Terri 's e-mails on KATU 08.09.2010

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I guess I find it hard to believe that Terri, or anyone else, would lie about the doctor's opinion (seizures) or appointments when it is SO easy for LE (or even Kaine or Desiree) to verify the information... This especially seems questionable to me if she premeditated harming Kyron...

and which would be SO easy to *prove* without any actual information whatsoever in this case. She called the dr. and described the *symptoms* over the phone. Easy peasy. Based on th's representations, doc suggested an appt. So she made one that she didn't keep or *couldn't* keep since, unfortunately, kyron went missing in the meantime. I wonder who her pede is and if he will be called to the GJ based on information gleaned from the search of her laptop, cell, etc. jmspeculation.
Crazy as all this is, I am still perched on my fence but am willing to be shoved off any day now...hoping LE can give me the big push Wednesday, one way or the other...
Could be....

Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP), referred to in the DSM-IV-TR as Factitious Disorder by Proxy, is a disorder in which a woman deliberately causes injury or illness to another person (most often her child), usually to gain attention or some other benefit.[1][2] Münchausen by proxy has been described by some as a form of extended child abuse.[3][4] The motivation is to assume the sick role by proxy.[5] It involves physical abuse and medical neglect.[6]

The caregiver is usually a parent, guardian, or spouse, and the victim is usually a child or vulnerable adult. Most cases involve inducing physical illness.
She maybe have paid cash, ie gave the cashier a dollar and the cashier gave her some coins and the receipt and she shoved them in her pocket. At the next store she might have paid with her debit card and when I do that I usually tell them to chuck the receipt. It is much easier to just take the receipt with the change and not think about it.

I'll bet she has/had everything.
Exactly! Still defending herself. I totally agree!

How do we know that we saw the entirety of her emails? Just as debs was asking about--we saw nothing written about her mentioning the blogs and wanting to scream...
Generally, a neurologist follow-up is made through referral only. I can't think of a time when I was able to see a neurologist without having a primary physician recommend.

When folks are saying this is easily verifiable, it should be a simple matter to ask Kyron's primary for the referral date. Or, even more expedient, ask for the name of the neurologist.

Do we know it was to a neruologist? Do we know it wasn't his regular doctor? I missed that if that info was given.
(Maybe Kaine required receipts for everything she spent-we don't know.)
Maybe she did call the doc, and got an opinion - based on her account of his symptoms. Maybe she didn't want him to go to that appt the next week to be tested for fear of what they might find (if she was causing it). All speculation of course, JMO.

Boy, not if you're a mommy. The first time my son started shaking all over, I rushed him to his pediatrician. It stopped pretty suddenly, and all she could do was refer me to a neuro. I was in the next day, and in the hospital the following day. If your child seizes/shakes and you don't know why - it scares the carp out of you. From experience, I'm not buying the story (unless she was medicating him to cause it -- now that I would believe)

Do you believe this was part of her alibi?


Here is the entire thing. I see someone beat me with the screen shots. Good job.

Terri Horman:
June 5, 2010

The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Kitty for a doctor’s appt. I said I was going to look at other exhibits – how do you mess that up? His coat and backpack were still at school. I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man “chaperone” and 2 girls after I left. There were no men on the chaperone list. That and it was highly chaotic – had to have been 300 people running around – no coordination…”

“I didn’t just drop him off, I spent time with him, took pictures and he was in safe hands I thought as I watched him walk down the hall. Kids saw him after I left. Teacher put him as absent at 10am. Someplace between 9-10 is when we think it happened. I have a receipt showing I was checked out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn’t have at the first FM. Then I was trying to get Kitty to…

… sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. Out at 12:20. Home at 12:45. Kaine home at 2. Bus at 3:30. That was my day – they keep asking me. Now on my 5th interview with them…”

“The past 2 weeks he’s been acting really weird. Staring off into space. Can’t remember anything. Walks into the room and then back out, stopping to stare and then move on. The doc thinks he is having mini seizures and I made an appt. on Thursday for the next Friday to have him checked out.”

Still with all this extremely odd very detailed accounting of all of her whereabouts/alibis for June 4th, there is still over 2 full hour chunk of time completely unaccounted for 9:12 checkout FM to 11:20 check in at gym... And claims to only have attempted to get baby K to nap in truck for "minutes" then "off to gym"... So still major chunk of time unaccounted for....
I want to know if KATU only published the parts where TM defended herself in her emails, or if there were parts where she talked about being worried and distraught about Kyron missing.

I'm trying to get back to my non judgmental neutral self here.. =)
The sources are the e-mails people here on WS so kindly transcribed. If FM was out of a medication for children that day, they would have a record of it. Is that what you are asking? TIA

I see, I was reading that as Terri's word was the truth or fact. I just read it wrong.

It's getting late.... 'p_p'

Thanks so much for clarifying.
Baby K was about 18 months old at the time. She was in a moving vehicle in a seat behind the driver. I don't know any parents who would give a child that young a lollipop when they couldn't supervise the child, especially.

About the hypothetical lollipop--maybe it wasn't for the baby. Maybe for her. Maybe she grabbed chocolate on the way out. I've grabbed a York Peppermint Patty at the checkout counter.

Maybe she grabbed a cold drink from those new coolers they have near checkouts in bigger stores these days. I grabbed an Orange Crush the other day.
I'm thinking she used the word seizure incorrectly...what she decribes isn't really a seizure...
“The past 2 weeks he’s been acting really weird. Staring off into space. Can’t remember anything. Walks into the room and then back out, stopping to stare and then move on."

Any medical people here? Does that sound like a reaction to some kind of trauma or traumatic experience? Any other conditions that cause these symptoms?

There's no way someone could diagnose this; too many differential diagnoses. The cause could be anything, really, from drugs to seizures to psychiatric disorders to an infectious process, etc. It's all speculation, anyway unless we hear from his doctor. Like my hang up with the horse farm lol.
“They are blaming me in the blogs. I just want to scream,” she wrote in one e-mail to a KATU News source the day after her stepson, Kyron Horman vanished from Skyline School during a science fair.


It wasn't on the screen shots, but was in there written report.

But we never saw that. I'm not denying it's there, but why titillate with it and not show it outright?
What was it Kaine and Desiree said early on that they were having discussions with Kyron about, about not listening or following directions or something? They may have been sort of aware of something...

I kind of wonder if other people had an idea about something too. We don't have much indication that they did or didn't. It has been maddening how few and far between the details about Kyron have come out. The thing about his moles and the nervous rash, for instance. If they (DY & KH) had come out with the seizure idea (which apparently had not been verified yet) they may have been afraid it would take the focus off of criminal behavior, and put it onto him. I think that would be very difficult to do, as a parent - say to the media it might have been the kid alone, when you feel in your bones it was the SM. KWIM?
Okay here is a map of Fred Meyer locations.

First of all, to get to the gym you go off 158th and then onto Waterhouse where her Gym is.
There is a Freddie's VERY VERY close on 158th & Walker Rd. Like right down the road!

There is another FM on Beav-Hills Hwy/10, which she could get on 26, go down 217 and right off the exit is the FM basically.

Yes there is another FM down Beav-Hills Hwy/10 (or BHH as locals call it) which is close to the Albertson's she was rumored to have gone..

So, I don't know. She was in an area where she could have accessed so many stores along the way, easy access, why drive to another FM? The only thing I can think of is if it was prescription medicine and the one she went to was out? And her insurance card only worked at FM? Who knows....

I still stand by the fact that even if she knew that timeline so well, it's TMI..

And the whole email is her DEFENDING HERSELF..
Nothing about Kyron.
Nothing about missing him.
Nothing about how worried she is that he has been out all night in the cold.
Nothing Nothing Nothing..

Sorry, that email less than 48 hours or so from him missing, and her just defending herself answers any questions I ever had..

ITA! Totally defending herself. Reminds me of some letters in another case - Oh I love Cays so much, hmmm, I wonder what's for lunch today? Oh, and it's Zenaida's fault, but not her fault because I was protecting Cays from my imaginary and vague made up dreams of sexual abuse from my dad and brother. (That's just a summary. You should read those letters, they are a doozy! Not to mention it's been proven that Zanny the nanny doesn't exist.)

Totally self serving and totally NOT about Kyron and giving a crap about him at all. Totally giving herself not one, but two outs, and she remembers times and that she has receipts THE DAY AFTER HE WENT MISSING? She remembers his belongings sitting on his chair? WTF?

I'd be lucky to remember my name and address at that point. Yet she remembers a biography of the day. Not to mention she can't get baby K calmed down, so oh well, time to go to the gym and let someone else deal with her while TH gets her workout. I could just scream.

And Kyron was having seizures? Yeah, Casey was having seizures too - I don't believe that baloney in either case. Total BS. And you know what, Kaine might not have known what was going on with Terri but I am damn sure he knew if his son was having seizures or not. I don't for minute think Terri was the only one who would have known that. Total BS. Shame on her for trying to blame this on a false medical diagnosis! Is she a doctor now and we didn't know it?

I am so STEAMED right now, I better calm down and go to bed. I swear, she and Casey are freaking TWINS. I hope she's arrested, convicted, and rots in jail for the rest of her life.
I'm thinking she used the word seizure incorrectly...what she decribes isn't really a seizure...

It can be, but I wonder if that is HER diagnosis rather than what the doc felt was going on ?
Ok... if her "receipts" from FM stores checked out.. why would police need surveillance footage? IMO, she could have saved certain receipts, but not others. She might have paid in cash in a separate transaction possibly.

Probably to confirm it was Terri in the store purchasing the items and not someone else that she gave her credit card to.
How do we know that we saw the entirety of her emails? Just as debs was asking about--we saw nothing written about her mentioning the blogs and wanting to scream...

I was typing my comment about wondering about the entirety of the emails also when you were.
But here is the link about the blogs

“They are blaming me in the blogs. I just want to scream,” she wrote in one e-mail to a KATU News source the day after her stepson, Kyron Horman vanished from Skyline School during a science fair. Investigators say Terri Horman was the last person to see Kyron.

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