Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Uncle Ruslan's fallout was with his sister-in-law first. It is described as "a deep rift."

Then, several years ago, the relationship with his nephews fell apart:

Tsarni told The Associated Press from his home in Maryland that a deep rift opened between him and his sister-in-law, but that he tried to maintain a relationship with the boys. However, that effort began to fall apart several years ago, he said, when Tamerlan "started carrying all this nonsense associated with religion, with Islamic religion."

Has anyone said she worked for a company? Just wondering if it was a private job or she stayed overnight and/or her job just isn't quite being represented correctly.
I was looking for any professional license in MA or Rhode Island

Realtor said that she had been in discussions for weeks with the parents about selling the house, it was not a last minute decision. I wonder if they will get asking price now after all that has happened.
sure. They find out their son in law is dead and list the house the same day.
nothing hinky there! Really? I would think that might cause a slight delay...
The women were beside themselves... when they were told.

Well, we all know that the Daily Mail often steals their stories from other legitimate news agencies, and that they sometimes just totally make stuff up, but... this part of this Daily Mail article has a total ring of truth to it, and a great photo!!!

Photo: Troubled family: This black and white photo shows Tamerlan as a baby, with his father Anzor (left), mother Zubeidat and uncle Muhamad Suleimanov

EXCLUSIVE: Did 'controlling' mother of Boston 'bombers' lead them on the path to radicalization? Uncle claims she allowed hardline cleric to preach to boys at their kitchen table

"The two men who allegedly carried out the Boston Marathon bombing were ‘failed’ by their parents, especially their ‘controlling’ mother who encouraged their move towards Islamic radicalization, relatives told MailOnline today.
Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaeva looked up to mother Zubeidat as an ‘angel’ but, according to one of their uncles, she was the one who allowed them to be introduced to hardline Islamic views.

Ruslan Tsarni claimed that Zubeidat allowed a firebrand cleric into their house to give one-on-one sermons to Tamerlan over the kitchen table during which he claimed he could talk to demons and perform exorcisms."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-preach-boys-kitchen-table.html#ixzz2RERAZpmL
He was possessed and not a terrorist! Good I will sleep better tonight!! :banghead:
yes, that's the older sister, Bella in NJ. I read that last night

the younger sister (Alina?) is the one in NY whose SO stood in front of her in the doorway when they were talking to reporters
, the guy who said he was never accepted by the T family because he is not Muslim. she's the sister who said how sorry and ashamed she was about what her bros have done

but last year both sisters lived together and were sued for non-payment of rent (which was later settled in court, and paid)

West New York is a town in New Jersey.

Neither sister lives in NY state.
And also confirms he DID NOT climb out of the boat on his own accord.
He was pulled down/out by LE.

What was that photo of him climbing out the boat all about then? HE looked upright and in control of his body, which I don't believe would be the case if he had just shot himself in the mouth.
This article has interview with mother. She is the one who convinced the older son to become more religious. Apparently older son then decided that he couldn't box for religious reasons, so that upset the father who used to be a boxer himself.

"Tsarnaeva said she urged Tamerlan to embrace Islam in 2008, concerned about his drinking, smoking, and pursuit of girls. She said he began to read more about it on the internet. The mother said she also urged him to quit boxing because she told him Islam prohibits hitting someone in the face."


I believe Islam also frowns on shoplifting.
Uncle Ruslan's fallout was with his sister-in-law first. It is described as "a deep rift."

Then, several years ago, the relationship with his nephews fell apart:

Tsarni told The Associated Press from his home in Maryland that a deep rift opened between him and his sister-in-law, but that he tried to maintain a relationship with the boys. However, that effort began to fall apart several years ago, he said, when Tamerlan "started carrying all this nonsense associated with religion, with Islamic religion."


So the blame for the terrorism of the two brothers is falling on the shoulders of their mother now?

Hmm...I think the older brother who's 26 or 27 is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. I don't think his mother forced him to believe anything. If anything, TT being the eldest son, in a home where the father is notably absent in the past few years, likely took charge as the new "master of the house" and dominated every other member in the household -- his mother and his younger brother DT. He likely compelled them to believe as he does, not the other way around. From all accounts, he sounded like a belligerent, violent, controlling man, as evidenced by his domestic violence charge against his gf (now wife) and his latest terrorist bombings in MA.
Police in Massachusetts are re-examining a brutal 2011 triple murder involving the best friend of the now-dead suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.

Authorities have confirmed they are investigating a possible link between Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, killed during a gun battle with police on Friday, and the murder of a man said to be his close friend, Brendan Mess, 25. Also killed were Erik Weissman, 31, and Raphael Teken, 37.

The bodies of the men were discovered in September 2011 at Mess's home in the Boston suburb of Waltham. Each of the men's throats were slashed and they were almost decapitated. Their mutilated bodies were covered with marijuana.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/world/brut...ton-suspect-20130423-2ib8k.html#ixzz2REm5QIUQ

Follow the trail...
She had the courage to report him in May 2009 when he was charged with DV; she had the courage to marry him a year later.

I have to wonder if she or DT knew or suspected TT may have been involved in the Waltham case. If so, that would be pretty intimidating.


I thought another woman (a previous girlfriend?) brought the DV charges. Has it been confirmed whether or not it was the (future) wife who had him charged?
I thought another woman (a previous girlfriend?) brought the DV charges. Has it been confirmed whether or not it was the (future) wife who had him charged?

No, I have never seen it confirmed.
So the blame for the terrorism of the two brothers is falling on the shoulders of their mother now?

Hmm...I think the older brother who's 26 or 27 is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. I don't think his mother forced him to believe anything. If anything, TT being the eldest son, in a home where the father is notably absent in the past few years, likely took charge as the new "master of the house" and dominated every other member in the household -- his mother and his younger brother DT. He likely compelled them to believe as he does, not the other way around. From all accounts, he sounded like a belligerent, violent, controlling man, as evidenced by his domestic violence charge against his gf (now wife) and his latest terrorist bombings in MA.

Except it was mom who wanted him to stay living with her... that's what she said the oldest son does when the father is gone, but apparently TT didn't stay anyway - then again, who knows what the story is.

I agree with you for the most part, but I think mom wanted TT to be more radical and to be the head of her household. Her husband didn't even agree with her on becoming more radical/fundamentalist (whatever). I think TT was still impressionable but old enough he could have gone his own way. DT still fairly young.
So the blame for the terrorism of the two brothers is falling on the shoulders of their mother now?

Hmm...I think the older brother who's 26 or 27 is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. I don't think his mother forced him to believe anything. If anything, TT being the eldest son, in a home where the father is notably absent in the past few years, likely took charge as the new "master of the house" and dominated every other member in the household -- his mother and his younger brother DT. He likely compelled them to believe as he does, not the other way around. From all accounts, he sounded like a belligerent, violent, controlling man, as evidenced by his domestic violence charge against his gf (now wife) and his latest terrorist bombings in MA.

I think the moral compass for the entire household was off. Seems to have been a general undertone of discontent, arrests, lack of cohesiveness as a family unit, etc.
What was that photo of him climbing out the boat all about then? HE looked upright and in control of his body, which I don't believe would be the case if he had just shot himself in the mouth.

I'm with you. Somehow I doubt DT shot himself through the mouth and into his throat. No one who wanted to commit suicide is so inept as to not know how to point the gun to one's brains to shoot. Besides, if he were trying to kill himself, if the first shot didn't kill him, why not pull the trigger again?

Also, where is the gun he presumably used on himself?
I thought another woman (a previous girlfriend?) brought the DV charges. Has it been confirmed whether or not it was the (future) wife who had him charged?

Someone on here quoted a source as saying it was the wife.
Must admit that I am struggling to accept the credibility of some of the information coming forth.

As Tsarnaev was cornered on Friday, it was reported that the boat in which he was hiding was very bloody. Speculation was that he had been injured during the previous confrontation with authorities 16 to 18 hours earlier. Once the boat was surrounded, there was a reported exchange of gunfire. At some point negotiators were involved and the initial reports indicated that Tsarnaev did not verbally respond.

There is one still image of Tsarnaev climbing out of the boat unassisted; I am unaware of any other images. As he was being transported from the scene, initial news reports indicated a neck wound.

CBS’ “60 Minutes” reported the 19-year-old suspect was shot through his mouth and throat. On ABC’s “This Week,” U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee member Dan Coats (R-Ind.) said, “The information we have is that there was a shot to the throat. And it’s questionable whether — when and whether he’ll be able to talk again.”

Without a medical background, I am having difficulty believing that a person who sustained significant blood loss from injuries incurred more than 12 hours previously could then shoot himself in the mouth and throat and be able to self ambulate out of a boat sometime during the next 95 minutes.

I do believe that this young man was involved in the bombings, but I am skeptical of some of the information now being reported.
You have a very nice writing style I enjoyed this piece.
But in time's link/article, both Bella and Ailina were involved .. Bella was scratching and Ailina was slapping. Sounds like Khalil was getting it from both ;). These gals just don't strike me as shrinking violets.

Looks like quite a few members of this family are violent.
The thing I think about though is....why is it so easy for these alqueda like organizations to find so many willing participants?

I think they say, the west hates you, the west hates Islam.....then they look around and they see al Qaeda has some truth....our society is not very receptive to Islam .... So then they say ok maybe al Qaeda is right they don't like us....and so the course moves forward because they believe al Qaeda cares more for them then the society they are in.

Yes al Qaeda is a huge problem....but I think part of the reason they are able to recruit people is because we ostracize those we don't understand. They feel they don't belong....and everyone wants to feel like they belong to something....so then they become perfect recruitment material for radical ideas.

We need to change how we treat people, if we want to stop things like this from happening.

Just hitting the Thank You button wasn't enough! Well said ThinkHard!

He says the word "No" so he can speak. He says "No" when asked if he can afford a lawyer.

Transcripts: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/04/22/us/tsarnaev-court-appearance.html?hp&_r=0

Was this hearing done via video link or how? Does somebody know? Thanks!

Wow, Mom is totally rocking that 80s rocker look in that pic!

Mom scares the sh** out of me tbh!!

Ok that Daiky Mail article is full of great quotes. I love this from Uncke Ruslan:

Everyone needs an Uncle Ruslan around, to tell it like it is lol.

Uncle Ruslan is the only one in this whole family I like. Right from the first interview he gave (the "Losers" interview) I liked him. A spade is a spade with uncle Ruslan.

He's courageous too, speaking out like that right after the shootout.
What sounds weak to me...is supporting your family while your husband cares for a baby in an apartment...that shows not one sign that a 3year old lives there...not a toybox, nothing...while his expensive skis, athletic "toys" make the place a pig sty.

What looks weak to me is tolerating the kind of man who not only does not work, and obviously prefers things for himself over things for his child...but does not even lift a hand to keep the little apartment tidy...so after working 70 hours a week...this woman comes home each night to a pig sty.

Is that the definition of a "strong woman" in some cultures?
Sadly, that is the symptomology of a battered woman.
Mosque: Bomb suspect had 2 outbursts in last year


When preachers told congregants at a mosque in November that it was appropriate for Muslims to celebrate U.S. holidays such as the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving, a man who would later be a suspect in last week's the Boston Marathon bombing stood up to argue, the mosque said.

The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center on Monday told about that outburst by Tamerlan Tsarnaev and provided more details on a second one two months later that the group had previously described.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev stood up and argued that "celebration of any holiday was not allowed in the faith."The preacher met with Tsarnaev and discussed the issue after the service.

In January, the mosque said Tsarnaev had a similar outburst.This time, the sermon included praise for Martin Luther King Jr., and this time Tsarnaev shouted, calling the preacher a "non-believer" and "hypocrite" who was "contaminating people's minds." Congregants shouted back at him, telling him to leave, and he did.
I thought another woman (a previous girlfriend?) brought the DV charges. Has it been confirmed whether or not it was the (future) wife who had him charged?

That's what I thought too....I thought it was a previous girlfriend...
What was that photo of him climbing out the boat all about then? HE looked upright and in control of his body, which I don't believe would be the case if he had just shot himself in the mouth.

Just logged on --I'll go back and read the thread for today more thoroughly, but this caught my eye. I thought the same thing...How in the world was he able to get up and on the edge of the boat like that? And then what, did they just walk up to him? it's pretty incredible that it worked out that way, especially considering his wounds.

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