Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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And it also appears the two of them were living together.
I read the article from a neighbor of the parents, she said that Katherine had moved back home with the daughter and was living there and she would see the husband come by on weekends and see them walking and spending time togethor. Another article said none of Katherine or the toddlers stuff was in the suspects apartments.
So lets get this straight, his wife works all day, he watched the daughter and then goes out at night to build bombs? A real catch he was!!
As we know on Thursday night they hijacked a car and driver. They drove to Watertown and were found by police and chased. They started throwing grenades and pipebombs and even a pressure cooker bomb at police. The older brother had a suicide vest on. Additionally they had guns. Police found more than 200 rounds on the scene of that shootout. And when the younger brother was found in the boat he started shooting at police, so he also had at least one weapon plus ammo with him.

So that's a lot of weapons and bombs and ammonition to carry around. How did they not cause any suspicion walking around with all of that before they hijacked the car?

Another thing I don't understand is why FBI released these particular pictures and videos on Thursday. A day later other pictures that were clearly from the same video surveillance (same clothes, hats etc) were released and they were far better, you could recognize them much more easily. So why did they at first release pictures and video on which is was much more difficult to recognize them?

I snipped that up, great post

They had another car when they jacked the Mercedes, when the shootout took place they were in separate vehicles. IMO I think the carjacked car was going to be used in a misdirection, everyone they had encountered before or after wound up dead, wounded or being shot but not the owner of the Mercedes, they told the Mercedes owner who they were and let him go so he'd call the police and tell them who stole his car.

The clear pictures came the day after because they came from a private individual who saw the FBI pics and realized he also had pics of those guys.

Hope that helps

she had been working 70 to 80 hours a week as a home health care aide, while her husband cared for their daughter.

DeLuca says on the day he died, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was home when his wife left for work.

So TT's wife, Katherine, was still living with him until the day he died!!! And now she doesn't care to talk to the Feds, hmmmmmmm


If they found bombs in the home (from CBS transcript) and she was there on Thursday, doesn't that mean she may have been aware of what he had done and possibly planning to do?

Wonder what her co-workers think?

Also, she must have went to her parents home once she saw his picture on TV.

Bizzarre....just crazy
And it also appears the two of them were living together.

Do you really think she was living in that home with a 3 yr old,
with bombs in it??

He wasn't babysitting from Jan 2012 to July 2012..
I didn't see one thing that indicated a 3 yr old girl lived in that nasty home...
It had wood over broken windows and a panel of wood as a door too.
I don't think she was living there I think she probably did live with her parents, judging on the couple of photos of the house it didn't look fit for a child. She may have went to visit at times.
He most likely inflicted the neck/throat injury to himself while hiding inside the boat, however.


If he has neck injuries. "Self inflicted" is claimed by un named sources speaking under condition of anonymity. Unnamed sources claimed he was writing notes to LE while being interrogated. LE specifically stated today that he is unable to be interrogated.

He climbed out of the boat himself. I am becoming increasingly skeptical of those "authorities" and "unnamed sources close to the investigation" . The accuracy of the reporting is remarkably inaccurate when these phrases come into play. jmo.

JMVHO, but no one is leaking this stuff to the press. There is no way. The inaccuracy of most of it is proof positive that the media is either being played or they are making stuff up themselves....the spaghetti on the wall thing. Sources close to the investigation could be the cleaning crew in the lobby of the hospital, a passer by...it is all semantics.
Just guessing that she might have worked a 6am-6pm kind of shift and been home to watch their daughter before he left that night. Idk

If the article was accurate and Katherine left for work and left the baby with Tamerlan on the day of the bombing, he must have had someone else take care of her because he didn't have a toddler or preschooler with him at the Marathon.
Yes, I really do think she was living in that home. Her lawyer certainly seems to indicate she was living there. I am not sure why anyone would assume they know more than her lawyer.
If he has neck injuries. "Self inflicted" is claimed by un named sources speaking under condition of anonymity. Unnamed sources claimed he was writing notes to LE while being interrogated. LE specifically stated today that he is unable to be interrogated.

He climbed out of the boat himself. I am becoming increasingly skeptical of those "authorities" and "unnamed sources close to the investigation" . The accuracy of the reporting is remarkably inaccurate when these phrases come into play. jmo.

JMVHO, but no one is leaking this stuff to the press. There is no way. The inaccuracy of most of it is proof positive that the media is either being played or they are making stuff up themselves....the spaghetti on the wall thing. Sources close to the investigation could be the cleaning crew in the lobby of the hospital, a passer by...it is all semantics.
There is a photo of him straddling the boat. I'll see if I can find it.
There is a photo of him straddling the boat. I'll see if I can find it.

Thanks, Ray-I posted it a few pages ago. I guess my point is that he was engaged enough and strong enough to move on his own. Climbing down from a boat or even getting up and preparing to get out of it was still within his abilities. He was laying there for a long period of time it seems, bleeding, but he still could move himself around.

I will say I am assuming his plan was to wait until dark and leave the boat if he was still able to, but clearly he was discovered before he could.

she had been working 70 to 80 hours a week as a home health care aide, while her husband cared for their daughter.

DeLuca says on the day he died, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was home when his wife left for work.

So TT's wife, Katherine, was still living with him until the day he died!!! And now she doesn't care to talk to the Feds, hmmmmmmm

If this is true then the brothers meet somewhere later to go on their rampage that night. Amazing gall. Its their arrogance that amazes me, before, during, and after the bombing.
Well, that is NOT what her atty says...
Really? Her attorney has said that she's refusing to speak to the feds? Do you have a link for that (from a reputable source)? If you have a quote from her attorney confirming that she is refusing to speak to authorities, I will stand corrected.

she had been working 70 to 80 hours a week as a home health care aide, while her husband cared for their daughter.

DeLuca says on the day he died, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was home when his wife left for work.

So TT's wife, Katherine, was still living with him until the day he died!!! And now she doesn't care to talk to the Feds, hmmmmmmm

Just a side note-why doesnt this man know when his client was married to the deceased bomber?

It does not say that she hasnt been interviewed before today. I was fairly certain there was a news article indicating that she went to her home and retrieved items. Clearly she was escorted by authorities to do this.
Wow, the boat owner wouldn't smoke inside even under that stressful situation. (I would have found a way to smoke inside and that is a certainty:) )If it weren't for the need for a cigarette, this terrorist may not have been found for days.

What is the probability of a creep landing in your back yard, in your boat
or dog house? Zero! Well not zero but about the same P as being hit by an asteroid... or winning the lottery.
When there is a manhunt going on right next to the area, probabilty becomes all that much higher.
I just wish that Katherine and her father were not smiling in those photos. I don't know when the one of her dad was taken, but I hope it wasn't recent. And I may be wrong, but she looks like she's smiling in the pic where she is at the Cambridge apartment to pick up her cat.
Just a side note-why doesnt this man know when his client was married to the deceased bomber?

It does not say that she hasnt been interviewed before today. I was fairly certain there was a news article indicating that she went to her home and retrieved items. Clearly she was escorted by authorities to do this.

Maybe because it really doesn't matter regarding the legal case he is hired to represent her for? Her going to her home to get her things doesn't equal being interviewed by the FEDS.
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