Terri and the gym

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**after watching Kaine tonight, I'm still convinced he has the smarts to do this - and that Terri is a casualty - Desiree is the real target. But nothing more than an opintion**

In light of my personal opinion on who's responsible - I thought there were several things announced - as if to let someone know where they would be, if someone else had Kryon, they could leave him there knowing mom and dad would be there shortly.


Interesting. I'd like to hear your rationale.
**after watching Kaine tonight, I'm still convinced he has the smarts to do this - and that Terri is a casualty - Desiree is the real target. But nothing more than an opintion**
Can you explain a little more? Are you saying you think Kaine is the real POI and Terri is just getting the blame on her as the bystander?
**after watching Kaine tonight, I'm still convinced he has the smarts to do this - and that Terri is a casualty - Desiree is the real target. But nothing more than an opintion**

In light of my personal opinion on who's responsible - I thought there were several things announced - as if to let someone know where they would be, if someone else had Kryon, they could leave him there knowing mom and dad would be there shortly.

This would be the best scenario, wouldn't it?
I have thought about Terri and her personality as shown through various public outlets (the only information about her that I have), amongst those outlets being photo and television images of her, and I think this gym business is a very profound and important thing. Without venturing too far into an area of gratuitous snark I think it is fair to say that she is no way in any condition to be participating in any bodybuilding contests at this time based on how she appeared in the press conference that she attended. I saw also her bodybuilding photograph from an earlier time (can I add that link? is that allowed?) and made note of (among other things) her breast implants and her having achieved an extreme level of body alteration and muscle bulking at least at that time. Not wanting to make blanket statements about people who participate in body-building I will just say that it is an outlier taste toward the end of a mean curve of personal taste about what constitutes being “attractive.”

These things are subject to reasonable interpretation as being indicative of a person who has deeply rooted and far reaching concerns about her own body image and presentation to others. Ergo, my own interpretation of her desire to "hit the gym" is that she remains concerned about how she is perceived by others and whether she is "attractive" or "buff" which at this time she simply is not. That she would continue to have these concerns and give voice to them at this time is to me a cause for concern apropos of her attitude about Kyron and the meaning of his disappearance from her life and I am afraid that (ironic when speaking about someone so concerned with image) the conclusions that I draw are not flattering.

Naturally, these are just my own opinions.
Personally, I don't give a fig about the dumb FB comment TH made about "hitting the gym", or the fact that both TH & KH went to the gym several days after K going missing. It reminds me of another case I followed recently where all a few folks could talk about was the low-cut dress the mom wore to the funeral & how much her cleavage showed.

But I do agree that if anyone is going to slam TH for going to the gym, then KH deserves the same treatment & scrutiny. After all - he was right there with her. If the media is going to roast TH for it, they should roast KH for it, too. I don't care one way or the other.

What I care about is that TH apparently can't account for her whereabouts the day K went missing - because if she could, I seriously doubt LE would be looking at her so closely right now. That's what concerns me - where was TH the day K went missing?

Interesting. I'd like to hear your rationale.

revenge can run hot and deep for years...it's just an opinion.

Not sure Kaine is a POI, but he's got to be looked at -

He got custody of Kyron after a restraining order because of a medical emergency. But she retained custody until that point.
He's practically assured full custody of baby girl - and he used Desiree's tactic of a restraining order to get the upper hand.

He's been able to call shots and control the situation (I don't know her, and I don't know why I'm just not sure Terri had anything to do with it, but I really think she was following the marching orders and got blindsided)- I'm wondering how deep that behavior goes on both sides.

Desiree and Kaine are promoting a united front, but I wonder what would happen if the speculation that has happened to Terri were to turn on Kaine?

To me something seemed different with the step dad today too....he was supporting his wife, but I didn't see the same warmth to Kaine as before???
Personally, I don't give a fig about the dumb FB comment TH made about "hitting the gym", or the fact that both TH & KH went to the gym several days after K going missing. It reminds me of another case I followed recently where all a few folks could talk about was the low-cut dress the mom wore to the funeral & how much her cleavage showed.

But I do agree that if anyone is going to slam TH for going to the gym, then KH deserves the same treatment & scrutiny. After all - he was right there with her. If the media is going to roast TH for it, they should roast KH for it, too. I don't care one way or the other.

What I care about is that TH apparently can't account for her whereabouts the day K went missing - because if she could, I seriously doubt LE would be looking at her so closely right now. That's what concerns me - where was TH the day K went missing?

totally honest questions which, of course, you don't have to answer. Are you a mother and, if so, have you ever experienced a missing child -- even for 20 minutes or so? I'm asking because that is my experience and I know how it feels FOR ME. I am just wondering if other mothers have a totally legitimate and different experience.
I don't think that she was on the internet is the issue, it's WHAT she was posting... If this was me, because I'm on here a lot I may still be on, just not as often but I'd be keeping people up to date, begging for info, help, pictures, anything I could do. FB is huge, the internet has really gotten the word out plus rumors but still....

I am pretty sure that it's her being on the internet. There's a thread here dedicated to the 5 posts she made on katu.com over the past 3-weeks.

HNH, or is it HHN, did a big "EXPOSE" of "all her posts all over the internet!"[/B]All of them being 5 and a facebook status, and the expose was 5-7 hours late.

It's not what TH/SM has said online because if it was there is hardly a thing that can be drawn out of it, but for sure one can over analyze it and the media holds NO bars in exploiting it.

Gotta get that advertisement money on the back of someone, ya know?

Not defending her one bit, just trying to put things in different light for everyone.
The comment didn't bother me at first too much because I saw it in context that her friend was wanting to see her, and Terri let her know that she would be at the gym and could come there to see her. But, the verified posting that Terri made on a news site confirmed that it was to work out by saying how much stress and tension she/they had been under. As I said in a post last nite, take a several mile walk or hike to release those endorphins plus give an opportunity to at least do some looking for Kyron along the way. To me, that would have been better than going to a place where music is usually blaring and people are socializing. Kaine hasn't said why he went.
I am pretty sure that it's her being on the internet. There's a thread here dedicated to the 5 posts she made on katu.com over the past 3-weeks.

HNH, or is it HHN, did a big "EXPOSE" of "all her posts all over the internet!"[/B]All of them being 5 and a facebook status, and the expose was 5-7 hours late.

It's not what TH/SM has said online because if it was there is hardly a thing that can be drawn out of it, but for sure one can over analyze it and the media holds NO bars in exploiting it.

Gotta get that advertisement money on the back of someone, ya know?

Not defending her one bit, just trying to put things in different light for everyone.

I think you're somewhat right. "Hitting the gym" sounds so casual. I'm a bit of a 'puter junkie but when priorities call, my computer won't see me.
And this is totally off topic for this thread, but as far as the family searching for Kyron it's a bad idea. We may want to search in a situation like this, but could you imagine coming across your child's body...or even your child's glasses/shirt/pants/shoes while looking? How would someone be expected to react to that? Bad idea, IMO.
totally honest questions which, of course, you don't have to answer. Are you a mother and, if so, have you ever experienced a missing child -- even for 20 minutes or so? I'm asking because that is my experience and I know how it feels FOR ME. I am just wondering if other mothers have a totally legitimate and different experience.

I'm truly sorry you have had to endure the terror of a missing child. It is unlike anything anyone can imagine, unless they have been there themselves. I hope your experience had a good outcome & your child was returned to you unharmed.

Since you asked - yes - I'm a mother. Without going into details, suffice to say - I can imagine what KH & DY are experiencing.
I'm truly sorry you have had to endure the terror of a missing child. It is unlike anything anyone can imagine, unless they have been there themselves. I hope your experience had a good outcome & your child was returned to you unharmed.

yes, it is like nothing imaginable...and mine was not nefarious or long-lived. Totally innocent, in fact. I'm sorry for tapping your pain. But that's what I was getting at. Can a mother with a missing child (of any age) think it's maybe normal to behave the way tmh did in this case? You have told me that yes, it is, and I believe you. I'm very sorry for your personal tragedy.
SM has been taking a lot of heat for going to the gym. Had not seen this before, but this http://www.katu.com/news/local/97541389.html certainly seems to say that the husband also went to the gym. Has this been discussed?

Yes, the clip showed both Kaine and Terri walking to and getting into the mustang wordlessly as a very kind reporter asked if there was anything the media could do to help. All who saw it were shocked that they did not, at the very least, stop to say-" Yes! Keep looking for Kyron!". Many reasoned that the parents of a missing child would use any means necessary to get the child's picture out there and keep the public interested and informed about Kyrons disappearance. Their actions implied that the media was more of an annoyance than anything else to them. Why Kaine did not speak up is a mystery (to me) also. I can see why Terri would choose to "duck and run".

I doesn't bother me all that much. People who exercise at this level need it to feel normal. It's like eating or sleeping. I can imagine a scenario whereby their family or friends are telling them, "Look, you need to keep your strength up. You need to eat, get out for a moment and go to the gym. Then maybe you'll sleep tonight." These are serious body builder types, not just people who take a walk once a week. They may feel insane without the workout. Working out does all sorts of positive things to the brain chemistry. I forced myself to walk when I could during a horrible tragedy in my life and it helped me from losing it more than I already had.
I think the fact that the family and LE are so tight-lipped has some of us grasping at things that may not be too important. JMO.

It wasn't them going to the gym that freaked me out, it was their dissing the reporters who were very kind and only wanted to know what the media could do to help. I am only guessing here, but if it were ME, I would have seized the opportunity to say "Keep looking for Kyron" or "Keep Kyron's picture out there". It was only day #4, the media was not yet saturated with Kyron information, I would think they would have used just a few seconds t make a short statement. Instead, both looked like they couldn't wait to get out of there.
Do we know if they worked out, maybe they had friends there and needed that support, to talk and stuff. Maybe they needed the alone time in the car on the way to and from to talk, hhmmm...
I'm kind of surprised no friends of terris or Kaines have stepped in the media.
It wasn't them going to the gym that freaked me out, it was their dissing the reporters who were very kind and only wanted to know what the media could do to help. I am only guessing here, but if it were ME, I would have seized the opportunity to say "Keep looking for Kyron" or "Keep Kyron's picture out there". It was only day #4, the media was not yet saturated with Kyron information, I would think they would have used just a few seconds t make a short statement. Instead, both looked like they couldn't wait to get out of there.

Yeah to be honest, if Kyron was out of the picture, it more looked like th and kh were avoiding the press because they were in trouble...
revenge can run hot and deep for years...it's just an opinion.

Not sure Kaine is a POI, but he's got to be looked at -

He got custody of Kyron after a restraining order because of a medical emergency. But she retained custody until that point.
He's practically assured full custody of baby girl - and he used Desiree's tactic of a restraining order to get the upper hand.

He's been able to call shots and control the situation (I don't know her, and I don't know why I'm just not sure Terri had anything to do with it, but I really think she was following the marching orders and got blindsided)- I'm wondering how deep that behavior goes on both sides.

Desiree and Kaine are promoting a united front, but I wonder what would happen if the speculation that has happened to Terri were to turn on Kaine?

To me something seemed different with the step dad today too....he was supporting his wife, but I didn't see the same warmth to Kaine as before???

ITA with your post and think it needs a rerun.

BOTH KH and TH went to the gym together, yet TH gets the blame. Seems to me that's the way this entire case has been going. After today's PC and the rules laid down by Kaine's "team" I'm seeing a much different side of this story. In the beginning I thought TH's body language was way off, but now, after the PC Kaine and Desiree did together, my poop detector is slowly pointing the red arrow in a different direction and I see TH as more of a frightened woman than necessarily one guilty of disappearing Kyron.

Unless there is someone evidence of a kidnapping for ransom, or evidence Kyron has been sold, the way this ENTIRE case has been handled STINKS to high heaven and a trip to the gym is the least of the problems.

I could be wrong, been there, done that, and this is only my opinion based on body language, things I've read, family history, and a very suspicious mind.
snipped:He got custody of Kyron after a restraining order because of a medical emergency. But she retained custody until that point.

Why would a restraining order be necessary in a medical emergency? I had not read that anywhere.

snipped : and he used Desiree's tactic of a restraining order to get the upper hand.

Are you saying that KH got a RO against DY in order to obtain custody of Kyron? Are you further saying that DY had received one against him? Again, I have not read anything about that. Where did you find that information? I'd like to read more about these odd occurences. Thanks
I think you're somewhat right. "Hitting the gym" sounds so casual. I'm a bit of a 'puter junkie but when priorities call, my computer won't see me.

I took my lappy with me on a cruise. I also commented somewhere that I posted updates while my daughter was in labor. But in times of crisis ,I do not even consider the interwebs.

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