Terri 's e-mails on KATU 08.09.2010

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I keep going back to one point that really stands out to me and I hope I can explain it clearly...I've been trying to keep up here for hours now and it's quite thought provoking!

"The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with K for a dr's appt...."

This was the day after K went missing...how did TH know what the teacher thought, unless she had planted the idea, as has been discussed here.

To me it's further proof that she did set this up....because I sincerely doubt that LE shared that info with her or anyone.

I would assume that when they (TH and Kaine) realized Kyron was missing and went to the school looking for him, they would have talked to his teacher - who apparently told them she thought TH took him to the doctor's office with the baby.

BTW - there's been debate whether she had the baby with her when she was in the school - to me this would indicate that she probably did, otherwise why the confusion re it being the baby's appointment?
Agreed. And I also think that she most likely exaggerated many things, and perhaps, if suffering from low self-esteem (plus a troubled 3rd marriage in which she believed hubby was having an affair) she would tend to try and get "strokes" however she could. And I think she collected friends who were histrionic jr. high school girls. Speaking of that, is the cell phone gang Portland's version of valley girls? :woohoo:

The Batphone Clique! :angel:

bessie said:
In MBPS, an individual — usually a mother — deliberately makes another person (most often his or her own preschool child) sick or convinces others that the person is sick. The parent or caregiver misleads others into thinking that the child has medical problems by lying and reporting fictitious episodes. He or she may exaggerate, fabricate, or induce symptoms...
That sounds really close to what she said about Kyron! And she was so obsessed with the medication for her supposedly "sick" daughter that she went to two different stores - it's just odd.

And okay, maybe she doesn't have Munchausen - but it was only speculation here on a forum that has been filled with much more outrageous accusations towards Kaine that have nothing to do with the reality of the day Kyron disappeared.

My personal feeling is that she is just a Narcissist and Exhibitionist, which fits with her bodybuilding, the Sexting, and all this drama about herself instead of a missing seven-year-old boy she supposedly "cared" for.
Smooth, so is it suspicious "on" KH & DY that they didn't mention Kyron's allergy to bee stings for weeks? That's serious. Should have been on flyers, IMHO.

And I wonder if the term "seizures" isn't throwing people off. From the great info others have posted, it seems that he wasn't having a *seizure* but instead just suddenly was..well, others have said it better. Stuff that until it mounted up could just seem like normal kid stuff.

Must have brekkie.
so i finally read through (most of) the thread and here are some random thoughts/questions, not in any particular order:

regarding the statement about wanting to scream: as another poster mentioned we don't know what came next...Devil's advocate position: I wanted to scream stop wasting your time with me and go out and find Kyron; or : I wanted to scream I can't think straight, my son is missing, please, please, please issue an Amber Alert, call the FBI, etc...

Next: regarding the "male chaperone" who wasn't a chaperone...Did she give his description to the police? Where was the manhunt? Why did we never hear about this before.

Next: Why is so much going on last/this week? Grand jury, New (old?) info on adult in the truck? New search based on "new" tip? Publishing of TH's emails? Are the GJ hearings the catalyst for all of this? Where is Houze?

Just postulating...it's been a long time since I treated someone with a personality disorder (narcissistic, borderline, whatever) and I'm not diagnosing here...however, do any posters on here, verified MH people (and I know this can go on that thread but I think it's relevant here too) think that it's possible TH just can't hold it in anymore? We don't know how this info leaked, including emails, do we? Narcissists would have a great deal of trouble keeping quiet this long, even with a lawyer's advice...Hey, if lawyers could cure personality disorders maybe people are seeing the wrong people for treatment, lol...Anyone?...

When I first heard of all these things this week I was praying that it meant we are about to get resolution...Now, I'm not sure it's just not a case of too many people holding in too much information for too long...I sense some cracks getting larger and larger...
For me, what is EXTREMELY odd is the fact that Terri states:

"Now I'm going on another interview for the 5th time...".

As if she is super annoyed. Come on, your child is missing, you would be sitting next to LE spilling EVERYTHING you know. Not complaining to a friend about being interviewed for the "5th time".

Can you imagine Kaine and Desiree ever saying something like this about the investigation??

She's only concerned with HER comfort. Poor me, I have to go interview AGAIN even though I am the last person to see Kyron, so what should I expect?

I just have no sympathy for TH.

I don't care if she had NPD, if Kaine wasn't perfect and had problems, if Desiree had her fair share as well... All that matters is that Terri is the one who seems to have dissapeared/murdered an innocent child.

And no illness or having a bad husband makes that ok.

I wasn't slamming those of you who brought it up, I'm very sorry if it appeared I was; I was just pointing out that IMO there would have been some evidence of it along the way (in her FB postings, for example). I don't recall anyone bringing this sort of thing up before, but who knows?

I've had patients with Munchausen's and MBP. They are incredibly hard to deal with =\
No problem, Calliope. Exchanging opposing ideas and opinions is great when the differences are presented respectfully, as yours were. :blowkiss:
Another idea about these Dr. appointments is that they were mainly lies so she would have excuses for getting out of the house. Kaine might not have paid any attention to the medical bills if they had good insurance, or he left that up to Terri.

So to look at it another way besides Munchausen's by Proxy - maybe it was just a really good excuse to get away from home that Kaine wouldn't question.

Where were you when I called?
At the doctor's with the kid(s).
Why didn't you answer your phone?
I was busy listening to what the Dr. said.

She might have had a whole list of excuses like that, and the doctor appts were just one of them. Meanwhile the baby could be at a babysitter for all Kaine knew.

Maybe all thes Batphone girls babysat for eachother so they could do extracurricular activities?
Its just diflucan for thrush I have been unable to get rid of for over a month, prob due to the lung cancer but I just feel unbalanced, unable to focus well, and kinda scared. Just went to see if my husband looked like he was getting up soon. I have my 3 yr old grandaughter and would hate to "go down" in front of her. So I am going to keep my butt planted in this seat till hubby comes in. Walking a bit dangerous this morning. Very weird. Seems to me, I have taken this drug before too, no effects like this. Its only my 2nd dose, too. Help!
Make sure you call your doctor and ask about it, and I know that's difficult sometimes with the way doctors are so busy these days. I have such a hard time with side effects, I can't take anything. I've learned if a drug is giving me strong side effects then that's something I have to take seriously.
I can't really buy into the MBP thing...While other people might not see what is going on (as far as knowing she was pathologizing a healthy child) they would see that there are continued "medical emergencies" and that TH seems to be "overprotective" and I think both KH and TY would have mentioned this if for no other reason than to make another point about her having "issues of concern" (my words, not theirs)...
So I just woke up and I see the video available online from KATU. Does anyone still need me to videotape the broadcast and put it on Youtube? It seems like they put the whole thing online already. Right???

Let me know!
I just can't help but think, if I were her - I'd be saying, "Hey, stop focusing on me - this is about HIM - Kyron - KYRON!!! Stop with me, I am innocent, that will be proven, but for now, FOCUS ON MY SON!" But her emails are her her her.. and HER. Seriously? I didn't think I could be anymore disgusted with her, but I am.

People have waited two months for her to explain herself. Here is an in situ explanation, less than 24 hours after Kyron disappeared, and no one believes her and thinks she's only thinking about herself.

People are second guessing her statements. People are attaching criminal behavior to what they think she might mean (poisoning her children), and people are assuming she is lying.

There is nothing Terri can say which will make the public understand. They will see her words as more condemnation of her guilt for something she has yet to be charged with.
Okay here is a map of Fred Meyer locations.

First of all, to get to the gym you go off 158th and then onto Waterhouse where her Gym is.
There is a Freddie's VERY VERY close on 158th & Walker Rd. Like right down the road!

There is another FM on Beav-Hills Hwy/10, which she could get on 26, go down 217 and right off the exit is the FM basically.

Yes there is another FM down Beav-Hills Hwy/10 (or BHH as locals call it) which is close to the Albertson's she was rumored to have gone..

So, I don't know. She was in an area where she could have accessed so many stores along the way, easy access, why drive to another FM? The only thing I can think of is if it was prescription medicine and the one she went to was out? And her insurance card only worked at FM? Who knows....

I still stand by the fact that even if she knew that timeline so well, it's TMI..

And the whole email is her DEFENDING HERSELF..
Nothing about Kyron.
Nothing about missing him.
Nothing about how worried she is that he has been out all night in the cold.
Nothing Nothing Nothing..

Sorry, that email less than 48 hours or so from him missing, and her just defending herself answers any questions I ever had..

TYVM as always for your great knowledge of the area. :smile:

ITA with your astute opinion of these emails.
None of these words from her surprise me in the least.
Personally I believe it has always been about HERSELF.
Her phony alibi is a poor excuse of one and appears to become more twisted everyday.

Someone just mentioned the "5th interview" that Terri talks about in email... And brought to mind something I originally had thought[the wee hours this morning when I first read it]...

Was anyone else alarmed or thought odd of that these emails are supposed to be from June 5th, 24hrs after "disappearance" and Terri is on her 5th interview with LE. Maybe thats normal, but it sounded alarming to me...
People have waited two months for her to explain herself. Here is an in situ explanation, less than 24 hours after Kyron disappeared, and no one believes her and thinks she's only thinking about herself.

People are second guessing her statements. People are attaching criminal behavior to what they think she might mean (poisoning her children), and people are assuming she is lying.

There is nothing Terri can say which will make the public understand. They will see her words as more condemnation of her guilt for something she has yet to be charged with.

I agree that people are making assumptions. However, please help me with this...another poster (sorry I forget who you are and could never go back through all these pages) asked whether TH was even a real suspect at the time of these FB quotes. I mean being questioned 5 x does not really make you a suspect, does it? When you were the parent who last was seen with the child? So it would seem odd for her to make defensive statements before anyone even knew she had something to defend. Am I mistaken or did the public not even really know she was really being looked at until the flyers were distributed asking people if they seen her that day?
I haven't caught up reading yet, but I want to say that I have a 2yr old and when I read about the store not having the meds + baby having an earache, to me that indicated that she might have been looking for Hyland's Earache tablets.. they are a homeopathic/herbal pill that many moms swear by (they also make teething tablets and colic tablets for infants, FWIW, and have been around for generations) but they CAN be very difficult to find as many stores, even ones that do carry some Hyland's products, don't carry the earache tablets (ie CVS)

If it had been a prescription med, a pharmacist would have called around to find it, at least in my experience that is the case. That rarely happens and when it does, its for something less common than an ear infection, so I think the medicine was likely over the counter. It could have been Motrin, etc of course, b/c there have been recalls lately but they haven't impacted store brands, at least not here on the east coast, so it would have been less likely that they could have been completely out of infant's motrin, but not impossible.
I got one better than that. My bank debited my account $700 for $70 check I wrote at the grocery store. I now use debit instead of checks and save ALL my reciepts for at least a month on top of my microwave.

OT: I deposited $80 cash (4 $20 bills) in an ATM, but the bank said it was only $8, and checks bounced as a result. I knew for sure I couldn't have made a mistake like that when I counted out my deposit, and I complained to the bank (since I knew their balance would have had to be off). They told me there were no discrepancies that day.

I went again and insisted they look into it further. They told me they had a foolproof system, in which one teller would count out the deposit and a second teller would sign off on it to verify the amount, so it COULDN'T have been wrong. I knew it was wrong and left the bank very dissatisfied.

I got a call from them about 10 minutes later saying they had discovered the source of the error--the teller was in the process of recording my deposit total and had written "8", but then someone came to her window and she helped them and forgot to finish writing the total.

This story was so totally unbelievable to me, since apparently the second teller signed off on an amount she didn't count, and then the drawer wasn't off when they balanced?? I knew it was bogus, but was glad they at least decided to give me my $72 dollars back and correct the bounced checks.
As a matter of fact she is a doctor. She diagnosed an ear problem with the baby and she diagnosed Kyron with seizures. So there.

SHE did not diagnose Kyron with seizures. That was speculation from posters here who said it sounded like mini-seizures, so I guess the posters are all doctors?
And any mother can tell if a baby is having an earache, there are certain signs you look for... redness, baby pulling at the ear, crying.
Someone just mentioned the "5th interview" that Terri talks about in email... And brought to mind something I originally had thought[the wee hours this morning when I first read it]...

Was anyone else alarmed or thought odd of that these emails are supposed to be from June 5th, 24hrs after "disappearance" and Terri is on her 5th interview with LE. Maybe thats normal, but it sounded alarming to me...

I would think she'd be in the PD for hours and hours as they continued to ask her any questions as they thought of them...I would think she would not want to stop being interviewed until they had made sure they "picked her brain" for every detail since one never knows what detail is important, but trained professionals do...I don't understand the 5 x at all...Did she keep coming and going...Did they keep going to her and leaving...Or were they calling with questions as they thought of them? That's not really an interview is it? I would have a 24/7 open line with PD and would not even feel like a suspect (if I weren't) at that point. I would be mad if they didn't continue to come up with questions that might help find my son...all MOO...
I agree that people are making assumptions. However, please help me with this...another poster (sorry I forget who you are and could never go back through all these pages) asked whether TH was even a real suspect at the time of these FB quotes. I mean being questioned 5 x does not really make you a suspect, does it? When you were the parent who last was seen with the child? So it would seem odd for her to make defensive statements before anyone even knew she had something to defend. Am I mistaken or did the public not even really know she was really being looked at until the flyers were distributed asking people if they seen her that day?

I have not read through the whole thread yet but I agree with you. I think they interviewed her 5 times within 24 hours because they were trying to get every possible detail that would help since she was the last one to see him. Also, she could have tripped herself up right from the start and LE thought something didn't sound right so they kept asking to clarify. Remember, even DY said something sounded funny from the very first phone call she made to TH. Who knows what she really said in those first few interviews.
Hmmm...she said the first FM's didn't have the medicine she wanted. I can run in and out of, say Walgreen's, in 5 to 7 minutes if there isn't a big line at the checkout and I only go for 1 or 2 specific things.

As for being specific with times--if she's been interviewed (AKA grilled maybe) 5 times, by that point LE has done precise timeline so many times that she's now doing that by rote. JMO

Anyone else remember the FB speculation re: kids saying there was some "creepy guy" hanging around?

If there was a male "chaperone" that really wasn't, we're back to someone else snatching him.

But I don't know what to make of the someone else in the truck--if it was her truck. White trucks are kinda similar. Key thing--did she routinely lock her vehicle when she got out and left it? If not, someone could have gotten in. Did the witnesses say that the other person was still there when she got back in the truck?

Very strange, that truck/person thing.

Sorry for just jumping in, trying to catch up. It is very strange that xtra person in the truck thing and saying he was with a male chaperone. Back to reading
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