Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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Was just thinking about this and I mean really, how bad was #1 that the Russians asked FBI to look into him?? I mean really??? Wonder how often they do that? You must be into something to get on their radar.
Was just thinking about this and I mean really, how bad was #1 that the Russians asked FBI to look into him?? I mean really??? Wonder how often they do that? You must be into something to get on their radar.

I wonder about this too.

Maybe he was just an untrustworthy, mouthy, live wire that was out of control?
Every quote from the parents and aunt make me angry. Why do we NEED to prove to THEM before they will believe their "ANGELS" are not being set up? It speaks volumes about the paranoia and anger. Sorry, I don't see this as a mother's love, or a stage of grief.
It angers me that they appear to be trying to foment distrust. No I am not surprised both parents left.

I really don't see a huge issue with them wanting proof. If your child seemed like a normal kid (and that is all we are hearing about the younger one) was all of a suddenly accused of such a horrible crime wouldn't you want proof? Did they know their older son was changing? I don't know if the parents had any idea their sons were involved in anything that would lead to this.

People demand proof all the time. People live in denial all the time. I have seen many cases where people couldn't believe someone they loved could commit the crime. They usually end up coming to an understanding, but in this case when you are called by reporters, and they are the ones who inform you of all of this, I think peoples first reactions deserve a pass. Now if they were to continue to not believe it, or to do something wrong, then I could see judging them.
Similar to this case and just as baffling to those who thought they knew him.....

"But in an interview with the National Post, Mr. Plotnikov confirmed William’s death and spoke for the first time about his son’s rapid transformation from Toronto teenager and champion boxer to Muslim convert and jihadist fighter.

What seemed to amaze Mr. Plotnikov most was how fast it all happened. His son only became interested in Islam in 2009, he said. Within a year, he had left Canada and by July he was dead. He had gone from convert to martyr in less than three years

There are at least four things that this guy has in common with TT,
They both began changing in 2009
They both went back to the same region of Russia
They were both said to be "championship" boxers
And the big one........this guy, Plotnikov, dies a "martyr at the same time that TT is coming back from Russia/Dagestan (SP)

Then there is the more distant commonality that TT's outspoken aunt also lives in Canada.
That sounds very convincing. FBI couldn't even bother to interview him in person, and he told FBI that was their problem?
There are at least four things that this guy has in common with TT,
They both began changing in 2009
They both went back to the same region of Russia
They were both said to be "championship" boxers
And the big one........this guy, Plotnikov, dies a "martyr at the same time that TT is coming back from Russia/Dagestan (SP)

Then there more distant commonality that TT's outspoken aunt also lives in Canada.

Another thing in common-neither one felt he fit in the American society.
If you guys are actually going to take, at face value, any random newspaper quote or article and assume our intelligence community - you know, the ones so stupid that they tracked down and killed/apprehended several scary terrorists like Osama bin Laden, and domestically have uncovered and thwarted several terror plots - don't realize a mute person can still answer questions, you might as well just give up now.

Let's try to be sensible, huh?

Russia warned us about these creeps but they themselves, with an intelligence community much less concerned about individual rights than ours, and with more to lose if these creeps did turn out to be terrorists- since Chechen rebels have zero beef with the U.S. and instead view Russia as the enemy - did not find enough to arrest these punks. So why would we?

My guess is Tamerlan wanted to be a big shot but the Chcchen terrorists didn't want him so he decided to create his own, homegrown cell with the only one dumb enough I follow him- his brother. If so, it could be close to impossible to unearth the terror plot before it was carried out because there would. be no communications about it with outside groups.

Where did they get the money to finance this? When was the decision
made to do this and when and where did they build their explosive devices
using what knowledge base? Did they even own a (registered) vehicle?
Lots of very basic questions still not answered - including how did this chance
event of the MIT cop being killed happened ...

The younger brother obviously sacrificed his older brother in order to escape! Then the younger brother submits and gets out of the boat to save his own life in the end ... no escape plan for them in any of this! What kind of crazy plan was this, or was it even a real plan ?!:banghead:

Parents now claim FBI called their son to accuse him.

The father of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Anzor, told Channel 4 News that the elder brother had telephoned their mother a few days after the bombings.

Mr Tsarnaev was speaking by telephone to Channel 4 News filmmaker Nick Sturdee (pictured below), who is in Makhachkala, Dagestan. The father said Tamerlan contacted his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, two or three days after the bombing.

Tamerlan told her the FBI had just rung him and accused him of being behind the attacks, and that he had responded by saying "that's your problem", Mr Tsarnaev claims.

TY for this article!

These 2 parents of the accused terrorists have really gone off the rails. I absolutely doubt the FBI contacted Tamerlan by telephone to accuse him. Nope - no way in hell did it go down that way. When the FBI is hunting down a suspected terrorist, they don't make a courtesy phone call. They swoop in & try to take the suspect by surprise.

I really think some of the garbage these parents are spouting are total lies & IMO, they're making total fools out of themselves.
But I thought when he got to the hospital he was in cardiac arrest. Even if he had surgery, & even if he's on oxygen, is he completely out of the woods so to speak with his injuries?

haven't seen that (bbm)

Are you sure you're not thinking of his older brother #1, who died? The doctor who treated him said he arrived in cardiac arrest.

I kept seeing it before perp 2 was nabbed or even known to be in boat. Think that was about perp 1.

Yes, brother 1 went into cardiac arrest.
Brother 2 was never in cardiac arrest as far as I can tell.

No, that was his older brother.

Tamerlan was reported to have been the one who was in cardiac arrest when he was transported to and/or arrived @ the hospital.

Yes, you guys are all correct. I'm wrong. I misunderstood as I thought suspect 2 was in cardiac arrest as well. I'm sorry for the confusion. :blowkiss:
re the terrorista plates twosome who were detained/taken in, the one wearing t-shirt/jeans is cuffed behind his back, the one in the hoodie is not cuffed. (in photos accompanying the article reporting that they were taken during a return visit from LE).

the article with the kitchen table photo notes that a crock pot is partially visible.

He probably believed he had a perfect "right" to beat this woman. Mustof been a shock to have been then prosecuted by a woman. Wonder if this was his wife? Would sure lend credence a blossoming hatred.

I recall reading, in a link earlier in this thread, that at least one of TT's and DT's sisters was in an arranged marriage.

Maybe some women would prefer such an existence. I'm not judging. It seems to me, however, they are not interested in obtaining "equal rights" as we understand them in the West.

and their mother wanted her to stay married after she told her family that she was being physically abused

Don't think I got an answer for this when I asked before,is the widow of TT,the same person he beat?(or whatever domestic violence he performed),or was that a different girlfriend? If someone different,I sure would like to hear from her.
it was someone else, not the mother of his child

(my responses based on articles I read here but I don't know which thread/page the links are on)
Yes, you guys are all correct. I'm wrong. I misunderstood as I thought suspect 2 was in cardiac arrest as well. I'm sorry for the confusion. :blowkiss:

No worries, Jersey Girl! So much has happened over these past 6 days that anyone could get confused. I've had to read & reread many media articles several times to try to keep it all straight & I still get confused. :blowkiss:

Parents now claim FBI called their son to accuse him.

The father of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Anzor, told Channel 4 News that the elder brother had telephoned their mother a few days after the bombings.

Mr Tsarnaev was speaking by telephone to Channel 4 News filmmaker Nick Sturdee (pictured below), who is in Makhachkala, Dagestan. The father said Tamerlan contacted his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, two or three days after the bombing.

Tamerlan told her the FBI had just rung him and accused him of being behind the attacks, and that he had responded by saying "that's your problem", Mr Tsarnaev claims.
The FBI called the suspect and accused him over the phone???

Unless this is something new, that does not seem to be how the FBI normally works...

Where did they get the money to finance this? When was the decision
made to do this and when and where did they build their explosive devices
using what knowledge base? Did they even own a (registered) vehicle?
Lots of very basic questions still not answered - including how did this chance
event of the MIT cop being killed happened ...

How much money do you think it takes to make kitchen bombs and backpacks? And the knowledge base is HUGE and publicly available all over the internet.

I don't think they know yet (or at least any clues are not yet public) about the motive/intent/connection to the MIT security officer.

To me, the more we find out about #1, he comes across more and more of a complete "loser" to use his uncle's word. It's like he can't actually find a terrorist cell who wants him. And the Friday shootout - he pretty much blundered forward ineffectually (perhaps even getting pierced by blowback from his own bomb) and ends up run over by his own "cell". An ignominious death. Darwin award worthy.

eta: and further, he wants to brag about his part in the bombing, so he calls his Mom and tells her the FBI called him (because he's such a well known terrorist) and asked him if he did it and he said no?

Russia reportedly asked the FBI to investigate one of the alleged Boston bombers...JUST SIX months ago after he was seen meeting an Islamic militant six times - but the agency never responded, it has emerged.
It is just the latest revelation questioning the adequacy of the U.S intelligence community, who failed to spot the national security threat posed by suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother Dzhokhar, despite repeated warnings.
On Sunday, a Dagistani police official source revealed to NBC News that the Russian internal security service contacted the FBI in November with some questions about Tamerlan and handed over a copy of a case file on him.
The 26-year-old Chechen, who was living in the U.S. after being granted refugee status in 2002, first caught the eye of authorities after he was spotted meeting with a person involved in the militant Islamic underground movement in Dagestan. They met at a mosque on six occasions, the source said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...bomber-just-SIX-MONTHS-ago.html#ixzz2R7ROQq3d
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Sounds like the FBI wasn't concerned because Chechnya / Dagestan terrorists had never attacked the U.S. before and probably thought "your problem not ours". There seem to be a lot of my fellow Americans who have this kind of attitude, if it's happening somewhere else in the world but not affecting us it's not our problem.

In this case if the people asked to investigate had stronger ethics then an attack on the U.S. might have been prevented.
I believe one can renew passport in a Russian Embassy located in US.

He married an American. That should mean there was no longer a Passport issue. He had permanent residency and he married a citizen. The issue of a passport ought to have been a non-issue. Unless, he wanted to remain a Russian citizen. BUT again, the article linked above says that he applied for US citizenship in September 2012.
How much money do you think it takes to make kitchen bombs and backpacks? And the knowledge base is HUGE and publicly available all over the internet.

I don't think they know yet (or at least any clues are not yet public) about the motive/intent/connection to the MIT security officer.

To me, the more we find out about #1, he comes across more and more of a complete "loser" to use his uncle's word. It's like he can't actually find a terrorist cell who wants him. And the Friday shootout - he pretty much blundered forward ineffectually (perhaps even getting pierced by blowback from his own bomb) and ends up run over by his own "cell". An ignominious death. Darwin award worthy.

Thanks. Good post! :rocker:
TY for this article!

These 2 parents of the accused terrorists have really gone off the rails. I absolutely doubt the FBI contacted Tamerlan by telephone to accuse him. Nope - no way in hell did it go down that way. When the FBI is hunting down a suspected terrorist, they don't make a courtesy phone call. They swoop in & try to take the suspect by surprise.

I really think some of the garbage these parents are spouting are total lies & IMO, they're making total fools out of themselves.

I do not trust his parents nor his outspoken Aunt. They are hostile and body language tells me not to be trusted. But, they aren't suspects so I won't go into details any further.
How much money do you think it takes to make kitchen bombs and backpacks? And the knowledge base is HUGE and publicly available all over the internet.

I don't think they know yet (or at least any clues are not yet public) about the motive/intent/connection to the MIT security officer.

To me, the more we find out about #1, he comes across more and more of a complete "loser" to use his uncle's word. It's like he can't actually find a terrorist cell who wants him. And the Friday shootout - he pretty much blundered forward ineffectually (perhaps even getting pierced by blowback from his own bomb) and ends up run over by his own "cell". An ignominious death. Darwin award worthy.

Or when he ran towards them he believed the police would shoot him dead in a blaze of glory. He possibly didn't think they could get away after so just went for causing as much damage to the police as he could.
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