Terri 's e-mails on KATU 08.09.2010

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Wouldn't she have had to have gone to K's appointment first before going to find her medicine at 2 stores? And how would all that happen in 12 minutes??

I think the medicine was for the infant, but I do agree... had my child been acting "oddly" I wouldn't hesitate for one day, not one minutes, to take my child to the doctor.

I do sort of understand why she/TH has timestamped her events. I think that after going over a story (true, or not) you want those little things to matter.
If she has the receipt, great. That will match her story. So far we haven't seen if it does/doesn't, we have only heard.

I freaking feel so much for little Kyron right now. Doesn't seem that very many really understood, or knew, what he was going through in those two-weeks that TH (TM) is explaining.. which, I hope this info is false.

Everything else would mean negligence towards Kyron.

Okay so if baby K had an earache or wasn't feeling well.. and she was getting meds... what kind of meds wouldn't have been stocked there? That's weird. Tylenol or motrin (I'm assuming this as something she may have needed), probably all stores, even little convenience stores sell this. Prescription? A pharmacy has to have your prescription if the doc called it in or you dropped off the slip, don't they? And okay say they don't have tylenol, motrin, or some unique med she needed for Kitty, I could see going to try out a DIFFERENT store but not another Fred Meyer's. That just doesn't make sense.

How would she have gotten a prescription? Where I live, doctors don't hand them out unless you have seen them, especially a baby, I would think.
Hmmmm. So you call to make an appointment for Kyron because he's been:
"Staring off into space. Can’t remember anything. Walks into the room and then back out, stopping to stare and then move on" and the doctor says, over the phone, he might be having seizures so lets see him next week?? Really?? No immediate workup??

I was thinking they'd been to his regular doc (or peds) and she made appt for specialist?

This to me is interesting because these conversations/doc visits are verifiable. IMO.
The first thing that came to my mind when I heard the mini seizure thing is maybe she was giving him something that was making him that way. I don't know what to think. But remember this was written the very next day after Kryon disappeared. Who would be writing emails to explain there whereabouts the very day after their step child disappeared - and reading blogs. Hmmm.

I don't have a problem with TH emailing or FB'ing at all. Those who are really tuned into electronic communication do it automatically, almost. How many of us trot to WS as fast as we can every day?

I emaily daily with one of my BFFs. They're conversations in work, and taken separately might not make much sense to others. When I used Twitter, I tweeted a lot. That was addictive!

TH clearly was into these types of communications. Emails are great, IMHO, for quick exchanges, much faster & easier than telephoning. These days, I pretty much only phone those who don't email. Phoning those who email or text via cellphone is kinda redundant.

O, brave new world, eh?
So she left the school at 9, drove 7 miles to 1st FM, parked, got baby out and went in the store, found medicine, and checked out at 9:12. Is that enough time?
Honestly,after hearing about her excuses of Kyron acting wierd,staring,backing out of rooms,if this is true,I'm questioning now if he was being drugged.Maybe he had a reaction of some kind and she had to take him from the school really quick.All this doctor talk,going to two pharmacies and such,she's throwing alot of excuses out there for some reason.No child just stays in bed after sleeping twelve hours and won't move till someone comes to get him.

Remember Kaine saying Kyron had some problems in school,can't remember exactly what,but maybe she was giving him something to keep him calmer and he reacted to it.


That was KAINE'S story he said he tells when people ask if Kyron was adventurous (well, I don't remember anything about 12 hours, just that he didn't get up and about until someone came in to get him).
So,if TH was getting some type of meds or herbal meds from someone and it caused seizures and such,they'd help,because they had to cover themselves.
How would she have gotten a prescription? Where I live, doctors don't hand them out unless you have seen them, especially a baby, I would think.

the right flavor tylenol?

that stuff the pharmacists give you now-a-days to add to make medicine taste better?
My opinion is it was all part of a plan. Even if she had called the Dr's office and made an appointment for him on that Thursday for the next Friday doesn't mean she was really going to go but it would certainly set up a mis-communication with the teacher.

There is a reason all this info is coming out now. Wish I knew why! I'd like to think it's to bring Kyron home alive.
It takes one minute to check to see if the med is in stock and if not she could have made impulse purchase like lollipop as they were walking out.
Doesn't LE have surveillance videos of Terri in these stores? Plus, her receipt is going to be enough proof--it seems she bought *something* at the first FM, even if she had to go to another store for the right meds.

I would think that Fred Meyer's is pretty together, I have faith in Fred Meyer's operation. Been there many many times. Love that place. Everything you can think of. Can't really imagine going to Freddy's and not finding what I wanted. Seems funny that Fred's would be out of much. We wonder what she was looking for, and bought.

Wasn't there some talk from Kaine early on about them having to talk to Kyron about listening properly or something like that?
So she left the school at 9, drove 7 miles to 1st FM, parked, got baby out and went in the store, found medicine, and checked out at 9:12. Is that enough time?

They didn't have the medicine Terri was looking for at the first stop. She drove to a second FM. Right?
My HUGE red flag was "his coat and backpack were still at school" because who thinks of that crap???? Maybe there was a male chaperone, maybe not. And how did she know there were no men on the chaperone list, and why would she leave Kyron there if there was a stranger on the chaperone list. High chaos, no coordination... yeah... Smell hinky.

I'm sure LE has had copies of Terri's emails (and KH and DY too) and has asked teachers at the school about such things as male chaperones, the sign in list, and if the teachers noted any unusual behavior with Kyron that might indicate a medical problem like seizures. I'm sure they talked to Kyron's doctor too and asked if he had suggested that Kyron might be having seizures.

This might be why LE has been focusing on Terri..........what she's stated doesn't add up.
hahaha!! No kidding, huh? "At 11:25 p.m., I ate a handful of Albertson's potato chips, plain, and wiped my hands on my pants."

Wrong answer!!! I asked what you were doing at 11:23.
Who was already "blaming her in the blogs"? :waitasec:

I guess maybe a few just jumped on the newspaper blogs and said "stepmother did it, doh". Yes, I think I remember that...

But how did she have time for the blogs & why was she reading them on June 5th? :waitasec:

Do we know that SHE was reading them, or might friends have read them and called TH and told her?
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