no way trying to pick and choose what laws should be followed, I am not trying to sell anything.

ETA....I do not disagree on the law. I disagree that Misty should be considered a child.

The law states the following;
Florida Statutes Section 794.05

(1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another; however, sexual activity does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.

(2) The provisions of this section do not apply to a person 16 or 17 years of age who has had the disabilities of nonage removed under chapter 743.

(3) The victim's prior sexual conduct is not a relevant issue in a prosecution under this section.

(4) If an offense under this section directly results in the victim giving birth to a child, paternity of that child shall be established as described in chapter 742. If it is determined that the offender is the father of the child, the offender must pay child support pursuant to the child support guidelines described in chapter 61.

And as far as Misty being charged as an adult if (should) evidence surfaces establishing that HaLeigh is deceased with added evidence that Misty is directly responsible and charged with the crime; at this time, without any of the above having occurred yet, I really can't say. JMHO -
Busylady, a whisper in your ear, my 4 weeks back in Haleighs case after the initial first 3 weeks, your "Busy" work in staying focused in keeping Haleigh in the forefront posting all acitivites geared towards finding her are noticeable. In all that you do, you give a glimmer of hope to most here about the important point of it all: "Where's Haleigh"

Remain hopeful, the time draws nigh, the truth shall be uncovered and brought to the light. TN has a clothing of protection firey darts can't penetrate.
(Bold by NMS)
It's probably already been said but.. one cannot deny that RC's relationship was illegal. Misty was not considered of age to consent to a sexual relationship. Whether or not her family pressed charges is irrelevant. It is still illegal to engage in intercourse with a minor.

How a twenty-five year old man can look at a sixteen year old girl and be sexually attracted to her is beyond me. Even if I give RC the teeniest of breaks, it was still wrong for him to bed her. And you best believe, he knew that it was wrong as well.

In the eyes of the law she was a child that could not consent to a sexual relationship with an adult. Not seeing her as the child she was and instead as someone he could engage in intercourse with bothers me greatly. How would he feel if Misty were his daughter?

Not only does it bother me that RC didn't see Misty as the child she was, it bothers me greatly that some here don't see that either. I can't even wrap my mind around that considering that many who are of this opinion have also, on their other hand, repeatedly claimed & reminded (chastised) others that this (WS's) is a place that advocates for victims when it comes to comments made about Ron, TN, and GGS's and any potential direct or indirect involvement they may have had in HaLeigh's disappearance - last I checked they were all clearly adults.

(Bold by NMS)
Busylady, a whisper in your ear, my 4 weeks back in Haleighs case after the initial first 3 weeks, your "Busy" work in staying focused in keeping Haleigh in the forefront posting all acitivites geared towards finding her are noticeable. In all that you do, you give a glimmer of hope to most here about the important point of it all: "Where's Haleigh"

Remain hopeful, the time draws nigh, the truth shall be uncovered and brought to the light. TN has a clothing of protection firey darts can't penetrate.

:waitasec: firey darts?? I'm sorry if I've missed something here KL but could you please explain what that means? TIA -
(Bold by NMS)

:waitasec: firey darts?? I'm sorry if I've missed something here KL but could you please explain what that means? TIA -

Shes saying that TN is clothed in the spirit of the Lord and even fiery darts cannot penetrate that protection, thats her opinion of course and mine is that TN likes to appear that she is religious but in reality she is a wolf in sheep's clothing. JMO
tn reminds me of my ex MIL she will hold up for Ron at all costs my MIL was the same way. So if RC liked MC then so would TN. I don't really think she is a bad woman I think whatever RC says is how it is. He has been leading his mom around by the nose for years probably since he was born. My ex MIL would have liked my exs boots if he had ask her to. The first time I was there @ dinner she put a Flinstones Vit by his plate looked @ me and smiled and said he needed to keep his strength up now mind you this was a 30 year old man oh and he always got waited on hand and foot by her.... and we have been divorced 10 years and he is remarried but I here thru the grapevine she still is the same way and will be until the end thats the impression I get from TN
Hi nomoresorrow, I really just wanted to respond to the part of your post that I bolded. I am in agreement with you that it is not okay for an adult to have sex with a child. I am sorry you got the idea that I am debating that point because I am most certainly not. In my opinion we are not talking about a child when we are discussing Misty. I understand that you see her as a child but isn't it possible that in the eyes of the law she is not seen that way? What evidence do we have that she is still considered a child in the state of Florida? She was old enough to get married right? What if it turns out that the one person that LE states has been inconsistent this entire time turns out to be the responsible person in Haleigh's disappearance? Should she be charged as a child or charged as an adult?

I am in no way trying to pick and choose what laws should be followed, I am not trying to sell anything.

ETA....I do not disagree on the law. I disagree that Misty should be considered a child.

I don't see what there is to disagree about. The law states explicitly that everyone under the age of 18 is off limits to adults over a certain age, except those who have been emancipated. Nowhere does it say that it's not off limits for adults over a certain age to have sex with people under 18 if they happen to feel like their partners shouldn't be considered children.

Misty was not emancipated until her marriage. So she was entitled to just as much protection under this law as anybody else until then. It's a shame that her family and Ron's family did not see it that way. Maybe there wouldn't be a child missing if they did, or even if there was, Misty wouldn't be implicated in any manner. But just because charges were not pressed it doesn't mean that the law is in any way open to individual interpretation.

Whether or not she would be charged as an adult or a child, I don't know, but IMO adults do not need to consider the level of criminal liability of their underage partners before deciding whether they should keep their hands off. Just keep your hands off until it's legal and all goes fine.
I don't see anything wrong with her loving her son, of course she does. He's also an adult and makes his own choices and decisions. I don't believe she is responsible for his decisions and actions, and I don't see her enabling anything.
I don't see anything wrong with her loving her son, of course she does. He's also an adult and makes his own choices and decisions. I don't believe she is responsible for his decisions and actions, and I don't see her enabling anything.

I don't believe anyone ever said there was anything wrong with loving her son Flossie, have you read where anyone said that? I would never turn my back on my children no matter what they did. I would always love them and would always be there, but enabling your child no matter how young or old they are helps them in no way whatsoever. It's MO that from what I have observed that between TN and GGS, Ron has been enabled all of his life. That does not IMO make them responsible for his actions and decisions in life now....it's too late, he should have been made to take responsibility for them many years ago and I don't believe that he was. That IMO is what TN was responsible for.
Maybe I don't understand what is meant by enabling, I don't see it. I see a mother who loves her son and it seems to me that people are attempting to turn that into a negative and calling it enabling. Can you please list the instances of how Teresa has enabled Ron in your opinion? Tia
Ceeker, I appreicate your posts, you do have a special way with words helping the reader to follow smoothly. I feel like we should maintain compassion for all these family members til we have something concrete to stand on as to guilt. We are learning as the days are unfolding, Misty just ain't that guilty yet. Too many inconsistencies, now cover ups, secret LE insider leaks to the Sheffield family since the beginning of the investigation, and mis-quotes by almost everyone involved by those that should keep the record straight like LE and the media. Not hired PR consultants and private eyes inserted into a missing childs case which has obviously done damage to Haleighs case.

I hope when we see Haleigh returned, the first thing that starts flying is charges, and those held to account for breaking the law, and any civil damages done to the victims of all of this families. Especially TN, I found out today she was verybally attacked by Bowling, he's gonna answer for that.

I asked before but didn't see an answer. Is there a source for Bowling attacking TN? What did he say? I would like to read it for myself.

I would also like to know what insider leaks you are talking about. I had assumed that Crystal and Ronald would be entitled to some information about the investigation as the parents of the victim and I wouldn't have termed them getting information as leaks.
I have never heard of any insider leaks to the Sheffields. Every discussion I have read has had to do with John M. maybe having some unsavory links to the Cummings. That has been mentioned quite a few times.Oh wait, are you talking about Kim P and h er interaction with LE? I don't know whats true, but the conversation about John M. is more troubling to me than Kim's alleged link to LE. Kim was terminated from the case. So evidently she wasn't providing any good information.

As for Bowling verbally attacking TN, I think TN has stepped outside her boundaries a number of times so I don't put much stock in that. At least he has the self control to only attack with words if that is true. This case could drive a hardworking LE to drink or worse. I mean I have changed my whole life routine and am staying up all night to check on this one case. Imagine if I was actually working it. JMO
I don't see anything wrong with her loving her son, of course she does. He's also an adult and makes his own choices and decisions. I don't believe she is responsible for his decisions and actions, and I don't see her enabling anything.

Flossie, we all love our children and would sacrifice in any way for them. The difference is also knowing they aren't doing as they should and holding them up as the downtrodden, when maybe they are the reason for the problem. This all goes back in my opinion to loving families. It doesn't look like these players had that at all. The children were never taught loyalty, respect. Its a never ending situation that keeps repeating itself. Flossie, have you ever heard of Tough Love? Its for parents who want to take a stand with their children no matter what age. Like drugs, the parents would refuse to allow it in their home, the child would have to find someplace else to live etc. Even though the parents knew the child had no income or place to go, it is forcing them to take responsibility for their actions. You know something I haven't mentioned very often is a disability that I believe Ron has. He didn't finish school, he uses drugs, its pretty obvious and yet his parents never sought help for him, they excused every thing he did. So in part, it is ignorance on their part and that is a sad thing. I don't think Ron had a happy childhood either, I think he was indulged and ignored, but that is only what I think. JMO
(Bold by NMS)

The law states the following;
Florida Statutes Section 794.05

(1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another; however, sexual activity does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.

(2) The provisions of this section do not apply to a person 16 or 17 years of age who has had the disabilities of nonage removed under chapter 743.

(3) The victim's prior sexual conduct is not a relevant issue in a prosecution under this section.

(4) If an offense under this section directly results in the victim giving birth to a child, paternity of that child shall be established as described in chapter 742. If it is determined that the offender is the father of the child, the offender must pay child support pursuant to the child support guidelines described in chapter 61.

And as far as Misty being charged as an adult if (should) evidence surfaces establishing that HaLeigh is deceased with added evidence that Misty is directly responsible and charged with the crime; at this time, without any of the above having occurred yet, I really can't say. JMHO -

There is a section of the law that covers what you continue to quote as the law. However, we are not in the Misty thread. This is the TN thread. The law that you are referring to in the State of Florida has specific provisions for Misty, given her individual circumstance. if you would like to see those provision please see the section linked below that covers 743.01

http://www.flsenate.gov/Statutes/in....HTM&Title=->2007->Ch0743->Section 01#0743.01
I feel like we should maintain compassion for all these family members til we have something concrete to stand on as to guilt. We are learning as the days are unfolding, Misty just ain't that guilty yet. Too many inconsistencies, now cover ups, secret LE insider leaks to the Sheffield family since the beginning of the investigation, and mis-quotes by almost everyone involved by those that should keep the record straight like LE and the media. Not hired PR consultants and private eyes inserted into a missing childs case which has obviously done damage to Haleighs case.

I hope when we see Haleigh returned, the first thing that starts flying is charges, and those held to account for breaking the law, and any civil damages done to the victims of all of this families. Especially TN, I found out today she was verybally attacked by Bowling, he's gonna answer for that.

(snip, bbm) IMO one needn't be convinced of anybody's direct involvement in Haleigh's "disappearance" to identify all the risk factors present in a child's life, or identify those contributing to them. Regardless of the outcome or who if anyone is ever held responsible what is clear to me is that the children in this mess are surrounded by a cast of dysfunctional and irresponsible adults. Therefore the ones for whom I choose to advocate and feel like maintaining some compassion for are Haleigh and Junior.

Shes saying that TN is clothed in the spirit of the Lord and even fiery darts cannot penetrate that protection, thats her opinion of course and mine is that TN likes to appear that she is religious but in reality she is a wolf in sheep's clothing. JMO

Never heard TN claim the blood covering myself......we could wish to appropriate it for another...but that is not what the Book says.
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