Terri 's e-mails on KATU 08.09.2010

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Would you save the reciept for your lollipop though?

I save everything... :) Then I have my wallet and my pockets full of useless receipts that I never need for anything.

But, this bit strikes me because she says she went to the other FM but she does not actually say that she went to the first FM 7 miles away and bought some stuff. She says that she has a receipt showing she did so. Two different animals altogether IMO. It could even have been just a random receipt from a random customer who happened to drop it in the parking lot etc.

"I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn't have at the first FM.
I save everything... :) Then I have my wallet and my pockets full of useless receipts that I never need for anything.

But, this bit strikes me because she says she went to the other FM but she does not actually say that she went to the first FM 7 miles away and bought some stuff. She says that she has a receipt showing she did so. Two different animals altogether IMO. It could even have been just a random receipt from a random customer who happened to drop it in the parking lot etc.

"I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn't have at the first FM.

How on earth would Terri have time enough to kill Kyron, dispose of his body AND go searching through FM's trash looking for a receipt with a good time on it?
Bringing this forward: Here is the transcription (screen caps) of the E-Mails = the Dr. speculates about mini-seizures. Not much here that can't be verified by LE.

Why wouldn't the station show the emails rather than their own edited transcription?

I want to see the actual emails, unedited. Black out the name of the recipient if need be.
I save everything... :) Then I have my wallet and my pockets full of useless receipts that I never need for anything.

But, this bit strikes me because she says she went to the other FM but she does not actually say that she went to the first FM 7 miles away and bought some stuff. She says that she has a receipt showing she did so. Two different animals altogether IMO. It could even have been just a random receipt from a random customer who happened to drop it in the parking lot etc.

"I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn't have at the first FM.

I save everything now, ever since I ended paying over $100 for a fast-food meal. A glitch in the store's computer charged my debit card many times over.
I don't know...

I always thought LE and parents acted kinda weird when asked about any medical (which I guess would include psych) issues with Kyron. And the more I think on it, the more I remember Kaine not directly answering the question about the doctor's appointment. I have no idea where to find that clip now, but I seem to remember it being in a video.

I remember that too and thought that was odd that we didn't get a answer:banghead: and he did by pass the app.
The seizure story.. .I don't know.

I can completely see how it could be a set-up. Just 2 weeks before his disappearance Terri begins saying Kyron is acting strangely, and this entails wandering and memory loss. The memory loss is convenient because then Kyron can't tell anyone it's not happening to him - clearly the argument could be made that he just doesn't remember his seizures. Kyron disappears. Terri emails her friend: well he WAS wandering around in his own home, possibly seizing with memory loss.
The seizure story.. .I don't know.

I can completely see how it could be a set-up. Just 2 weeks before his disappearance Terri begins saying Kyron is acting strangely, and this entails wandering and memory loss. The memory loss is convenient because then Kyron can't tell anyone it's not happening to him - clearly the argument could be made that he just doesn't remember his seizures. Kyron disappears. Terri emails her friend: well he WAS wandering around in his own home, possibly seizing with memory loss.

Could have been a real issue, or could be used to prove premeditation. No way of really knowing without the doc's records.
Could have been a real issue, or could be used to prove premeditation. No way of really knowing without the doc's records.

I didn't sound like he'd been to the doctor about that specific issue, if she'd just made an appointment for him on Thursday, so I wonder if that will ever be known - whether it was real or not.
How on earth would Terri have time enough to kill Kyron, dispose of his body AND go searching through FM's trash looking for a receipt with a good time on it?

Well why not? How long does it take to kill someone? How long does it take to dispose of the body? It could be done pretty fast, depending on the method, I dare say, and if there was another person in the truck with her in the morning or if she met with Dede she could have had somebody help her with the killing or the disposal part or the search for the receipt. It has not even been confirmed that he's been killed so for all we know she could have handed him over to an accomplice at the FM parking lot. It doesn't have to take much time at all. I've never been to Fred Meyer but I could find you any number of receipts at my local supermarket because people discard them in the wastepaper bins right next to the check out lines. Just pretend to drop in something and grab a handful instead. If any of them don't work try the next basket.
How on earth would Terri have time enough to kill Kyron, dispose of his body AND go searching through FM's trash looking for a receipt with a good time on it?

Not looking through FM trash or on ground, but a friend could have bought something??? JMHO
Morning, peeps! Boy, looks like you guys had a big party last night --LOL:)

Please remember to edit out names of minors -- use Baby K.

Mornin' Daisy. I think maybe some of us (who me?) spent ahem, way too much time at Deb's beverage cart, let alone Bessie's ice cream w/creme de menthe party. Ahem.:angel:
I've gone to Fred Meyer to get soy ice cream for my autistic son and when the local store doesn't have it, I drive 30 miles to the Fred Meyer in the neighboring town to see if that one has it since no other store in our town carries the brand & flavor that my child will eat.

My point? I can believe that a person would go to a FM for something (like homeopathic teething tablets, perhaps), not find it, then drive to another FM to see if that store had the product versus going to a different store altogether (like Albertson's or Wal*Mart).

As for her 'oversharing' the timeline, maybe police asked her to write out her day and she did. Maybe the friend she was emailing with asked her what she'd been doing that day and she was not "oversharing," just answering the question asked. Perhaps the same friend asked what the police thought happened and Terri was going through different options (wandered away, abducted by a stranger, abducted by a family member) and then plugging in information that would maybe be clues for each option. I guess that since we don't have the full context of the emails, it's hard for me to judge. I also know that my personality is such that if I were being falsely accused, I would be "oversharing" to try and prove my innocence to anyone I could, so I can understand why Terri appeared to be doing the same thing and therefore it doesn't seem hinky to me in the slightest.

And as for Kaine possibly not knowing about Kyron having mini seizures or any other health issue, I can see that happening. Like others said, he had no clue about his wife's health concerns, so I don't think it's a stretch to think he'd have missed something going on with Kyron. Lots of parents are not up-to-speed about medical things and don't immediately recognize a problem at first. Also, when one of my daughters was having symptoms consistent with possible seizures, it was not considered an emergent situation. The ped referred us to the neurologist, who scheduled an EEG for the following week (it had taken a few weeks to get in with the neurologist, too). When that didn't show anything, she had an MRI about a week later. A lot of tests can't be done that same day ~ if a child needs sedation for an MRI, that has to be scheduled when an anesthesiologist is available to be there. Perhaps I'm not like the majority of parents, but I don't rush my kids to the ER for anything that isn't a true emergency, so I can't fault Terri or Kaine for not rushing Kyron to the ER once the doctor said he suspected Kyron may be having seizures.

Maybe she was setting up an alibi with the emails. Maybe she's telling the absolute truth. Time will tell, I hope.

Well said. Needed to be repeated.
Well, Desiree did say that Terri tended to be detailed and wordy in her emails, and that the ones she received that afternoon were short and to the point and therefore suspicious. Now it's suspicious that she was being too detailed and wordy in her emails. Something tells me no matter what Terri had written, how long or short the email, it would have *proven* she was involved.
Okay.. even if this is true:

snip from her email
"The doc thinks that he is having mini seizures and I made an appt on Thursday for next Friday to have him checked out."

WHY didn't she tell LE when they asked his height, weight, hair and eye color, what he was wearing.. but oh.. she "forgot" to tell them her doctor thinks he is having mini seizures?

And IF she did tell LE this information, at any point, I cannot think of ANY reason they would not have included that in the missing information that went out.

Hopefully someone will think of a reason so I can get off this train of thought?? =)

So why didn't Kaine & DY tell LE and everyone else immediately about the moles on his face and the birthmark that flushes?

That sword can cut both ways! And besides, what would you say except "Well, we're not sure yet we're going to see the specialist but this child might have a disorder where he suddenly seems to blink out/daydream or lose focus and/or he'll stop doing what he was doing and get forgetful." It's not like he was having grand mal seizures.

And thank you again for all those great photos, Free!
JMOO, I have always thought that maybe TH poisened / drugged him (& Kaine whom she wanted dead)
but children would be harder hit than a man.
No one saw the seizures but her.
Did she dope him up so she could 'do her thing'?
Walking in and out of room..........see her doing sexting? odd things with others? and leave?
Was KRON in her way and going to start telling dad/mom about TH.
The day KYRON disappeared he was to go to his bio moms for the weekend.
IMO, I think that scared TH and her friends, that he would TALK that weekend, or mom
would 'see a difference' in KYRON..........step dad is a cop!
TH would be caught doing something that was a secret...........MFH plan?
So why didn't Kaine & DY tell LE and everyone else immediately about the moles on his face and the birthmark that flushes?

That sword can cut both ways! And besides, what would you say except "Well, we're not sure yet we're going to see the specialist but this child might have a disorder where he suddenly seems to blink out/daydream or lose focus and/or he'll stop doing what he was doing and get forgetful." It's not like he was having grand mal seizures.

And thank you again for all those great photos, Free!

I'm not so sure that LE wasn't told of the possible seizures (or rather his behavior she suspected could be seizures). JMO, but I think LE was holding back when asked if there were any medical issues with Kyron. IIRC, they didn't say 'no', but rather refused to comment.
JMOO, I have always thought that maybe TH poisened / drugged him (& Kaine whom she wanted dead)
but children would be harder hit than a man.
No one saw the seizures but her.
Did she dope him up so she could 'do her thing'?
Walking in and out of room..........see her doing sexting? odd things with others? and leave?
Was KRON in her way and going to start telling dad/mom about TH.
The day KYRON disappeared he was to go to his bio moms for the weekend.
IMO, I think that scared TH and her friends, that he would TALK that weekend, or mom
would 'see a difference' in KYRON..........step dad is a cop!
TH would be caught doing something that was a secret...........MFH plan?
Who knows?

But we don't know that no one else saw unusual behavior in Kyron. In fact, I wondered in an above post if what Kaine described as not minding adults at school may have been a subtle symptom they simply didn't recognize at the time.
I don't think it's accurate or fair to say Kaine had "no clue" about Terri's medical conditions. He knew as much as Terri told him, apparently. He could rattle off her weight loss stats from however many years ago - clearly she told him those. He knew she was struggling emotionally after baby K's birth, he reported that it negatively affected their marriage, and that he was unaware if it was diagnosed as PPD officially, but that she'd been taking medication. That's a lot of awareness for someone who has no clue!

And all of this info had to come from Terri herself for Kaine to know it -- so the information he had was in part based on what she was willing to share with him. We don't have any idea what she said to him, or omitted from her narrative. People with PPD might not be the best self-reporters about emotional/medical issues.

I think it's a stretch, too, to go from that ^^^ to someone not noticing seizure activity in their child. She said it was in the last 2 weeks, she said it included memory loss - if Kaine wasn't aware of this, then was Terri not telling him? Your son is having what the docs think are seizures and he's getting seen next Friday?
I guess I didn't need to type it all out. Here it is:

I'm sorry, I haven't had time to go through the "millions" of pages since I went to bed so this was probably already mentioned...But I never heard the statement- “The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Baby K for a doctor’s appt.,” before...This to me intimates that she's going to say Baby K had an appt (and we know how often babies go to the doctor as compared with 7 y.o.) which could later cover for why Kyron did not show up as having an appointment (and we all know how doctors love it when you make an appt for one and then bring two to be seen- I wouldn't dare- the nurses would shoot me if I didn't call first but some people do it)...I hope this is making sense and please ignore if it's already noted.

The other thing was that she went to the other store for the medications and then: "Then I was trying to get Baby K to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20." What happened to the driving around rural roads? She says here "for a few minutes"...Maybe, I'm missing something but one drugstore to another, then a "few minutes" and then gym at 11:20 just doesn't add up to the timeline statements we've seen so far...
So why didn't Kaine & DY tell LE and everyone else immediately about the moles on his face and the birthmark that flushes?

That sword can cut both ways! And besides, what would you say except "Well, we're not sure yet we're going to see the specialist but this child might have a disorder where he suddenly seems to blink out/daydream or lose focus and/or he'll stop doing what he was doing and get forgetful." It's not like he was having grand mal seizures.

And thank you again for all those great photos, Free!

How do we know that LE weren't told about his birthmarks immediately?

I think even absence seizures could be a significant danger to a child wandering alone who knows where because he might suddenly stop what he was doing somewhere where it was dangerous to do so. Like if he suddenly stops in the middle of the street when a car is approaching and can't predict his behavior.

But I can see why it might not be put in the Amber Alert etc. if the condition is not diagnosed and especially if it sounds like the disorder just conveniently emerged within the last two weeks and might possibly be just a family-invented excuse why he got missing.
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