Terri Broke Up Marriage

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It does take two to tango and when married, the married partner has the decision to go or not; plain and simple.

In photos of Terri before Kyron went missing, I find Terri to be an attractive woman, and is some ways resembles Desiree. Now I am not talking about the body building day photos, just the couple of photos that are out there with Terri, Kaine, Kyron, Terri's son and Baby K, and a photo of Terri with the baby in the background at a park of some kind.

If only the family had released photos of Terri and Kryon together, but they basically never did.

Because there aren't any, or because the LE told Kaine she wanted him dead, and then that kinda created a rift?
Anybody know if TH's fb survey answers open for discussion now that msm has published parts of at least one? Or just the parts that were published? I don't even know if there is more than one. Does it matter?
Can we tone down the anti-Kaine sentiment here? I feel like some people are stopping just short of saying "he got what he deserved" when discussing the cheating on a pregnant woman. Yes, he's had bad behavior in the past. That in NO WAY justifies the blow he's been dealt with the loss of his son. He is a victim, too.

I'm not really getting that impression. People cheat all the time and those that have been cheated on are going to like it less than others but I don't see anyone one saying that he deserved to lose his son. Only that he 'chose' to be with Terri. She didn't 'steal' him. This thread is about 'Terri broke up marriage'. She didn't do it alone.
Because there aren't any, or because the LE told Kaine she wanted him dead, and then that kinda created a rift?

I was just commenting regarding Terri's appearance as we haven't seen any photos released by the family before the "alleged" MFH. I would think in 7 years there are some photos of Terri and Kyron together. :crazy:
I have some questions for you great sleuth-ers here...and then an opinion.

Wasn't it a friend of Terri's who told media that Terri was a dear friend of Desiree who stepped in out of the goodness of her heart when Desiree became ill...just as a babysitter to her child? Do we know what "friend" was the source of that story?

Why was THAT Terri-as-Heroine story circulated? Why did anyone think it was "necessary?"

As far as"blame"...it does take two, but now we have learned that at least one man is saying that Terri exhibited very aggressive sexual behavior toward him at what seems to me a very strangely inappropriate time. "Sext-ing" to me ..if you are the originator...is a far more predatory way to begin a relationship.

Do we know if any sexual offers were made to the gardener?

As for my opinion, I'm thinking about Desiree now. Maybe Kaine thought their marriage was over...but she felt Terri took him from her and her baby. Then, she has the terrible bad luck to have a life threatening illness and has to give the woman who has her husband...her baby.

When she's well, she has to face that her baby, probably the only child she will ever have...is bonded in that household. So she sacrifices for his stability.

Now her child is missing and again, this same woman is the main suspect.

I don't know how Desire bears this.

Great post. Desiree does have an older son, though. So Kyron is not her only child.

What I wanted to say was that the fact that Terri spread a story her moving in and helping with baby cements to be me that she knew exactly what she was doing and didn't want to look bad for what she had done. I'm not saying Kaine isn't to blame, but she was an older woman already twice divorced and had affairs before him. He was younger than her and an older, hot woman was probably alluring to him at a time when a marriage was going down the tubes with a baby on the way. Terri knew she could get him if she wanted him, and that's what she did. Some women don't care who they hurt as long as they get what they want. And many, many men are stupid enough to go along with them because they think too much with their other brain rather than realize what an idiot they are being in the first place. And what can the odd woman out really do when the man decides to be stupid and the other woman sinks her claws in deep enough that she gets what she wants?

I'm sure the both of them have a lot of regrets about what happened. But they can't change it no matter how much they want to. I swear, I wish men were psychic enough to see the craziness of a woman before they destroy relationships to be with them, and less women would choose to destroy people lives just to get what they want. There are plenty of single fish out there, why is it that they have to go after the already married ones? Of course, if the already married ones would say no more, that would help too.

What a sad situation, and how horrible that Desiree and Kaine keep blaming themselves. My heart truly aches for them. In the end, it doesn't matter who did what to who because Kyron is still missing in all of this.
I don't really think it is fair to place the blame on Terri alone. At the very least Kaine participated consented to an affair with her and unless Kaine or Terri tell us who hit on who we can't really say. Not saying Desiree doesn't know also but people's interpretations can vary with the number of people. My husband and I met 2 days after his wife kicked him out. She has said all along that we were having an affair but we weren't. He was just done with her kicking him out every time she got mad. He walked and didn't look back. I'm not saying Desiree is wrong because I had a cheating ex for years. I never blamed it on the women. Most times they didn't even know he was married. It is possible that Terri is one ofthose women who prey on another woman's man but let's face it....I can't go 'steal' Brad from Angelina can I?

OT but still ...
Actually you probably could. Angelina and Brad had an affair when Brad was still married. So clearly both of them are ok with affairs and don't think twice about them. In fact if I recall they conceived a CHILD while he was still married. Nice. :shakehead::shakehead::shakehead:
I don't really think it is fair to place the blame on Terri alone. At the very least Kaine participated consented to an affair with her and unless Kaine or Terri tell us who hit on who we can't really say. Not saying Desiree doesn't know also but people's interpretations can vary with the number of people. My husband and I met 2 days after his wife kicked him out. She has said all along that we were having an affair but we weren't. He was just done with her kicking him out every time she got mad. He walked and didn't look back. I'm not saying Desiree is wrong because I had a cheating ex for years. I never blamed it on the women. Most times they didn't even know he was married. It is possible that Terri is one ofthose women who prey on another woman's man but let's face it....I can't go 'steal' Brad from Angelina can I?

um, i'm down to help if you wanna try....:dance: we could brainwash him and he'll forget all about her.
If I remember right they had reached the point of divorce before she got pregnant with Kyron. Then they gave it one last try. We don't really know at what point Kaine started seeing Terri. My guess is Kaine wasn't really into 'one last try' and Desiree put more effort into it. I don't think both partners in any divorce are ready at the same time. We all have a limit to what we can put up with. It may have been over for Kaine sooner than Desiree and she just couldn't accept it.

I think I read that they gave it "one more try" after Desiree became pregnant.

Perhaps he was involved with Terri...his wife got pregnant...but he couldn't stay away. Or Terri WOULDN'T stay away.

I imagine we will know in time.
My heart goes out to Desiree as the mother of Kyron but I really don't believe someone can steal a spouse away if they really don't want to cheat.

Imo, she should be blaming Kaine solely for he is the one that broke his wedding vows and Terri couldn't have gotten to first base if Kaine didn't want to play ball in the first place.


um, i'm down to help if you wanna try....:dance: we could brainwash him and he'll forget all about her.

Do you also think Tara Lintz is an innocent bystander in the murder of Sherri Coleman? Here is someone in a "convential" marriage and meets a woman emailing pictures of "body parts." as Coleman called it.

Sometimes a man who has NOT been a pursuer of other women...might find that...um-m-m-m...compelling.

Especially if the woman is relentless in pursuit. And it is a "new" experience for him.

Terri seems to have been immediately sexually aggressive once again...very soon after Kyron went missing.

Falling back on successful old patterns?
Awww, Desiree. I was hoping you wouldnt go there. Remember your words about taking the high road so that Kyron will not return to uglieness and a house divided???
Do you also think Tara Lintz is an innocent bystander in the murder of Sherri Coleman? Here is someone in a "convential" marriage and meets a woman emailing pictures of "body parts." as Coleman called it.

Sometimes a man who has NOT been a pursuer of other women...might find that...um-m-m-m...compelling.

Especially if the woman is relentless in pursuit. And it is a "new" experience for him.

Terri seems to have been immediately sexually aggressive once again...very soon after Kyron went missing.

Falling back on successful old patterns?

i was joking...

i don't really give a hoot who cheated on who as it does nothing to find Kyron.

P.S. i didn't say one word about anyone being innocent bystanders of anyone's murders.
There are always two sides to a divorce, and it is rarely the fault of just one.
But even the most dedicated hubbies can stray if the temptation is strong enough. Same with women.
But I doubt that the breakup of Kaine's and Desiree's marriage was all Terri's fault.
Awww, Desiree. I was hoping you wouldnt go there. Remember your words about taking the high road so that Kyron will not return to uglieness and a house divided???

Well, its starting to look like Kyron may not return, and I think Desiree is losing hope. She has the right to be mad as heck at Terri.

I just wrote a wonderful post and LOST it!!! That is so frustating.

I'm just gonna summarize.

It's about betrayal. I feel like Kaine and Th betrayed Desiree and Kyron before he was born. I don't think a leopard changes it's spots.

If TH was agressive with MC (as has been alleged) she was probably agressive in the pursuit of Kaine. Oh how much Kaine must see now... Hindsight is always 20/20. We really cannot be sure of Kaine's part then except he did not run away from TH and obiviously participated for whatever reason he justifies it to himself and others.

Now Kyron has been betrayed by a woman he called mom. (NOT Desiree)

Kyron! Kaine, the baby, Desiree and Tony all betrayed by someone entrusted to care for Kyron who presented a facade of loving him.

Please come home Kyron.
Everyone has a story. Kaine wanted Terri, and he got her. Hope it was all worth it! This is why I sympathize with Kaine, because he really got a major dose of karma, that I would never wish on anyone. I hope he takes a deep closer look at his life now, and does something super positive with his life, well, as much as he can, but I can see him taking a Marc Klaas route.

I agree, Kaine is certainly paying dearly for whatever his past misdeeds may have been. And I think that as far as Desiree goes, she has probably always known what Terri is, and I am not just speaking of the alleged affair here. Woman tend to be pretty intuitive, and I think that Desiree had Terri pegged all along, but no way in a million years could she have imagined this outcome. :twocents:
As a single woman I wouldn't dare even think about dating a married man let alone one with a baby on the way, regardless if I was told the marriage was over etc. I'll be damned if i'm going to be the one to help move a divorce along or break up a potential family.

Sadly that's a choice that was made by both the cheater and the other woman.

We will never really know now if K & D's marriage would have really made it after Kyron was born or not (there are so many ebb and flows in a relationship) because of the choice that 2 people made. Terri came in between a relationship that wasn't over and Kaine allowed it. It's not over until there is a legal divorce and definately not while your still living under the same roof.

But maybe I'm old school.

My heart goes out to both parents...they both must have so much guilt for could have's and should have's.
OT but still ...
Actually you probably could. Angelina and Brad had an affair when Brad was still married. So clearly both of them are ok with affairs and don't think twice about them. In fact if I recall they conceived a CHILD while he was still married. Nice. :shakehead::shakehead::shakehead:

Do they live in France? I'm buying my ticket right now.:angel:
i was joking...

i don't really give a hoot who cheated on who as it does nothing to find Kyron.

P.S. i didn't say one word about anyone being innocent bystanders of anyone's murders.

You are correct and I did not intend to imply that. My apologies.

But I can see similarities between Tara Lintz and Terri , if both of their alleged behavior is true.

Marriage is tough...with bills, kids, running a house. Rocky times occur.

In walks an outsider..who sends pictures of a sexual nature...who is all about JUST THAT...no problems, just what a man wants.

That is what poor Sherri and Desiree were up against.

A sexually aggressive pursuer...

They both lost.

I base this supposition on Terri's behavior with her small step-son missing, maybe murdered. Is she greiving? Distraught beyond consolation? No. She is immediately sending sex texts of herself to a virtual stranger.

Desiree lost her husband and then had to let this woman raise her child. Now, this very same woman may have been responsible for taking her child's life.

I just cannot imagine how Desiree deals with this. She made a choice to sacrifice for Kyron..to let the woman who took her husband, be his principle care-giver.

It seems that woman thought Kyron was expendable. Or, at the least, not worth her best effort to help find him.

When Desiree asks Terri to think of Baby K...she is projecting her enormous love for HER baby....on Terri. She assumes Terri "feels" as she does. If Terri was immediately sext-ing a new man as this horrific tragedy ensued..., if she could try to get another man to kill her husband..is she capable of the depth Desiree feels...even for her own child? Most women in Terri's predicament, would be on their best behavior..to preserve every chance of keeping their beloved child. And they would also be desolate thinking of that little guy...and what may have befallen him.

Not Terri. She's sending out sex texts.

Why do we assume her older child left because of her husband? Who is the source of that? The same "friend" who told us Terri was Desiree's unselfish friend who stepped in ONLY to care for Kyron?

Let's check our sources.
My heart goes out to Desiree as the mother of Kyron but I really don't believe someone can steal a spouse away if they really don't want to cheat.

Imo, she should be blaming Kaine solely for he is the one that broke his wedding vows and Terri couldn't have gotten to first base if Kaine didn't want to play ball in the first place.


I didn't see anywhere in the story that quoted Desiree as saying that Terri broke up her marriage or even any place that paraphrased her saying that. It's the headline writer who is making that interpretation of the events.

Also, this story is a summary of part of the Dateline interview, not a new interview.
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