Terri 's e-mails on KATU 08.09.2010

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I left the school at 9 . . . I have a receipt showing I was checked out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am.

So she left the school at 9, drove 7 miles (that's 7 minutes at 60 mph - which is unlikely). Bringing us to 9:07, minimum, but more likely a little later than that. She unloaded a cranky toddler from the car, walked into the store, went to the otc aisle, didn't find what she was looking for, either chose something anyway or went elsewhere in the store to find what she utlimately bought, and was fully checked out with receipt in hand 4 minutes later or less from the time she parked the car????

Once again, I'm stunned by her efficiency :furious:

My husband has 6 points on his license for speeding and even he doesnt drive that fast on roads that to me looked very bendy. I very much doubt within 12 mins you can drive 7 miles, park go into a shop and get what you want and pay for it. Unlike she drove like the clappers and the poor baby was tossed from one side of the car to the other which could explain why she was supposedly ill.
I don't think it's accurate or fair to say Kaine had "no clue" about Terri's medical conditions. He knew as much as Terri told him, apparently. He could rattle off her weight loss stats from however many years ago - clearly she told him those. He knew she was struggling emotionally after baby K's birth, he reported that it negatively affected their marriage, and that he was unaware if it was diagnosed as PPD officially, but that she'd been taking medication. That's a lot of awareness for someone who has no clue!

And all of this info had to come from Terri herself for Kaine to know it -- so the information he had was in part based on what she was willing to share with him. We don't have any idea what she said to him, or omitted from her narrative. People with PPD might not be the best self-reporters about emotional/medical issues.

I think it's a stretch, too, to go from that ^^^ to someone not noticing seizure activity in their child. She said it was in the last 2 weeks, she said it included memory loss - if Kaine wasn't aware of this, then was Terri not telling him? Your son is having what the docs think are seizures and he's getting seen next Friday?

Not sure if you're responding to my post or not, but I wasn't making that leap. My point is that petit mal seizures can be very subtle and easily overlooked.
Another point- apologies if already made...I often go from one store to another to look for a specific product...However, when it's a pharmacy, and it's a med for a baby- they would offer, and if they didn't, I would ask, to call the other pharmacy to make sure they have it before I wasted more time trying to get a needed medication...
So why didn't Kaine & DY tell LE and everyone else immediately about the moles on his face and the birthmark that flushes?

That sword can cut both ways! And besides, what would you say except "Well, we're not sure yet we're going to see the specialist but this child might have a disorder where he suddenly seems to blink out/daydream or lose focus and/or he'll stop doing what he was doing and get forgetful." It's not like he was having grand mal seizures.

And thank you again for all those great photos, Free!

How do you know they didn't tell LE right away? They didn't tell US right away, but we have no idea what they did or did not tell LE.
I keep going back to one point that really stands out to me and I hope I can explain it clearly...I've been trying to keep up here for hours now and it's quite thought provoking!

"The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with K for a dr's appt...."

This was the day after K went missing...how did TH know what the teacher thought, unless she had planted the idea, as has been discussed here.

To me it's further proof that she did set this up....because I sincerely doubt that LE shared that info with her or anyone.
Could have been a real issue, or could be used to prove premeditation. No way of really knowing without the doc's records.

I think we might not know even if we had the doctor's records because it appears that Kyron hadn't had an EEG or a brain scan yet and even if he had had them, children with absence seizures don't always have any visible abnormality in them unless you can catch them during the seizure.

So unless Kyron had a seizure right there at the doctor's office whatever the doctor wrote down might simply be what he was told by the parent/s.
Not sure if you're responding to my post or not, but I wasn't making that leap. My point is that petit mal seizures can be very subtle and easily overlooked.

Sorry! No that wasn't to yours, I forgot to quote the post I was referencing but it was by joshiesmom about Kaine being clueless in general. :)
For all we know, they could have had Kyron in to see his regular doc for *whatever* and just happened to mention his absent-minded behavior.

Just curious. When working a child up for ADD, do they rule out organic causes for their behavior? (God, I hope so...)
I keep going back to one point that really stands out to me and I hope I can explain it clearly...I've been trying to keep up here for hours now and it's quite thought provoking!

"The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with K for a dr's appt...."

This was the day after K went missing...how did TH know what the teacher thought, unless she had planted the idea, as has been discussed here.

To me it's further proof that she did set this up....because I sincerely doubt that LE shared that info with her or anyone.

She might have had it straight from the teacher or the school secretary, not via LE. They could have had a discussion on Friday afternoon at school if the teacher hadn't left or if she returned when the school secretary called to tell her Kyron was missing.
She might have had it straight from the teacher or the school secretary, not via LE. They could have had a discussion on Friday afternoon at school if the teacher hadn't left or if she returned when the school secretary called to tell her Kyron was missing.

Probably so. That is no doubt what the school told Kaine and Terri that afternoon.
My Crazy Mother (tm) in my own unprofessional humble opinion (but having endured over 40 years with her) has NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) among other things, and many here at WS have speculated that TH shows those traits. I see some similarities between her behavior and my mother's. I'm trying to think how my mother would react in this (missing child) situation. The weird thing about my mother is that she was extremely paranoid about us kids being snatched by strangers and/or being unable to be identified if found dead on the street (no joke)--lots of overprotectiveness as far as physical safety was concerned. She also loves (fictional) murder mysteries.

If innocent, I don't think my mother would be accounting for her whereabouts, but she would be trying to solve the crime, proposing theories, wondering about certain "creepy" people, and she would do it in a very detached and clinical way. And some of the theories would be totally out of the blue (made up example--"I wonder if she ran off and joined that troupe of gypsies I saw at the market the other day...") I know this because of various family crises in which I have witnessed her behavior. She might be worried but she would be very unlikely to say or act like she was worried. It would be all business. Oh, and she'd be viciously defending herself (many skeletons in the closet about how she raised us) and pinning blame everywhere and anywhere she could if there was any whiff of suspicion that she had been negligent. She would most certainly blame the victim first and foremost. Confused? I sure am. :crazy:

Just throwing that out there as devil's advocate for the odd/functional mentally ill but not criminally insane. I'm not a psychologist. JMHO, YMMV, MOO, etc.

Hi, are you a long-lost sibling? I so recognize everything you're saying. Everything.

Weird stuff to deal with growing up.

Overall, I'm kinda amazed that a couple of snippets from what appears to be 2 emails have led to:

1. she's poisoning Kyron
2. she's poisoning Kyron & baby K
3. she has M's Syndrome.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I truly truly don't get how those little snippets, edited, out of context of the email flow, can be taken as evidence of anything we know so far, let alone evidence sufficient to prove new crimes and diagnoseses. (sp? no brekkie yet)

I know, I know, we all speculate, but...but.

As for M's Syndrome (which I never can spell)--a key element is missing her. Along with her other nutsiness, my mother, I believe, had M's Syndrome. It wasn't widely recognized or diagnosed back then.

Her method was to with-hold medicines until I got really really sick and then there'd be a crisis where she could be the loving, incredible mother staying up all night with that problematic sick kid and she'd be the star of the show. I only figured that out in the fairly recent past after reading more about M's Syn. and then remembering something important.

I had chronic tonsillitis, and spent so much time sick, sick, sick. And it always was a crisis when I had high fevers, threw up constantly, etc. etc. When I was about 5 or 6 the DR wanted to remove tonsils, my mother refused because going through the surgery would be too upsetting for her.

And I recalled that I'd go to her and say Mommy I think my tonsils are getting sick again and she'd say "Oh, it's just in your head. You WANT to be sick. Just stop thinking that way."

Then a few days later--huge fevers, etc. etc. and crisis with Mommy as the star. But--at one point Granddaddy lived with us.

And then I recalled how when I started not feeeling right I'd tell him and he'd give me some of "his medicine." Only decades later did I put it together that his country medicine looked--just like the antibiotic pills the DR prescribed for me. That wonderful man had done what he could--he got a supply of meds and kept them for me to try and prevent the crisis illness (dangerously high fevers, really, now I shake my head. I was a tough little booger, apparently to get through it.).

The key thing w/M's Syndrome is that it is all a play starring the mother as the most concerned, bestest mother in the world. M's Syndrome mothers tend to be way over-protective. They tend to keep their kids at home because "no one can take care of you like I can."

And most importantly--if TH has M's Syndrome, any child in her care wouldn't be calmly say, given meds and taken on day's errands for being fussy with ears/teeth. No, for that or any other symptom she could haul in with any kid would lead to drama and frantic flights to ERs and/or the doctor RIGHT THEN.

The entire point of M's Syndrome is high drama with Mommy the super star. Without the drama and the attention and all the "oh, that child is so sick but she is so conscientious" type of praise there is no payoff.

The show's the thing.
Did you all stay up all night? :biggrin:

Goodness I, for a change got a few extra hours of sleep.

Remember a month or so ago we had a headline from one media source the Terri was going to speak out? I wonder if these emails have all been held until now?
I agree. I think we'd have seen some evidence of Munchausen's if that were the case. While I feel as though Terri tends to the dramatic, IMO it's more along the lines of an immature, Jr. High kind of drama rather than what you describe.
I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am.


The whole wording of this just doesn't sound right.

What she says is she has a receipt. What she doesn't say is that she actually was at that Fred Meyers.

The flow of her explanation is also off to me. She jumps right into having a receipt and doesn't fill in the gap between the school and the store, which is where she really needs to explain herself.

And why the mileage? Why not say "in Whereeverville"? Did she actually clock the mileage? I couldn't tell you how many miles away anything is from my child's school without clocking it on the odometer.

Wonder if it's been confirmed if she actually was at Fred Meyer #1 because from her description it does not sound like it to me.

Then I was trying to get <Baby K> to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20.

9:12am to 11:20am is NOT a few minutes. Where were you Terri?
Would you save the reciept for your lollipop though?

Yes, but not on purpose, as others have suggested. We pick up so many bits of paper during our day. Drives me nuts!

If I had on pants with a pocket--especially jeans--I'd most likely shove a receipt and change into my pocket. Then I'd most likely forget about it and put it all through the washer. I've washed so many receipts--and paper money.

And if you looked into my emails or my conversations, you'd find references to my ability in "money laundering". Simple joke, but out of context, well, I've repeatedly admitted to a federal crime.

Some week's it's like my laundry is this little savings account!
How do we know that LE weren't told about his birthmarks immediately?

I think even absence seizures could be a significant danger to a child wandering alone who knows where because he might suddenly stop what he was doing somewhere where it was dangerous to do so. Like if he suddenly stops in the middle of the street when a car is approaching and can't predict his behavior.

But I can see why it might not be put in the Amber Alert etc. if the condition is not diagnosed and especially if it sounds like the disorder just conveniently emerged within the last two weeks and might possibly be just a family-invented excuse why he got missing.

How do we know? Because in one TV interview KH & DY, when asked if there was anything else people needed to know, added those details (moles/bmark). And I might be wrong, but I don't think that those details were in the original flyers.

To me, it sounds like minor stuff that didn't occur to them right away because to them it's ...well, minor.
I wonder why KATU didn't post the emails rather then the little picture showing Terri's name, date and "I didn't just drop"? My goodness, I could create that little snippet myself.
How do we know? Because in one TV interview KH & DY, when asked if there was anything else people needed to know, added those details (moles/bmark). And I might be wrong, but I don't think that those details were in the original flyers.

To me, it sounds like minor stuff that didn't occur to them right away because to them it's ...well, minor.

It's possible that they didn't tell LE about the birthmarks but I'm sure LE were told a lot of things that didn't end up on the flyers.
I agree. I think we'd have seen some evidence of Munchausen's if that were the case. While I feel as though Terri tends to the dramatic, IMO it's more along the lines of an immature, Jr. High kind of drama rather than what you describe.

Agreed. And I also think that she most likely exaggerated many things, and perhaps, if suffering from low self-esteem (plus a troubled 3rd marriage in which she believed hubby was having an affair) she would tend to try and get "strokes" however she could. And I think she collected friends who were histrionic jr. high school girls. Speaking of that, is the cell phone gang Portland's version of valley girls? :woohoo:
I wonder why KATU didn't post the emails rather then the little picture showing Terri's name, date and "I didn't just drop"? My goodness, I could create that little snippet myself.

For the ease of reading on screen perhaps?

If we don't believe KATU transcribed the emails correctly I don't know what posting the e-mails would prove because someone who knows about computers could easily type, cut, paste and post a document that looks a bit like a screen shot of an e-mail from Terri but in fact isn't.
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