Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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want to also add to this (re: being questioned while intubated):

When a patient is intubated they are usually sedated so they do not 'buck the vent'. In other words so they do not fight what the ventilator is doing which is basically breathing for them. The sedation is titrated by the nurse based on assessment and scale. When it is medically safe to wean the patient from the vent the settings are changed (allows patient to breath over the vent settings..) and the sedation is also titrated to this. After all this happens extubation takes place (sedation is off at this point or very low). All that being said if this guy DOES have alleged throat injuries with swelling and had surgery in that area I would think he would be on full assist vent with full sedation to protect the surgical site/promote healing. If he did have injuries to the neck and throat we could be waiting a while until he is able to be questioned. (just my :twocents: and a little bit of medical info)
Well Coats ain't very smart, he said on National TV today that the younger brother traveled to Russia and was corrected on air by someone else from the panel.

That being said, why would he talk/communicate especially when talking heads have been calling for his...The DP before he was even captured. I do not really see any incentive for him.

One incentive I can see for his talking would be to get the death penalty off the table IF he doesn't want to be executed. They have enough to convict him whether he talks or not.
Did they put the home up for sale because of this issue or were they planning to do so anyway and is just a coincidence?!
I have no idea.
They listed it the day after they found out 4/19/13
One incentive I can see for him talking would be to get the death penalty off the table IF he doesn't want to be executed. They have enough to convict him whether he talks or not.

I do not think they will take it off the table.
bbm: we don't know enough about his wounds to say that. Just based on the pictures I saw (boat pic) I would say no if he is listed in serious condition and not critical.

:twocents: My opinion would be that he had surgery, is intubated, and is sedated with Dip or Propafol and also on a PCA pump <---based on my ICU experience and he absolutely would not be able to write or do anything communication wise until he is extubated :twocents:

OK thx. I was thinking the severe blood loss may have caused a change in his LOC and LE wasn't sure that he would be ever be able to communicate again. Written or otherwise.

hopefully it is just medically induced.
I'm inclined to agree. On the other hand, a great deal of thinking went into manufacturing the explosives, planting them, and setting them up to detonate. And they are/were young men of the 21st century. We know the younger one was a regular user of social media. He understood its power, and used it when he tweeted the image of the "Terrorista" license plate. How could they not "think" that their images would be cast all over the globe? TT had been already questioned by the FBI. He was well aware they had him in their sites. How could he not "think" he'd be caught. Were they really just that foolish?

Another question that's stuck in my craw: what was the purpose of the marathon bombing? Was it intended to send a message? I suspect it was, but can anyone define it? I can't. No declaration. No manifesto. So they screwed up there, too, and I'm even more sickened by the senselessness of it all. Innocent people murdered and maimed, and for what? Absolutely nothing.

Oh, I don't think they weren't smart or well thought out! Social media is dicey, though. We all use it and I know I've seen people who are grown adults (over 30 :blushing:) who daily post things on FB that come back to bite them in the a$$ later. A lot of young adults, even well into their 20s, that I know think they're invincible. I'm not excusing them in any way, shape or form because they knew full well what they were planning. They didn't think they'd be caught amidst the reported 500k crowd, IMO. As for their lack of message and no plan afterwards? Completely baffles me! Even if we get answers, I just don't think it will balm the damage. We will never get it, IMO. To deliberately plan that type of carnage is inhumane and I don't *want* to get it, kwim?
There appears to be little danger of that happening.

But I thought when he got to the hospital he was in cardiac arrest. Even if he had surgery, & even if he's on oxygen, is he completely out of the woods so to speak with his injuries?
the fbi said he is serious condition (not even critical). I think this guy will be able to be questioned in a few days once he is extubated :twocents:

If he does have a throat injury he could be intubated for longer due to swelling, etc.. but we really don't know the extent of his wounds so that is just medical speculation on my part (I am ICU/open heart nurse)..

Oh ok, thx. This answers my last question.
OK thx. I was thinking the severe blood loss may have caused a change in his LOC and LE wasn't sure that he would be ever be able to communicate again. Written or otherwise.

hopefully it is just medically induced.

well, hopefully the blood loss didn't cause permanent damage. I do recall the interview with the watertown police chief where he said that they knew he was injured in the gunfight based on blood in the car he jacked and another area of blood found behind a house. That being said, I do not think the blood loss is not correctable with a few units of packed red cells as he was climbing over the side of the boat (in the picture) when they nabbed him.

The fbi said they are the source on his medical condition and they listed him as serious (not critical). That personally tells me alot. As we say in the ICU: this guy is not "circling the drain" (<----- re: 'serious condition from fbi')
But I thought when he got to the hospital he was in cardiac arrest. Even if he had surgery, & even if he's on oxygen, is he completely out of the woods so to speak with his injuries?

Are you sure you're not thinking of his older brother #1, who died? The doctor who treated him said he arrived in cardiac arrest.
Interesting bulletin from February 2011 on the FBI's website, explaining the origins of the Public Safety Exception, and case law examples where the exception has been applied even after issuing Miranda warning and a defendant has invoked right to counsel.

A common theme throughout cases such as this is the importance of limiting the interrogation of a subject to questions directed at eliminating the emergency. Following Quarles, at least two federal circuit courts of appeals have addressed the issue of the effect of an invocation of a right on the exception. In U.S. v. De- Santis, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the public safety exception applies even after the invocation of counsel.40 According to the court: "The same consideration that allows the police to dispense with providing Miranda warnings in a public safety situation also would permit them to dispense with the prophylactic safeguard that forbids initiating further questioning of an accused who requests counsel."41

In U.S. v. Mobley, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals also ruled that the public safety exception applied even when the subject had invoked his right to counsel.42 The court recognized that a threat to public safety still may exist even after Miranda rights are provided and invoked.

Much more info @ link:

Is this a joke? The mayor thinks the suspect can not be questioned again (ever) because he was shot in the throat? Has he ever heard of a pen?

If you guys are actually going to take, at face value, any random newspaper quote or article and assume our intelligence community - you know, the ones so stupid that they tracked down and killed/apprehended several scary terrorists like Osama bin Laden, and domestically have uncovered and thwarted several terror plots - don't realize a mute person can still answer questions, you might as well just give up now.

Let's try to be sensible, huh?

Russia warned us about these creeps but they themselves, with an intelligence community much less concerned about individual rights than ours, and with more to lose if these creeps did turn out to be terrorists- since Chechen rebels have zero beef with the U.S. and instead view Russia as the enemy - did not find enough to arrest these punks. So why would we?

My guess is Tamerlan wanted to be a big shot but the Chcchen terrorists didn't want him so he decided to create his own, homegrown cell with the only one dumb enough I follow him- his brother. If so, it could be close to impossible to unearth the terror plot before it was carried out because there would. be no communications about it with outside groups.
Are you sure you're not thinking of his older brother #1, who died? The doctor who treated him said he arrived in cardiac arrest.

Yes, brother 1 went into cardiac arrest.
Brother 2 was never in cardiac arrest as far as I can tell.
But I thought when he got to the hospital he was in cardiac arrest. Even if he had surgery, & even if he's on oxygen, is he completely out of the woods so to speak with his injuries?

No, that was his older brother.
But I thought when he got to the hospital he was in cardiac arrest. Even if he had surgery, & even if he's on oxygen, is he completely out of the woods so to speak with his injuries?

Tamerlan was reported to have been the one who was in cardiac arrest when he was transported to and/or arrived @ the hospital.
I don't think they're *tripping over themselves*.

I'm curious as to why you're supsicious that the FBI wants control of the release of his medical status. It seems to me they've been forthcoming with what little information there is to release.

I'm suspicious of their motive because a commentator said the FBI didn't want the hospital to say anything they shouldn't. What could a hospital possibly say about his medical condition that they shouldn't say? The only thing I can possibly think of is that the FBI doesn't want certain facts of his medical condition revealed.

Parents now claim FBI called their son to accuse him.

The father of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Anzor, told Channel 4 News that the elder brother had telephoned their mother a few days after the bombings.

Mr Tsarnaev was speaking by telephone to Channel 4 News filmmaker Nick Sturdee (pictured below), who is in Makhachkala, Dagestan. The father said Tamerlan contacted his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, two or three days after the bombing.

Tamerlan told her the FBI had just rung him and accused him of being behind the attacks, and that he had responded by saying "that's your problem", Mr Tsarnaev claims.
Well Coats ain't very smart, he said on National TV today that the younger brother traveled to Russia and was corrected on air by someone else from the panel.

That being said, why would he talk/communicate especially when talking heads have been calling for his...The DP before he was even captured. I do not really see any incentive for him.

Well ... he DID get out of das boat, as instructed! :rocker::woohoo:
He could have ended it right there - suicide by cops if he is suicidal..
Some element of self-preservation or programming kicked in ... who knows
what. Maybe he has been taught to resist and disrupt by benign
cooperation - he has to be alive to do that. Whatever is going on in his
thinking, he almost did end it right in the boat by firing at officers. They
could have reduced him to a corpse in 1 second and officers chose not to
do that (under orders).

Maybe he will ask for "MaaMaah". Who knows! :truce:

I think that guy is a complete psychopath. I'm for sending him to Guantanamo ?
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