Terri obtained new cell phones from friends to avoid investigator's scrutiny

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Correct because there is a time clock ticking the minute they arrest her. You can't just arrest someone and not charge them with something. Within so many hours you have to officially charge someone to keep them locked up.

And then the right to a speedy trial puts another timer on the investigation, if you're trying to mount enough evidence to be well clear of that subjective juror "reasonable doubt" issue; you want the charge(s) to stick. Whereas they have a goodly while before the statute of limitations runs out (if applicable), and can arrest at their leisure.
And then the right to a speedy trial puts another timer on the investigation, if you're trying to mount enough evidence to be well clear of that subjective juror "reasonable doubt" issue; you want the charge(s) to stick. Whereas they have a goodly while before the statute of limitations runs out (if applicable), and can arrest at their leisure.

That's right - so they will follow every lead, investigate family and friends, get all the cell phone and text messages sorted out, talk to the school employees and parents on the record, and keep hearing testimony in the Grand Jury.

This is a national case and the FBI has been involved. Nothing is going to happen overnight, but I'm definitely getting a vibe that they are building a strong case.
Hi, I may have one explanation, he probably has the network userid and password that was set up when he/she purchased the computer. I'm guessing they have a wireness network? She needs to contact her internet service provider right away. She needs a new secure network userid, delete the old one and even better have her own private account and drop off his. The isp will help her especially if she has a domestic RO, which she should get asap. That will show that she's not taking anymore bs. Also, I hope she changed her passwords on everything, review her security settings on social websites, etc. His stalking may escalate into violence. I know this is OT, so apologies.

umm...yeah, she should do all that if she's guilty as sin and wants everyone to continue to believe so. And good luck with her getting an RO lmao...don't you think that would have occurred to someone by now?

"His stalking"...wtheck are you talking about. How in the world do you come up with kh *stalking* her. She's the one who's shooting herself in the foot, time after time, after time. Wow. This post leaves me speechless. Which almost never happens. lol
Thanks so much! :) I've known about keyloggers and things like that, but what threw me, and this girl's mother was how he seemed to know everything the girl was doing. The girl (ex-wife) bought a new computer, changed ISPs, and took all sorts of steps to safeguard her computer, but no matter what she did, he found out any plans she made by email or text messages, etc.

So I"m very intrigued about this whole topic of hacking.

Hey! One of my main questions from the *get-go* has been: How many connective devices were in this household? How many cells, Iphones, blackberries, laptops, pagers, and etc. were in use in the home? ALL: Here there and everywhere. Not surprised at all by this phone thing, nor the sock puppet postings, or any of it.

Kaine and Terri (and perhaps many in their circles of friends) ARE TECH SAVVY. Do not rule this out as key, people! I know and have seen some damn good hackers. They are out there.

Thanks Leila for this topic...and Mayagrl: welcome to the board!
Hi, I may have one explanation, he probably has the network userid and password that was set up when he/she purchased the computer. I'm guessing they have a wireness network? She needs to contact her internet service provider right away. She needs a new secure network userid, delete the old one and even better have her own private account and drop off his. The isp will help her especially if she has a domestic RO, which she should get asap. That will show that she's not taking anymore bs. Also, I hope she changed her passwords on everything, review her security settings on social websites, etc. His stalking may escalate into violence. I know this is OT, so apologies.

Lots of ways. Not just wireless, but broadband. Means connectivity on a/many country road, laptop on the seat next to you! I have it. Love it.
umm...yeah, she should do all that if she's guilty as sin and wants everyone to continue to believe so. And good luck with her getting an RO lmao...don't you think that would have occurred to someone by now?

"His stalking"...wtheck are you talking about. How in the world do you come up with kh *stalking* her. She's the one who's shooting herself in the foot, time after time, after time. Wow. This post leaves me speechless. Which almost never happens. lol

You'll have to follow the posts backwards. They are talking about an unrelated couple in Arizona, not TH and KH. I was just as confused as you are!:crazy:
Just to use one example - Scott Peterson wasn't arrested until his wife and baby washed ashore in San Francisco Bay. That didn't mean there was "no evidence" because they had abundant evidence. But LE usually wants to find the body which will give them lots more clues about what happened. They don't have that yet, but that doesn't mean there is no evidence

In my opinion, several people are now caught in a web of lies and the spider is getting closer to them. :Justice:

Plus Scotty was near the border (with 10 grand, new used car, fake mustache, etc, as it turned out)
umm...yeah, she should do all that if she's guilty as sin and wants everyone to continue to believe so. And good luck with her getting an RO lmao...don't you think that would have occurred to someone by now?

"His stalking"...wtheck are you talking about. How in the world do you come up with kh *stalking* her. She's the one who's shooting herself in the foot, time after time, after time. Wow. This post leaves me speechless. Which almost never happens. lol

She's not talking about Kaine.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5481791#post5481791"]Terri obtained new cell phones from friends to avoid investigator's scrutiny - Page 12 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
So would that have been in the 10 days she spent with Terri after Kaine moved out? That would make sense.

I would guess....wonder how much DeDe is really cooperating... Timeline wise, she stayed with TH from ~ 6/28 thru 7/8, that would have been roughly the week before TH moved out, 7/14, then the week before the news first broke about DeDe home being searched would have been close to when DeDe first moved back to her own home.
To me, this looks like LE is actually staying close to anyone/anything that's happening in this case. Good to know, IMO, even if not fast enough for me.
I would guess....wonder how much DeDe is really cooperating... Timeline wise, she stayed with TH from ~ 6/28 thru 7/8, that would have been roughly the week before TH moved out, 7/14, then the week before the news first broke about DeDe home being searched would have been close to when DeDe first moved back to her own home.
To me, this looks like LE is actually staying close to anyone/anything that's happening in this case. Good to know, IMO, even if not fast enough for me.

Was DeDe with Terri (those ten days) when the sexting thing came out? Sorry, this case has me all befuddled. Too many facts, speculations, rumors and whatnot crammed into my mind.

On the plus side, I got to use the word "befuddled".
Was DeDe with Terri (those ten days) when the sexting thing came out? Sorry, this case has me all befuddled. Too many facts, speculations, rumors and whatnot crammed into my mind.

On the plus side, I got to use the word "befuddled".

I feel right with you.....:)
I think the attorney's assistant would have gone out and bought a phone for Terri if it was Houze's idea. I don't see why he'd have thought it prudent to involve friends in the operation.

Regarding the cell phone hacking, I think it's a completely unnecessary assumption. I feel that I'm required to bend over backwards too many times to make Terri squeaky clean in everything that looks even slightly off color. We would have to make so many other people to be in the wrong to make her right, and for what? Whatever your sexual morals are I think we can all agree that it is not illegal to send out dirty pics of yourself if you're over 40, so why would someone need to frame her for sexting and why would we need to prove her innocent of doing it?

Either we have to assume the existence of a cyberstalker with up-to-speed hacking skills (not verified) who (we further have to assume) sent those photos pretending to be her, apparently to frame her for sexting (not a crime in Oregon afaik and it does not prove she knows where Kyron is so I don't know what would be the point), or because the cyberstalker had a desire to get MC involved in the investigation for some unknown reason (all just speculation because there is not a shred of evidence for any of this that I know of).

We would further have to assume that Terri and her lawyer have not heard about any of this because I think she would report a crime if someone unauthorizedly used her identity and hacked her cellphone to invade her privacy, destroy her reputation (especially in the light of a possible court case coming up) or sexually harass an innocent high school friend of her soon-to-be ex-husband, and I have not heard of such an investigation taking place.

We would further have to assume that the LE people investigating her phone records and other people's activities are completely clueless about it (unless they have some hacking charges coming up shortly).

Or we have to assume that Terri sent those sexts to the named sexting partner (as stated in the court records) who has admitted taking part in the sexting activity, (as stated in the news).


I don't understand why we'd need to bend over backwards to prove that Terri didn't send those sexts because she has so far not even denied it herself (afaik), nor has her lawyer. She may have sent them and so what? It is not proof of a crime. It is not proof that she did anything to Kyron. At most it can be said that it goes to her state of mind after Kyron went missing but a good lawyer could spin a reasonable argument that she was just so alone and abandoned and devastated because of all this, needed some male comfort and her judgement was slightly impaired because she was so down because of Kyron and the false allegations Kaine made.

If we suppose that it's Kaine or MC doing the cyberhacking, it's noteworthy but a bit incongruent to me if we need to assume the guilt of other people without any proof or even suggestive facts to support it, in order to keep an open mind about Terri being innocent until proven guilty to any allegations thrown her way, while it looks like there is a GJ convening, possibly to determine if they could indict her.
I wish we knew. If it was someone else, TH sure has a lot of "good friends" that will do VERY questionable things during the investigation of a missing CHILD!

Exactly - where is Kyron in all of this. If one of my friends had a child gone missing -- and had the nerve to ask me to get her a cell phone. I'd say No Way Jose. How about coming clean as to where you were that day.

I can't believe the people she hangs out with that would enable her.


IMO, I think the sexy text messages happened on the cellphone that was within the household before and after Kyron went missing. Since LE was not aware of any other cellphones, and found the text messages back and forth with Michael, it seems reasonable to me that the sexy messages where on the existing cellphone.

I feel that Kaine disconnected the cellphone that was used for the text messages once he found out about them. The friend(s) then came forward with another cellphone for Terri to use since she had no ability to purchase another cellphone. No money; no job.

ETA: If the sexy text messages were sent from the cellphone that the friend(s) purchased for Terri, and IF this cellphone is in the friend's name, then LE would have to have a darn good reason to subpoena the cellphone records of the owner (friend). IMO

Wouldn't it be enough of a reason that the friend's cellphone is being used by their suspect (if Terri's their suspect)?
JVM is covering this now. Experts saying whomever did give Terri a phone could possibly be charged after the fact possibly as an Accessory.

Still no word on what type of phone it is. Mike Brooks saying even the throw away phones can be tracked by the carrier. Mike said type of phone is unknown at this time..... that is when he said throw away can be tracked by by the carrier.

It would have been nice if the experts talked about something as simple as "perhaps Terri just needed a cellphone as the one she used may have been disconnected and had no money or credit to get one on her own." :crazy:
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