Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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Yeah here I have some info for you too. Her parents were said to leave China on Friday night to travel to Boston, they had already been granted visas. She was with two friends, one was named and grievously injured still in hospital. Not 100% sure but I think she was doing better a little bit at a time. The other friend was not injured. Just what I read a few days ago.

But I haven't heard anything about which bomb site they were at, if they were walking by or standing in the crowd. Did any responders try to help them or did she pass away right away. Things like that.

I haven't even seen if her friend is out of critical condition yet.

Thank you. I'm trying to watch and see if any MSM posts a list telling us who was where and how they are doing. That is if they or their families let us know. I think about the one's recovering all the time.
It's not hard to build pressure cooker bomb. Older brother was studying engineering at some point. I don't doubt he was perfectly capable of making a pressure cooker bomb.

I posted a few threads back that they aren't hard at all. There is a PDF that anyone can download with the ingredients and how to do it. It's called the Anarchists Cookbook and it was published back in 1971. Also, there are scads of youtube vids of ppl making homemade bombs and detonating them. People don't even have to trawl the underbelly of the internet. It's all right there.
Guess we need to ban pressure cookers, they are obviously the problem here. The majority of fatalities were pressure cooker related.

People don't kill people, pressure cookers do.

Maybe it is because today is the anniversary of Columbine and I was raised in Littleton but I didn't find this the least bit funny.
I also read that Lingzi was a recent convert to Christianity, or had at least become interested in Christianity since she came to the U.S. Breaks my heart but I pray for her and her family.
It's all about the pot.

The three men murdered supposedly had weed tossed on them.

Then I read a comment on September 16th at 5:47 here:


It says maybe it was not drug related, but because they were Jewish?

WTH? That's an odd thing to write IMO.
well the cash was not taken so i doubt it was about drugs too.

What's a spidey pic, and who is Travis and Juan?! :confused:

TIA :)

The State if Arizona vs Jodi Arias.
She murdered her boyfriend Travis Alexanader.
She claimed he was "intimate" with a picture of a little boy.and she has caled him a pedohile.

The picture she "allegedly saw was him as a little boy with his no deceased father.
*she also said said he wanted her to wear little boys spider man underpants for him
here is the link. :seeya:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=513"]Travis Alexander Trial - The State vs. Jodi Arias - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Maybe this guy sold or gave weed to little brother and #1 was not happy?

Facts came out tonight I had not heard before.

Boston Chief of Police said on CNN tonight: No.2 ran over and killed his brother
No.1 during the shootout. COD of No.1 is brother hitting and running over him, not
gunfire or wounds! No.1 has no severe gunshot wounds of any kind!

The Boston COP said as no.1 charged police, several police went forward
in a hail of gunfire and tackled No.1 to the ground and had him subdued.
No.2 got into the SUV and sped forward straight at his brother and the
policemen ... the policemen jumped off to the side and No.2 ran straight
over his brother killing him... without this No.1 would have been captured
and would still be alive.

<corrections made to the above - sorry! Georger>

That is a detail I had not heard before.
It's not hard to build pressure cooker bomb. Older brother was studying engineering at some point. I don't doubt he was perfectly capable of making a pressure cooker bomb.

CBS news radio had a special report on tonight.

They had a terrorism expert on from the FBI, he said a couple interesting things

I'll paraphrase, On the bomb he said they were simple bombs with readily available materials but one thing he said was the trigger mechanism was extremely sophisticated.

On the attack itself, he said they were well organized and they executed the plan to perfection and it's similar to attacks we've seen in other parts of the world.

I'm not going to say they had help on this attack but I do believe they had training of some form or some level of guidance in the past
CBS news radio had a special report on tonight.

They had a terrorism expert on from the FBI, he said a couple interesting things

I'll paraphrase, On the bomb he said they were simple bombs with readily available materials but one thing he said was the trigger mechanism was extremely sophisticated.

On the attack itself, he said they were well organized and they executed the plan to perfection and it's similar to attacks we've seen in other parts of the world.

Older brother was an engineering student and traveled abroad.
I personally don't buy that these two brothers were the only two people involved.
Considering Russians were concerned about older brother and warned US-Russians suspected older brother would travel there for training with some underground groups.
But these other possible people involved might never even have been to US.
I also read that Lingzi was a recent convert to Christianity, or had at least become interested in Christianity since she came to the U.S. Breaks my heart but I pray for her and her family.

We will be leaving Hawaii a few days before this annual ceremony but I will purchase a lantern as I always do and have someone float it for us (our family).

I'll include the names of the victims of this Bombing this year and also some WS members that we lost this past year too.


I did it last year for some of my family members and also a couple of WS members that passed that year too.

I really do wish they would release more info on how the surviving victims are coming along.
Facts came out tonight I had not heard before.

Boston Chief of Police said on CNN tonight: No.2 ran over and killed his brother
No.1 during the shootout. COD of No.1 is brother hitting and running over him, not
gunfire or wounds! No.2 has no severe gunshot wounds of any kind!

The Boston COP said as no.2 charged police, several police went forward
in a hail of gunfire and tackled No.2 to the ground and had him subdued.
No.1 got into the SUV and sped forward straight at his brother and the
policemen ... the policemen jumped off to the side and No.2 ran straight
over his brother killing him... without this No.2 would have been captured
and would still be alive.

That is a detail I had not heard before.

I think you got your ones and two mixed up a bit there...lol
My assumption is that the arrests are tied to one or both of the following: drugs found during search/questioning (reports are that DT smoked pot quite a lot until this year)... and/or harboring/aiding/abetting a fugitive.

As far as the bombing itself, I really believe the two acted alone, but I could be wrong.
See if I can do this without confusing myself and everyone on the board...lol

I agree, I think they were geared up for something else. More explosives plus another pressure cooker bomb but being ID'd so quicklythey had to make changes
The staying in town acting like nothing was wrong sticks out to me. Seems they were going to play that role and have a follow up attack but the quick ID changed everything

To start with they had a two day head start, no one knew who they were and they had number 1's car to use, they could have been in Canada or someplace off the map in that time. But they stayed.

Their problems started when they were ID'd too quick, suddenly they didn't have time to execute the next step and they have to move now. "holy crap our pictures are on TV"

So they jack a car they told the Mercedes owner who they were, and let him go, they wanted him to tell the police who jacked his car. So far they've killed or killed everyone they've come in contact with and will try to kill everyone they meet in the next few hours. But not the Mercedes owner. My thinking is the second car was going to be used as misdirection by jacking it and leaving it on the outskirts of town then heading in another direction. Double back or somethingThen they were trapped driving the two cars (after being tracked by the cars owners cell phone that was left inside) and everything went sideways for them from there. As good as they were with planing when they had time they sucked at thinking on the fly...lol


I so agree with this. I think they were planning on dumping one of the cars where it could be found and then take off in the other car together.

I also think LE needs to check the local Mosque group they attended for any like minded people within that group. Sometimes there is a subset within a certain group that are much more radical than the rest and they could have some people that helped them with money, suplies, or other things.

These type of people are pure evil and want to kill what they consider infidels who are just innocent people. It is the worst form of hate crime I have seen in my lifetime.
Interesting. Found this on Patch. http://natick.patch.com/articles/arrests-1-600-in-clothes-stolen
"7:42 p.m.: Loss prevention from Lord & Taylor called to report they had detained a shoplifter. Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, 45, of 410 Norfolk St., Apt. 3, Cambridge, was arrested and charged with larceny over $250 (women's clothing valued at $1,624), and two counts of malicious/wanton damage/defacement to property." Same address and name of Boston Bombers mother.
I know this is Facebook - it's not a link to anyone's profile or information. Please don't delete, it shows the kindness of LE working in Boston yesterday.

There was a family with young children in Watertown and they were out of milk. Click to see photo of what happened.
That's cool, thanks for sharing

As a parent my reaction would be "Two gallons of milk? how long are we gonna be stuck here?"
Of various ethnicities and how accepting we tend to be of diversity. These were boys who went to a prestigious high school and who had the opportunity to take advantage of what we offer students. More that I don't "get" the resentment. It's not like people in Cambridge don't have an ability to open their hearts and minds-sort of like I can't imagine a better place to assimilate..

I don't know. I think it could be argued that Cambridge is the most elitist city in America. Watch "The Social Network" for a great examination of the resentment felt by outsiders. Mark Zuckerberg burned with hatred for the high status males at Harvard. His motivation, in the movie anyway, was to tear down the establishment. Zuckerberg's partner in crime, Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake in the movie) is a nihilist, wanting nothing more than to destroy the snobs who think they are better than him.

The WASP twins are actually portrayed as pretty decent fellows in the movie; they don't get the resentment Zuckerberg feels toward them. However, that doesn't mean it isn't real.

Of course, Zuckerberg is a genius. He put his anger to productive use. DT and TT, on the other hand, were "losers." No doubt they despised the citizens of Boston. I don't know a more definitive sign of the failure to assimilate than to set off bombs amongst your innocent neighbors.

Are there any stories about what happened to Lingzi? I saw some of the EMTs talked about the other two victims and they didn't suffer, but nothing about the graduate student victim and her friends and what happened to them at the scene. Thanks.

I read in MSM that she was seen with a neck wound and was unconscious immediately afterwards. I hope she passed away without suffering.


Cowin encountered two Boston University graduate students, one propped against a fence after being hit in the chest with shrapnel. Her friend lay unconscious a few feet away with a severe neck wound.

Cowin tended to the first, as paramedics began unsuccessful attempts to resuscitate her friend, later identified as Lingzi Lu.
I am thinking of the contrast of the aunt and the uncle. Aunt said she hadn't been in contact with the family right? Aunt is condemning, in denial, they were set up etc. Actually pretty much the norm for a person who doesn't believe or doesn't want to believe (maybe a little more public but norm for grief.)

Now in contrast. The uncle also says he wasn't in contact with the family didn't he? Yet he is speaking harshly against the nephews. Very outspoken. Very quickly accepting of what happened with the nephews of which he seemed to like at least one.

The video I saw, I would almost say he was attempting to stir up outrage. Maybe?

Possible. I also think the uncle may have had the intuition from previous interaction with his nephews. The nephews may have tried to contact the uncle and his family in the years they hadn't seen each other and may have been told to get lost!
OT: I noticed this week the following on the BostonGlobe.com ("...available to all readers...". I just wanted to point this out - because they didn't have to do this. It's where I've gone to get much of the info, because a good local paper (esp one of this caliber) almost always has the most up-to-date and detailed info. I've really appreciated being able to access everything there. I wish they could leave it open, but I understand they need to eventually get back to business as usual.

From http://www.bostonglobe.com/: (rbm)


They now have a notice that beginning Monday, this will change:



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Possible. I also think the uncle may have had the intuition from previous interaction with his nephews. The nephews may have tried to contact the uncle and his family in the years they hadn't seen each other and may have been told to get lost!

I think it is the opposite. IMO Uncle is protesting TOO MUCH! Something is not totally on par with this man. JMO of course.
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