Terri obtained new cell phones from friends to avoid investigator's scrutiny

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I have tried REALLY hard not to point fingers at TH, I have "looked the other way" on several things BUT I am more then ever convinced she had SOMETHING to do with Kyron's disappearance, I still believe he's alive and if so she would need some form of communciation that couldn't be easily traced, this "phone stuff" actually gives me hope, I want to believe she was desperate to communicate with who ever she gave Kyron to.
I totally believe Terri sent her own dirty pix to MC...but still manage to cling to the fence as far as guilt in Kyron's disappearance. I am not seeing the connection between the two things. Clearly she has no sense of propriety, may have been craving male attention, who knows...but I am just not taking it as a sign of guilt at this point. Very poor judgement, yes.

Obviously you are a better person than I am because taking all things into consideration from the day of Kyron's disappearance until now, I believe she is 100% guilty and look forward to the day when she is finally arrested and this little boy is brought home to his family whether it be dead or alive. JMO.
Obviously you are a better person than I am because taking all things into consideration from the day of Kyron's disappearance until now, I believe she is 100% guilty and look forward to the day when she is finally arrested and this little boy is brought home to his family whether it be dead or alive. JMO.

Not at all, I may turn out to be incredibly naive, though I have never been accused of that before. I am generally a cynic about everything. But in this case, there is almost too much pointing to guilt, for me to quite buy it, if that makes sense. (yet nothing that is evidence concerning what happened to Kyron.)
It is so hard for me to believe that all of these people who are friends with Terri H are willing to do alot for her, more than most people I know, and more than I would certainly do even for a close friend. I would be supportive but not enabling them with a phone, that seems too much like helping someone after the fact. Does anyone think that all of these "friends" are all connected by some type of "secret?" I have no clue what it could be, but a conspiracy perhaps?

If my sister, or my dearest friend, found themselves in the firestorm of public anger and scorn in which Terri has been engulfed, yes, I would help them, support them, speak up for them, and buy them tracfones so that I could talk to them.


Because I would never believe that they had committed the heinous crime- certainly not until I had seen them convicted in a court of law. Would any of the members of this board automatically believe that his/her friend or sister/brother had committed kidnapping or worse? If we can't give people whom we have known, loved, respected and believed in the benefit of the doubt, then how can we ever expect a jury to?

My sister didn't do it, my brother didn't do it, my FRIEND didn't do it- that's what I would believe, based on my long-term relationship with them. I wouldn't help them cover up a crime, but I would help them deal with the nightmare.

I certainly wouldn't drop a friend just because of innuendo or a witch hunt. These women believe in their friend. And as long as they believe her to be innocent, how is it "enabling" to give her a phone? She is entitled to have the security of a phone, and why shouldn't she have some expectation of privacy?

She's not accused, indicted, under arrest, and it's likely she is not under orders to stay in town, or the state, or even the country. And if she is still free to roam about the world, why would a cell phone be such a big deal?
He didn't leave because he was moving in with a pregnant girlfriend or anything, he left because the LE told him that his wife had wanted to kill him a few months back. Being the good parent he is, he took his daughter and got her away from the mother, thats the right thing to do.

So no, I wouldn't give her a cell phone unless I was working with the cops and knew it was bugged.

I was just talking about a basic person, whose husband leaves, takes the child, leaves with no money for the spouse, files for divorce, no MFH, no LE, just a plain ole couple. The question was "would you get a cellphone for a friend?"
How can you set aside for a moment the fact that Kyron is missing and that is the reason why her friends helped her with a cellphone? The reason the "hubby" left the home is because he was informed by LE that his wife tried to hire someone to kill him.

Good grief.

I think this thread has gotten way out of control with talk of Kaine setting Terri up by sending the photos, or the phone was hacked, or she had the pictures on the cellphone and they accidentally got sent. I think Kaine has far too much to worry about other than hacking Terri's cellphone. I can understand the need to stay on the fence as far as Terri's guilt regarding Kyron's disappearance is concerned but all of this blaming someone else because she was busted sexting and sending dirty pictures of herself to another man is beyond ridiculous. JMO.

Hypothetically ... this is what my comment was all about. GEEZZZ!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:

This is crazy!!
I'm intrigued about the "hacking" tools that have been mentioned in this thread.

This is off-topic, but a friend's daughter in Arizona was going through a divorce from her husband, who was/is very controlling.

He seemed to know everything that was going on in his ex-wife's house. If she got an email from anyone, he knew about it. She got an email from a child's teacher setting up a time for a parent teacher conference. The ex-husband was there waiting at the school when she arrived for the conference.

He would sit in his car, parked outside her house and maybe down a house or two, and one of the neighbors reported he had a laptop in the car and seemed to be working on it. The ex wife wasn't using wifi. How was he getting into her computer?
Any attorney will advise their client, regardless of guilt, to not speak to the police. It "makes sense" if she is guilty or innocent.

Yup, I think everyone agrees on that. But that wasn't my point - the original post/point I was making was lost in the pages of stuff that came before it... :)
I think LE would do well to at least call Terri a suspect one of these days...or charge her with something or other. If they don't, it does become easier to believe that she is simply being harrassed with no real evidence against her.

I'm hoping they are doing the GJ in order to present solid evidence for a specific charge and not just throwing a bunch of possible charges out there for the GJ to choose from. Either LE knows what happened or should have a good solid "guess", in my opinion, before taking it to a GJ. And if they do, then they are sure good at keeping it all secret (except for the items damaging to Terri personally) because we have yet to hear a thing.
Terri has brought a lot of this suspicion upon herself by her very own actions. She doesn't have to say anything ... actions speak louder than words and her actions speak not only of guilt but also of complete ignorance. IF Terri were to turn out to be completely innocent then she sure has been her own worst enemy.

I have honestly started to wonder if Terri does have some kind of mental issues because it feels like she is trying her best to look suspicious and guilty ... it's almost as if she wants everyone to know she was involved.

Her friends helping her have also brought suspicion on themselves. She may have wanted a phone number that wasn't public to reduce the threats or what not. She could have simply changed her phone number and gotten a private number. Also, why sneak around to do it? Were there multiple phones (article stated "phones" plural)??

Then, we have the sexting and graphic photos. Yes, that may have been done to spite Kaine; BUT, why in the world would a step mother be concerned about such things when the child she has helped raised has gone missing? It goes back to state of mind. I have never lost my child other than the normal few moments that kids often wonder off. In those moments it was sheer panic until I laid my eyes on my child again. I can't imagine being able to think of anything else, especially sex, if my child (step or biological) were missing. Heck, I would even feel that way if one of my relatives or friend's kids went missing. I feel that way about Kyron; and, I have never even met him!!

On top of that ... WHY does anyone ever take such photos of themselves? Whether it be digital, on a cell, or whatever ... there are just too many ways that can and will get out and embarrass someone. Especially if you are already under a great amount of public scrutiny. Never worth the risk to me ... not to mention that the mere thought disgusts me. (and yes, I am aware that my personal morals have no weight in this case ... just sayin')

I have followed this case from the beginning. Terri has not said anything; but, her body language and her actions scream out to be looked at. This is her stepson. Did she ever care about him at all? Is she not worried that he is gone or fearful that he may be dead? Has anyone seen any kind of true emotion out of this woman? I have dated guys that had kids that I cared more about than Terri appears to have cared about Kyron. (When we broke up it was the kids that I missed!!)

It makes me want to scream and pull my hair out!

First and foremost, I want Kyron found! Second, I want the RIGHT Person(s) involved punished. Sure, Terri's actions could be innocently explained away when separate. Combined is just too much for me to swallow.

*OK, stepping away from the keyboard ... I am too emotional at this moment to be objective.
Hypothetically ... this is what my comment was all about. GEEZZZ!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:

This is crazy!!

I actually thought your post was very reasonable. I know with my good friends, if I was ever implicated in a crime, or even convicted, if I told them that I was innocent they would believe me. The circumstances wouldn't matter, they would believe it because they know who I am, and would fight for me and help me too. I don't think my friends would do anything criminal for me, but Terri sounds like a lousy person with lousy friends, and stranger things happen quite often.
I totally believe Terri sent her own dirty pix to MC...but still manage to cling to the fence as far as guilt in Kyron's disappearance. I am not seeing the connection between the two things. Clearly she has no sense of propriety, may have been craving male attention, who knows...but I am just not taking it as a sign of guilt at this point. Very poor judgement, yes.

Who in their right mind would start sexting when their stepson is missing?

Someone who doesn't give a da#n because they know he isn't coming back.
I think LE has had these phones for close to two weeks or more, and from them, figured out whose homes needed searching. And obviously they did not find Kyron. So I'm not sure these extra phones mean much of anything except that Terri needs to have a phone, even if it will make her look worse and put her friends in the way of the police.

LE probably has records of all of the numbers called by now and I would guess that none of them are leading them any closer to what happened to Kyron. But I guess we will have to wait and see, as with everything else in this case.
JVM is covering this now. Experts saying whomever did give Terri a phone could possibly be charged after the fact possibly as an Accessory.

Still no word on what type of phone it is. Mike Brooks saying even the throw away phones can be tracked by the carrier. Mike said type of phone is unknown at this time..... that is when he said throw away can be tracked by by the carrier.

So wait - the phone itself can be tracked, but like another poster said, if you pay cash for it and cash for your minutes, they don't know how to connect YOU to the phone they are able to track. Maybe they can track each of their serial numbers and pings and whatnot, but if they don't know that your 20 dollar bill is the one that bought the phone, and you don't use your own name to register it, I'm pretty sure they can't connect you to it. Don't we always read about drug dealers using these for that reason?

About someone tampering with Terri's phone, etc - I believe it's usually a much simpler explanation than that. MC might very well have been a "plant" to get info and inappropriate behavior out of Terri, and I wouldn't blame LE in the least if they put him up to it or if MC just felt like a vigilante and did it on his own. But I don't think there's an elaborate conspiracy, and if there was there would be more solid evidence "planted" to point to her than there is right now (a csi t-shirt in her gym locker or similar).
This is a myth.

Attorney's not testify in court, and therefore cannot be perjured.

If you don't tell your attorney what happened, they can't defend you and it's very likely they'll be blindsided in the courtroom. They want to know everything that happened so they are prepared for it.

And on a logical front. If you did commit the crime, where would you begin lying to your attorney about the series of events? Or would you just refuse to talk about it? (Rhetorical)

"Suborning perjury" means that an attorney has put a witness on the stand that he or she knows is lying in order to deceive the jury and get a client an acquittal. (I am sure an attorney could give a better explanation, but that's my best attempt.). That is why many defense attorneys do NOT want a guilty client to confess to them. The defense attorney has to put on a defense, offer some kind of alternative theory. That really can't be done if the defense attorney knows from the client that the client is guilty. Certainly, defense attorneys are a bright lot and often know the client is guilty, but they can't put witnesses on the stand KNOWING that they are lying.

Someone guilty of a crime probably has little problem lying to his or her attorney, as the attempt to get away with the crime is all part of the crime.
I'm intrigued about the "hacking" tools that have been mentioned in this thread.

This is off-topic, but a friend's daughter in Arizona was going through a divorce from her husband, who was/is very controlling.

He seemed to know everything that was going on in his ex-wife's house. If she got an email from anyone, he knew about it. She got an email from a child's teacher setting up a time for a parent teacher conference. The ex-husband was there waiting at the school when she arrived for the conference.

He would sit in his car, parked outside her house and maybe down a house or two, and one of the neighbors reported he had a laptop in the car and seemed to be working on it. The ex wife wasn't using wifi. How was he getting into her computer?

No way to be for sure, but I can speculate how he probably did so..
No need for wifi you can simply hack into anyones email from any computer.. really simple if he had her email, a little more difficult but certainly not impossible tho even if he did not have address(say she changed it when they split up, or at the very least changed passcode) but all of that can be hacked into with any number of easily accessed hack programs or software...

And as was earlier stated about "remote" control of cellphones, that could have been done also to get her text msgs, calls, etc...

Its really scary to know whats out there.. But even scarier to NOT know IMO because what you don't know of or about you are defenseless against...
Not at all, I may turn out to be incredibly naive, though I have never been accused of that before. I am generally a cynic about everything. But in this case, there is almost too much pointing to guilt, for me to quite buy it, if that makes sense. (yet nothing that is evidence concerning what happened to Kyron.)

Hey join the club, most of us as well have never been accused of that before either...which is a good thing! Given what you have said about "too much pointing to guilt" does that make sense...respectfully
no. Could you explain further? You mention "there is almost too much pointing to guilt for you to buy it"? Why? Sometimes it is that simple! But I am interested in your thoughts. I never say "never".
I totally believe Terri sent her own dirty pix to MC...but still manage to cling to the fence as far as guilt in Kyron's disappearance. I am not seeing the connection between the two things. Clearly she has no sense of propriety, may have been craving male attention, who knows...but I am just not taking it as a sign of guilt at this point. Very poor judgement, yes.

TH was "shocked" and perhaps very angry when KH left with the baby. There is always the possibility that she deliberately sent the texts and photos to make Kaine jealous; perhaps as gesture of disdain toward KH, DY, TY, and law-enforcement in general. She may well have been aware that her messages were being intercepted.

I agree that it is not a sign of guilt, but is certainly a sign of contempt.
Terri has brought a lot of this suspicion upon herself by her very own actions. She doesn't have to say anything ... actions speak louder than words and her actions speak not only of guilt but also of complete ignorance. IF Terri were to turn out to be completely innocent then she sure has been her own worst enemy.

I have honestly started to wonder if Terri does have some kind of mental issues because it feels like she is trying her best to look suspicious and guilty ... it's almost as if she wants everyone to know she was involved.

Her friends helping her have also brought suspicion on themselves. She may have wanted a phone number that wasn't public to reduce the threats or what not. She could have simply changed her phone number and gotten a private number. Also, why sneak around to do it? Were there multiple phones (article stated "phones" plural)??

Then, we have the sexting and graphic photos. Yes, that may have been done to spite Kaine; BUT, why in the world would a step mother be concerned about such things when the child she has helped raised has gone missing? It goes back to state of mind. I have never lost my child other than the normal few moments that kids often wonder off. In those moments it was sheer panic until I laid my eyes on my child again. I can't imagine being able to think of anything else, especially sex, if my child (step or biological) were missing. Heck, I would even feel that way if one of my relatives or friend's kids went missing. I feel that way about Kyron; and, I have never even met him!!

On top of that ... WHY does anyone ever take such photos of themselves? Whether it be digital, on a cell, or whatever ... there are just too many ways that can and will get out and embarrass someone. Especially if you are already under a great amount of public scrutiny. Never worth the risk to me ... not to mention that the mere thought disgusts me. (and yes, I am aware that my personal morals have no weight in this case ... just sayin')

I have followed this case from the beginning. Terri has not said anything; but, her body language and her actions scream out to be looked at. This is her stepson. Did she ever care about him at all? Is she not worried that he is gone or fearful that he may be dead? Has anyone seen any kind of true emotion out of this woman? I have dated guys that had kids that I cared more about than Terri appears to have cared about Kyron. (When we broke up it was the kids that I missed!!)

It makes me want to scream and pull my hair out!

First and foremost, I want Kyron found! Second, I want the RIGHT Person(s) involved punished. Sure, Terri's actions could be innocently explained away when separate. Combined is just too much for me to swallow.

*OK, stepping away from the keyboard ... I am too emotional at this moment to be objective.

Thanks just aren't enough for your post. Your thoughts are exactly the same as mine. JMO.
TH was "shocked" and perhaps very angry when KH left with the baby. There is always the possibility that she deliberately sent the texts and photos to make Kaine jealous; perhaps as gesture of disdain toward KH, DY, TY, and law-enforcement in general. She may well have been aware that her messages were being intercepted.

I agree that it is not a sign of guilt, but is certainly a sign of contempt.

Of course this is just my opinion but with my stepson missing, possibly dead, my children taken from me, I just think the last think that would be on my priority list(anywhere on it) would be feeling the need to make my very soon to be ex-jealous.JMO, tho.
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