Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #5 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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Interview with mother of suspects on CNN. She's convinced that her sons were set up by others. They would never do something like this :rolleyes:
CNN: Mother on the phone. Mother in denial.
Suspect mother on CNN .. her voice!

The voice that is clearly missing in the media is the wife of Suspect #1, TT. Where is she? Have they located her? Why haven't they interviewed her? Suspect #1 married and reportedly had a child with her.
I wonder if twitter is cooperating with LE? He tweeted this in response to a conversation with someone who has a private twitter account. The other side of the conversation needs to be seen by LE.

I think his twitter acct is still up as he was communicating that way.

I just think he was talking about smoking marijuana. Much ado about nothing.
They grew up here. Not under persecution.

I am not suggesting they were persecuted. They may have felt wronged, which is a common trait of terrorists and mass murderers.
okay, wait, what is the Germany theory from the other thread? Things were moving for me too fast to find!

There is no theory. The father had brain cancer and went to Germany for treatment.
Are you saying they were born with pure evil? If so, that's an unreasonable assumption based on the available evidence we have on their social interactions. We know from multiple sources, their friends, classmates, teachers, car repair mechanic, etc. that the suspects were "kind, gentle, quiet" people and that the majority of them are shocked that the bombers turned out to be them. So right there, we have evidence contradicting your belief. No, they were not inate murdering sociopaths. Something triggered their destructive conduct.

KInd and gentle souls do not blow up innocent 8 yr olds and smirk about it. Just because they had their 'friends' fooled into believing they were kind and gentle, it does not mean that they were. JMO
I guess it was their mom who was arrested for that theft .. cuz CNN showed her name as:

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva

The same name basically.
The voice that is clearly missing in the media is the wife of Suspect #1, TT. Where is she? Have they located her? Why haven't they interviewed her? Suspect #1 married and reportedly had a child with her.

She left with the cops. I doubt she is available for interviews. Her husband is dead and she has a toddler.
Where's Jack Bauer?
Its nuts. They didn't even do this for 9/11....the higher ups know something we don't. Moo

I still say the family is split for a reason.
Someone has ties at "home"... and that is what our government knows that we do not.
I'm 21. If 19-year-olds don't realize that committing a terrorist attack is wrong, I need to get the hell away from campus! I must be going to school with the most mature 19-year-olds in the world because I don't know any who wouldn't realize the full extent of a terrorist attack.

You could say the same thing about any crime.
Bringing this over from the other thread.

Yes, they do have great doctors. However, these people did not have money AND they were living in the midst of some of the best health care in the world and a place with some of the most liberal policies with regard to receiving care one cannot pay for.

Makes no sense.

Germany has some health treatments for cancer victims not available in the USA (experimental). One of our neighbors sent their dad over for this when the situation was desperate.

Also, article I noted above said this:
The family were assisted by members of Boston's small Chechen community. But despite some academic success for the brothers, the family was clearly struggling. Financial help was sought from relatives while Anzor, a talented mechanic but unable to speak English, scratched a meagre income at $10 an hour. The mother of the two apparent bombers, Zubeidat, 45, was last year charged with stealing $1,600 (£1,000) of clothes.
So the question is still: WHY? I haven't found any online manifesto.

Also, why were they at MIT last night? Were they going there to plant more bombs since I read that they were throwing bombs out of their windows. The older brother was taking an engineer program at some point, IIRC. Maybe he was angry with the educational institutions for some reason. It seems to me that he was lying to his parents back home about the courses he was taking i.e. medical school.
not sure if suspect 1 was married or if they had a baby without being married.....
His mother is in denial, but when she says they would have told her. No, I don't agree, my boys tell me everything (almost) but there are things that come out years later usually that they held back. I feel for her, but I feel she probably had no insight. However, did she live in the home with them? The home that had explosive devices? A mother that is in tune with her home and her kids might not get the truth from the kids, but would notice odd materials in their room/garage/shed...IMHO
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