Terri 's e-mails on KATU 08.09.2010

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Okay here is a map of Fred Meyer locations.

First of all, to get to the gym you go off 158th and then onto Waterhouse where her Gym is.
There is a Freddie's VERY VERY close on 158th & Walker Rd. Like right down the road!

There is another FM on Beav-Hills Hwy/10, which she could get on 26, go down 217 and right off the exit is the FM basically.

Yes there is another FM down Beav-Hills Hwy/10 (or BHH as locals call it) which is close to the Albertson's she was rumored to have gone..

So, I don't know. She was in an area where she could have accessed so many stores along the way, easy access, why drive to another FM? The only thing I can think of is if it was prescription medicine and the one she went to was out? And her insurance card only worked at FM? Who knows....

I still stand by the fact that even if she knew that timeline so well, it's TMI..

And the whole email is her DEFENDING HERSELF..
Nothing about Kyron.
Nothing about missing him.
Nothing about how worried she is that he has been out all night in the cold.
Nothing Nothing Nothing..

Sorry, that email less than 48 hours or so from him missing, and her just defending herself answers any questions I ever had..

This! TY Free - I am in the process of prying myself off this doggone fence!
A doctor -- pediatrician, no less -- "thinks" a patient might be having mini seizures, sight unseen, and tells the parent to bring the child in next week? Really!? I've known some crappy doctors, but that's just crazy. I think "mini seizures" might have been Terri's diagnosis.

It could one of three possibilities:

1. Kyron really was having the symptoms and the Dr. did suggest mini-seizures

2. Terri made the symptoms up so the Dr. would suggest mini-seizures as a possibility.

3. The Dr. gave several possibilities and Terri latched onto mini-seizures.

If she made those symptoms up in order to get a response like mini-seizures, she is really a horrible person. I'm sure LE searched behind the school based on her description of his symptoms. What a waste of time that would be if she was lying about it all. moo
I just can't help but think, if I were her - I'd be saying, "Hey, stop focusing on me - this is about HIM - Kyron - KYRON!!! Stop with me, I am innocent, that will be proven, but for now, FOCUS ON MY SON!" But her emails are her her her.. and HER. Seriously? I didn't think I could be anymore disgusted with her, but I am.
Okay.. even if this is true:

snip from her email
"The doc thinks that he is having mini seizures and I made an appt on Thursday for next Friday to have him checked out."

WHY didn't she tell LE when they asked his height, weight, hair and eye color, what he was wearing.. but oh.. she "forgot" to tell them her doctor thinks he is having mini seizures?

And IF she did tell LE this information, at any point, I cannot think of ANY reason they would not have included that in the missing information that went out.

Hopefully someone will think of a reason so I can get off this train of thought?? =)
LE didn't include his allergy to bees.... or his distinctive red mark in the middle of his forehead which appears when he gets upset/excited.

I don't know if there is any reason to think they would have included even a positive diagnosis of seizures.... :waitasec:

Okay.. even if this is true:

snip from her email
"The doc thinks that he is having mini seizures and I made an appt on Thursday for next Friday to have him checked out."

WHY didn't she tell LE when they asked his height, weight, hair and eye color, what he was wearing.. but oh.. she "forgot" to tell them her doctor thinks he is having mini seizures?

And IF she did tell LE this information, at any point, I cannot think of ANY reason they would not have included that in the missing information that went out.

Hopefully someone will think of a reason so I can get off this train of thought?? =)
This might have been posted before but did people suspect her just a day after the dissappearance (emails dated June 5th)?

I don't remember that myself. It seemed it all started when they had the first press conference and people were reading her body language.


Personally I suspected her the minute I heard the news report the next morning, but I clearly remember hearing the first news reports about Diane Downs as well, so my opinion was colored by that horrible incident. And not because stepmothers are evil, but because (paraphrasing) "The last time anybody saw my child was as he was walking towards his classroom" did not add up for me. I didn't know about the science fair then though--it complicates things. I didn't read the comments on the news stories early on (nasty places, MSM comment sections) but I'm sure people suspected her that very day, or whenever the news broke, for various reasons. (Since then I've kinda got my back against the fence but I'm pretty sure she was somehow "involved".) JMHO, YMMV.
A doctor -- pediatrician, no less -- "thinks" a patient might be having mini seizures, sight unseen, and tells the parent to bring the child in next week? Really!? I've known some crappy doctors, but that's just crazy. I think "mini seizures" might have been Terri's diagnosis.

As a mother of 7 children, 3 who have special needs and 1 who has had 20 surgeries in his 4 years of life, I can share that in my experience, it happens ALL THE TIME that a pediatrician (or other doctor) says, "I think this could be happening, so I want your child to see Dr. XYZ." Then you get the referral for that doctor & make an appointment to take your child to see him/her. If the doc is a specialist, you may have to wait months to get in (as is often the case with diagnosing autism). Even if something is urgent, you still have to wait sometimes to get in to see a doctor. It sucks, but it happens. My son had a shunt malfunction but had to wait in a local hospital for 10 days before he could be flown to his neurosurgeon in Portland because she was out of the country (in Haiti, helping after the earthquake at the end of January) and the other 2 pediatric neurosurgeons in Portland refused to touch him due to his medical complexity and their being in a different hospital and not knowing my son at all. They said that if he declined to the point his life was threatened, THEN they would treat him, but as long as the local hospital could keep him stable, they wanted us to wait for our neurosurgeon. Sometimes patients just have to wait, regardless of the problem. Not every person with cancer gets a diagnosis and has surgery that same day or even the next day, despite their obviously needing to have the tumor removed. I don't think a doctor is crappy just because they can't see every child immediately.

I think a ped could have said, "It sounds like it could be seizures; make an appointment and I'll look Kyron over." Then Terri would have had to make an appointment and unless the doctor told the scheduler it was urgent, the appointment would not be rushed, so waiting a week is not unrealistic. I think a lot of parents would recall that conversation as the doctor saying he thinks their child might be having seizures even if all he said was the symptoms could possibly be seizures, so I can't fault the recollection there, either.

Edited to add: I just want to add that after reading the other threads about the 2nd person in the truck and whatnot, I don't believe Terri is innocent. I was trying to stay balanced (even though I came down off the fence on the side of "she's up to her eyeballs in this" last week) and not totally judge her/condemn her before the facts of this case came out, but with the new stuff being leaked tonight, I think I'm about done trying to defend her. I wasn't really trying to defend HER, personally, as much as I have been trying to see the situation from an innocent person's point of view and determine that way if the behaviors/comments/emails were plausible. And honestly, for a lot of it, I could see how an innocent person could be painted in such a way to make them seem guilty when they weren't. But with the new details coming out now, it's getting awfully hard to envision Terri as anything but guilty. And that really sucks because it destroys any hope for me that Kyron could possibly be alive.
would you call a friend and tell her that people suspect her?

As I read this, I was thinking whether or not I would, and to be perfectly honest, I have to say no, not the very next day after he went missing.

Absolutely not.
I would call to support, encourage, offer help in any way I could, but not to inform them of this.

I also thought to myself- what if a friend called me were I in TH's shoes, to tell me the same thing???
What would my response be?

"I don't care what some asinine blogger is saying, I don't have time for this- my child is missing. Please, can you help me with_____________"

And I can't, for the life of me, understand her response to this.
Good grief, it's 4:16 a.m., I'm in Florida and just woke up so I could get online to see what was in these emails.

First of all, I like how Terri is conveniently setting up a scapegoat - "the man" in the group of chaperones who wasn't on the list.

Secondly, no doctor in this world is going to allow someone to make an appt a week later for a child with "mini-seizures." Had she called with this complaint for Kyron, the doctor's office would have told her to take him to the nearest emergency room or call 9-1-1. They would recommend the ER over bringing him to their office because of the ability to scan him at the hospital.

If I wasn't convinced before that she was guilty, I am sure am now after reading these emails. It's all poor me, poor me, poor me. Kyron's been missing for 24 hours but all she can talk about is herself and that just cements what I thought all along and that is that she didn't care about Kyron at all.
Okay.. even if this is true:

snip from her email
"The doc thinks that he is having mini seizures and I made an appt on Thursday for next Friday to have him checked out."

WHY didn't she tell LE when they asked his height, weight, hair and eye color, what he was wearing.. but oh.. she "forgot" to tell them her doctor thinks he is having mini seizures?

And IF she did tell LE this information, at any point, I cannot think of ANY reason they would not have included that in the missing information that went out.

Hopefully someone will think of a reason so I can get off this train of thought?? =)

Here's my thoughts: The doctor listens to symptoms over the phone all the time. The doc suggested the thought it might be mini-seizures (absence seizures) but certainly it wasn't a diagnosis so LE wouldn't use that to describe Kyron. moo The symptoms Terri gave might cause LE to look at Kyron as absent minded, a wanderer. Maybe that's what LE used. all just my opinions

ETA: a link about absence seizures.


ETA: Another link about diagnosis/treatment:

It could one of three possibilities:

1. Kyron really was having the symptoms and the Dr. did suggest mini-seizures

2. Terri made the symptoms up so the Dr. would suggest mini-seizures as a possibility.

3. The Dr. gave several possibilities and Terri latched onto mini-seizures.

If she made those symptoms up in order to get a response like mini-seizures, she is really a horrible person. I'm sure LE searched behind the school based on her description of his symptoms. What a waste of time that would be if she was lying about it all. moo

Drs don't diagnose stuff like this over the phone. Never heard of a pediatrician saying anything like this on phone. My doctor won't even dianose an ear infection over the phone. Just thinkng your excellent points over...at any rate, not hard for LE to check. Does sound like she read up on kids and seizures though...that's been checked on computers at home.

It could one of three possibilities:

1. Kyron really was having the symptoms and the Dr. did suggest mini-seizures

2. Terri made the symptoms up so the Dr. would suggest mini-seizures as a possibility.

3. The Dr. gave several possibilities and Terri latched onto mini-seizures.

If she made those symptoms up in order to get a response like mini-seizures, she is really a horrible person. I'm sure LE searched behind the school based on her description of his symptoms. What a waste of time that would be if she was lying about it all. moo

Or 4. Terri made the whole doggone thing up, and Kyron never did that and no doctor ever said that.

Interesting how she sets up two different possible theories at once--Kyron was taken by a fake male chaperon, and Kyron wandered away in a seizure state.

All JMO.
I think what everyone is referring to is not making an appt to take your child to the doctor to just get them "checked out" as Terri said but rather I think most moms would agree that if we thought our child were having A SEIZURE much less SEIZURES(as in plural) that there would be no waiting for an appt to "check him out" THEY WOULD GO TO THE ER IMMEDIATELY.

Just as someone stated a few posts up ER's and dr.s do not take this lightly rather they are quite concerned and IMMEDIATELY start deducing what the problem is...

Yeah, I'd agree if we were talking about falling on the floor and shaking seizures - but we're not. If Kyron actually was exhibiting these symptoms, they could have a dozen explanations - anything from simply being off in a fantasy world of imagination and not paying attention to actual seizures - or anything in between. Shoot, I act that way myself most of the time simply because my mind is elsewhere and I'm easily distracted.

I think if you grab a child and run him off to the emergency room with nothing more concrete than "he wasn't paying attention to me" or "he seemed distracted" and the child himself says that he feels fine, they're probably going to laugh you out of the building.
Could be....

Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP), referred to in the DSM-IV-TR as Factitious Disorder by Proxy, is a disorder in which a woman deliberately causes injury or illness to another person (most often her child), usually to gain attention or some other benefit.[1][2] Münchausen by proxy has been described by some as a form of extended child abuse.[3][4] The motivation is to assume the sick role by proxy.[5] It involves physical abuse and medical neglect.[6]

The caregiver is usually a parent, guardian, or spouse, and the victim is usually a child or vulnerable adult. Most cases involve inducing physical illness.
:yes: Often with precise measures of chemicals, medications and poisons.
Drs don't diagnose stuff like this over the phone. Never heard of a pediatrician saying anything like this on phone. My doctor won't even dianose an ear infection over the phone. Just thinkng your excellent points over...at any rate, not hard for LE to check. Does sound like she read up on kids and seizures though...that's been checked on computers at home.


I agree - they don't diagnose over the phone - that was my point. But maybe Terri suggested petit mal seizures as a possibility and he said 'maybe', we would need an EEG first...bla bla, I have a difficult time believing Terri would say anything that couldn't be verified by LE. Maybe she put the symptoms to him in such a way it was mentioned as a possibility. who knows for sure? :eek:
And it is possible that FM was out of infant Motrin or something. You have to remember that there have been a ton of recalls lately on Motrin, Tylenol etc.

Then why drive all the way to another FM? Even grocery stores like Albertson's carry kids motrin, etc.
My Crazy Mother (tm) in my own unprofessional humble opinion (but having endured over 40 years with her) has NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) among other things, and many here at WS have speculated that TH shows those traits. I see some similarities between her behavior and my mother's. I'm trying to think how my mother would react in this (missing child) situation. The weird thing about my mother is that she was extremely paranoid about us kids being snatched by strangers and/or being unable to be identified if found dead on the street (no joke)--lots of overprotectiveness as far as physical safety was concerned. She also loves (fictional) murder mysteries.

If innocent, I don't think my mother would be accounting for her whereabouts, but she would be trying to solve the crime, proposing theories, wondering about certain "creepy" people, and she would do it in a very detached and clinical way. And some of the theories would be totally out of the blue (made up example--"I wonder if she ran off and joined that troupe of gypsies I saw at the market the other day...") I know this because of various family crises in which I have witnessed her behavior. She might be worried but she would be very unlikely to say or act like she was worried. It would be all business. Oh, and she'd be viciously defending herself (many skeletons in the closet about how she raised us) and pinning blame everywhere and anywhere she could if there was any whiff of suspicion that she had been negligent. She would most certainly blame the victim first and foremost. Confused? I sure am. :crazy:

Just throwing that out there as devil's advocate for the odd/functional mentally ill but not criminally insane. I'm not a psychologist. JMHO, YMMV, MOO, etc.
That's now my worry, as why bring that up? Children who have seizures USUALLY have had one as a febrile seizure as a young child. Absence seizures USUALLY don't make their presence until older than 7. Children who are 7 and have seizures USUALLY have grand mal/petit mal/partial/complex, etc. seizures, and their family would know. Docs aren't God, medicine isn't written in stone, but it's something to think about. I mean, Kaine/Desiree would know right? Are they trying to say only Terri knew about these "mini-seizures?" If so, HINKOLA.

Hinky for sure. I have not read all the way through yet, so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but I would think that if a parent tells a doctor about such symptoms, the doctor would ask that the child be seen immediately. Those are serious neurological symptoms that could be life threatening - indicative of a tumor, concussion, all sorts of things. I cannot imagine the doctor would not say to take the child right in. Something stinks.
and which would be SO easy to *prove* without any actual information whatsoever in this case. She called the dr. and described the *symptoms* over the phone. Easy peasy. Based on th's representations, doc suggested an appt. So she made one that she didn't keep or *couldn't* keep since, unfortunately, kyron went missing in the meantime. I wonder who her pede is and if he will be called to the GJ based on information gleaned from the search of her laptop, cell, etc. jmspeculation.

TH could have made the appt. with never having any intention of keeping it. I honestly don't see Kaine being unaware of these symptoms (if true) and the doctor's appt. As far as Kaine not knowing what Terri was taking, I don't see that as uncaring or unusual. My husband couldn't keep up with my meds when I was sick, I had to write it down. He was working 40 hrs a week plus required overtime. Frankly, I'm tired and bored over seeing the Kaine blame game online. Was their marriage perfect? Hardly. That cannot account for what Terri has done, in my opinion. Get a divorce, don't hurt a kid. Yeah I'm not on the fence.

What I saw in the emails was someone on the memememe train. The "it happened" between 9 and 10 was probably true, but I doubt she left at 9 from the school, or is the 8:45 am leaving time that we seen online over and over false? She doesn't show an ounce of concern over Kyron in these emails. These emails just make her look worse, if that is possible.

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