Terri 's e-mails on KATU 08.09.2010

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I wonder why KATU didn't post the emails rather then the little picture showing Terri's name, date and "I didn't just drop"? My goodness, I could create that little snippet myself.

Because their goals are far different from ours. In the TV world, 30 seconds is a loooong time. And it's expensive time too--ask advertisers who pay for shows and news.

And their goal isn't to provide all the truth, the absolute truth. Sadly, TV news has become infotainment. And they edit to produce the most drama, the things that they can tease and that will get people interested to tune in and stay with their broadcast.

One time Saturday Night Live did a brilliant parody of TV news in which they did a broadcast that was nothing but teasers. Too believable.

The use of every block of time in TV is planned and scripted to fit the time slot and the blocks within that. So you got for the biggest bang you can get out of the time allotted for that story.

Sad, but true.
“The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Baby K for a doctor’s appt.,” she wrote on June 5, 2010. “I said I was going to look at other exhibits - how do you mess that up? His coat and backpack were still at school."


So now we know for a fact that his backpack and jacket were left in the classroom (according to Terri, that is).
I save everything now, ever since I ended paying over $100 for a fast-food meal. A glitch in the store's computer charged my debit card many times over.

I got one better than that. My bank debited my account $700 for $70 check I wrote at the grocery store. I now use debit instead of checks and save ALL my reciepts for at least a month on top of my microwave.
Hi, are you a long-lost sibling? I so recognize everything you're saying. Everything.

Weird stuff to deal with growing up.

Overall, I'm kinda amazed that a couple of snippets from what appears to be 2 emails have led to:

1. she's poisoning Kyron
2. she's poisoning Kyron & baby K
3. she has M's Syndrome.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I truly truly don't get how those little snippets, edited, out of context of the email flow, can be taken as evidence of anything we know so far, let alone evidence sufficient to prove new crimes and diagnoseses. (sp? no brekkie yet)

I know, I know, we all speculate, but...but.

As for M's Syndrome (which I never can spell)--a key element is missing her. Along with her other nutsiness, my mother, I believe, had M's Syndrome. It wasn't widely recognized or diagnosed back then.

Her method was to with-hold medicines until I got really really sick and then there'd be a crisis where she could be the loving, incredible mother staying up all night with that problematic sick kid and she'd be the star of the show. I only figured that out in the fairly recent past after reading more about M's Syn. and then remembering something important.

I had chronic tonsillitis, and spent so much time sick, sick, sick. And it always was a crisis when I had high fevers, threw up constantly, etc. etc. When I was about 5 or 6 the DR wanted to remove tonsils, my mother refused because going through the surgery would be too upsetting for her.

And I recalled that I'd go to her and say Mommy I think my tonsils are getting sick again and she'd say "Oh, it's just in your head. You WANT to be sick. Just stop thinking that way."

Then a few days later--huge fevers, etc. etc. and crisis with Mommy as the star. But--at one point Granddaddy lived with us.

And then I recalled how when I started not feeeling right I'd tell him and he'd give me some of "his medicine." Only decades later did I put it together that his country medicine looked--just like the antibiotic pills the DR prescribed for me. That wonderful man had done what he could--he got a supply of meds and kept them for me to try and prevent the crisis illness (dangerously high fevers, really, now I shake my head. I was a tough little booger, apparently to get through it.).

The key thing w/M's Syndrome is that it is all a play starring the mother as the most concerned, bestest mother in the world. M's Syndrome mothers tend to be way over-protective. They tend to keep their kids at home because "no one can take care of you like I can."

And most importantly--if TH has M's Syndrome, any child in her care wouldn't be calmly say, given meds and taken on day's errands for being fussy with ears/teeth. No, for that or any other symptom she could haul in with any kid would lead to drama and frantic flights to ERs and/or the doctor RIGHT THEN.

The entire point of M's Syndrome is high drama with Mommy the super star. Without the drama and the attention and all the "oh, that child is so sick but she is so conscientious" type of praise there is no payoff.

The show's the thing.
Kat I am really sorry you had to go thru a childhood like that. You all are referring to Munchausens syndrom, correct?
Thank God you survived growing up, God Bless you!

I think if Terri was like that, or Munchausen's by proxy as some suggested, we'd have heard something to that effect by now. If not from Desiree and Kaine and Co., then by those who read through her FB before it was made private. It would have been obvious.
Jules posted the information about Munschausen's by proxy, but I alluded to it a few posts last night. I've had this idea about Terris from early on. I pushed it aside for awhile because there was so little information provided about Kyron's physical health. Then we heard about the alleged seizures, and I was drawn right back to sniffing that same old trail.

If this were the case, with a relatively recent onset, it wouldn't necessarily be obvious to her friends or even Kaine. M-by-P parents are usually looked upon as very caring and attentive, and we've certainly heard that about Terri. They are also often depressed, attention seeking, histrionic, manipulative, and martyr/victim types.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the fact that KH and DY have not talked about the doctor's appointment or the seizures when they've been open about so many other details of their lives causes me to wonder if they can't discuss those issues because they're germane to the case against Terri. Well, certainly the doctor's appointment is because of the discrepancy over what the teacher understood Terri to say and what TH claims she said. But why not talk about the seizures and let the public know that he might be ill? Kaine might not have been attentive to TH, but I'm sure he was with Kyron. That became very obvious to me as I watched one of the interviews. He was looking very dismal, answering some general questions, but when the interviewer asked something about Kyron, he looked up and his eyes smiled. It was very moving and very revealing. If Kyron was really experiencing the symptoms TH mentioned, I'm sure KH would've taken it seriously. So, either he doesn't talk about the seizures because there's something hinky about them, or TH made the whole thing up, which would be really stupid since the doctor will deny the conversation.

I realize there are no hard facts at this time to support this notion; likewise, there are no hard facts to refute it, either. Like everyone else, I'm just trying to fit together the few pieces while we await more answers.

Here's a little background information on Munschausen by proxy that's interesting whether it applies here or not.
About MBPS

In MBPS, an individual — usually a mother — deliberately makes another person (most often his or her own preschool child) sick or convinces others that the person is sick. The parent or caregiver misleads others into thinking that the child has medical problems by lying and reporting fictitious episodes. He or she may exaggerate, fabricate, or induce symptoms...

Typically, the perpetrator feels satisfied by gaining the attention and sympathy of doctors, nurses, and others who come into contact with him or her and the child...

Because the parent or caregiver appears to be so caring and attentive, often no one suspects any wrongdoing. A perplexing aspect of the syndrome is the ability of the parent or caregiver to fool and manipulate doctors.


...Other theories say that Munchausen by proxy syndrome is a cry for help on the part of the parent or caregiver, who may be experiencing anxiety or depression or have feelings of inadequacy as a parent or caregiver of a young child. Some may feel a sense of acknowledgement when the doctor confirms their caregiving skills. Or, the parent or caregiver may just enjoy the attention that the sick child — and, therefore, he or she — gets.
The suspected person may also have symptoms similar to the child's own medical problems or an illness history that's puzzling and unusual. He or she frequently has an emotionally distant relationship with a spouse, who often fails to visit the seriously ill child or have contact with doctors...

According to experts, common conditions and symptoms that are created or faked by parents or caregivers with MBPS include: failure to thrive, allergies, asthma, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and infection

At first I got all excited and was going to ask for a link to the station airing this, then i thought of the time change (I am EST) and said screw it, I am on new antibiotic and can't beleive how its messing with my head, etc. So its too much to figure out, hopefully someone will paraphrase what she "said" on here afterwards.
Morning, peeps! Boy, looks like you guys had a big party last night --LOL:)

Please remember to edit out names of minors -- use Baby K.

BUMP!!! Peeps - when you copy and paste from KATU's site, it includes a minor's name. PLEASE take a few seconds to change it to Baby K!!!!!

Thank you.
At first I got all excited and was going to ask for a link to the station airing this, then i thought of the time change (I am EST) and said screw it, I am on new antibiotic and can't beleive how its messing with my head, etc. So its too much to figure out, hopefully someone will paraphrase what she "said" on here afterwards.

I changed the thread title :blowkiss:
I agree. I think we'd have seen some evidence of Munchausen's if that were the case. While I feel as though Terri tends to the dramatic, IMO it's more along the lines of an immature, Jr. High kind of drama rather than what you describe.

IMHO.. I suspect any kind of immature Jr. High drama being detected coming from TMH pales in comparison to what is really going on in her psyche...JMO
“The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Baby K for a doctor’s appt.,” she wrote on June 5, 2010. “I said I was going to look at other exhibits - how do you mess that up? His coat and backpack were still at school."


So now we know for a fact that his backpack and jacket were left in the classroom (according to Terri, that is).

Although she says at school, not in the classroom. Likely it does mean the classroom because it would be the most probable spot if they were still where Kyron left them in the morning (as opposed to discarded by an abductor in his cellar as extra weight or staged to suggest Kyron left the building via a certain exit). But she doesn't spell it out clearly.
Kat I am really sorry you had to go thru a childhood like that. You all are referring to Munchausens syndrom, correct?
Thank God you survived growing up, God Bless you!


Thanks, Abbie. That means a lot. Yea, I'm referring to Munchausens.

The thing is that when you grow up in a nutsy or abusive home, that for you is just the way the world is. And you adapt. (Then later you have to re-learn behaviors for the "real" world.)

In my case, I knew that things were terribly wrong after a certain point. So I chose role models outside the family and learned from them. I made up my mind early on that I would be nothing like my family at all, and that I would never ever abuse kids.

And I also figured out a technique, later on, for dealing with problems. If in doubt over Option A or B, I'd ask self which my mother would do. Then choose just the opposite. Worked like a charm! :)

I suspect that there were a lot of things wrong in that household, starting with parental discord, and I have my viewpoints about KH's interactions and parenting style. This entire mess goes to prove that even if parents make good $ and the family lives in a nice nice house, there still can be real problems. Too often people talk about "the other side" of town while similar or worse things go on in the "right" side of town. IMHO.

I'm now wondering about all those photos were Kyron was always so smiley. Was he just trying to please? Normally with kids, if you take a lot of photos, you get photos of all kinds of emotions. Not with these kids. Hmmm.
Jules posted the information about Munschausen's by proxy, but I alluded to it a few posts last night. I've had this idea about Terris from early on. I pushed it aside for awhile because there was so little information provided about Kyron's physical health. Then we heard about the alleged seizures, and I was drawn right back to sniffing that same old trail.

If this were the case, with a relatively recent onset, it wouldn't necessarily be obvious to her friends or even Kaine. M-by-P parents are usually looked upon as very caring and attentive, and we've certainly heard that about Terri. They are also often depressed, attention seeking, histrionic, manipulative, and martyr/victim types.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the fact that KH and DY have not talked about the doctor's appointment or the seizures when they've been open about so many other details of their lives causes me to wonder if they can't discuss those issues because they're germane to the case against Terri. Well, certainly the doctor's appointment is because of the discrepancy over what the teacher understood Terri to say and what TH claims she said. But why not talk about the seizures and let the public know that he might be ill? Kaine might not have been attentive to TH, but I'm sure he was with Kyron. That became very obvious to me as I watched one of the interviews. He was looking very dismal, answering some general questions, but when the interviewer asked something about Kyron, he looked up and his eyes smiled. It was very moving and very revealing. If Kyron was really experiencing the symptoms TH mentioned, I'm sure KH would've taken it seriously. So, either he doesn't talk about the seizures because there's something hinky about them, or TH made the whole thing up, which would be really stupid since the doctor will deny the conversation.

I realize there are no hard facts at this time to support this notion; likewise, there are no hard facts to refute it, either. Like everyone else, I'm just trying to fit together the few pieces while we await more answers.

Here's a little background information on Munschausen by proxy that's interesting whether it applies here or not.


I wasn't slamming those of you who brought it up, I'm very sorry if it appeared I was; I was just pointing out that IMO there would have been some evidence of it along the way (in her FB postings, for example). I don't recall anyone bringing this sort of thing up before, but who knows?

I've had patients with Munchausen's and MBP. They are incredibly hard to deal with =\
At first I got all excited and was going to ask for a link to the station airing this, then i thought of the time change (I am EST) and said screw it, I am on new antibiotic and can't beleive how its messing with my head, etc. So its too much to figure out, hopefully someone will paraphrase what she "said" on here afterwards.
What kind of antibiotic are you on Abbie? Be very, very careful if it's a quinolone, they can cause much more severe, long term reactions than you or even your doctor are aware of. If it's a quinolone it's name will end in "acin". Here is a list of them (scroll to the bottom of the page):

Did you all stay up all night? :biggrin:

Goodness I, for a change got a few extra hours of sleep.

Remember a month or so ago we had a headline from one media source the Terri was going to speak out? I wonder if these emails have all been held until now?
Yep, been up all night, G'ma. :crazy:

Wish I could stick around for more discussion, but I've got to rush off to work now. Acchhh!!

Have a good day, all.
“I didn’t just drop him off, I spent time with him, took pictures and he was in safe hands I thought as I watched him walk down the hall. Kids saw him after I left. Teacher put him as absent at 10am. Someplace between 9-10 is when we think it happened. I have a receipt showing I was checked out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn’t have at the first FM. Then I was trying to get Kitty to…

… sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. Out at 12:20. Home at 12:45. Kaine home at 2. Bus at 3:30. That was my day – they keep asking me. Now on my 5th interview with them…”

I find it interesting that the first part of her email is very detailed, with explainations and placing someone else with Kyron. Then, the second half, is just half-baked short sentences...no real details.

To me, this says that she's more defensive about the later part of the day, because she's not sharing "details" If this second part followed the same pattern as the first, it would have sounded something like "Baby K was just screaming her head off. I spend 20 minutes on the side of the road trying to get her to calm down, but she was just so over-tired and her ears hurt. So I drove around [street names/general area] for about 30-40 minutes hoping she would take a nap. But that didn't work either, so I thought maybe she might be happier at the gym playroom...she likes it there. So I worked out for an hour, and then came home and finally got her down for a nap. I uploaded pictures from the SF, and showed them to KH when he got home around 2-2:15. Then, at 3:30, we got Baby K up from her much needed nap, and went to meet Kyron at the bus stop. That was my day."
Originally Posted by calliope
Well, Desiree did say that Terri tended to be detailed and wordy in her emails, and that the ones she received that afternoon were short and to the point and therefore suspicious. Now it's suspicious that she was being too detailed and wordy in her emails. Something tells me no matter what Terri had written, how long or short the email, it would have *proven* she was involved.

I disagree. Atleast for me this would not be the case. Given that its a possibility that these are taken out of context[meaning that there were portions that Terri was stating being distraught over Kyron, worried, etc OR possibly she was asked by this "friend" for a timeline of her day(tho I find that highly unlikely]. But what we have, as we have it, it does look very suspiciously on Terri. But I cannot agree that had there been other info, less deatail, etc my personal opinion would INDEED have been different.

Originally Posted by Kat010
So why didn't Kaine & DY tell LE and everyone else immediately about the moles on his face and the birthmark that flushes?

That sword can cut both ways! And besides, what would you say except "Well, we're not sure yet we're going to see the specialist but this child might have a disorder where he suddenly seems to blink out/daydream or lose focus and/or he'll stop doing what he was doing and get forgetful." It's not like he was having grand mal seizures.

I respectfully, strongly disagree with these two even being compared[moles/birthmarks vs. possible seizures]. Just as Terri is offering up as "Kyron's strange actions/behaviors" leading up to the disappearance. This if was true&factual would be of grave importance to get out for a couple reasons first being that this could have been a possible reason for his wandering off(as IMO I think Terri was attempting to throw further "red herrings" into the mix)and secondly it would be of grave importance to state that even if this was "thought" to be seizures that they were possibly getting worse and would be important info for the person "stashing" him to know about... Whereas the mole/birthmark is of no importance whatsoever[other than an identifying mark, thus why it came out at a later date] NOT OF GRAVE IMPORTANCE as the possible seizures would be.
So, I find the two "examples" could not be compared as similar in any way, but rather more quite opposite of one another.JMO

I wasn't slamming those of you who brought it up, I'm very sorry if it appeared I was; I was just pointing out that IMO there would have been some evidence of it along the way (in her FB postings, for example). I don't recall anyone bringing this sort of thing up before, but who knows?

I've had patients with Munchausen's and MBP. They are incredibly hard to deal with =\

Me, too. I'm not trying to slam anyone.

But I truly don't believe that Kyron would have been in so many pix with DY having fun and looking healthy if TH had either version of M's Syn. And I also think that since he's 7, there would have been tons of hysterical ER/DR visits, and that if Kyron was "sickly" KH or DY might have mentioned that. But I dunno.

I wouldn't be surprised if TH has NPD. And, since we're not allowed to speculate about KH, I'll just say that I don't think that he doesn't have his problems either.
What kind of antibiotic are you on Abbie? Be very, very careful if it's a quinolone, they can cause much more severe, long term reactions than you or even your doctor are aware of. If it's a quinolone it's name will end in "acin". Here is a list of them (scroll to the bottom of the page):


Its just diflucan for thrush I have been unable to get rid of for over a month, prob due to the lung cancer but I just feel unbalanced, unable to focus well, and kinda scared. Just went to see if my husband looked like he was getting up soon. I have my 3 yr old grandaughter and would hate to "go down" in front of her. So I am going to keep my butt planted in this seat till hubby comes in. Walking a bit dangerous this morning. Very weird. Seems to me, I have taken this drug before too, no effects like this. Its only my 2nd dose, too. Help!
Here's my problem with this statement...if you thought your child was having seizures, would you seriously wait a WEEK for an appointment???? :furious:

Yes... if that's the soonest you can get an appointment. The drs. I go to do not let me decide when to come in... they are busy. Maybe this was the quickest time the dr. could see him, since it was not an emergency.
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